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Re: Hate Thread

;_; I hate that too.

I hate that i have animal care rounds again this afternoon. think I may go nap for a few hours. Or study for that test on monday...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate going to more than one school, and one or the other has a delay or cancel and the other one doesn't. It fucks with my whole schedule.
Re: Hate Thread

Really just a minor annoyance, but when I press a link for a song, move on, and it takes awhile to load, then it starts playing and I forgot it was up, causing me to jump as it fades in from nowhere.
Re: Hate Thread

I..... I don't know how to feel about this response I got from one of the professors I'll have this year.

I sent them an email, asking if they could let me know the individual ISBN numbers on the required textbooks, as they only come in a package at the bookstore. I want to see if I can find them for cheaper individually, and I wasn't sure that I'd have time to actually go TO the bookstore to check them out myself.

Teacher's response: "Sorry, that is beyond my competence."

..... I..... huh..... wha..... .....the fuck is that supposed to mean?

Since I don't know the teacher, I can't tell whether that's supposed to be a joke, or SRSBSNS, or... what.

I mean, my initial thought is that they think I've questioned their competence in some way, but the only other contact I've had is an email asking if the textbooks I found at the online bookstore were the correct ones.

Re: Hate Thread

I hate the character customization on some of these RPGs these days. Step 1: I should be able to choose my gender. I should be able to have an adventure with the character I want. It's not like there's a lack of female bodies to use or anything. I just don't understand... you want voice actors, both Mass Effect and Dragon Age 2 are having fully voiced protagonists of either gender. Fuck even Halo: Reach did it and it's a damn FPS, not an RPG where I'm supposed to live an epic adventure.

So... not even a full hour into Two Worlds 2 and I'm giving it a wary glare of distrust... more than than when I rented it as I didn't even like the first.
Re: Hate Thread

I forsee the previous post jumping over to the Gaming Discussion threat about, oh, forty play hours from now...if that.
Re: Hate Thread

So, if you've read my last post in the giddy thread...

So yeah, I remember why I wasn't really sad to not get a shift there in 2 months now. Some of the people there are great and all, but the new manager is stupid/batshit and I hate being the last person there who has to do all the annoying cleaning because all the regulars whine about wanting to get home and get sent home, and it's like "Hey Inky, person is going home, can you do close, thanks"

And I'm like :| I've been here since 4pm. I've had no meal break. I kinda assumed I'd be going home at 9 or something. But sure, fine, whatever, it's not like I got a choice.
Re: Hate Thread

This Kid. I fucking hate this kid and hope the internet finds him and destroys him. Excuse me while I go cry and hug my cats.
Re: Hate Thread

From the title and comments, I've established that someone is doing horrible things to cats.

It's like people don't remember the last person who did that and ended up on the internet. /b/ got a hold of the footage, got the person's personal details within 24 hours, and someone actually contacted the proper authorities and passed it on; presumably they called the wrong number for the pizza place, and went "fuck it, I'm here now."

They also probably did a lot of other things, as I think that woman ended up in protective custody. Don't fuck with cats on the internet.
Re: Hate Thread

No kidding. They did the same for the girl that thre those puppies in the river, and for anyone on youtube that has ever posted something cruel to animals.

The internet loves it's fluffy cuddlies.
Re: Hate Thread

That's just... wrong. It's one of the early signs of being a serial killer isn't it? Just, the calmness of going through and killing those animals was just brutally sick and twisted.
Re: Hate Thread

I have not watched the video, but it makes me think of those fucking "Box Kittens"...
Re: Hate Thread

Probably best not to ask Chibs.
Re: Hate Thread

If my cats died, I'd probably be more upset then if most people died.
Re: Hate Thread

Probably best not to ask Chibs.

I'd heard of the "Bottle Cats". They said they put kittens into glass bottles and let them grow to fill the space and tada cat skeleton in a bottle, but it was unearthed as a hoax, someone's sick joke.

But Box kittens? That's new.
Re: Hate Thread

If my cats died, I'd probably be more upset then if most people died.

Well you're cats are closer to you than most people, so this isn't exactly something surprising. Its like when your a child and your friend's toy breaks and you kinda feel bad for him, but when your toy breaks, well shit that's just a horrible day. Because it was closer to you. Sure you can feel empathy, but the closer something is, the more you will cherish is.

Pretty simple really.
Re: Hate Thread

I'd heard of the "Bottle Cats". They said they put kittens into glass bottles and let them grow to fill the space and tada cat skeleton in a bottle, but it was unearthed as a hoax, someone's sick joke.

But Box kittens? That's new.

Box kittens were the same as Bottle Kittens... Only in a box... It is sad.
Re: Hate Thread

Box kittens were the same as Bottle Kittens... Only in a box... It is sad.

Pretty sure that was a hoax too. Since the bottle kitten thing got exposed someone had to make up something new, I guess. x.x
Re: Hate Thread

Box kittens were a hoax, i believe... Just someone good with photoshop... Been out for about 5+ years...