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Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Blimey, there aren't many CYOAs on this board that have the contributers writing up the terms and conditions of a legal contract! It's fun, though. ;)

3 A(&B if the terms are accepted) E(all 3 to Ket

The current terms are one sided, but with some minor alterations i think we can make this work.
1. We in no way, shape, or form will hurt, injure, kill, or harm Zel, Ket, and Cam. All of our minions and any other followers in the future will abide by this.
2. Ket and Zel will actively be protected by Us and any of our minions and future followers.
3. Ket will receive all three of the stones for protection and any kind of magic training we can offer in the future.
4. Convince them that we cannot simply turn off our mind games as it will be an extremely valuable weapon during the coming fight. Aiding in their responses to danger and to strategize with everyone without speaking aloud, but state we will never make them do anything they don't truly want to.
5. In exchange for these four points, they all three must agree to the same terms in number 1.
6. The final point, in exchange for having us be their guardian, they must understand that we have needs and hunger. At any time we request they will allow us to feed off of their sexual energies. Leave this point a little open ended so that it can be interpreted as feeding off them do it, us fucking them, a minion/spawn fucking them, or a spawn feeding off of them as it develops.
If they agree, run the idea past them that we have means to fight against the undead that will be in the fight, but in order to use it we will need a bit of an energy boost. Asking to for Zel to have sex with us and Asabi while Ket and Cam are digging. This will give us some bumper energy to purchase the slime shackles.

Yep, this sounds fine to me.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

3,A, But think that giving the stones is a bad Idea...
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Aww, how cute, the toys want to try and cut deals with ancient evil beings! Let's show them how it's really done. Mostly just going to freely combine from the other two rewrites already there, but there's a few things I wish to add myself. Blarg's issue was that they can still take the first move, their action against us is what would null the oath, so they still don't have much of a restriction. Going to mostly be following UG's list, but adding to and refining it.

The original terms allow for them to screw us over whenever they want, with no real repercussions. No way we're agreeing to that, the mere offering is nearly an insult to our intelligence. Now, I'm almost expecting that they did that on purpose, simply because people tend to offer the very best terms to themselves right off, expecting the other to change them and eventually settle on a middle ground. I'd like to skip to the middle ground, since we're rather short on time.

As we are more or less useless physically, most of our aid comes in the form of impressions and impulses we can give the group. Deprive us of that, and we simply cannot be very helpful. The time difference if we were to just speak into minds and suggest stuff to the consciousness would be far longer, and in most cases timing is crucial. If they are unwilling to accept this, then they really don't want our help after all, it comes as part of the territory, can't be helped.

EDIT: and screw handing over the gems just to get them to hear our side of the bargain, that's not how a bargain works. the gems can be part of the bargain though, for sure.

0(Outside of Oath): Ket digs. Like Blarg said, we're short on time.

1: Ourself, Asabi, and any of our minions will not actively harm, injure, or kill Ket, Cam, and Zel. Said three will also not harm, injure or kill Ourself, Asabi, or our minions. Both sides hold true until the pact is broken by mutual agreement.
2: Ket, Cam, and Zel will be actively protected by ourselves as we see fit to ensure the well-being of the group as a whole. They are expected to provide the same protection as well. This also holds true until broken by mutual agreement.
3: Ket will receive all three of the stones for protection and any kind of magic training we can offer in the future. This continues until she no longer wills it so.
4: In return for 3, we would like full disclosure from Zelari on what the tattoo does, since it quite obviously allows for more than just energy sharing. We swear not to hold it against her in any future dealings.
4.5: EDIT: Forgot about loot division. Cam, Zel, And Ket can choose a single item to call dips on first, then Ourself and Asabi choose a single item. After that, any items are handed out based on who can utilize them the best, since that is the best road to strengthening the group as a whole.
5: We have needs, if they wish us to remain viable allies. the tattoo helps, but not nearly enough. We're not going to demand that they sex us whenever we want, but we would like to be asked to join in, when such things occur. If such a time comes as they do not wish us to join in, we will accept a substitute instead, similarly to that orc from earlier. (Willing to drop this to as low as 50% of the time, but we need to do something they can rebel against so they can feel proud when they talk us down some) Basically, if they want us to be helpful, we need some loving, that's just how it works.

Think that about covers it. more or less even, binding to both parties, and we have a few subtle loopholes and such we can work from that shouldn't be glaringly obvious.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Vehemently Seconding Shrike on this. Shes right on every count.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I knew there was something i was forgetting, I agree with adding the information about the Aid Tattoo to the deal.
But, I believe that we should still offer my point number 6 in the deal first. Then if they accept, it leaves us in a better position of power and if they reject it IMMEDIATELY switch gears and go with Shrike's point 5. At least this way it makes it seem like they have some manner of say in the negotiations, key word there 'seem.' Either way we get some loving. :p
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

That makes sense, gives it three steps of severity for them to 'talk us down' from.

Also, neat new idea for the slime shackles Chameon and I were discussing. The one time we personally witnessed the necromancer fight, he conducted the skeletons 'like a maestro'. If we simply let the skeles in past the shackles, it may lull him enough to get a hold of himself instead. Bind his arms, stuff his mouth, chances are he won't be able to use 90% of his spells.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

3AE – A better bargain

Current Status:

Small Young Black Tentacle
Health: 50/50
Energy: 350/1500
Overlord Energy 75
Abilities: Stealth I, Infest I, Symbiosis I, Aura Sense I, Perception, Influence, Ovipositor, Soul Bind, Telepathy, Magic Resistance
Status: Normal, Aid Tattoo
Host: Asabi – Greater Succubus, low energy, illusion, (soul bind, symbiosis active, egged)

Time: Noon
Allies: Hul’jet (Floor 1 Sigil Crypt), Yorin Image (Floor 2 Astral Prison), Zelari, Cambor, & Ket (F2 North, all egged), Orc (F2 North, egged)
Known Entities: Runestone (F3 North), Purple and Necromancer (F3 Northeast), Green & Blue (???))
“Do you take me for a fool?” you bellow, “You ask for a blood oath of safety in return for mere words!”

“That’s the trust part,” Zelari says, “We’re risking our lives for you when it’s just as easy to cut and run. You, on the other hand, wipe out two enemies and gain a power source. Sure, you’re happy, the reward’s up front. For us, though, it’s risk now and payoff later.”

“And if the casters gain the power instead it becomes your problem. I ask only a fair deal, not some grand sacrifice. I propose we both swear to a blood oath:

-restates terms discussed-
“We will not harm each other. I include myself, Asabi, and my minions will not injure you, and you in turn will extend the same courtesy to all of us.

“I will also extend my protection and goodwill to each of you to ensure the wellbeing of our group as a whole. Asabi and my other allies will abide by this, but you will be expected to do the same for us should we need it. I will give Ket my special protection, including teaching her magic for as long as she desires. The gems from the seal will be hers, a gift of my munificence.

“You, however, will explain the effects of the tattoo placed on me, truthfully and in full. I will not hold this against you in future dealings; it merely establishes a basis for our trust.

“We will then grant you first pick of the treasure, one item each, before Asabi and I take our own picks. We will then divide the treasure according to who can best use it. We will also lend you our abilities: Asabi’s magic and my mental powers. I will use my mental abilities to connect you and enhance your own senses. You, Zelari, surely remember how helpful this was? What you call mind games are simply my nature, and it is purely in your favor to take advantage of it. Silent, instantaneous communication and enhanced senses will make the coming fight much easier, along with all future fights.

“So long as you are under my protection I will see to your needs and safety. I have needs of my own, however, hungers I cannot control and cannot deny. Your sexual energies will sate that hunger. I ask only that you accept this part of me along with all my boons.

“This we continue until terminated by mutual agreement of both parties.”
Zelari’s smile widens with each new condition, a fire alight in her eyes. “Riding the line, eh? Lucky I’m not easily insulted.”

Cambor grimaces at the last term, raising both hands in protest. “Oh, no,” he says, “No, no no. That’s bullshit. Zel, you’re not seriously considering—”

“Politics, babe. Dig it.”

She turns to you, “See it’s always the little details that get you. Like what a tattoo does, or what you think benefits the group.

“So let’s make this easy: you don’t harm us, we don’t harm you. Fair’s fair. You don’t use any mental stuff except vision and perception, like a warning if we don’t see one coming. You and your mates protect Ket, including the stones and decursing.

“For that, we fight. We could split now, but we won’t. We’ll even try to keep the fuckers alive so you can ‘sate your hunger’ with ‘em. We loot ‘em, except the necrotic stuff. What we can’t carry off, yours. Stone’s also yours, and that’s the biggest prize of all.

“After that, we talk. If it works, bril. If not, deal’s good for a month. Next full moon and that’s it – I know you realmers hate forever because it’s so much longer for you. In that time, allies and baiting count. No psychos from you, no lynch mob from us. Fair?”

Cursed harpy, she’s enjoying this! She may not sense it, but you can feel the necromancer peeling back the layers of the seal!

Asabi moves forth in your support, “You should be grateful for the offer you have, girl. Think how much you stand to gain. Power, wealth, anything you desire.” She hangs on the last word, filling it with the seductive call of wonders unseen and pleasures untold. Envy tinges her voice as she concludes “You don’t appreciate just how lucky you are to have this chance,”.

You can’t tell if it’s genuine, but her delivery is pitch-perfect. You supplement her call with conjured images and can feel her doing the same. Ket casting magic as an archmage, Zelari avenging those who wronged her, Cambor striking down the holy knights. Zelari and Cambor having mind-blowing sex, embellishing on last night’s events. Asabi even offers herself as part of the mix, leaning towards Cambor to expose her cleavage and throwing in an orgy scene for good measure.

Out of the blue Ket asks, “Will you be gentle?”
“Of course.”
“Then I accept.”

“What!?” say Cam and Zel in unison.
“No way! No fucking way!”

“Don’t hesitate,” you assure her, “I will protect you.”

The mandragoran relaxes, crawling up from the hole and opening her wound enough to let a trickle of blood flow. Cambor lunges for her, but Asabi is faster, materializing a blade of mana to intercede. Quicky! you urge, and she slits her wrist with one razor-sharp nail, licking the blood before pulling Ket protectively under her wings. You let your own ichor flow as you emerge, joining with theirs and sealing the blood oath.

“You must act quickly now,” you tell Ket, “Open the way to the runestone. The magic will follow!” You reach to instill urgency, but she hardly needs your suggestion to comply. You prepare the invocation of freedom, but halt on catching Zelari’s morose look. If your influence is at work on her now, releasing it would be disastrous.

“Know your place mortal!” Asabi shouts, joining the fray.
“Stop!” Ket says, frozen in concern. “Stop! Don’t fight because of me!”

“Easy for you to say! This she-beast attacked me!”

“Only because you interfered!” Asabi replies.

The two clash blades again, no love lost between the two.

You’re about to join in when Zelari yanks Cambor back into the barrier, shocked to action by Ket’s cry.

“Enough. They’re our allies, even if you don’t care for her,” she says with a sideways glance at the demon. “Ket made her choice.”

“Choice my ass! You saw those images! Fucking mind warps, is what it is!” he rages.

It’s Ket who answers him. “No, this was my choice. You and Zelari always said to follow your dreams. For me, that’s magic.”

“You can’t possibly trust them! DEMONS, Ket. Lying is what they do!”

“That’s why it’s a blood oath,” Zelari answers, placing a wing on his shoulders, “and remember, babe, Asabi’s not in charge. Go ahead Ket.”

She thinks sardonically to you, “Looks like we’re the rational ones here, sad as that is. Consider pulling Cam a favor for you doing the same with Asabi.” You admit she plays this game well, closer to you than you'd expect, and not unfair at that.

With effusive thanks Ket returns to digging, and for once you share her sentiments. “What about you, then?” you ask the harpy. Time is ticking down, and Cambor’s performance speaks to their value.

“My offer stands. I think it’s best for all of our sakes if you take it”

Do you?
1.) Close enough, I’ll take it! Three allies, no wasted time. No protection clause either, so you can act freely in the fight.
2.) Try one more time. Pray they accept it quickly. (specify)
3.) Your last offer stands. Lower the sex requirements as discussed and that’s it. If they don’t like it, you still have Ket.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Short story: 3 Trying to track two separate brands of blood oath in terms of what we should and shouldn't be doing sounds like a pain in the ass.

Long story: Meh, reduced to point form.

-Ket is going to be down there when the necromancer arrives. if they care for her, they better be down there protecting her, just as we are.

-They can use our help for such, if they don't like our terms, then they can try to survive without our protection down there.

-Zel still has to run off to grab those gems. If she wastes too much time bargaining, that's another layer of protection Ket has to do without in the upcoming fight.

-We can take a half step down on the loot as well. let's count the runestone as our choice of loot, this time. means Asabi still gets a pick before we share and share alike, so they stand to gain that little bit more.

-Sure i'm forgetting something else, it may come to me tomorrow. EDIT: That's what I forgot! We worked hard on those conditions, darnit! :p
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Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Ugh. One minute.

1: Zelari knows that we want to know about the tattoo. She also knows, and refers to by name, our abilities. Friggin' identify spell castin' blue mages. Going to drive me batty, but that's another needle in the effects.
2: Honestly, this was the deal I was hoping for originally, negotiations can be done later. Do you guys honestly want to lose the stone and an advantage that their clever positioning might have allowed? At this point, even if we evolve slime shackles, too many skeletons would be in the room for us to use it.
3: Woohoo, Asabi finally got us a pawn. You do realize we actually are still shackled to the same letters of that blood oath thanks to Ket's actions, even though we only got one pawn expected to obey us, right?
4: I'm -really- not liking the wording on that armistice clause. At all. There's a reason I focused on Shrike's variation. That said, since there was only one, Ket, we can presume the 'you' is Ket, and not Zelari or anybody else.
5: I was kinda expecting the talk down to be the straw in this instance. Haggling here seems to be 'offer to refuse to buy' as first, second, and last business practice.

That said: 1

Again, this is the deal I basically wanted, non-aggression for at least a month. That said, they've got us for as long as Ket wants to go with them now, and they know it. This deal is actually kinda draconian and pretty damnedably important, there are quite a few terms that have them gaining rather little (Zelari and Cambor, at least, seem to reflexively know how we work). Plus, and no offense to anybody involved, I do not believe Tora will let this work like a videogame. If we stay up here renegotiating all day, shit is going to steadily get worse down there, until we have no reason to go down. Plus, now, we have assurance that they won't leave us in there for the necromancer to kill. Unless they really like the idea of seeing Ket dead. Which would be quite the paradigm change, and if all that was required was a singular deal with a demon/demons, then I suspect we didn't want a deal with them, really, anyway. Also, and this is the final statement. If Ket knows anything about the tattoo, we do now. Not that Zelari seems like the sort so obsessed with her job that she has no way of talking about anything else, but still, Ket might've seen 'er do it before.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

1! Stop fuckin' around let's rock n' roll motherfuckers
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Going to vote 1 on this one, I know it seems like a bit of drastic change in thinking on my part and i will edit and post with my reasons after i hear back from tora on a few questions.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

1 We don't have time for more negotiations.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I don't understand all of these votes for 1. We have Ket already having agreed to our version of the oath. With her, we have more leverage than we've EVER had at this point. Why are we letting Zel nerf our (already rather fair) terms when they're lucky we don't press for more ourselves?
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Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I don't understand it either. We can dangle Ket over their head so easily now, especially since she agreed to the most advantageous terms for the sex part of the bargain. She will be in the runestone room when the necromancer breaks through, they can't turn around and just leave anymore. They have nothing left to bargain with.

I also prefer the mutual agreement side of our pact much more than the month, even more so now. Since we now have Ket until she no longer wants training (And since our pact still allows us to bend her mind, that will be the moment she wants to hang from a wall for us instead, if ever), they aren't going to leave and force us to come with using the oath anymore, but if we don't agree to break the clause, they still have to stay and help us.

They can't even refuse our bargain and help anyways, we can just casually mention that we're leaving with ket afterwards if they do. We have them by the neck, there is absolutely no reason to bend to their demands anymore, time included. Once ket finishes the hole, we can just go 'Time's up, agree or you're risking her life, I don't think I can protect her on my own.'
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I agree three makes the most sense. We're being more then fair even with the sex requirements IMO.
