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Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

I thought that was akabur

Akabur art - Smersh writing/coding I believe

Akabur's Patreon page links to many of his russian cronies
Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

Zombie life is actually pretty neat, If they can integrate more fun features I would call it one of the best rpg PORN games around.

Definitely this ^ this guy is goining to gain lots of traction this year with that unique game and with his pick up of UxL. Can't wait for more future updates from him, speaking of which he just updated Zombie Life today. :p
Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

A Zombie Life is great... the bad thing is that apparently the project will be shorter than what was initially planned, but if you see his plans for future builds on Trello... can't wait!!
Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

A Zombie Life is great... the bad thing is that apparently the project will be shorter than what was initially planned, but if you see his plans for future builds on Trello... can't wait!!

Ya, more western h game devs should do what he does. IMO anyway, he may think his gameplay is unique IDK. But I do know that the whole incest porn aspect feels waaaayyyyyy off given the game setting and goals, its way to different. Which is why I feel the gameplay/system was setup first.

Anyway to the point. Like I said earlier, zombie life really is like a clone of "This war of mine". I would quite enjoy it if more devs took fun or well known games (gameplay systems) and pornify them.

I recently played Valkyrie chronicles...first off its overhyped imo, very simplistic for a strategy game, very trial and error. But as I played all I saw was "Wow these look like artificial acadamy models".

Game was too simple, would have been cool with porn though. Same way I felt playing older rpgs and fire emblem...I was like.....wow this boring, could use some porn. Then again I found rance boring too. Sooo eh, it needs to gel into the game, not just be a simple reward for battle.
Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

Same way I felt playing older rpgs and fire emblem...I was like.....wow this boring, could use some porn. Then again I found rance boring too.

Well, if you want Fire emblem with porn, it's not Rance you should look at, but Kamidori.
Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

I think there should be more games that don't necessarily focus on porn, but it's there as part of the story/plot. Like a game with one or two sex scenes.
The closest thing I can think of is the GTA series, but they're pretty light. Of course I haven't played GTA 5 yet.

I guess a problem with a game like that, though, would be hentai seekers going into it and expecting more hentai.
"Hey, where's the cream filling?" would likely be their response after seeing sex in the intro, and then not getting anymore even after completing the game.

I know it's not everyone's cup o tea, but it's the type of game I'd like to play.
Imagine playing a Zelda style game where the hero actually gets a slice of Zelda's hot apple pie. :D
That could even be used to drive the player.

"Hey, you like this? Eh? You want more? Well the Big Bad just kidnapped her. If you want the rest of that pie you're gonna have to work for it.
Oh, and Gannon's possibly eating some of your pie right now.. you might want to hurry up!"
Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

The idea of a game with a mainstream budget and an adult game marketplace sounds like a recipe for a financial disaster. Japan might be able to able to support higher budget games with an audience willing to pay up to 9000 yen for erogames. However, here in the west most people scoff at paying any amount of money for their porn games. The market is simply not there.
Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

The Silver Bard said:
The idea of a game with a mainstream budget and an adult game marketplace sounds like a recipe for a financial disaster. Japan might be able to able to support higher budget games with an audience willing to pay up to 9000 yen for erogames. However, here in the west most people scoff at paying any amount of money for their porn games. The market is simply not there.

There's certainly no market for that here, one of the few cases where crowdfunding would come into the picture to see if there's actually interest in games like that and as a way to fund something that big.

One step at a time though, we're still at infancy when it comes to adult games in the west. Huge games like that are a big risk at this point, most of us can barely handle small games.
Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

Well this is the best we can get in mainstream gaming.
Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

I think there should be more games that don't necessarily focus on porn, but it's there as part of the story/plot. Like a game with one or two sex scenes.
The witcher?
Never played it but my understanding is it has some sex in it right?
EDIT: Devvah beat me to it...

One step at a time though, we're still at infancy when it comes to adult games in the west. Huge games like that are a big risk at this point, most of us can barely handle small games.
Still have a little hope for Kimochi/Nutaku, tho i feel its lost a large sum of its power with nutaku taking over.
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Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

There are definitely people who would pay for middle-scale hentai games in the west, and you can also translate the game and sell it to both groups of players.
Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

Well this is the best we can get in mainstream gaming.

Imagine playing that on the PS3 in the living room and then your parents walk in the room. Embarrassing at any age.

Parent: "Umm.. what are you watching?"
You: "Skip! Skip! Why won't the skip button work?!"

Either that or you DO manage to skip it before they walk in, and then you're thinking, "Crap. I had to skip it... Maybe I can reload when nobody's around."


I have Witcher 1 (and possibly 2) from GoG sales. Couldn't really get interested in the first one, possibly due to it running badly. Like Half-Life the Witcher games on PC are a little ahead of what the average PC can handle.

Well, anyway, about porn in mainstream. I don't necessarily mean that it needs to be a high priced, state-of-the-art graphics game. I just meant quality. Mainstream and quality isn't always synonymous. With a little extra effort almost anyone can make a quality game these days.
Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

How do we call playing Witcher 3 on consoles?
With 5400 rpm hdd and shared ram with gpu PS4 has insane loading times in open world games.
Oh well you get what you pay for even though you can get better for similar money.

Witcher 1 is mechanically bad game so no one blames anyone for not liking it, that's why there are mods to fix that because story wise that trilogy beats anything else released past 10 years easily but that only shows how bad rpgs are nowdays.
Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

... Witcher 3 ... PS4

Oops. Didn't know it required the PS4. Guess I'm a little behind on the consoles. xD

Hearing the name Yennifer always makes me kinda cringe. It's like if I wanted to name a character Katrina but didn't want to be typical, so instead I call her Watrina. *shudder*

Then again I've combined two names for some of my characters and I've been accused of the Aerith and Bob trope. :eek:

Witcher 1 is mechanically bad game so no one blames anyone for not liking it, that's why there are mods to fix that because story wise that trilogy beats anything else released past 10 years easily but that only shows how bad rpgs are nowdays.

Hmm.. really? I might have to look into those. Playing Witcher 1 kinda felt like trying to play Baldur's Gate with chopsticks.
Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

Well this is the best we can get in mainstream gaming.

I have a feeling that even with context that unicorn would still not make sense.
Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

I have a feeling that even with context that unicorn would still not make sense.

A: The motion capture actors were both obese so they had to sit down a lot.

B: The mocap actors brought a mechanical bull to work with them that day. That didn't make much sense in the game so they changed it into a unicorn.

C: The mocap actors never did a sex scene, but they both did horse riding animations. The clever game designers found a way to add the sex scene using these alternative animations (which is why she looks like she's riding the horse).

I think C makes the most sense, but it's fun to envision A. xD
Especially if you combine both A and C.. lol
Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

I forgot to post again once my demo was released, I still need to properly redo my patreon profile to show im gonna be focused on damsel quest 3 for a while

please try the demo if you havent already
Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

Hearing the name Yennifer always makes me kinda cringe. It's like if I wanted to name a character Katrina but didn't want to be typical, so instead I call her Watrina. *shudder*
Books are Polish and name Jennifer doesn't exist here so Yennefer is completely different, click on speaker on Polish side to hear correct spelling.

Hmm.. really? I might have to look into those. Playing Witcher 1 kinda felt like trying to play Baldur's Gate with chopsticks.
download is in comments, for some reason they removed it from all sites.
Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

Books are Polish and name Jennifer doesn't exist here so Yennefer is completely different, click on speaker on Polish side to hear correct spelling.
She sounds French. Don't mind me though, I'm just an uncultured hillbilly redneck. :p
Now I have to keep that link for future entertainment. xP

I understand though. Even Geralt has the same issue (Geralt/Gerlad Yennefer/Jennifer). Neither name is on babynames.com, but their list of Polish names is severely limited. The Polish names listed there, though, do seem like they would go well in a world with Geralt and Yennefer.

download is in comments, for some reason they removed it from all sites.

Thanks! :) I found the link and grabbed it. It might be a while before I get around to trying it though, so I slightly renamed the file (adding Witcher 1 to the front of it) so that I'll remember what it's for.
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Re: *UPDATE* [8/31] Comprehensive patreon list

I understand though. Even Geralt has the same issue (Geralt/Gerlad Yennefer/Jennifer). Neither name is on babynames.com, but their list of Polish names is severely limited. The Polish names listed there, though, do seem like they would go well in a world with Geralt and Yennefer.

These names are rather Germanic, at least from our point of view but that's matterless, it's fantasy after all and Sapkowski could name everything the hell he wanted to.
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