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Re: Hate Thread

I hate when people withhold their opinions about you from you. Nowadays, I don't really care what people think about me, I just hate the fact that I might be doing something annoying by accident, and because the people I hang around with decide to be "polite" and keep their criticisms to themselves, they're going to keep being annoyed by my actions instead of calling me on it. I NEED people to tell me these things occasionally because my Asperger's syndrome makes it hard from picking up on other people's annoyance, and because they don't tell me to stop, they continue to be annoyed and they opinion of me becomes more and more negative until they end up completely hating me...
Re: Hate Thread

currently i hate this thread http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=26850&page=43

peoples there keep calling the hookers and whores in that shity game battle fuckers
and that rape molesting class/skill bf,

i tell ya the only thing that piss me off more than loli and pedo shit:mad:
is if someone dares to dishonoring/soiled my favorite fetish:mad:

i mean battle fuck is one of the main reasons i'm into h games and stuff:p
and peoples there just keep calling that shit bf no matter how often i try to explain them what bf is that really sucks:(
Re: Hate Thread


I NEED people to tell me these things occasionally because my Asperger's syndrome makes it hard from picking up on other people's annoyance, and because they don't tell me to stop, they continue to be annoyed and they opinion of me becomes more and more negative until they end up completely hating me...

I have the most sincere sympathy for your sentiments, as I have a couple of friends with Asperger's (I have known for over 10 years!). They both told me upfront that they had it, and didn't need to explain much as I have a master's in educational psychology.

I will occasionally comment along the lines of "I wouldn't say that in polite company"; "are you planning to be a politician?" or whatever, but it has never been a problem, because we both know the score.

What I really hate is people who don't make allowances for others when it doesn't really matter a damn to them. They are selfish bastards and the ones in the wrong IMHO.

Sorry for the rant, I guess you hit a raw nerve? :)


Re: Hate Thread


they keep doing it:(:(
don't know what else should i do

i mean that's probably the only thread where they non stop miss calling there shota rape genre with bf and i cant take this shit:mad:
(its like using the n word for afrikan peoples all the time)
and they just don't stop:mad:

is it because that dump shota loving dev who made this shit
name the hookers, whores and rape in this shit bf
even though he has no idea what bf means:confused:
(looks like it)
Re: Hate Thread

You should make a post that won't be identified with in the Hate Thread.

Oh wait, you're good.
Re: Hate Thread

Noisy neighbors? You're better off moving to another place than expecting the guy to get evicted despite getting a final warning from the landlord which he greatly ignored.
Because god forbid that a landlord has the right to evict someone who doesn't want to obey the houserules and/or law and is forced to go through a legal process that takes up to a year before he can kick him out.

At least the mongrelic spawn that lives above me actually listened this time and quieted down after I banged on his door and told him to stfu.
Re: Hate Thread

You could always take the lack of response as free reign to make as much noise at the time your neighbor least likes it ;)
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I just stepped on and broke the frame of my glasses, GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I just stepped on and broke the frame of my glasses, GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!


I normally sit on mine so they just get badly bent. On the subject though; I hate it when one of the little screws falls out, because you need the damn glasses to see to screw it back in.

Re: Hate Thread

I hate the fact that none of mah ulmf bros speak through the Member Announcements thread anymore, lately its been only used for depressing stuff, I wanna hear some good news from y'all :D
(also hiya I'm back alive. Yes. Again.)
Re: Hate Thread

I hate any princesses and related stuff
I hate monster high
i hate machismo
I hate homophobia
I hate disney singers and other dumb idiots
I hate anti-hentai crap
I hate retarded fanboys
I hate guys who thinks girls never express herselves...
I hate slow internet
I hate censoring in hentai (that black line..I hate it!!!)
..and I will post more about I HATE
Re: Hate Thread

I hate any princesses and related stuff

But... I have cupcakes...

Re: Hate Thread

What about milf like queens?

I'm assuming you mean singers like the Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus before shit hit the fan, etc. and not musical numbers in Disney films

Good luck finding guys who actually do think this
my hate do not include "princesses from other sagas"...
meh I don't like those kind of music like jonas, demi lovato, selena and other dumbs...
I try to say in the last point..those guys thinks a girl never MUST express herself ,repressing..like can happen in sex things...not all persons are...
Re: Hate Thread

As a starry-eyed lover of the ladies, I'm always on the look out for new romantic lesbian songs that give me the fuzzy feels. Even female covers where they don't change the pronouns are cool with me. I'm not too picky, and I have a big imagination. So when I came across song, I was kiiinda excited. It's a pretty song, and it actually did give me some fuzzy feels. Those feels wore off a little bit when I listened closer and realized the song is actually about heterosexual jealousy. Turns out this girl likes cock so much that she wants to kiss her crush's new girlfriend because maybe her lips taste a little bit like him. That's kinda weird, but it's not the real reason I'm posting in the hate thread. Music like any art is pretty subjective. People can get different meanings from it if they want to.

The real reason is because when I looked into the song a bit more, I found out that apparently radio stations in Idaho, Texas, and possibly other places are I guess some cray crays out there still live in the stone age but somehow managed to get their hands on a phone. They decided to call in to the stations and made some incoherent grunting sounds about being afraid their daughters might suddenly become raving pussy eaters after listening to a 3 minute song. Apparently they also say the radio stations are "promoting the gay agenda" for playing the song. It irks me, first of all, that people would even react like that but also that the radio stations are so spineless that they give in to these neanderthals. Like it's okay for people to sing about getting drunk and knocking up some girl but not okay for two girls (or two guys) to share a loving kiss. Just ugh. Not surprising but still ugh.
Re: Hate Thread

As a starry-eyed lover of the ladies, I'm always on the look out for new romantic lesbian songs that give me the fuzzy feels. Even female covers where they don't change the pronouns are cool with me. I'm not too picky, and I have a big imagination. So when I came across song, I was kiiinda excited. It's a pretty song, and it actually did give me some fuzzy feels. Those feels wore off a little bit when I listened closer and realized the song is actually about heterosexual jealousy. Turns out this girl likes cock so much that she wants to kiss her crush's new girlfriend because maybe her lips taste a little bit like him. That's kinda weird, but it's not the real reason I'm posting in the hate thread. Music like any art is pretty subjective. People can get different meanings from it if they want to.

The real reason is because when I looked into the song a bit more, I found out that apparently radio stations in Idaho, Texas, and possibly other places are I guess some cray crays out there still live in the stone age but somehow managed to get their hands on a phone. They decided to call in to the stations and made some incoherent grunting sounds about being afraid their daughters might suddenly become raving pussy eaters after listening to a 3 minute song. Apparently they also say the radio stations are "promoting the gay agenda" for playing the song. It irks me, first of all, that people would even react like that but also that the radio stations are so spineless that they give in to these neanderthals. Like it's okay for people to sing about getting drunk and knocking up some girl but not okay for two girls (or two guys) to share a loving kiss. Just ugh. Not surprising but still ugh.

Dat Gay Agenda. Hide yo kids. :rolleyes:

Pretty backward choice for the radio stations. Hopefully they'll come to regret it.
Re: Hate Thread

Lately I've been hating having my sleep getting interrupted by incessant crying.

Totally not a post to drive that thread off the top page.
Re: Hate Thread

Attempting to pre-order something collectors do not even care about for the same reason you do.

To go further, I am trying to get the Pac Man amiibo desperately. (So are other fans) and apparently, it's just not going to happen.

The scalpers and figurine collectors are all buying them up within 2 seconds of him being available. It is hardly fair.