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The (New) New EGG!

Re: The (New) New EGG!

Mmmm, the sweet smell of stress and fear from finals.
Re: The (New) New EGG!

I'm not really sure what to do here, so if I messed something up, please tell me? *nervous*

Name: Sarah Lloyd
Age: 25
Level 0 Trait: Sword Expertise
Description: Slim and petite at just under five foot, Sarah has long black hair down to the small of her back, which gets in her eyes quite a bit unless she ties it back, and green eyes. She usually dresses in a somewhat tight-fitting dark red blouse with short sleeves that accentuates her small breasts, and a knee-length dark green skirt.

Attitude: Sarah is fairly shy and non-confrontational, even among her friends, preferring to go with someone else's plan, even if it's not what she really wants to do. She has a quiet, timid voice and spends most of her time alone, surfing the internet if she's at home. She despises her shyness and submissiveness most of the time, but still can only become more extroverted in private. She's a bit of a geek and would love the chance to show her intelligence off, if only her shyness didn't hold her back. She's no stranger to sex and making love to someone is one of the times she comes most out of her shell. She's also fairly modest though and talking about it, rather than doing it, on the other hand, tends to make her blush heavily and become even quieter.

Extra Notes: Sarah loves the romance part of a relationship, having had two with men, one of which culminated in a few passionate nights, where she proved she could sometimes be a wildcat. She doesn't really have any favourite positions, though fellatio and being fucked against a wall would rank pretty high. Her relationship didn't last long after that, though, so she is still fairly inexperienced. Her shyness has the effect of making her enjoy lightly dominating a partner, though she doesn't like inflicting or recieving pain during sex. On the other hand, she also has a fetish for being dominated, pinned and taken against her will, finding that having control of the situation completely taken from her hands gets her incredibly aroused.

I'm pretty sure that's everything I need. Let me know if I need to do something else.

Where do I put the settings for the EGG if not here?

What do I do now? *confused, lost, nervous about getting stuff wrong*
Re: The (New) New EGG!

You'll need to find someone to GM for you. The settings are filled out in-character once your character's game starts.
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Sorry about the double post.

Name: Catherine
Age: 23
Level 0 Trait: Bow Expertise
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): Catherine is a dutiful and studious person, prone to being maybe a little more serious than she should be. That has led to her being relatively inexperienced in matters of sex, having spent her school years working towards making the best grades she could and staying out of trouble. She's open to new experiences though, and is trying to loosen up a little at the insistence of her friends. That's why she thought of the chance to test the EGG as an ideal one. Despite her serious nature, she's a generally kind and caring person.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): I'm not easily offended! I'm going to try and write a not terribly cynical and hateful character this time! She's going to be kind of a slut though! Also, she's not exactly blind without the glasses, but she can't see particularly well.
Re: The (New) New EGG!

For Spider!
Name: Natalie
Age: 22
Level 0 Trait:
Magic 1 | A character can preform magic, depending on rank, usable in combat, adding +X to combat rolls.


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Re: The (New) New EGG!

(Both alone and multiplayer)

Name: Jessa Mooncraft
Age: 18
Level 0 Trait: Sword Expertise
Physical Description:

Mental Description: Having a normal childhood, Jessa don't lost too much time to earn some friends from both genders in her school days, at the start the male ones were friendly with her and their friendship bonds gradually turn them into irreemplazable parts of her life. Unfortunately some of them had a strange fascination for see women get raped by tentacle creatures and others hentai fetishes. At the start she was against this class of pictures, but with the time the curiosity and their friends make her start to enjoy these things in secret.

Soon, the news about a new reality game reach her and after give her best to be nominated as tester a card from the company was send to her house.

Personality: With all these events, the old shy Jessa has been turned into a more cheerful and friendly girl, her strange tastes are just a hobby in her free time, usually she just turn her pc in the night to pass some hours watching erotic pictures of girls getting raped or in degrading situations, but she also love a little the soft core hentai, with the only problem than this last one is not enough to make her come.
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

For Hentaispider


Name: Shirako Kawashawa
Age: 18
Level 0 Trait: Magic 1
Physical Description: She is petite. One would mistake her as underaged, if it weren't for her large breasts, which she calls a curse. She has short red hair that ends in spikes around her neck. She is often weraing a labcoat, but likes to wear black underneath. She likes silk as well. Her body is tan, while her eyes are green. She is slim, making her large breasts appear all the bigger.

Mental Description: She is very dedicated to her studies and apprenticemanship in science and magic. She works on various ideas, just to keep her mind up to par. She usually finds puns on accident. Though she is trying to smash this habit.
Re: The (New) New EGG!

For Hentaispider:

Real Name: Alexandra Lancaster
Age: 18
Avatar Name: Arrenhan
Level 0 Trait: Magic (though for this setting, perhaps it should be Mad Science!)
Description: Of moderate size and average looks in the real world, black hair and blue eyes, a fair complexion. Her avatar, though, is a fox-girl with red-gold hair, fox-ears, and a single tail. (These may change as the game progresses.)

Attitude: Miss Lancaster is rather precocious, already with a B.Sci. in Computer Science. Because of her work (graduated magna cum laude), she was told about the EGG project and had eagerly signed up to test it. She enjoys puzzles and patterns, trying to work things out, and gets very unhappy in chaotic situations. She has also not yet had a boyfriend, or girlfriend for that matter, and is unaware of what may come in the setting as of yet.

Extra Notes: If there is an effect of the game on her, she could well figure it out...and possibly try for more of it, or to change the effect to something else.
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

For HSpidah:
=== Bio ===
Name: Gwen (Gear) Wrenchhand
Age: 18
Avvy name: Kathy
Level 0 Trait: Engineering!

Bright blue streaked hair and large round glasses are classics of the young mousegirl's look, though her eyesight is actually fairly good, the glasses are non-prescription magnifying lenses for doing fine tuning of delicate devices, often leaving her looking over the top of them while walking or doing other activities.

Typically wears whatever suits her job, or a simple shirt and pants, or blouse and skirt, rarely putting a great deal of effort into "girly things", despite rarely letting herself head out without a bit of makeup unless she's utterly involved in her latest tinkering project.

Slightly airheaded and naive, she tends to think things through too much and secondguess herself in social situations or when dealing with things she is unfamiliar with, attempting to talk herself into the right answer. This flaw is amplified when she is distracted, especially if she doesn't realize something new has come up that requires her more immediate attention.

She can be considered to have a fiesty streak at times, or even seem crazy, though this is more often because of her attention realizing she was often doing something she didn't want to when her train of thought catches up to it. (ex: "why are we having burgers? I wanted italian!" *storms out on friends, leaving them all confused*)
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Re: The (New) New EGG!

For Spiderhentai:

=== Bio ===
Name: Yuki
Age: 24
Level 0 Trait: Magic 1
Description: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=552&pictureid=8280

Attitude: Whether angry, happy, or sad, Yuki is always smiling. Possessing a motherly instinct, Yuki is both strict and kind. She is just as quick to lecture one for doing wrong as she is to pamper them soon after. But even when she's in her most extreme state of emotions, Yuki never loses her calm and composed expressions or state of mind. Just like snow, Yuki appears cold and quiet, but her personality is very warm and welcoming. However, this calm demeanor is lost when she discovers something cute, developing an obsession for whatever caught her fancy, and desperate to capture it so that she may smother it in her motherly love.
Re: The (New) New EGG!

first time doing something like this so won't realy know how to do everything in the beginning. (i hope i did this part right though)*

Single Player

Name: Sylvia
Age: 20
Level 0 Trait: Dodger
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):
Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.):
She thinks a lot has very much patience which makes it possible for her to handle unexpected situations more easily in stead of freaking her out, however also making it possible to for her to get caught in her thought to much which makes her lose focus on the situation sometimes.
Re: The (New) New EGG!

For Hentaispider

Name: Erin
Age: 21
Level 0 Trait: Magic
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):
Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.):
Normally a quite reserved person, it's unlikely that Erin would have signed up for the EGG program at all if it weren't for the insistence of a friend of hers. Normally, she devotes almost all of her free time to her classwork and studies, which leaves her somewhat uncomfortable and softspoken in social settings. This also left her as relatively inexperienced in the bedroom, having had only a couple of partners.

A fairly intelligent person, she tends to view things in terms of puzzles to be solved, and has trouble dealing with situations where there doesn't appear to be a clear cut answer.
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Name: Helena
Age: 23
Level 0 trait: Magic 1
Description: Tall and thin at just under 6 feet Helena has shoulder length blonde hair and a medium bust, running everywhere has given her a very lean build but lately shes been spending all of her free time gaming and getting bored with her routine.

Attitude: Definately Flight over fight, as most people could never catch her she spent most of her efforts running from her problems, although not cowardly she shies away from violent. when you get her going though shes a firecracker who can be extremely unpredictable. usually quiet and shy.

Single Player
Re: The (New) New EGG!

For Plmnko

Age: 19
Level 0 Trait:Bow Expertise
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.):

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.):
Even thought she doesn't look like it Elywien almost always looks for the action not thinking about what could happen but just going for it, pulling levers whenever she sees one and going into rooms whenever the door can open and never running away unless forced to by others.
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Revival Bonus Round ~_~

I'm ready to start being dedicated again. In an effort for thread revival, I'm going to be actively running three games. There are two open slots.

You can either apply with an old abandoned thread I ran, or apply with a new character.

This is not first come, first served. I'm being picky now.
Re: The (New) New EGG!

I am still up for Ai. That is all
Re: The (New) New EGG!

I wouldn't mind running or participating in a game or two to get back into the swing of things.

I don't know who all is actually running things right now though. >_>
Re: The (New) New EGG!

What? 64 actually coming back? Sure, why not. You've never really been *that* interested in starting Sarah back up, but I'm up for either that or starting a new character.
Re: The (New) New EGG!

Urg, running for threads may be a bad idea. But the four posters above me have all totally reserved my free slots.

thetwo, I would be willing to try and continue Sarah, but the back end of that game has become a mess that even I have trouble following, it would probably be better to start a new character.

Farren, I'm willing to do either/or for a thread with you.