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Re: Hate Thread

I wake up with small nicks and cuts on my arms occasionally. I assume it's the cat being the psychopathic bitch that she is.
Re: Hate Thread

That would be me, walking into everyones house giving them small cuts.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate this too.

Oh, and I hate the fact that I have no internet. I am stealing my neighbour's internet, so I might randomly disappear.
Re: Hate Thread

I have a good friend who lives off his neighbors mega high-speed-but-not-protected-at-all internet. We just Refer to it As "Ghetto-Net" Seeing as how Ive seen random people shot by his neighborhood.
Re: Hate Thread

Jesus fuck, some people make me fucking angry.

> Someone posts a guest comic done by Andrew Hussie for Dr McNinja
> I say that I prefer his guest comic for Maddox
> I point out, and supply evidence that he has
> I politely tell the person that it was from his time before MSPA, when he worked on Team Special Olympics and his comic 'Whistles'
> Point out that I wasn't trying to change his opinion, merely stating that Hussie has worked on stuff other than MSPA
> Once proven wrong he proceeds to say that his opinion is a fact
> I sigh and remove myself from this 'debate' before my rage takes over completely

I hate to sound like a fucking hipster but these fucking kids who started worshipping Hussie after he got popular thanks to Problem Sleuth and Homestuck are stupid pieces of shit. I'm not saying that him becoming popular is a bad thing, it's just the ignorance of these dumb cunts that think there's nothing outside of MSPA really get my blood boiling.
Re: Hate Thread

> I politely tell the person

SirOni politely telling a person they're wrong:
"You're fucking wrong, fucker!"
Yes, obviously I jest, but Oni has been known for his temper...
Re: Hate Thread

Yes, obviously I jest, but Oni has been known for his temper...

Why hide that? Hell, why even say it? We all know you're joking. What, is Oni gonna get pissed over that? He doesn't fly off the edge THAT easily.

I guess that's my hate for the day: People who apologize about their jokes.
Re: Hate Thread

Why hide that? Hell, why even say it? We all know you're joking. What, is Oni gonna get pissed over that? He doesn't fly off the edge THAT easily.

I guess that's my hate for the day: People who apologize about their jokes.

Well, newer people don't know that I am kidding... And yes, Oni could get pissed over that. He's already in a bad mood...
Re: Hate Thread

...I hate to sound like a fucking hipster...

You don't sound like a hipster. It's like me getting angry with kids who say that the movie "Aliens" ripped off Halo, and despite me presenting the dates of the franchises, they still think Aliens ripped off something a few decades later.

There's nothing hipster about saying "He's done older stuff," to people who seemingly can't acknowledge that.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh my god, you mean how, like, Lord of the Rings TOTALLY ripped off of Harry Potter? Or how Vampire Diaries is a poor follow up to Twilight?

Second one I actually heard in my store (while I still had a store.) I looked at the girls and went "Vampire Diaries came first." They looked at me like I'd grown a third eye and I hear, muttered, "Yeah, well, Twilight was better..." I felt a Denis Leary moment coming on and since swearing at tweens only makes you feel better for a little while, I refrained.
Re: Hate Thread

SirOni politely telling a person they're wrong:
"You're fucking wrong, fucker!"
Yes, obviously I jest, but Oni has been known for his temper...

What the fu-

He doesn't fly off the edge THAT easily.

Aw dammit, Dark...

You don't sound like a hipster. It's like me getting angry with kids who say that the movie "Aliens" ripped off Halo, and despite me presenting the dates of the franchises, they still think Aliens ripped off something a few decades later.

There's nothing hipster about saying "He's done older stuff," to people who seemingly can't acknowledge that.

By sounding like a hipster, I meant by saying I've been following and liking Hussies work long before he got popular.

Anyway, this is the conversation log.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh my god, you mean how, like, Lord of the Rings TOTALLY ripped off of Harry Potter? Or how Vampire Diaries is a poor follow up to Twilight?

Second one I actually heard in my store (while I still had a store.) I looked at the girls and went "Vampire Diaries came first." They looked at me like I'd grown a third eye and I hear, muttered, "Yeah, well, Twilight was better..." I felt a Denis Leary moment coming on and since swearing at tweens only makes you feel better for a little while, I refrained.

Yeah... pretty much the same lines. The Harry Potter one is especially funny considering the few stories of plagiarism I've heard floating about J.K. Rowling... and more infuriating considering Tolkien's work is the foundation of most fantasy out there these days.

By sounding like a hipster, I meant by saying I've been following and liking Hussies work long before he got popular.

Anyway, this is the conversation log.

Ah... well I still don't think simply enjoying some obscure work makes you a hipster. Enjoying because it is obscure, and then not liking it when it becomes popular makes you one. So yer still safe.

And reading the thread there... it starts out okay but quickly devolves into something where I want to punch the guy square in the face. "My opinions are facts" my ass.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, that's when I decided to remove myself from it otherwise I'd have gotten angrier than I was already.
Re: Hate Thread

Working on my birthday. Oh, and I've been informed that the store was robbed last night and the thieves may return. And subsequently informed what to do should they have a gun.
Re: Hate Thread

Aww, Newbie...
Re: Hate Thread

Working on my birthday. Oh, and I've been informed that the store was robbed last night and the thieves may return. And subsequently informed what to do should they have a gun.

And what did they tell you to do?
Re: Hate Thread

When they said gun I said i'd follow instructions until they left and then call the cops. They offered no further instructions at that point.
Re: Hate Thread

Good luck and stay safe, then. Pity you can't have a patrol car sitting in your lot to deter them.
Re: Hate Thread

So sometimes when I sleep a little extra I get a headache for some reason, generally triggered by laying down. Well today for the first time I had one that slams into me when I sit up from bed :\ Maybe it's the weather, but seriously, this is annoying me.