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[2/6] [Abandoned] The Comprehensive Patreon List

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Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

You and your crazy dreams of people acting in a professional manner when there is free money to be made.

Its sad that patreon doesn't have a simple timer that deletes inactive patreons. Just sayin
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

Its sad that patreon doesn't have a simple timer that deletes inactive patreons. Just sayin

I would imagine that some patreon creators could take a long time between content releases depending on what kind of work that they do. If Patreon shut it down after some arbitrary time limit I could see a very small chance of it causing a problem.

That said, anyone working on a gaming project better make regular updates! :D
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

ILL (Dungeons & Prisoners)

It is strange to see a sex game with blatant D&D mechanics. Or rogue-like elements.
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

While Nirolf is waiting to be approved for this forum, I thought you might want to know, he has posted the new demo.

If you played the original demo, you probably want to try the game again with this version.
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

finished witch dungeon lab and i've already started making the art assets for my next game, this is gonna be my biggest project to date but its gonna be a few weeks before i have enough character battle portraits to even make a demo.

starting party is 3 characters which is why
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

patreon /darotgames

This guy has been posting so many updates.
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

My god there are entirely too many of these. Some look like gems, although a bunch of them look really "meh" to bad.
Some of them have decent cg art but are stuck being generic RPG maker games, although a bunch of Japanese games suffer from that too.
Some look like interesting gameplay but the art is real bad and I'm not sure I'd even prefer it over the cop out custom girl or poser models. Maybe if those two groups started pairing off we'd have some more projects worth something.

The few custom girl or poser RPG maker games or VNs in the bunch are just absolutely shameless though. Really almost none of their own work in there and they expect people to pay them for it. Some of the demos are just littered with poor grammar and typos too. Just awful.
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

My god there are entirely too many of these. Some look like gems, although a bunch of them look really "meh" to bad.
Some of them have decent cg art but are stuck being generic RPG maker games, although a bunch of Japanese games suffer from that too.
Some look like interesting gameplay but the art is real bad and I'm not sure I'd even prefer it over the cop out custom girl or poser models. Maybe if those two groups started pairing off we'd have some more projects worth something.

The few custom girl or poser RPG maker games or VNs in the bunch are just absolutely shameless though. Really almost none of their own work in there and they expect people to pay them for it. Some of the demos are just littered with poor grammar and typos too. Just awful.

people might be more apprehensive to form partnerships though, i mean before it was just annoying to keep track of splitting the earnings.

define generic rpgmaker btw? cause they cant all be generic
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

people might be more apprehensive to form partnerships though, i mean before it was just annoying to keep track of splitting the earnings.

define generic rpgmaker btw? cause they cant all be generic

Base tileset, base sprites, base profile images, first enemy is a slime, first dungeon is Viridian Forest, and the third or fourth town's weapons merchant sells you a mithril sword.

Not saying they all have to be Malise and the Machine, but seeing the same spiky orange haired hero type wander about in every game is pretty unoriginal.
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

Add this game please... Summertime Saga by DarkCookie


I played the alpha, it has little material and bugs...but A LOT of potential and I really like the art :)
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

Base tileset, base sprites, base profile images

That's the nice thing about RPG Maker. You don't have to be an artist. It's like having a box of Lego bricks instead of a ball of clay.
Sure you can make anything with the clay, but chances are good that the Lego bricks would look a LOT better than anything you can make with the clay.

first enemy is a slime ...

Well in my case it's a mini boss fight with a plant monster.. and THEN you go in a cave to fight giant rats, spiders, and, well, slimes.
How can you not love slimes though? I know I do! You can have all sorts of colors of slimes. :D

first dungeon is Viridian Forest,

Actually I prefer a cave for the first dungeon. It really depends on the story though. I prefer using the forest as a location or means to get from one place to another, rather than using it as a dungeon.
Then again, 1/4 of FSA's primary dungeons is set around the dark forest theme. Eheh.. :eek:

and the third or fourth town's weapons merchant sells you a mithril sword.

Never did like using the default weapons/armor. It's so easy and fun to make up new ones I don't understand why anyone would want to use the stock stuff.
I do use the stock images but that's just because I'm not that good with clay. :)

... seeing the same spiky orange haired hero type wander about in every game is pretty unoriginal.

It would be fun to see him make a cameo in a game just to say, "I'm gonna wreck it!"

All that said, I believe it's possible to make a rather fun and interesting game using just the original RPG Maker assets (no fancy scripts, no additional art, music, etc..). I haven't seen a good one yet, but I haven't actually played many either. Still, I think it's possible. Then again, it's also possible to make a good RPG using your own art, even if it's stick people and all the enemies are rectangles and blob monsters. Imagine playing an RPG where all the character art looks like it was drawn by a 5 year old, and you wind up crying over the loss of a character that looks a badly scribbled H. "No! Not H! I loved her! Grr... Z, you are going to pay for this! Squiggle man, prepare to cast Epic Cat Dance of Nukular Missilement!"
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Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

Heaven Studio has a demo of Ayame's Adventure a Netorare game.

As in an english language netorare game with non 3d poser art.

Also this is maybe the 24th game with the name Ayame in the title. Because we can't have games about Naomi or Judy.
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Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

Ayame reminds me too much of that purple haired ninja girl from DoA (Ayane?). For that reason alone I would never name a character that (much less the MC). Not that there's anything wrong with that. I guess it's better than them all being named Barbie.
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

I post just for update a link ( i can't link , i don't post too much)

Feira quest at first page is wrong, team is dead and LPOMC make the game alone for the moment.

Published Aug 21, 2016"
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

I post just for update a link ( i can't link , i don't post too much)

Feira quest at first page is wrong, team is dead and LPOMC make the game alone for the moment.

Published Aug 21, 2016"

I follow their updates on Patreon.

It's good to see him start up again. I thought it was dead in the water.
Also, it's changing to monthly charges instead of per update. He is asking anyone who doesn't like that to bail out.
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

For the moment, demo is impossible.
Stealth system is bad and you can't leave the first place (i know the "trait").

I have just to wait a new demo without bug and beatable.Play ero RPG is not my cup of tea but i like the design and the concept of game.
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

In the Fenoxo forums I found this:

Domination Quest

It has barely started, but it is touching on some sexual angles that haven't been explored very much.
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

didn't have anywhere more suitable to post this, I'm working on a party based Hrpg in the same vein as sword of public morals asagi, i've been working hard to get the battler images done, and now i just have the actual h scenes left to draw before i can release a demo... I have high hopes for it, if all goes well i could be adding new content for a year or so.

its also a continuation of princess ren returns
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

In the Fenoxo forums I found this:

Domination Quest

It has barely started, but it is touching on some sexual angles that haven't been explored very much.

I scoured both links but couldn't find out anything about the game itself. I guess I'll download the latest version from the blog and give it a try sometime.
Re: *UPDATE* [7/27] Comprehensive patreon list

I figure I should post mine down here as well huh?

Just FYI, the only direct content it's offering as a reward, is the game files already uncompressed, letting people tinker and poke at them by their leisure ( and not needing a 3rd party program to do such, though I figure most people who care here, already know how to break open the RGSS files for their own amusement, so it's more as a sign of goodwill then anything else ).
I'm hoping the content I put out is something more then "The average Joe's RPG Maker" project, and the fact that I don't plan on charging anyone if I release an update and it's "Just the same shit as last time with one little extra/change towards everything" and voted as such by everyone as a result.
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