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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Just a heads up that Vampire various greatly in terms of blood drop depending on luck due to the 10x being a variance.

Dry spell happened before where 4 runs in a row has no 10x drop. Which I don't mind, until I got a 10x drop and then didn't encounter a 10x for 6 more runs. Which would just been bad luck, until I get 1 more 10x drop and another dry spell for 4 runs. Then I face-palmed and moved to the final map.

It changed quite a bit depending on whether the devs played around with the rates, because I had it drop quite consistently earlier in the day. (This was on the first day of the patch)

Hopefully the rate is stable now for you guys, if you do end up hitting a dry spell while using crystals, you should probably stop.

x3 (Guaranteed)
x3 (Guaranteed)
x10 (Variance: 25% at worst, 80% at best)

Dark Resident Extreme
x3 (Variance)
x3 (Variance)
x10 (Guaranteed)

Yeah it's just that I don't think I can do 60/6 and I won't make enough if I kept doing 40/4 even though it's more reliable. Gotta just gamble on 700+ at 50/5 x.X At least I have a bit of wiggle room with an estimated 100+ blood over. My last runs there weren't so lucky. At least I found another Mischa (No skill up or cost down though). This event is going to wear me out, I can tell it's going to come down to the wire, if I'm just short, it'll crush me. Please hentai/rng gods, grant me plenty of 10 blood drops~

So far none of the event girls have been underwhelming, they've all been really useful, so even if she can't recover hp, I'm sure she'll have something that makes her really powerful. I'm looking forward to seeing how Karma works.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Dragon, why are you under the assumption that the drop rates varies?

Is it a seed thing where you have different odds during certain times of the day, or sessions? Is there any hard data suggesting this? An admittance from the Aegis Team?

The only variance I can currently entertain as possible would be a different chance of getting something the first time someone kills a certain unit on a map simply because they already have it coded for the maps that drop Brenda/Mariebelle/Odette, but there's no real reason to assume the programmers would code something complicated when a simple hard value is good enough. Current data suggests 56% (though it might really be 50% when further data is accumulated) for 10x vials on Vampire and 50% for 3x vials on Dark Resident Extreme.

Assuming anything else is just giving into our human brain's tendency of assuming there's a pattern where there isn't one. It's a scientific fact that we're actually worse than rats when it comes to predicting patterns. For example, Bar X gives a treat 60% of the time, and Bar Y gives a treat 40% of the time. The rat will figure out that Bar X is mathematically superior, and then stick with it. Whereas, a human would assume that there's some kind of pattern and continue to make suboptimal predictions like X, X, Y, X, and so on.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Dragon, why are you under the assumption that the drop rates varies?
Because of 42 goddess crystal (63 runs or so) run on the first day of patch release. Frankly, I am not in a state to care about the rates. I had around 2~4 hours of 80% on 50/5 and I am more or less satisfied. Then I moved to 60/6 after being tired of the 25% and enjoyed the 100% (so far) on the 10x.

Now I can reach 1.2k with natural regen and have a lot to spare at this point.

It's a scientific fact that we're actually worse than rats when it comes to predicting patterns.
(MONEY Magazine) – Humans have a remarkable ability to detect patterns.
That's helped our species survive, enabling us to plant crops at the right time of year and evade wild animals. But when it comes to investing, this incessant search for patterns causes more heartache than anything else.

But humans are apparently convinced that they're smart enough to predict each upcoming result even in a process they've been told is random. On average, this misguided confidence leads people to get the right answer in this experiment on only 68% of their tries. In other words, it's precisely our higher intelligence that leads us to score lower on this kind of task than rats and pigeons do.

Update with Source:
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Grats Dragon, glad you're mostly finished. Right now the waiting is the worst part for me, I wish I could spend all my crystals right away and get close to 700 like that too, but it wouldn't be efficient. Just now I missed hitting 5/12 stamina by like 30 minutes and didn't want to waste those minutes...4 and a half hours to go to use another crystal x.X 5 stamina cost is so awkward to spend crystals fast on stamina. 3 hour wait constantly.

So close to 3 staring this but I need to run out of crystals first so I can use charisma to level my team lol. I hope everybody else is doing well in the event.

unrelated (Japanese)
Cool how I can recognize and pronounce like 70% of the kana in menu girl's dialogue now. I mean I have NO idea what she's saying yet, but it's neat anyways XD I could write it out into google translate myself now, which helps translate things I can't copy/paste. Before it all just looked like moonrunes so I had no idea how to do that quickly. Which reminds me that I need to find a program to let me type in Japanese...maybe get a Jap/English keyboard too eventually. Rikaichan is pretty awesome too, just got it.

For people who find learning Japanese scary, yeah it may take years to become fluent, but you can learn so much in just weeks and months as well. I've been having a lot of fun with it so far.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Grats Dragon, glad you're mostly finished. Right now the waiting is the worst part for me, I wish I could spend all my crystals right away and get close to 700 like that too, but it wouldn't be efficient. Just now I missed hitting 5/12 stamina by like 30 minutes and didn't want to waste those minutes...4 and a half hours to go to use another crystal x.X 5 stamina cost is so awkward to spend crystals fast on stamina. 3 hour wait constantly.

So close to 3 staring this but I need to run out of crystals first so I can use charisma to level my team lol. I hope everybody else is doing well in the event.

unrelated (Japanese)
Cool how I can recognize and pronounce like 70% of the kana in menu girl's dialogue now. I mean I have NO idea what she's saying yet, but it's neat anyways XD I could write it out into google translate myself now, which helps translate things I can't copy/paste. Before it all just looked like moonrunes so I had no idea how to do that quickly. Which reminds me that I need to find a program to let me type in Japanese...maybe get a Jap/English keyboard too eventually. Rikaichan is pretty awesome too, just got it.

For people who find learning Japanese scary, yeah it may take years to become fluent, but you can learn so much in just weeks and months as well. I've been having a lot of fun with it so far.

If you recognize them, why can't you write them too :S
Also the only hard part for becoming fluent is learning the damned Kanji, their grammar is stupidly easy :DD
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Grats Dragon, glad you're mostly finished. Right now the waiting is the worst part for me, I wish I could spend all my crystals right away and get close to 700 like that too, but it wouldn't be efficient. Just now I missed hitting 5/12 stamina by like 30 minutes and didn't want to waste those minutes...4 and a half hours to go to use another crystal x.X 5 stamina cost is so awkward to spend crystals fast on stamina. 3 hour wait constantly.

So close to 3 staring this but I need to run out of crystals first so I can use charisma to level my team lol. I hope everybody else is doing well in the event.

unrelated (Japanese)
Cool how I can recognize and pronounce like 70% of the kana in menu girl's dialogue now. I mean I have NO idea what she's saying yet, but it's neat anyways XD I could write it out into google translate myself now, which helps translate things I can't copy/paste. Before it all just looked like moonrunes so I had no idea how to do that quickly. Which reminds me that I need to find a program to let me type in Japanese...maybe get a Jap/English keyboard too eventually. Rikaichan is pretty awesome too, just got it.

For people who find learning Japanese scary, yeah it may take years to become fluent, but you can learn so much in just weeks and months as well. I've been having a lot of fun with it so far.
Just add the Japanese as a keyboard language on windows or linux. On Japanese mode u can chose to write on katas, kanas or romaji (our chars).
Then u just type in the chars by sound and the symbols will appear.
"ka" will turn into か
n into ん
and so on.

For spanish speakers like myself this is stupidly easy as the pronunciation is 98% the same.

Hope we get a rest after this event. I need to lvl up and cc my team badly. Should have skipped this event but it would be a waste to do it now T_T
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Just add the Japanese as a keyboard language on windows or linux. On Japanese mode u can chose to write on katas, kanas or romaji (our chars).
Then u just type in the chars by sound and the symbols will appear.
"ka" will turn into か
n into ん
and so on.

For spanish speakers like myself this is stupidly easy as the pronunciation is 98% the same.

Hope we get a rest after this event. I need to lvl up and cc my team badly. Should have skipped this event but it would be a waste to do it now T_T

Yeah mine doesn't do that on forums, it only works in wordpad, so I have to copy and paste the text. I'm trying to look for a way to make it work on forums and searchbars and everywhere else. ねこ うそ あか Ah there we go, got a Kitsune addon for firefox. Hooray. I think I found a better way to do it globally now, my keyboard would keep switching back and forth but I think I found a way to change that. A Japanese keyboard would be so much better so I'm not thinking in romaji instead of Japanese.

Same. I mean I understand why they bumrush us with events (To make money), but it would be nice to get a few days off. I don't remember the last time I had a chance to level my team outside an event so I wasn't just desperately trying to level my team in time to clear event maps.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Same. I mean I understand why they bumrush us with events (To make money), but it would be nice to get a few days off. I don't remember the last time I had a chance to level my team outside an event so I wasn't just desperately trying to level my team in time to clear event maps.
That would be valentine event, just 2 weeks + 2 days ago. (Before vampire event and Odette event)
That was an awesome "why didn't get I get chocolate from Nanaly and Kurisa" type of event. Then it's back to a grindish hell.

Actually, the most fun I had in this vampire event is figuring out how to 3 star the last map without worrying about missing drops. It was definitely challenging and I was proud that I could make both Kurisa and Nanaly shine.
In terms of global jp keyboard. Just use Google Japanese Input. Done.

Because I have too much charisma to spare afterwards, I tried the last story map:

I can proudly say that the answer to life (aegis) is quad shot (42)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeah mine doesn't do that on forums, it only works in wordpad, so I have to copy and paste the text. I'm trying to look for a way to make it work on forums and searchbars and everywhere else. ねこ うそ あか Ah there we go, got a Kitsune addon for firefox. Hooray. I think I found a better way to do it globally now, my keyboard would keep switching back and forth but I think I found a way to change that. A Japanese keyboard would be so much better so I'm not thinking in romaji instead of Japanese.

Same. I mean I understand why they bumrush us with events (To make money), but it would be nice to get a few days off. I don't remember the last time I had a chance to level my team outside an event so I wasn't just desperately trying to level my team in time to clear event maps.

If u are on windows, the keyboard input language will change for each window. So u got to focus firefox, then go to the language bar and pick jp and kana. If u click elsewhere in the middle it f... up.
So shitty as the rest of windows....

I'd like to see an event that uses the story maps. Like "try to clear this one with only 3 silvers" of "try to 3 star that one with just a max of 40 cost".
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Arghhhh so close. 50/51 2 star on 50/5 constantly, all I have to do is smoosh an enemy quicker so my 2nd HA catches that speed racer wolf on the final rush. Curse that wolffff.

RNG gods have been kind my last few runs, all 16 blood, up to 351. Man I wish they would allow "overflow stamina" so you could restore stamina at like 2/12 and it would become 14/12 until you use it. So tired of waiting 5 hours to use a crystal.

Anybody else making good progress?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

sorry for being a spoiler needed help how to get 100 % love or something ?
got me silver unit to lvl 50 and 50 love points after that i cannot up mine love points why is it happen ing ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

sorry for being a spoiler needed help how to get 100 % love or something ?
got me silver unit to lvl 50 and 50 love points after that i cannot up mine love points why is it happen ing ?

100% love/affection can only be obtained after a unit is class changed, otherwise it's stuck at 50%.

Only exception that I know about is Echidna (Event girl) but there may be others who don't class change like her as well.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Princesses don't require class change to 100% either. But yea Fruit is right any female unit that dosnt class change can 100% otherwise it stops at 50%.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

100% love/affection can only be obtained after a unit is class changed, otherwise it's stuck at 50%.

Only exception that I know about is Echidna (Event girl) but there may be others who don't class change like her as well.
class change ?
how to do that ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Edit: WHOOO 3 star on 50/5 :D That was like flawless placements, replacements and skill usage. That Daniela got my main Daniela to 9 cost too, first silver I've gotten to max cost reduction (Funny she still has 2/5 skill). 423 blood and 6 crystals now. Oh how mastering 50/5 has brought me back from despair. I'll have to try to 3 star 40/4 later too.


class change ?
how to do that ?

Hit the shrine icon (4th icon from the left that looks like 4 pillars or a building), then hit the 2nd red button from the left at the top of that menu. The units that are able to be class changed will be lit up (level 30-50 units). Note: Even though you can class change units at anytime between 30 and 50, it's best stat wise to wait until 50. You'll regret most early class changes so it's best to wait until a unit is level 50. You said that your unit is already level 50, so it should be good.

Once you choose the unit you want to class change (CC for short), it'll bring up the materials needed to CC them. A silver witch for example needs: 1 iron archer (1 star), 1 iron mage (1 star), 1 silver witch (3 star), 1 silver fairy (3 star). Those will be consumed completely when used to CC a unit, so be careful. Even if you use the silver witch to CC another silver witch for example, the one you're CC'ing will not have a chance to get her skill raised or have her cost reduced like if you had fed the copy to her normally.

Iron = 1 star
Bronze = 2 star
Silver = 3 star
Gold = 4 star
Platinum = 5 star
Black = 6 star

for reference.

(Oh yeah, Princesses too, but we don't speak of those...Also the Prince can't be class changed.)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I just read their upcoming maintenance report, and they're adding another Goddess Divine Intervention buff while cheapening the cost of the other ones. I wonder if they are they going to refund people who bought them early...

I have a horrible feeling that the new buff is either going to raise blood vial drop percentages, or increase the number of vials per drop. If it's one or the other, I feel really bad for anyone who spent their sacred crystals to restore their stamina/charisma before this update; it seems like the kind of thing that would cause rage-quitting.

With that out of the way, they're finally going to fix the skill-up bug for accounts that didn't report it (they fixed the accounts that contacted them, supposedly). Here's to hoping my -2 cost +5 skill-up Odette is improved just a little (I fed her 7 copies of herself).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I just read their upcoming maintenance report, and they're adding another Goddess Divine Intervention buff while cheapening the cost of the other ones. I wonder if they are they going to refund people who bought them early...

I have a horrible feeling that the new buff is either going to raise blood vial drop percentages, or increase the number of vials per drop. If it's one or the other, I feel really bad for anyone who spent their sacred crystals to restore their stamina/charisma before this update; it seems like the kind of thing that would cause rage-quitting.

With that out of the way, they're finally going to fix the skill-up bug for accounts that didn't report it (they fixed the accounts that contacted them, supposedly). Here's to hoping my -2 cost +5 skill-up Odette is improved just a little (I fed her 7 copies of herself).

It says the skill level up bug not the cost reduction bug. Skill up is guaranteed for each copy fed?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It says the skill level up bug not the cost reduction bug. Skill up is guaranteed for each copy feed?
Hell no, only the first one is guaranteed. I have failed +2 to +3, 3 times in a row before. (Consider it was gold rarity CCed unit, that's a lot of resources wasted)

Here's to hoping my -2 cost +5 skill-up Odette is improved just a little (I fed her 7 copies of herself).
7 copies only and you already have +5 skill-up. *face wall* (for reference: 15 copies brought mine to +7 skill-up)

I have a horrible feeling that the new buff is either going to raise blood vial drop percentages, or increase the number of vials per drop.
*prepares to rage quit*
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hell no, only the first one is guaranteed. I have failed +2 to +3, 3 times in a row before. (Consider it was gold rarity CCed unit, that's a lot of resources wasted)

7 copies only and you already have +5 skill-up. *face wall* (for reference: 15 copies brought mine to +7 skill-up)

*prepares to rage quit*

Yeah, I got +7 skill with 10 copies or so. I wasn't affected by any bug then.

If u quit, let me adopt some of your girls :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ah please don't let them stealth nerf drop rates x.x Really weird for them to add a buff mid event like that, I can't guess at what else it could be other than having to do with blood drops, in which case, ouch for anybody who bought buffs already.

My Daniela is surprisingly resilient to gaining 3/5 skill. Got her to max cost reduction + fed her a Motima and another Daniela and nope~
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