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Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

1 even if it probably won't work
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Meep, this is a difficult decision.

I'd go with no. 2:

"Last time I tried to escape, they cut off my arm." *Pulls off fake arm*
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

2: "Those words don't sound convincing from someone who failed to ward off a cripple..."
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Meep, this is a difficult decision.

I'd go with no. 2:

"Last time I tried to escape, they cut off my arm." *Pulls off fake arm*

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

choice is 2

Katie shakes her head with a sigh, "I'll stay here for now, the inhabitants of this castle are crazy... plus if I managed to take you down with one arm, I doubt we'll fare much better together." She takes her false arm off as if to emphasize the point,

The girl looks offended, "The hell do you mean by that? You caught me by surprise!" she turns around and collects her weapon, "I was going to call the guild and get them to send help... but you know what? You can call them yourself!" She throws a radio at Katie angrily and storms towards the door of the dungeon,

Katie barely catches the radio, just inches before it would've become nothing but a useless piece of scrap metal. She sees a few preset frequencies on the radio, marked "Town Guild", "Local News", "Local Transport" and "Merchant". She simply pockets the radio and turns around, heading back upstairs.

One of the master's servants stands there, looking at her, "Did something happen...?" She seems to be higher ranked than the maids, perhaps even higher rank than that butler,

"No, it was just some rats... Nothing important." The person seems to believe her and continue on their way. With a sigh, Katie continues to walk, the other maids seem to look at her, they seem to be a little afraid. Before she can ask them what was going on, she feels a hand grab hers,

The butler looks at her without much expression, "The master has been calling for you..." He smiles softly at her, "I told him I had sent you on an errand, but you better hurry." He points the way to the master's office, "Good luck..."

She looks in the direction and turns to thank him, then hurries down the hall towards the master's room. A scroll of parchment had been left on the door with her name on it, and the doors appear locked...

Maid Uniform
GC Arm

1. Take the note and read it

2. Take the note and don't read it

3. Try to open the doors by any means neccessary

4. Yell to see if the master is in the room

5. Other
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

1 and then, depending on how important the contents of the note are, eat it like a super cool spy.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Don't see why anyone would ignore the note, and possible get the scariest person in here made at them.

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

El 1
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Katie takes the note, as she does, a clear chime sounds, as if signalling to someone that she had picked up her orders, and reads it, apparently the master wants her to recieve some shipments at the back door and also that she was going to be required to change into her uniform, there's even a small map included meaning that now Katie wasn't going to get lost as often. She pockets the map and heads for the back door,

She gets there without seeing anyone she recognizes, she decides to change to her maid uniform, finding that she was able to put it on easily and without problems. She steps out of the bathroom she was in, finding that certain parts of her uniform did feel a little uncomfortable, but it wasn't too bad overall. She opens the back door just as a merchant pulls up. He unloads a few boxes, he smiles at her, "Haven' seen you before"

Katie nods, "I'm uh... new here." She picks up a box, a little surprised as how light it felt she piles the boxes inside the kitchen, signing the papers,

The merchant nods, "I take it that's one of the count's inventions... those boxes were heavy."

Katie blinks, "What? Really?" She looks at the boxes, inside one of them she notices that it is filled to the brim with steel plates, yet it felt so light in her arms,

The merchant shrugs, "Yeah... anyway, thank the count for me, I must be going." With that, he jumps back into his truck and drives back to town.

Katie moves the boxes to another room, a study. A servant there arranges the boxes neatly in a row in the back of the room then thanked her and told her she had the rest of the night off. She looks out of the window, surprised that it was already nightfall...

Maid Uniform
GC Arm

1. Radio the guild

2. Radio the merchant

3. Radio the transport company

4. Listen to the local news

5. Head to the maid's room (from the cafeteria)

6. Look for the butler

7. Other
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

5. Good chance to relax and maybe have some sense of fun
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Yeah 5 sounds good.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Blame it on my lack of sex... but I wanna snuggle with the maid. 5
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

5, 1/2/3/4 can all wait till you have a place you're less likely to be noticed at.