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Games Discussion Thread


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Dunno who all has seen this by now, so I figured I'd put it up.

Crew of GW2 talking about GW2, and how it's going to be different from other MMOs.

I jizzed. In my pants. Multiple times.

Still no release date announced, as far as I know. ARGH.

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Dunno who all has seen this by now, so I figured I'd put it up.

Crew of GW2 talking about GW2, and how it's going to be different from other MMOs.

I jizzed. In my pants. Multiple times.

Still no release date announced, as far as I know. ARGH.
Ohhh guild wars! Have you seen the new character menu? I can't wait to find out how the personality choices affect the gameplay. I just know it's gonna be really cool. The environments are so amazing as usual. I just hope they put just as much time into the costumes! I'm still waiting on the system requirements to buy a new computer. ^_^



Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Newest Splatterhouse Trailer. I like the fact they blend scenes from the original 3, maybe it'll help some of the players understand what was behind the developer's minds on certain things now.

That and the 'Hall of Mirrors' returns >:3


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Huh. Wonder what the "level" thing is under each race.

Elementalist + Melandru? Not that it couldn't happen, I just always equated Melandru with Rangers.


Guild Wars 2 intrigues me. I will definitely try to play it before people tell me ALL about it when it comes out.
There are a lot of things I like, and there are some things that I won't really have an opinion on until I see how they're handled.
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H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've had a bad string with MMOs. I played WoW for all of five minutes before putting it down and wondering how it sucked so many people in. I tried Age of Conan and actually want to go back but it was very laggy on my old computer and just havn't gotten around to putting it on the new one, Fallen Earth was okay, got bored quickly with Guild Wars... and so forth. I'll keep an eye on GW2, but I'm not holding my breath anyways.

Splatterhouse looks fun. From it I don't expect some year defining epic masterpiece. I'm expecting a gory as hell fun romp, with a campy story and some solid action. If it delivers that, I'll be more than happy with it, I don't need a masterpiece.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Splatterhouse? *checks out trailer*

...Made by Namco? CONSIDER IT SOLD! :D


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, I've finally played through Red Faction: Guerilla, which came as a freebie for Metro 2033. Ironically, I got more enjoyment out of RFG than Metro.
At first sight, it's basically GTA Mars, what with all the driving you're doing. Not that that's a bad thing, mind you. If only the driving would be a little better.
What elevates it beyond a GTA clone is, of course, the physics engine and the most prominent way it's put to use: blowing shit up. And good lord, are you blowing a lot of shit up in this game. It's tremendous fun bringing down the enemy's buildings with remote charges, rocket launchers or just your trusty sledgehammer.
The story is average, but enjoyable: You land on Mars to find some work and join up with your brother to collect some scrap metal from an abandoned building. What you don't know is that your brother is involved into a rebellion against the reigning military regime. The regime finds out and guns your brother down before your eyes, causing you to join the rebel's cause yourself.
In a tighter game, this would provide for some epic revenge. Unfortunately, your character's motivation is lost among all the side missions, and your brother only gets an honorary mention here and there. But I guess that's the bane of a sandbox game.
Still, the game is fun, the explosions are massive and the carnage caused is enjoyable. If you're amused by collapsing buildings and sticking it to the man, this game is definitely for you.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 23, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

The best part of RF:G was the one mission where you're supposed to kill a single dude in this skyscraperish building with the sniper rifle. He died of being crushed by collapsing steel beams instead, courtesy of my rocket launcher thing.

Well, that and that it gave us

The one thing I didn't really like about it was that it penalizes civilian killing so much that you can't progress if you mindlessly rampage. In a sandbox game, I shouldn't be coerced into avoiding driving an APC through some dudes living room. I should be allowed to be a colossal douche until it gets old, which it invariably does. Dicking around like that is the entire point of a sandbox game.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Last night I was playing Fable II and the weirdest thing happened, I had just beaten the rock troll for the "Something Rotten" quest and when I tried to leave the well spring to complete it, I somehow phased through the floor of the cave, and when I kept running trying to fix it somehow, I wound lost in limbo unable to do anything, stuck between the moon and the sun. :eek: I had to just restart the game.
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

The best part of RF:G was the one mission where you're supposed to kill a single dude in this skyscraperish building with the sniper rifle. He died of being crushed by collapsing steel beams instead, courtesy of my rocket launcher thing.
I remember that part - but I think there were several guys, right? I solved this the same way you did. I only regret I didn't have the super rockets at that point. Also, I solved several hostage missions by simply backing my pick-up through a wall into the building the hostages were kept in.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 23, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I remember that part - but I think there were several guys, right? I solved this the same way you did. I only regret I didn't have the super rockets at that point. Also, I solved several hostage missions by simply backing my pick-up through a wall into the building the hostages were kept in.
It's been a long time since I played it and the story wasn't that memorable, so I guess I just forgot about the other ones.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I just picked up Civilization V for PC.

So far I'm enjoying it. However I'm not going to praise it here as that's what every other reviewer in the world is doing. Instead I'm going to bring up some of the points that have bugged me about it thus far. Mind you none of these are game breakers for me, I still very much enjoy the game.

1. Lack of Autosave- Now this doesn't bother me in that I like to load up an autosave in case I fuck up. I play these kinds of games in that if I fuck up to the point I can't win I'll start over, or if I fuck up just a bit then I have to live with it.
However, after going about 1000 years with plenty of fighting, change and expansion in my empire since my last save point, and then having the game lock up on me... is just fucking annoying. The previous games had autosaves every turn, so that if something happened mid game you could start again relatively close to where you were forced to stop. This was frustrating.

2. No Customization for your Civ- Starting with Civ 3 you could go in and change the name of yourself, your civilization and the names of your cities. It felt awesome to make your own little fantasy empire that was just that. Yours. Civ V removes this, forcing you to play as one of a few set civilizations. They also only have one leader per Civilization. I miss being able to select the Celts and play as Boudicea, but then name my empire whatever the hell I wanted to. This lack of customization makes the game feel less your own.

Okay, so those were the two big things that have bugged me. The new culture system is interesting, though I kind of miss being able to set my religion as Pagan, or my style of Government as Republic, but the system they have now (which acts more like Perks from something like Fallout) is pretty neat, but I'm still iffy on which I like better.

And combat is indeed highly improved vs. previous games. The combat alone almost makes this game worth the upgrade from Civ IV.


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I just picked up Civilization V for PC.
I did too, agonizing over having to install steam in order to play it. I like a lot of the changes they made, too numerous to list. My beef's mainly with the stupid things like steam, the longass opening video that you can't skip (or if you can, I don't know how... HELP!), and how you can't get to the civliopedia from the main menu. The lack of a world editor is a little irksome, but I can live without that. For the actual gameplay, the only complaint I have is that you can't stack units (except for the 1 military/1 civilian stack), and that's a small one.

Is it just me, or does Washington sound like Bill Clinton when you meet him?


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

You can skip the opening video... somehow. I just keep pressing buttons until it does, but even still it takes like a minute or so.

And I like the lack of stacking actually. Brings more tactics to the combat.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Fuck yeah.
You ever notice how just putting one or two words about a game never seems to spark discussion, but putting a wall of text makes about two pages worth of posts? It's so backwards in here.



User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yah, it's just something to get used to. The ranged units greatly make up for this.

The first game I played, I started on Chieftan difficulty and was suprised, pleasantly so, I must say, when the notice came up that another civilization had advanced to the classical era before me. Every single time I played Civ IV, I was always in the lead technologically over the computer. The same goes for wonders, you have to be careful when you decide to start a wonder now.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yah, it's just something to get used to. The ranged units greatly make up for this.

The first game I played, I started on Chieftan difficulty and was suprised, pleasantly so, I must say, when the notice came up that another civilization had advanced to the classical era before me. Every single time I played Civ IV, I was always in the lead technologically over the computer. The same goes for wonders, you have to be careful when you decide to start a wonder now.
Yes, I've noticed the AI are little bastards when it comes to wonders now. I keep getting halfway finished one all of a sudden "Oh... someone else built it,"

I've also noticed the other Civs have been damn busy smashing each others skulls in. I took out Egypt, suddenly three other empires die off.
Jul 28, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

You ever notice how just putting one or two words about a game never seems to spark discussion, but putting a wall of text makes about two pages worth of posts? It's so backwards in here.

I thought the massive logo/image spoke for itself ^^;;

I know that Megaman Legends/Rockman DASH 3 isn't the most anticipated game out there, mainly because the series is a cult hit at best and was written off by many because it was so different, but for those of us who were diehard fans of the series, this is a major moment to celebrate. To put this in perspective, this is for us like if George Lucas came out and said "Jar Jar Binks has been erased from Star Wars canon and all of the things he did have been assigned to random other people" for diehard Star Wars fans. It would be a party to end all fucking parties.

The main gripe, which really is just a minority of the fanbase whining, is that the game will be on the 3DS, which everyone seems to immediately think will mean that it will undoubtedly suck and that Capcom is fucking us over by doing such a moronic move. Ignore the fact that not only can the 3DS run extremely pretty graphics and very powerful games, after ten years of waiting for this game, the only right we'd have to bitch over it is if they come out and say that the game is a complete restart erasing everything currently canon about the series, which they've already confirmed won't happen. In fact, Capcom is going to be using an online setup so that fans can directly interact with the game makers to cover things that should or shouldn't be in the game, AND Keiji Inafune himself personally promised to answer ALL of the questions left behind by 1 and 2 in 3. He's been trying to get this project going for years and now it's fucking going and fuck yes I woke up and read the articles/saw his Youtube video announcement and I needed to go change my jeans and panties because they were a mite bit damp.

There, I wrote a fucking textwall. Happy? =D
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