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RPG Maker Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game (Heaven Studios)

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Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Patrons already got a big chunk of it, why are people getting disapointed for having to wait a few more days for FREE stuff? I don't get it.

Do you want a bug free, complete product, or you want a buggy incomplete one?

Patience is a virtue guys, I know a lot of people are psyched to try it, but it's just a few more hours of ACTIVE coding, we're on the final touches, I've just been swamped by holiday activities and chores lately, barely had any breathing room and always feeling super tired :\

Will deliver soon! And not Blizzard soon or Duke Nukem soon, like, soon soon.
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Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Probably just ignore the cray-cray people :D There is no saving them

(not talking about the impatient ones, that's harmless, just the ones who seem to take it a bit further)
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

why are people getting disapointed for having to wait a few more days for FREE stuff? I don't get it.

I sincerely hope that was a rhetorical question.
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Will deliver soon! And not Blizzard soon or Duke Nukem soon, like, soon soon.

My definition of soon has really changed because of Blizz. So everything else feels fast in comparison. :p
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

am pretty sure people are loosing their minds because you promised them a date of delivery..

on a side note, please don't release it on the same day as yummytiger's game :eek: xD
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

on a side note, please don't release it on the same day as yummytiger's game :eek: xD

Seconded. I assume there's going to be atleast one scene right? (I haven't been keeping up with the news)

There's only so much someone can give during a single day you know. :p
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

why are people getting disapointed for having to wait a few more days for FREE stuff? I don't get it.

Why? Because it was supposed to come out last week monday. You announcent it here yourself, and since then about 100+ post in this topic, nice way to promote ur game!

I'm just kidding btw, i'm way to hyped for this game, expected to come out last monday, and thats why we're all getting dissapointed.
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Why? Because it was supposed to come out last week monday. You announcent it here yourself, and since then about 100+ post in this topic, nice way to promote ur game!

I'm just kidding btw, i'm way to hyped for this game, expected to come out last monday, and thats why we're all getting dissapointed.

yea, weer all hyped but you know, shit happens :p.
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Will deliver soon! And not Blizzard soon or Duke Nukem soon, like, soon soon.
That should have been your statement to begin with. Giving those firm dates, then not keeping them, just makes people freak out.
Soon is the surest release date :)
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

That should have been your statement to begin with. Giving those firm dates, then not keeping them, just makes people freak out.
Soon is the surest release date :)

I actually rather have a set date, even if it delays, I know it is an approximate date.

Saying soon can mean tomorrow or even an year from now (according to Akabur).
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

am pretty sure people are loosing their minds because you promised them a date of delivery..

on a side note, please don't release it on the same day as yummytiger's game :eek: xD

I gave an estimate.

Also, pretty sure it won't be on the same day as Yummy's.

I actually rather have a set date, even if it delays, I know it is an approximate date.

Saying soon can mean tomorrow or even an year from now (according to Akabur).

That's why I gave a date, imagine like this, I estimated like, a week ago? Christmas happened, yada yada.

Imagine I release today or tomorrow, isn't that "soon"? :p
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

is amazing how some collapse due to impatience
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

This is what you said last week:

This is not an estimate :p

It was a prediction that didn't come true, like it happens. Are you really trying to shame him for a choice of words? Seems like that to me. Otherwise, I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve by writing that.

Look. Even if you just take selfish reasons into consideration without considering things like basic decency, etc... If you want people who give out free goodies to continue doing so, you don't bash them and nitpick for petty reasons or they'll start thinking it's not worth the hassle.
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Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

It was a prediction that didn't come true, like it happens. Are you really trying to shame him for a choice of words? Seems like that to me. Otherwise, I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve by writing that.

Look. Even if you just take selfish reasons into consideration without considering things like basic decency, etc... If you want people who give out free goodies to continue doing so, you don't bash them and nitpick for petty reasons or they'll start thinking it's not worth the hassle.

calm down mate, i dont think his comment was some kind of bashing or anything like that, more of a playful way of daring our dev to share more about his status.

plus, i think hes pretty young. cough.
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

It was a prediction that didn't come true, like it happens. Are you really trying to shame him for a choice of words? Seems like that to me. Otherwise, I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve by writing that.

Look. Even if you just take selfish reasons into consideration without considering things like basic decency, etc... If you want people who give out free goodies to continue doing so, you don't bash them and nitpick for petty reasons or they'll start thinking it's not worth the hassle.

I'm just quoting hrpheaven, not making anything up. And definitely not trying to bash on him, i've mentioned before that his game is one of the most anticipated games for me.

And trust me, you'll know if start bashing people. :)
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

calm down mate, i dont think his comment was some kind of bashing or anything like that, more of a playful way of daring our dev to share more about his status.

plus, i think hes pretty young. cough.

I am calm, or at most just very mildly annoyed :D Should have put more smileys into the text to show that tho, so apologies, probably :D. Just wanted to share my opinion on that post with the guy. Just post "yay, I still can't wait, when's it coming?" instead of "yeah, like, you missed the date, i am disappoint also you write incorrectly" :D

Edit: Okay, bashing isn't the right word. Also pls don't bash people, unless they are trolls :p
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Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

That's why I gave a date, imagine like this, I estimated like, a week ago? Christmas happened, yada yada.

Imagine I release today or tomorrow, isn't that "soon"? :p

Yes, and I approve! :)
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Imagine I release today or tomorrow, isn't that "soon"? :p

It's already Wednesday night here. You still have not released the demo when you wanted to release it on friday. Does that mean that the actual game will be released in 2017?

Expected release: december 18th, and it's december 30th today, sorry for bashing you buddy, just ignore this post and carry on with your work, am just gonna address myself to the crowd here

You guys know that the delay in the intro release means a lot actually. Many people would just start supporting his patron and get the tech demo instead of waiting like us dumbasses are doing... so further delaying this would actually result to a slight increase in the existing number of patrons he already has. hope you get me point :D

Boy, i wished you were my shitty soil mechanics lecturer who did not approve my assignment because of a couple of hours delay :( and yeah.. hopefully this is going to be my last post here :)
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