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Spiral Knights rules face

Re: Spiral Knights rules face

Damnit, I saw the skelly shield when we were in the dungeon with the tall merchant. Could've got it then.
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

Well, since my computer crashes pretty much every single time I go into a dungeon with someone... I've spent most of my time around AH... It's amazing how much you can get for 3k if you're just veeeeeryyyyy sneaky...
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

Dayum, ah well we could always go into a dungeon and see if it's in there later on. I'm going to watch Super soon though I should be back on at about 10pm my time so I'll give you a buzz if you're not on Spiral Knights when I do come back.
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

Damn, Oni, your time is five hours ahead of mine. It's a miracle our connection was so good together, when we've got an entire freakin' ocean between us.
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

It's the power of faith that kept us together. And I'll be on later, just got to pop back up the PC shop to talk with them some more about the computer I'm having built. I can get into T2 dungeons now as well. Ku and myself went into one but we only cleared the first floor because they were rebooting the servers.
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

Jesus I hate some people. I was trying to check out the Auction House and some random douche kept bothering me for a trade.
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

I may have been spreading word that you have a lot of energy. He probably wanted to give you stuff.
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

Oh right, guess that was my bad then. And I doubt I'll be on it for the rest of the night as my connection keeps dropping because of the terrible weather here at the moment. I may try once more in another hour or so though.
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

So I managed to get 90 Ecto Drops for 899 Crowns today because someone was stupid enough to put that as the buy now price in the Auction House. Not sure what I'll need all them for though, just thought it was a good deal. I also now have a Striker. Anyone with a Cutter can upgrade theirs to a Striker without leveling up if they have the materials and the recipe of course.
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

I'm currently wondering if buying recipies from the merchant and reselling them back into the market is a decent way to make money. Because, if I don't really want to use real cash on this game, I'll need a LOT of crowns to pay for all the energy I'll need.
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

I haven't really seen much of a difference in price between the vendors and the Auction House, though you could probably get more money by selling the higher tiered recipes than T1/2 recipes. Materials are always a good choice to sell if you've got more than you need as is any weapons you've crafted yet haven't bound to yourself yet.
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

I can't really seem to find items that are really in demand, and have people at the auction house buy them for ridiculous prices. It just seems that they're willing to go nuts with the price of a single piece of material, when it's the one 'I' specifically want.
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

I was looking over the market yesterday and the only things that really sold well are the high tier equipment/recipes. Though there is one item that, while it's a risky gamble it will pay off quite well. I saw a Weapon Slot Upgrade in the Auction House on sale for 25k, which in my opinion is quite a lot for a 250 Energy item. But, I haven't been on to check to see if it's still in there or not because I finished work really late today however I believe it's worth the risk as you can buy at least 500 Energy with the money you make. Though if you decide to try it out, and it works, I wouldn't rely on it too much.
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

Yeah, I've noticed that demand is really low for materials. That's why I've been thinking about taking good recipies from the merchant, and just selling them, hoping to make a small profit. Because when I put a 4* material on sale, there was almost no competition for it AT ALL, which was just ridiculous.
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

I've got a more ambitious plan than trying to play the Auction House game. It's another risky move though I think I should be able to do it. What I'm going to do this week is start selling my energy at 1000 Crowns per 20 Energy. I would've started it today but seeing as I was in work til 7:30pm and didn't get home until 8:30pm I haven't really had the time. Though I'll be using this week as a trial period to see if there's any demand for what I want to do, and if there is I'll move onto the next stage next week.
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

Ok, question... What is the point of the Prismatech Alchemer? The other elemental guns all have some advantage given to them by statuses, fire, shock, and so on and so fourth... But as far as I can tell, the prismatech is just an alchemer with all the weaknesses and none of the strengths. Am I missing something here?
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

It's exactly as it seems. It's actually a more common item, you're more likely to see recipes of it, and more likely to see it in shops.
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

Ah, ok... It's just that it sounds cool:p but it isnt :( Well, I'm fairly happy with the firotech/ protogun combo I'm using right now. Thinking I might change the protogun for one of the shock or freeze alchemers. And some time in the future, when I have a PC that doesn't bluescreen whenever I go inside clockworks, I'm gonna start on the antigua alchemy tree:)
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

It's more or less the non-elemental form of the alchemators. Den again it's more or less similar to the Proto gear, and Cobalt Armor sets. The base of that set of gear, so to speak.
Re: Spiral Knights rules face

I used to use the Prismatech Alchemeter until I picked up the Autogun. Granted, you can't walk while firing the Autogun but it does decent damage. I'm planning on upgrading it to the Pepperbox variant.

EDIT: I've now decided on the T5 item's I'm aiming for to try and maximise on normal/elemental/shadow defense as well as protection from status effects;

I'll be wearing my originally intended armour as costume pieces because a) I only want the stats from the items listed and b) the items listed would look godawful with each other.
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