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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Just my 2 cents, but healing wise given what you have, Echidna should be a priority, namely because she does not CC, she merely levels up and is done. She will have much higher healing then the silvers especially once you max her affection which can be done even if she is level 1.

Something to consider and is what i consider a strong base for every team; some agree, some don't but IMO: Initial team should be balanced.

2x Melee Physical (most non ranged / non princess units fit here)
2x Melee Magical (Princesses for current game, some get added later)
2x Ranged Physical (Archers are all we had till this update)
2x Ranged Magical (Mages, Witches ect)
2x Support (Healers currently, Dancers, front/rear tacticians ect later)
This type of build leaves 5 units for your own desires or based on what you have. It will give the best ability to clear most maps. These of course should be the most considered when it comes to CC'ing priority. As it allows for a very wide range of answers / response to a given map. This typically remains true for most events.

Just food for thought.

You've posted this before and I've refrained from commenting but... I rather disagree with some parts of your consideration:

-Melee physical units is much too broad, you're including Soldiers, tanks and duelists in the same category, I'd bump it up to 4 if you're really going that way.
-Melee magical units are still very difficult to get and cannot truly be considered a staple unit for any team, they're luxury units.
-Ranged magical units aren't interchangeable, Witches and Mages have very different roles and there's almost always a need for both types on a team, if anything, you'd have to add ranged AoE units and put Mages and Gunners in there with Witches staying on ranged magical.
-Support has the same problem as melee physical, much too broad, 2 healers is practically mandatory, goes up to 4 sometimes, dancers, tacticians and other true support units can, in no way, fill a healer's slot, those units fit into luxury/true support category.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Now with a mouse, instead of the laptop's touch-pad that I use at work, I got Immortal Beast 3* although I had to use a cheat character (Deine) as lighting rod. The problem really was the juggling, but even so only Deine was the lucky one that stayed until the end, and had yet to take the attacks of all 3 liches for a second or two. I really need one of those princesses...

Here's the winning team. Not my regular but had to make changes for the challenge.
<a href="http://imgur.com/GKG4HE0"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/GKG4HE0.png" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>

Also I've been able to "easily" 1* last karma map with the next team but I'll have to make adjustments and see if I can go for the 3*.
<a href="http://imgur.com/XQqSuZd"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/XQqSuZd.png" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Advice for newbies.

i dont wanna give this advice because this made me quit jap aigis for months.

*get good* not kiding but if youre new. dont have several CC characters forget about Karma. yes she is awesome yes she is good, and fuck yes she is cute. (black haired karma that is.)
but this event was made with several mistakes that were fixed in jap aigis. this is the real first item farming event. these events require a lot of farming on high levels to get a good character. eventually these characters will be attainable within the first day. at something like 25 items.

this event in particular. if youre new SKIP IT! that is. and that is the truth. you need 250 items to get karma. and the rate of the first few maps is horrible. you dont even get good drops. which means that you might farm the event the whole two weeks and get shit.

if youre not necesary new but cant farm lvl 8 with ease look for a good place to farm and only farm with your natural stamina. the rest use it to strenghten your teams.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

You've posted this before and I've refrained from commenting but... I rather disagree with some parts of your consideration:

-Melee physical units is much too broad, you're including Soldiers, tanks and duelists in the same category, I'd bump it up to 4 if you're really going that way.
-Melee magical units are still very difficult to get and cannot truly be considered a staple unit for any team, they're luxury units.
-Ranged magical units aren't interchangeable, Witches and Mages have very different roles and there's almost always a need for both types on a team, if anything, you'd have to add ranged AoE units and put Mages and Gunners in there with Witches staying on ranged magical.
-Support has the same problem as melee physical, much too broad, 2 healers is practically mandatory, goes up to 4 sometimes, dancers, tacticians and other true support units can, in no way, fill a healer's slot, those units fit into luxury/true support category.

First and foremost, i stated they are a strong base.
What is a base= a foundation a BEGINNING.
Are you really disagreeing with that? Look at my team, how many melee physical do see? 4 right? For many Katie is the first one who takes and holds a slot, for some this will be indefinitely. It's left broad because it has to be. There are far too many melee physical units, but with out a doubt, you will want at least 2 in a team. I KNOW you aren't disagreeing with that.

Melee Magical is a desired character type. You think because they are not common or easy to get they should be left out? I don't know of a single player who wouldn't use a princess if they have access to them. Under a basic and balanced team, they will perform well, thus they are part of what i said.

Ranged magical will largely depend on what people have and their associated costs. Case in point i can clear Immortal Beast using just witches or i can use the standard two Mages, both clear it even though they work differently. AoE damage vs single is a choice and there are going to be better circumstances for both. An ideal balanced choice would probably be 1 of each at a minimum don't ya think? Just throwing it out there.

Support is support. Some maps you can get by with out a drop of healing. Doesn't mean its recommended to go rushing off into maps with out some support, which does include healing. Right now we dont have a choice in our support units. Later units may vie for spots depending on what a player has access to. But by then it's no longer dealing with basic structure is it.

Simply put you're disagreeing because you're digging further then you have to. Quit trying to make a full team out of what i am saying, you're missing 5 slots. It's a goal to try to achieve that balance, doesn't mean a player can/will. A base structure that is well rounded can and will perform better that a team that doesn't and will require less overall changes to succeed.

Are there going to be special circumstances that it doesn't work, of course (namely very specific challenge maps) but when people have limited resources it will get them the further to work on that type of team first then one that is one sided. Of course, players are limited in what options they have, but if they have an idea and can expand on it, they'll get there.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

and fuck yes she is cute. (black haired karma that is.)

all versions of Karma have white hairs XD
i like the vampire version more though. only reason i am gonna get black version(and that will be my 3rd black princess as a free player=-=) is the high attack monsters we gonna get later (like 5k atk golems) hope her skill will be useful then
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

You know what, forget it, just ignore whatever I said.

If you have a point to make, then make it.
Just because you disagree with me does not mean your opinion or input is any less valid then anyone else. If you think I'm not explaining myself well enough, that's perfectly fine too.

If you got a point of note you think is important to say, especially for new players, then say it, don't let what i say stop ya. That just takes from the multiple view points this thread offers, and like any discussion, all those points of view can help someone.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Thanks for the advice Nir (And others).

It isn't like it's impossible for me, i don't think. It's just a tight thing.

I can complete the map before last (Vampire?), with 3-stars fairly straightforwardly. Aria to bot; archer and witch middleish, have to drop my black rogue to deal with mid line vampires until I drop maribel and leanne on the first two spaces (the very forward ones), then basically slap down healers and my 2 CC'd mages, and it's all cheddar from there.

Sometimes the enemy valk breaks through. Haven't yet failed it, though. Mostly 3-stars.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm pretty sure most ppl have different opinion on their team set up.
As for me i also disagree with xovian base team, but again this is just me no offense.

Well i can't really said what exactly class that need to have and how many of them we should have. If i have to say very roughtly is 2 of each of starting class ( Archer / soldier / mage / healer etc etc etc) as the most basic foundation.
Of coz this doesn't mean these unit are enough to clear everything, some map might need more ranged other might need more melee other might need magic, then physical, then key point map need a melee magic atk another need ninja etc etc etc.....so seriously the fact is hard to tell how many of each class we need + there also rarity and unit skill come into play and their cost.... in conclusion its way too hard to be able to tell how many unit of each class do we need ready to clear everything (this also include the choice of strategy of coz)

I think the best way to say is get the unit you like and the class you felt using the most.
Its pretty simple really, did you deploy archer in alot of map ? if yes, why don't focus lving + CC that archer ?
Is your usual strat using soldier to get cost ? or you normal use valkyrie more ? ask these question to yourself..... as mention pick the strategy u like the most and lvl those unit for foundation, then after you done the 1st part you can branch out with new unit and new strat.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

^Precisely why I love this game the most out of all of Nutaku's current titles.

If that's your vid, hat's off to you, sir. Well done.

More than a little late, but it's not my vid, no. :p

Just thought it would be nice to share.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm pretty sure most ppl have different opinion on their team set up.
As for me i also disagree with xovian base team, but again this is just me no offense.

Well i can't really said what exactly class that need to have and how many of them we should have. If i have to say very roughtly is 2 of each of starting class ( Archer / soldier / mage / healer etc etc etc) as the most basic foundation.

Disagree... okay.

Can't say exactly class that need....eg a specific unit type

roughly 2...umm okay.

archer = ranged physical
soldier = melee physical
mage = ranged magical
healer = support

as the most basic foundation....


That's almost identical to what i said.

Why i don't name a unit by name, cause maybe a person prefers using Leanne over Phyllis (thus an HA and a Soldier) as their starting build.

I'm obviously incapable of explaining this to where people understand the thoughts i'm trying to convey. I give up, forget i ever said anything.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Thanks for the advice Nir (And others).

It isn't like it's impossible for me, i don't think. It's just a tight thing.

I can complete the map before last (Vampire?), with 3-stars fairly straightforwardly. Aria to bot; archer and witch middleish, have to drop my black rogue to deal with mid line vampires until I drop maribel and leanne on the first two spaces (the very forward ones), then basically slap down healers and my 2 CC'd mages, and it's all cheddar from there.

Sometimes the enemy valk breaks through. Haven't yet failed it, though. Mostly 3-stars.

One thing you could try would be to adapt into a more personalized strategy.


1. Katie on E.
2. Archer on e.
3. Witch on d.
4. Berna on F.
5. Low-level Healer on c, don't put one of your main healers here, you need the weak one on this spot so that it stays out of range of the Lich.
5.5 First melee contact, Berna starts beating a Wolf up.
6. Prince on A.
6.5 Keep an eye on Katie, hopefully she'll last long enough for another skill use, but that's a tad unlikely, if Berna's taking too much damage pull Katie out so your healer can focus on her.
For the rest, follow the video and it shouldn't be too bad, you can replace the Bandit and male HA with any high-HP unit you have, they're mostly there to stall. Hopefully, Berna'll do Mischa and Elaine's job, it's going to be risky since you'll need to rely on her Evasion.

Disclaimer: I cannot test this strategy out and can't guarantee that it'll work, try at your own risk, sorry. :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

To add a few tips for those starting out, and if you have cash and really want Karma. Don't ignore the goddess buffs they can and do make a huge difference if your just starting out, but examine them and your unit carefully to save money by activating the ones that will help you the most.

Check out on youtube, his videos helped me pass the entirety of my first event.

Also the spotlight units with the buffs can be broken, to give an example during the first return of the rujin event the platinum mage at level one with the buff did more damage than my CC'd silver mage.

The big important things to keep an eye out for is CC'd units in videos and guides. The buffs can help you heal tank and kill but if your unit is not CC'd compared you'll have to work to change it up or CC your units.

The big features about a unit that makes or break a strategy due to CC that activating the a buff cannot help your with.

-Soldiers: Gain an extra blocked unit, and increase their reinforcement skill

-Healers/Mages/Witches/Archers: Gain range

TL;DR: Goddess Buffs can help you account for a lack of leveled/max affection units, but cannot help you follow a strategy without the CC'd units. The spotlight units come with a buff that is activated for the event automatically, along with their skills being suited for the maps can them super strong for the event.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Eth Eternal has quite a nice take on last map and it fall more in line of my regular setup. Got so fixed into killing the whole wave at the first point, juggling units to delay the lycans, that never thought to divide and conquer...
Since only the last wave has ranged damage there is no need to waste heal spots on the 1st site and allows to go full damage there.

Will try to adjust it to mine and I'll see in 2 hours how I'll fare.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

One thing you could try would be to adapt into a more personalized strategy.


1. Katie on E.
2. Archer on e.
3. Witch on d.
4. Berna on F.
5. Low-level Healer on c, don't put one of your main healers here, you need the weak one on this spot so that it stays out of range of the Lich.
5.5 First melee contact, Berna starts beating a Wolf up.
6. Prince on A.
6.5 Keep an eye on Katie, hopefully she'll last long enough for another skill use, but that's a tad unlikely, if Berna's taking too much damage pull Katie out so your healer can focus on her.
For the rest, follow the video and it shouldn't be too bad, you can replace the Bandit and male HA with any high-HP unit you have, they're mostly there to stall. Hopefully, Berna'll do Mischa and Elaine's job, it's going to be risky since you'll need to rely on her Evasion.

Disclaimer: I cannot test this strategy out and can't guarantee that it'll work, try at your own risk, sorry. :(

Its fine strategy, but I usually use Berna to kill 2 armors that came out before the Lich. As for earlier rush of wolves, I swap Katie with HA while mage do the cleaning. I brought 3 HA, 2 for wolf rush and the other 1 for Lich lightpole.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Man Comcast took like an hour or something to come back up... -_-
I have a few other units that have some levels, but none that are CC'd because I got kinda lazy and maybe focused on units I like more then units that are good for this event...


(Can't post links yet, just use that in the address bar to bring up an image of the map though. Additionally, I can't quite test this for you and your units are of lower levels, but this should give a rough framework.)

1. Aria on E.
2. Katie on B.
3. Witch on e.
4. Bashira on c.
5. Use Aria and/or Katie's skill and deploy Daniela to d.
6. Prince on A.
7. Deploy Mehlis to b.
7.5 Watch Aria carefully, she should last until the first werewolf gets to her, possibly even tanking a blow.
8. Fedora to a.
9. After first werewolf dies, swap Katie for Maribel.
10. Watch the Vampire and use Sherry to catch him at F.
10.5 Retreat Sherry when too much damage has been taken. Additionally, you may have to retreat Maribel and/or Mehlis as the lich may inflict too much damage for Fedora to keep up.
11a. If Maribel and Mehlis were forced to retreat, place Witch or Alissa at b depending upon what you need to handle the axe wielding heavies.
12a. Thetis at B if necessary.
13a. Use Anya to catch one of the two last lesser vampires and the accompanying heavy at F (or E if the lich is getting too close).
14a. Retreat Witch, Archers, and Anya as well as swap Witch at b for Alissa if necessary and place Thetis if 12a wasn't required.
11b. Same as 13a.
12b. Retreat Witch, Archers, and Anya as well as swap Maribel and Mehlis for Thetis and Alissa, placing Thetis last.

As I previously mentioned, I can't quite test this for you. However, there is a fair chance it should work. Some of your units are a little weaker than some I used in a similar setup that gets 3 stars consistently if you pay attention, but hopefully not enough to make a significant difference. Finally, here is a video (not mine, found it while searching for videos with a strategy close to this) of another similar strategy: youtube.com/watch?v=mDemFgJ2mO4

Well, hope this helps. It may need some modification or unit leveling as I can't quite test it, but hopefully it works or only needs a small change or improvement to work for you.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

i am the only one who using the 3 archer strat? with 3 archers on right side and Prince/Katie/healer/Mage combo on top? later katie replaced with one HA, and another HA put near archers. 2 archers replaced by 2 healers and last, your strongest archer clear up the rest of the map, while HA tanks lich with 2 healers support.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

i am the only one who using the 3 archer strat? with 3 archers on right side and Prince/Katie/healer/Mage combo on top? later katie replaced with one HA, and another HA put near archers. 2 archers replaced by 2 healers and last, your strongest archer clear up the rest of the map, while HA tanks lich with 2 healers support.

Yep I am doing, I complete with Phylis as a fast tank vs first werewolf while Aria clear wolfies and late Aria only vs werewolf, Betty tank 5 sec vampire front archers while HA is finishng lesser vampires and late use Anya vs 2 Black HA ... Dhalia like ligthing rod lich
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


(Can't post links yet, just use that in the address bar to bring up an image of the map though. Additionally, I can't quite test this for you and your units are of lower levels, but this should give a rough framework.)

1. Aria on E.
2. Katie on B.
3. Witch on e.
4. Bashira on c.
5. Use Aria and/or Katie's skill and deploy Daniela to d.
6. Prince on A.
7. Deploy Mehlis to b.
7.5 Watch Aria carefully, she should last until the first werewolf gets to her, possibly even tanking a blow.
8. Fedora to a.
9. After first werewolf dies, swap Katie for Maribel.
10. Watch the Vampire and use Sherry to catch him at F.
10.5 Retreat Sherry when too much damage has been taken. Additionally, you may have to retreat Maribel and/or Mehlis as the lich may inflict too much damage for Fedora to keep up.
11a. If Maribel and Mehlis were forced to retreat, place Witch or Alissa at b depending upon what you need to handle the axe wielding heavies.
12a. Thetis at B if necessary.
13a. Use Anya to catch one of the two last lesser vampires and the accompanying heavy at F (or E if the lich is getting too close).
14a. Retreat Witch, Archers, and Anya as well as swap Witch at b for Alissa if necessary and place Thetis if 12a wasn't required.
11b. Same as 13a.
12b. Retreat Witch, Archers, and Anya as well as swap Maribel and Mehlis for Thetis and Alissa, placing Thetis last.

As I previously mentioned, I can't quite test this for you. However, there is a fair chance it should work. Some of your units are a little weaker than some I used in a similar setup that gets 3 stars consistently if you pay attention, but hopefully not enough to make a significant difference. Finally, here is a video (not mine, found it while searching for videos with a strategy close to this) of another similar strategy: youtube.com/watch?v=mDemFgJ2mO4

Well, hope this helps. It may need some modification or unit leveling as I can't quite test it, but hopefully it works or only needs a small change or improvement to work for you.

Thanks for all this, really.
Which then makes it awkward for me to realize I haven't even unlocked the last map...

I lost at "Vampire". So I'm pretty close I guess but... I need to refine a strat for Vampire first. I just got overwhelmed when he showed up and stuff, ahahaha. I might just spend a day or two grinding out Tower Overwatch (Since I'm lazy) to try and level up some, and just use SCs to try and make up the lost days. I might not aim for a PERFECT Karma, but I really want at least Immortal...

Thinking on it, I have some Black units I should probably think of using. Suggestions? Aside from Anya, nothing too special although Sybilla is -1CR and +1 Skill level. I've been mostly iffy on trying to use Diene or Saki because I don't have any Black Fairies to CC them...
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Eth Eternal has quite a nice take on last map and it fall more in line of my regular setup. Got so fixed into killing the whole wave at the first point, juggling units to delay the lycans, that never thought to divide and conquer...
Since only the last wave has ranged damage there is no need to waste heal spots on the 1st site and allows to go full damage there.

Will try to adjust it to mine and I'll see in 2 hours how I'll fare.

Are you talking about Vampire? (Which isn't the last map). Unless I'm mistaken, I don't think Eth Eternal has uploaded his tutorial on the final map yet (I've been checking his youtube account). It'd be super helpful if he did; I've relied on his videos since the Belinda event and I can't pass the final map, even with all the tutorials currently provided here.

EDIT: Strike that, either Eth Eternal has another account or he just linked to the missing vids in one of his video's descriptions. Either way, it doesn't really help much. Think I need to level the crap out of Vincent or perhaps Belinda and try to CC her ASAP. Vampire's fairly easy for me, but I'm getting next to no serums out of it...the only benefit it has is the possibility of silver archer drops (which I desperately need for Bashira).
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