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Steam Fuck CYOA

Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

I think B1

Edit: I think we should tell the parents that it she is a friend, and do the dirty when they are asleep :p
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Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

B2 but i think we should run it by mother first, then see what she has to say about it and if she thinks we should tell dear ol daddy.
Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

I'd love to update, but it's vote locked between A2 and B2. Just so you know.
Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

Results are A2, I'll be updating soon.
Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

Not as soon as I had hoped, but that's what happenes when your brother takes over the only internet cable to get on X-Box Live.

"Sure." You say, smiling. "I'll tell my parents about my new friend, and see when I can get away again. I don't know how soon that will be, however."
"I'm sure you'll do what you can." Faleen says, practicly beaming. "Take care!"
"You too." You say as you walk away, waving. You walk back home, picking up the bowl as you do, and brace yourself for the upcoming conversation with your parents. You walk into the shop, thankful that your father is working in the back, and proceed up to the common room. There you find your mother tidying up after breakfast.
"There you are dear." She says, with a hint of concern. "I thought you said the ally was only a few blocks from here?"
"It was Mother." You lie. "I thought I'd go for a early morning swim in the creek."
"Realy?" Your mother says, not believing you. "How do you explain the state of your clothes?"
"I met a friend down there who helped me out with that." You say. "Her name's Faleen."
"Uh-huh." She says, still sceptical. "You'll have to introduce her to us at some point. At any rate, neither I nor your father have any errends for you, so you'll be helping him with that monstrosity out back."
"Okey." You say, walking up to her and giving her a hug. "Thank you." She returns the hug, albite, a little confused.
"What was that for?" She askes.
"Just for being such a good mother." You say, and head out back to help your father with that monstrosity.
The morrning passes quickly, as does your work on the clockwork warrior. So much so that, durring lunch, your father tells you to take the afternoon off.
So, what do you do with your new found free time?

A) Grab a swiming suit and head back to Faleen. (The swiming suit is just to avoid suspicion at this point.)
B) Head into town and... do something. (State what it is you want to do).
C) Explore the forest near town, but on the other side from the creek.
D) Thank your father, but tell him you'd rather keep helping him on the warrior.
E) Other. (I'm sure you guys can come up with something creative. You always do.)
Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

A, there isn't anything really happening. Might as well enjoy who you can till shit hits the fan aye?
Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

B then A
Head into town to shop for some kind of present for our new friend, then again i have no idea what one would get for a water nymph. So i will leave that one up to someone else or you AAG. Afterwards go swimming to take her the gift.
Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

B then A
Head into town to shop for some kind of present for our new friend, then again i have no idea what one would get for a water nymph. So i will leave that one up to someone else or you AAG. Afterwards go swimming to take her the gift.

Not a bad plan
Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

B then A
Head into town to shop for some kind of present for our new friend, then again i have no idea what one would get for a water nymph. So i will leave that one up to someone else or you AAG. Afterwards go swimming to take her the gift.

I like the way this guy thinks. :)
Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

I wish to work more on the giant death robot.

Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

B then A
Head into town to shop for some kind of present for our new friend, then again i have no idea what one would get for a water nymph. So i will leave that one up to someone else or you AAG. Afterwards go swimming to take her the gift.

Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

B then A
Head into town to shop for some kind of present for our new friend, then again i have no idea what one would get for a water nymph. So i will leave that one up to someone else or you AAG. Afterwards go swimming to take her the gift.

This, but thank your father first for letting you off work early, it pays to be respectful to your elders.
Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

flopping to A don't want to run into the Captain while wearing a swimsuit
Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

With my brother still using X-Box Live, the remaining internet on the fritz at the most inoprotune times, the computer erasing my work right before I post it, and, admititly, a little procrastination, this update is way late. I profusely appologise for that, but I must say that, for most of the reasons above, future updates will be sporatic. I'll do what I can, but there it is.
B then A

After thanking your father for the time off, you head upstairs to grab your swimsuit, a bag to put it in, and some of the coins you've stashed away. You then head into town to get a gift for Faleen, but while you look over the different things in the market you realise you have no idea what a water nymph would want. You've read about them, sure, but the books never said what they like besides the obvious. (coughsexcough) Taking a stab at it, you get an exotic fish, hoping she likes sea food. With your purchase in hand, you start towards the creek, only to find someone you had hoped to avoid in your path.
"You're looking well today, my Angel." Captain Smith said, blocking your path out of town.
"For the last time, Captain, I am not yours, nor am I an angel." You say, trying to get around him.
"So you say, but I've already entered negotiations with your father for your hand in marrage." He countered, stepping into your path. "It's only a matter of time before you do become mine, Angel." He moved to stroke your hair, but you batted his hand away. Before you can respond, he walks off, leaving you confused. True, your father did say that Smith would make a good husband, but surely a forward thinking man like him wouldn't be using you as a negotiating chip. You should talk to him, but before or after you visit Faleen? Another choice would be to run away with Faleen. As advanced as times are, women, even futanari like yourself, still don't have much of a say if they find themselves in an arranged marriage.

A) Continue as planned and talk to your father afterwards. You are carring a fish, after all.
B) Faleen doesn't know you're comming now, so it wouldn't hurt to see your father now.
C) Go see Faleen, and convince her to run away with you, or the other way around.
D) Other.
Re: Steam Fuck CYOA

Chase Smith down and rape his intestines. Maybe he'll fuck off then?