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AWMBI - Discussion

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Ok...in that case, betting pools are open. Who wants to bet that this time, Rin will be kidnapped at the end of the mission? :D
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I bet a night of raping Vina that.. wait.. i dunno... hehe, well if anyone does get abducted during the mission Vina will try to save them/go back for them.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

There's only one thing to do now Neo. Use fire. When all else fails, use fire.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

And no one consideres helping me.

Re: AWMBI - Discussion

I'll help you zero!

It's spelled considers!

not consideres!
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Maybe I'll retire early for the night, since RJ hasn't repoofed...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Myo~ It's been over a day since RJ interacted with me. I think the one who's loosing interest in this game is RJ.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Myo~ It's been over a day since RJ interacted with me. I think the one who's loosing interest in this game is RJ.

I wouldn't blame him actually, since it's happened with games/roleplays I've started myself. I get into them for a while, then start having a phase of gradual disinterest/laziness. Then after a while of slowness/inactivity, I get back into them again and the cycle repeats...

Speaking of which... FAWK, I was supposed to post in that other roleplay 2 months ago! *goes off to write*.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Arble Garb.

I was hoping Loli would have a little change of heart and come back, but it looks like this might be the last we see of Kitty and Selena, as well as Selena's giant cock, a new character to the game I think we've all come to hold a special place in our hearts for. T_T
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Arble Garb.

I was hoping Loli would have a little change of heart and come back, but it looks like this might be the last we see of Kitty and Selena, as well as Selena's giant cock, a new character to the game I think we've all come to hold a special place in our hearts for. T_T

XD.......Well, can't say that's isn't exactly true. I myself, love Selena's personality and wish Loli would come back to roleplay as her. :X
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Does anyone know why Loli lost her will to role play?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Alrighty, having finally come back from moving/vacation, at least for the most part (Comp's still packed), I find well over a dozen pages to read, and for once, I don't wanna do it :/

In other words, what did I miss?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

First RJ, now Loli-DF? What are we gonna do?
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

RJ can take breaks if he wants too...

A day isn't too much time and he's pretty quick to respond when you compare him to most GMs on this site.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Welcome back Srike.

Bleh, I don't know what I should have Aya do. I'm afraid I might make her annoy her mother and anger her even more.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Alrighty, having finally come back from moving/vacation, at least for the most part (Comp's still packed), I find well over a dozen pages to read, and for once, I don't wanna do it :/

In other words, what did I miss?

Um.... I'm not fully sure myself but off the top of my head...

  • Iris, Luna, and Emily are going on one of the zoo missions.
  • Selena and Letris went looting?...
  • Luna tied Fleur up, and is going to get retribution from Jesse when she gets back from the mission...
  • Silith joined the game, and has a character who is paranoid of werewolfs... and just plain fun to watch.
  • The zoo mission has made some progress with Melissa, Mina, and Jenn have made some progress...
  • More family drama for Aya.

Did I miss anything?...
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Oh crap, need to poof for 30 mins to a hour, family wants me to do something... brb.
Re: AWMBI - Discussion

Also this, if you left before that.