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A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides. (Ask questions here too.)

Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides.

make sure to put her in the character archives. :)
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides.

Already is, thought of her after I carved a swath of destruction through your last dungeon with my mouth, in more ways than one.
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides.

One of the dungeons I was working for was of the spiders theme... Oh well, I'll just finish the other one, it should be much easier with the sample dungeon.
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides.

One suggesting: Maybe have a list of people running dungeons. Because I honestly have no idea what's going on, and who's still playing what. It might just be me being dense though, that's entirely possible. :eek:
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides.

And Phoenix Alguere's Mirror of Youth Scenario still has no winner. Mostly because the Realm of Forsaken Dreams is technically a part two of the quest. So cmon, lets see a new challenger.
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides.

I have an unclaimed mirror of youth already up if someone wants to try it.
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides.

Alright, why the hell not. Not sure how my jack-of-all trades esque character will do though.
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides.

Just post in the thread when you're ready.
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides. (Ask questions here too.)

After getting questioned in 3 different places about it:

If the roll meets the Challenge Rating, it's a pass.

The way to determine damage is this:

Challenge Rating, Minus Adventurer's Roll (After modifiers), equals damage taken.

(Example: 17 challenge rating, minus a roll of 15 and 2 skill (17 total) = 0 damage. Hence this is a pass, since the character takes no damage. However this is barely a pass, and can be RPed as you desire.)
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides. (Ask questions here too.)

Honestly I think its a bit of a bad idea to let your players know what your dungeon is going to focus on. It will make things more interesting if they find out when they get there, or maybe its just me; but if you know what you're going to need to pass challenges it takes the challenge and surprise away. I think guess work is good.
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides. (Ask questions here too.)

You know something I agree with that. Its why I as a villain I lie about such things now. :D All joking aside I do believe she is right. I vote to make the emphasis parts not player viewable.

Oh and PS. I have been upgraded to GM status so as to take some of the pressure off of Kathy.
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides. (Ask questions here too.)

So make everything hidden by default?
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides. (Ask questions here too.)

Interesting, LH so then if I sent you a dungeon you could possibly approve it? I only ask because I sent in draft 2 to her a few days ago and have yet to get a response.

Anyways is here the place I bring forth one issue I've seen with this system thus far. And if so it is merely this and I give one possible fix for it. The d20 is very unforgiving, which can be good sometimes, but most of the time it is just frustrating. So my suggestion would be moving to bell curve, also known as 3d6. It's more centralized around getting 10 your max moves to 18 and your minimum 3, but hey again it is just my observation and suggestion. I'm not building these as a villain to always win, I'm more interested in fun rp's, so as such I think bell curve is slightly more fair to the player.

This is all opinion, having played DnD which uses a d20 then using the variant of it that uses bell curve instead. The bell curve was honestly easy mode, and the d20 was hard mode. Anyways that is the two things I've seen so far other than that the system is AMAZINGLY well balanced, and even this isssue is really just the fact that recovering form a natural 1 is really hard, which in and of itself is not always a bad thing.
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides. (Ask questions here too.)

Hmm, I'd also agree. At least with challenges the description of each option usually gives enough info about the primary stat.

Though, I think that if all challenges become hidden by default you should still post which stats will not be needed as much. Let the player guess on strengths, but warn them about taking a character speced into Combat and Spirit when Explore and Naughty are the only heavily tested stats.
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides. (Ask questions here too.)

No Phoenix. Its just that the OOC info at the opening of every dungeon is reduced so that they don't know what is to be expected and thus cannot level up to instantly have a full blown chance at conquering the dungeon.

So this...

(OOC Info: Recommended Level is Two to Three. Combat and Naughty is heavy within the dungeon and to a lesser extent Spirit. Explore is not emphasized. Expect Demons (Humanoids and Abominations), Heavy Bondage, Gangbang, Bukkake and Rape.)

Becomes this...

(OOC Info: Recommended Level is Two to Three. Expect Demons (Humanoids and Abominations), Heavy Bondage, Gangbang, Bukkake and Rape.)


Fire, you can send me the goods straight away. I'll inspect it and approve it to the best as my abilities can manage.


Oh and villains, make sure to update the available dungeons thread so the heroines know other dungeons are available.
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides. (Ask questions here too.)

Hmm, I'd also agree. At least with challenges the description of each option usually gives enough info about the primary stat.

Though, I think that if all challenges become hidden by default you should still post which stats will not be needed as much. Let the player guess on strengths, but warn them about taking a character speced into Combat and Spirit when Explore and Naughty are the only heavily tested stats.

We're supposed to say what the dungeon specializes in anyway currently.

Also, I read this when I started to make a third dungeon:
Above all: Roleplay, Roleplay, Roleplay! Win or lose, the goal is to have fun while presenting your dungeon and idea to everyone.
Personally, I say the goal is to render the heroine naked no matter whether they succeed or fail, but that may just be me.
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides. (Ask questions here too.)

First of all, I haven't officially announced it yet, so let me verify.

Laughing Hyena and Xivvix are both approved for GM Roles if they accept the task. As LH has already accepted, he's in.

I'm adding GMs for 2 major reasons.
1) To help further the system with effective ideas and suggestions, and with people who've experimented with it and know it's ups and downs.
2) In case I fail to keep on top of this fully.

I already approve of LH's first decision (which was suggested by TentX):

So this...

(OOC Info: Recommended Level is Two to Three. Combat and Naughty is heavy within the dungeon and to a lesser extent Spirit. Explore is not emphasized. Expect Demons (Humanoids and Abominations), Heavy Bondage, Gangbang, Bukkake and Rape.)

Becomes this...

(OOC Info: Recommended Level is Two to Three. Expect Demons (Humanoids and Abominations), Heavy Bondage, Gangbang, Bukkake and Rape.)

The focus on stats was originally designed more as a suggestion of what kinds of events the dungeon will include, NOT as a hint of how to make a successful character to beat the dungeon. But with kinks being listed, it makes this aspect of it useless.

Two further notes, both in regards to FireoftheMonkey.

First... I already checked your dungeon and gave you a massive review the first time, and sorry I haven't gotten to giving it a second review. But don't make it sound like I'm being lazy :p I gave you like a 3 page list of fixes and suggestions for how to improve your initial dungeon XD


The 3d6 idea sounds good for "balance", but it's not always about balance. Due to how closely the stats often match up, if we didn't allow some of these rolls to fail SPECTACULARLY, then the adventurers would ALWAYS win. Which isn't what we want.

For most dungeons, a 10 across the board will result in the heroine taking less than 20 damage by the time she reaches the end, so by making the system a bell curve, it hinders the villains more than helping them, since a pass is always a pass, wether by 1 point or 10 points. But fails are where you REALLY up your damage total.

I like the idea for making a more "balanced" game, but this game isn't about that, so consider this a formal rejection of this suggestion.
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides. (Ask questions here too.)

whoa I'm sorry didn't mean for that implication. I honestly thought you just didn't notice I responded, since your added GM's I was assuming you were swamped. And I appreciate the suggestions for it since I'm just now learning this system. Side note I understand that it is just the one thing I noticed, and if I was a player it would be the one thing that would royally piss me off if it happened, tho if I got a 3 with the bell curve and lost that would piss me off to so it's kinda a moot point.

Either way I love the system it looks awesomely fun to build with and play with, and I apologize for giving the appearance I was calling you lazy, it was more I assumed you missed that I responded.
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides. (Ask questions here too.)

Kathy, I actually had a question for you. Have you thought about multi-player dungeons at all?

I'm asking because the logical follow up to my current one would make much more sense as multi rather than single player.

I'd think the biggest things that'd need to be spelled out would be:
Ways for the players to protect one another, i.e. if one player beats a challenge and the other doesn't could the winner voluntarily take some of the loser's damage, or would you total up the girl's skills and have everyone succeed or fail as a group?
If it's the former what happens in the event of fighting a min-boss or final boss?
And how many extra points would the villain get per extra player?
Re: A little OOC and open suggestions for Both Sides. (Ask questions here too.)

Hmmm :( I want to make a dungeon but am having trouble coming up with a backdrop and story for it. And I need that before I even think about using encounters...... :-\