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Re: Akabur Games

It is quite disappointing to see so many people on the various Akabur threads whining about how much MONEY that Akabur gets and how little they see him PRODUCE.

The problem is that he is stretching himself WAY too thin, and with the insane amount of money he gets, he could easily hire extra people to help him out. Trying to do everything solo with that insane amount of money and refusing to hire others (AFAIK, he does everything himself) is nuts, and it's the same reason people hate Breeding Season (that the programmer doesn't hire a more competent programmer to get out releases faster).

Working on one game solely by yourself = feasible.
Working on multiple games by yourself = pretty nuts.
Working on multiple games by yourself while getting 5-figure income monthly and refusing to hire anyone else = greed and disrespect to your supporters, IMO.

How does he apply to some company when he has no employment history?

Just wanted to note this part; this would be a problem in 1990 or so, but in the era of the Internet and freelancing online, ESPECIALLY for creative jobs like writing, music, drawing, all that stuff, many companies will take demo reels or lists of your credits in other productions in lieu of an 8-to-5 employment history.

Despite whatever beef I have with Akabur, if he just simply showed the raw numbers to an employer, that he was doing products that were pulling 5 figures monthly from supporters online, and kept that up for years, most employers with a brain would see this as positive on the surface and it'd work in his favor.

(I mean, there were a lot of people who did hardcore hentai and got jobs in mainstream entertainment; If you're good enough, the companies will look the other way so long as you're not "the face of the product", and in many cases, creative types are working in the background.)
Re: Akabur Games

Curious for renpy games does anyone know which file contains variables for a game? Curious how people figure out console commands for these games or if they are just guessing. Renpy seems to be getting more popular and after you play through a game once or twice its nice to just be able to cheat your way through.
Re: Akabur Games

Why do I see a backlash bigger than WT if this happens ?
Well, IMO that would be an example of people taking it too far. This is the problem with Patreon: no one can seem to decide whether your support of a creator represents payment for creations already made, or assistance toward work on future creations. People who believe it's the latter, would feel cheated by a sudden retirement. People who believe it's the former, and that what they paid went to fund the things he's already completed, wouldn't mind as much.

I could see some legitimacy in people being upset if he was humming along making thousands a month and then suddenly vanished with no warning, possibly taking in funds for another month or so before people even noticed. But I think this is a case for "caveat emptor". Especially since his Patreon explicitly states it's nothing but a tip jar (in other words, he states that "what you pay me has no direct relationship to any project I'm working on or may in the future work on"), then complainers won't have any sort of leg to stand on in terms of claiming there was failure to deliver something promised to them. Nothing, essentially, IS promised. Donate at your own risk. (This is why I don't donate to him, btw. No concrete promises of anything to be delivered for it.)

And as for quitting porn, eh, maybe he'll just get bored of it one day. Artists - at least good artists - tend to get bored of doing the same thing over and over. They're creative types, they like to challenge themselves, push their own limits, and try new things. Eventually, he may lose interest in porn, or feel that he's hit his professional limits in the genre and wants to try other things where he's got room to grow creatively. If/when that day comes, that'll absolutely be his call to make and no one has the right to yell at him for it (other issues aside, like people believing he owes them paid-for work).

And, again, a lot can change in a person's life. My guess is that Akabur's a fairly young guy, in his 20's or thereabouts. I'm a very different person today from the one I was in my 20's. A decade or so, or even a few years - say, the time it takes to graduate from an arts college - can change a person a lot. And once you get into your thirties, you find the people in your life are less accepting of you having a shady income and strange connections and no visible means of support. It's not just girlfriends and in-laws either. Bankers like to know your source of income before they'll give you a house or car loan, and "freelance pornographer" could cause some raised eyebrows. They also like to see that that income is reliable and steady, and Patreon is unlikely to impress them as reliable.

There are about as many reasons to quit doing porn as there are to start, so I'm just saying, don't assume Akabur will be one of the rare people who decides to make porn a lifelong career just because he's good at it. And don't let his skill lead you into feeling entitled to his output or his dedication. I know it sucks when someone talented quits producing something you enjoyed, but of course, that's their decision.
Re: Akabur Games

Curious for renpy games does anyone know which file contains variables for a game? Curious how people figure out console commands for these games or if they are just guessing. Renpy seems to be getting more popular and after you play through a game once or twice its nice to just be able to cheat your way through.

options.rpy maybe? :p
Re: Akabur Games

Does anyone know how to trigger more daytime events?

I'm at 4/9 (done the 3 tits on a platter ones and 1 with Lola giving Jasmine a makeover).

I've done all quests, have both Lola and Iris living with me and pretty much just stuck grinding money atm.
Re: Akabur Games

Does anyone know how to trigger more daytime events?

I'm at 4/9 (done the 3 tits on a platter ones and 1 with Lola giving Jasmine a makeover).

I've done all quests, have both Lola and Iris living with me and pretty much just stuck grinding money atm.

I think you need to buy slave outfit to open the rest
Re: Akabur Games

Dahr updated some guy's PT:G fanart sketches, they're pretty good.
Re: Akabur Games

I'm still waiting for Magic Shop (Gold edition?) to get finished, by far my favourite game of Akabur.
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Re: Akabur Games

Does anyone know how to trigger more daytime events?

I'm at 4/9 (done the 3 tits on a platter ones and 1 with Lola giving Jasmine a makeover).

I've done all quests, have both Lola and Iris living with me and pretty much just stuck grinding money atm.

there seems to be a bug where i could do the tits on a platter and i hadn't even made the brothel availlable
Re: Akabur Games

I think you need to buy slave outfit to open the rest

In the end I decided it was a bug. I had all the outfits for all the girls, tried having Jasmine rested, working and overworked. Nothing. Went on to the ending.

Thanks for the suggestion though. :)
Re: Akabur Games

^ You got all costumes so my point is moot, but try putting Jasmine in the "slave girl" outfit [full one, not some custom combo] ...... I got most of mine while she wore that 1 and I could see all the daytime events.
Re: Akabur Games

I'm still waiting for Magiv Shop (Gold edition?) to get finished, by far my favourite game of Akabur.

"magic shop"

...does not compute. :p

Magic Shop didn't really involve making any choices, prioritizing anything, or testing any skills. I think it's a stretch to call it a "game". It's more of an interactive CG gallery dressed up in an entertaining frame story. The only gamelike part of it is the encounter with the Beholder, which is somewhat hidden and might not even be found by some players.

I wouldn't mind Akabur reworking MS to be more of a game, with real choices to make and a variety of outcomes (more CG's of course wouldn't hurt either). But I also wouldn't mind if he never returned to it and instead started an entirely new project. If he's too proud to dust off Witch Trainer and really finish it, then he could start something else. I imagine he must be getting bored of Jasmine by now after all this time spent on PT:G. There are plenty of Disney Princesses left to corrupt, for instance... ;)
Re: Akabur Games

Magic Shop didn't really involve making any choices, prioritizing anything, or testing any skills. I think it's a stretch to call it a "game".
You mean it should contain a lot of boring grinding activities and dressing up to be called a game?

I think Magic Shop is more of a game than Princess Trainer, and definitely more than Witch Trainer. Magic Shop contains many small hidden surprises for the players to discover. I have had a lot more fun exploring Magic Shop than any other of Akabur's projects.
Re: Akabur Games

The problem is that he is stretching himself WAY too thin, and with the insane amount of money he gets, he could easily hire extra people to help him out. Trying to do everything solo with that insane amount of money and refusing to hire others (AFAIK, he does everything himself) is nuts, and it's the same reason people hate Breeding Season (that the programmer doesn't hire a more competent programmer to get out releases faster).

Working on one game solely by yourself = feasible.
Working on multiple games by yourself = pretty nuts.
Working on multiple games by yourself while getting 5-figure income monthly and refusing to hire anyone else = greed and disrespect to your supporters, IMO.

Pretty much this. It's not our fault that he decided to work on multiple projects at the same time, thus grinding progress to a glacial pace.
Re: Akabur Games

Pretty much this. It's not our fault that he decided to work on multiple projects at the same time, thus grinding progress to a glacial pace.

It's not even working on multiple projects by itself that's a bad thing, like hell, I'm doing that, lots of other people do that; it's trying to handle doing multiple projects BY YOURSELF.

If you're gonna work on multiple things, and you have insane amounts of $$$, then you really should get other people to work with you on each project so that work can actually progress at a decent clip, much like how a game studio might have team A on project A, team B on project B, team C on project C, so on.
Re: Akabur Games

Not to mention that saying that working on PT Gold was "working on a game" is a pretty big stretch. He was adding to an already existing game.

He just added more text and grinding. He didn't reinvent anything on his game. Just added more variables and repeated some lines of code (some of them pretty messy).

I enjoyed the game and he really added a lot to it, but, frankly, it isn't nearly equal to the time it took.

If he was building his games from the scratch, I'd shut up, but for the previous 3 games he used the same engine. He just added to it.
Re: Akabur Games

Random Akabur update about his "work schedule" and some sketch of 2 hands on a weird circular thingy :confused:
Re: Akabur Games

there seems to be a bug where i could do the tits on a platter and i hadn't even made the brothel availlable

Did you start with a brand new game, or did you use an existing save from PT? I thought the beta was released with a couple saved games, so I started with them, wanting to see the new goodies more quickly. But the game somehow realized I had existing PT saves, and that's what I was seeing. Anyway, once you get in to the game, those old saves allow you do things sort of out of order, but won't allow you to progress much further. At least that was my experience.