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[2/6] [Abandoned] The Comprehensive Patreon List

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Re: [6/11] Comprehensive patreon list

Technically with latest monster updates/plans BS could move to larger auditory.
Splitting things into very humanlike monster / furry-beasts, adding more h-events for human x human characters, options to disable some content etc.

Sadly as it seems whole pack of good things was coming only by throwing almost everything on Vanilly shoulders. Not a good thing to do, quite obvious reason for complete fail.

I think splitting things into various fetishes is really good thing for any h-game.
As long as you can keep content into some kind of "modular structure" so users could adjust things for themselves.
Definitely brings larger auditory.
Re: [6/11] Comprehensive patreon list

Sadly as it seems whole pack of good things was coming only by throwing almost everything on Vanilly shoulders.
Yeah... they sounded like a hard worker, they seem to also be the most trustworth from the whole team. Hope they can get into a new team/project nicely, dont want BS getting in the way of there career...

The reality is that most of us devs really don't care about the success or failure of others. BS failing is not a reason for us to speak out
Yeah thats quite clear to me now, who needs a community right? Who needs friends? fuck everyone.

You can probably tell, im a "worse case cenario" kinda of person. Pessimistic, i thinks the word?

Anyway, I see this:
~42 thousend dollars just evaporated form patreon from a project that 10 thousend people where backing.
People could suddenly have this mentality:
"Oh wow that huge project died, fuck patreon i cant trust any of these fuckers"
Oh well i guess theres nothing anyone could possibly do... not even mentioning that what happened there would be impossible elsewhere due to the the retarded contract S-purple had...
Hahaha :D
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Re: [6/11] Comprehensive patreon list

You'd be surprised at how often this bullshit with retarded contracts happens.

I believe the name was Yogventures where some youtube folk were making a game, and they essentially gave the artist a contract that entitled him to payment regardless of actual work done. Shortly after that same artist went to work with some big name game dev and due to the contract they had there could no longer work on this project.

So they paid this dude compensation for a full project's worth of artwork and didn't get a fucking thing for it.

Thing is, most startups haven't got a sodding clue on how to do contracts and legal advice isn't free (I'd still recommend it but understandably it might not always be feasible). People often do end up screwing themselves over with badly formulated contracts, I really wish it wasn't as common as it is -_-
Re: [6/11] Comprehensive patreon list

Do you think there's gonna be a power vacuum now that breeding season is sunk?

Well. You could say there might be. IF there were people trying.

For example, akabur, he would be the next guess since he is one of the only other patreons I know of that have been around as long as breeding season.

That is who I think it would default to, but he isn't really super active.

Personally, I think it will just drive people to seek out the next furry game. Cause sadly, for some fucking reason, western hentai is almost all furry porn Just like japanese hentai is all NTR and tentacles.

Until then I think patreons will be about the same, slowly growing until they either fuck up or make a breakthrough that makes them super popular...the same way breeding season went from feral to furry.
Re: [6/11] Comprehensive patreon list

Can you add this one
patreon page :
https ://www .patreon.com/nergalsnest

Blog :

https ://nergalsnest.blogspot .fr/?zx=d2a773cf20dc0131
Re: [6/11] Comprehensive patreon list

The point is it's not up to him to comment on the projects of others, same as that businesses typically don't comment on the status of their competitors.

Ehhhhhhh TYPICALLY, companies have been getting pretty snarky in recent years thanks to social media. The way they talk smack is through broad stroke communications and announcements *COUGH* E3.

P.S I agree with the rest of your posts about people not needing to say something.

After reading some brutal image board comments about breeding season it really doesn't surprise people. They were way over funded, why the hell would any starving artist NOT milk that?
Re: [6/11] Comprehensive patreon list

Can you add this one
patreon page :
https ://www .patreon.com/nergalsnest

Blog :

https ://nergalsnest.blogspot .fr/?zx=d2a773cf20dc0131

I just saw that zombie game pop up, is wootch connected in anyway?

Also what is that patreon? Interesting, he is "taking over" urban life, and making a sort of clone with zombie life.

Ok...but if wootch comes back...this is a bit troublesome.

Why not just focus on the spiritual copycat zombie life?

Wow, people on comments section are just straight up dumping assets from wootch...so this guy can pick it up.
Not sure how I feel about this. Oh, he actually made a post concerning this.

Ya....still no, it seems wrong to take up a broken fan favorite and "fix it", im not saying it shouldn't be done, but that is someone elses IP and he wants to take that IP and rebuild it with the originals assets....its way to fucking shady for me.

This is like sony taking an old sega IP and remastering it after it was abandoned.....wait they are doing that???
Oh but sega got money, ok. Ya, its like this but sega DIDN'T get any money.

I wouldn't mind if wootch had said "ya take it, im done" but he hasn't he is just gone for who knows why. IDK, on one hand I like the idea, on the other hand, I don't like this guy taking advantage of an established IP only to make it his own. urbanlife should be left to die or come back life based on its creators decision.
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Re: [6/11] Comprehensive patreon list

They were way over funded, why the hell would any starving artist NOT milk that?

If they can only see short-term, yeah, this is true.
If they can see long-term goals, then this is a terrible idea, because it'll kill your ability to work with any other large group and your public perception as a whole. Sure, you'll rake it in for now, but what about 2 years from now? 5? 10? 20? 40?

Ideally, you'd want to maintain good credit and relationships with people so that you can continue to make a living off of this stuff and slowly gain more and more money over time, instead of getting a huge amount in the short term period and then barely getting anything from your work ever again.
Re: [6/11] Comprehensive patreon list

If they can only see short-term, yeah, this is true.
If they can see long-term goals, then this is a terrible idea, because it'll kill your ability to work with any other large group and your public perception as a whole. Sure, you'll rake it in for now, but what about 2 years from now? 5? 10? 20? 40?

Ideally, you'd want to maintain good credit and relationships with people so that you can continue to make a living off of this stuff and slowly gain more and more money over time, instead of getting a huge amount in the short term period and then barely getting anything from your work ever again.

Yes, of course, but from all the talk around town, apparently the guy was super lazy, so he didn't care. Either way it was clear after they changed art direction and spent months on the littlest things that it was going nowhere and that was over a year ago.

I don't know how it GREW since that time.
Re: [6/11] Comprehensive patreon list

I will "defend" Nergal... yes, he is remaking "Urban X Life" without the consent of Wootch, in fact I think he should continue the game but without using the same name and redesigning the characters and the story, maybe he should make a whole new game like his other two projects but at least he cares about the original project! he hires a great artist like Jay Marvel who is far superior to the art used by Wootch, he's interested in the opinion of the fans (mostly fans of the original game that were disappointed with the disappearance of Wootch), for example he did a survey to choose the artist and Jay won... the man is doing 3 projects with 3 different artists and receives only $100 more on Patreon than a dead project like Urban X Life.

Sorry to say this but Wootch disappointed everyone not once but twice... if he comes back, I think the best thing he can do is approve the project, because with him the game is dead and will continue dead, he raised far more money than Nergal and didn't even bother to hire a better artist :\

In my opinion you should add Nergal Patreon here, maybe not for his "Urban x Life" clone... but for his other two projects, which by the way have a lot of potential, I played his zombie game and is really cool for a first build and the art is amazing... to be honest, this game interests me more than the UxL clone :p
Re: [6/11] Comprehensive patreon list

Not sure if this has already been added to the list, great pixel art game that deserves more recognition. Soo Cubus by Sexums.

Re: [6/11] Comprehensive patreon list

Hi guys, can u add our game?
Our patreon: patreon.com/shadow_portal

blog: Shadowportalgames.blogspot.com

P/s And if you have free time, check our demo!
Thanks for attention!
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list


Do let me know if any of the listed patreons have gone dark or died.

Also, you have until I go to bed to post any patreons I am missing. Or else it might take another month. WHY? Because apathetic depression, thats why, aka fuck you, that's why.

Hi guys, can u add our game?
Our patreon: patreon.com/shadow_portal

blog: Shadowportalgames.blogspot.com

P/s And if you have free time, check our demo!
Thanks for attention!

I cannot believe you passed on the chance to name it cumalot, you bastards.
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

I cannot believe you passed on the chance to name it cumalot, you bastards.

Thanks for adding our patreon. We've been thinking about that name, but decided to name it by original.
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

Thanks for adding our patreon. We've been thinking about that name, but decided to name it by original.

That must have been a HARD decision...
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

I see on a "famous page" that there is a new Incest game called "MyXXXKin" and you can download the public build free now.

Patreon: patreon(dot)com/SJAnimation

Blogspot: myxxxkin(dot)blogspot(dot)com(dot)ar

when I will be able to put links? :p
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

I see on a "famous page" that there is a new Incest game called "MyXXXKin" and you can download the public build free now.

Patreon: patreon(dot)com/SJAnimation

Blogspot: myxxxkin(dot)blogspot(dot)com(dot)ar

when I will be able to put links? :p

You also need 15 posts minimum
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

New patreon, but not new creator - he did some flash games available at Newgrounds...
Whatever you say about the art, I really like some of his games... you can always play the game(s) and then decide whether to support him or not ;).
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