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RPG Maker Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game (Heaven Studios)

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Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Why support someone with your hard earned cash when he never released a game before and is clearly only interested in cash?

Exactly, don't ever buy games from people who have never released a game before!
Let's make debuts even harder than they already are!
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

What did u expect? Some guy who never made a game before plans on releasing 5 HUGE games....

The constant failures, missed deadlines, fuckups and bad excuses should be obvious....

Why support someone with your hard earned cash when he never released a game before and is clearly only interested in cash?

Buy some games from the good old DLsite and support real artists.

This guy is even worse than Akabur.... at least Akabur doesn't promise any releases and just takes your cash ;) this guy takes your cash and spits out some dreamy ideas and lies to get your investment.

He is probably too busy chatting in his private forum.

Anyway if you want some disappointment just pm me and and i show you what was done with the shitload of money he made.

Their CG artist is actually pretty decent!! Too bad the writing of this game is the most hilarious shit i have ever seen. I honestly thought it was supposed to be funny but then i realized..... they are serious :D

Anyway just enjoy the high quality sparse art and laugh about the incredibly funny writing.

Dude, relax, the way I look at it is he released the semi- bug tested version to his patreons (the people who are actually paying him to help develop the game) to act as their bug testers. He said he'd release the bug-free demo to this forum when it was bug free. Guess what it probable isn't bug free and they are working on it. Go find another game to play in the meantime, all this whining over a demo, when you could be doing something more productive.
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

I see this a lot with porn games in particular.

Never announce a release date unless you're done with what you're releasing. Even then, give yourself a few weeks because chances are there will be more work made for you as you test it further. If all you have to do is bug testing, then maybe announce a date, but if you're waiting on assets/implementing features still, don't announce it.

ESPECIALLY IF IT'S YOUR FIRST GAME WITH A NEW TEAM. You need time to get your workflow down, so any production time estimates you do will be wrong.

I know Patreon makes it harder to resist, but if there's shit you still gotta do then just tell your backers that. All things considered though, Patreon is not a good platform for game development unless the games are somewhat short and you can release them relatively frequently. Patreon is an especially bad platform if you're expecting to be paid monthly, this essentially means your backers expect a significant release every month, and if you can't do that, you're going to lose them.

I haven't backed this game because out of principle I don't pay money for anything I can't try out myself, but I've had my eye on this thread for a while; Mainly to check for a release, but also because I think the art is nice.

I don't have really strong opinions on the creator here, and I think people are generally being too harsh, but I saw this coming. The same exact thing happened to the Future Fragments developer, and he got a bunch of shit for delaying the updated demo; He released it, and as far as I know it didn't really cause much of a backlash after the fact, but even then it was a whole bunch of bullshit I think he would have rather not had to deal with.

So yeah, just a few things:

- Don't announce dates unless you've got that shit on lock

- Don't use Patreon unless you can guarantee a tight release schedule.

Games are hard to make, but that's a burden you and your team shoulder. Nobody else will ever understand what you or everyone on your team is going through; Even if it's some rough shit. All they care about is seeing that release, and when you don't have it multiple times, they're going to bitch at you, especially if they're paying for it.

It doesn't matter if they're ignorant, selfish, or annoying, it's just a bad image to see people bitching at you. Even if you ignore it, the hate itself is negative for anyone following development.

So save yourself some hassle, and keep it close to the chest. I'm Looking forward to seeing what this game is like.
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

How much supporters and money did he really lost?
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

You're right on target for most of that. It is good advice. I'd argue that Patreon IS a good platform, in that it is a way for English h-developers to actually make some money to fund production of these games. Which is something new, as DLSite numbers are generally pretty subpar (on the English site at least).

Still, as a developer who as missed a BUNCH of release dates. I thought I'd learned my lesson, and then I went and did it again. I'll say that almost all of us are amateurs here, and are just trying to figure things out. People REALLY want release dates, and we often try to do our best to satiate that desire. Beyond that, WE are super damn excited to release the game ourselves. We pour our effort into these games and wait like a kid on Christmas to see what you all think. So, it is hard NOT to pick a date and try to release it.

You're right though, it is almost always a bad idea, and generally looks unprofessional. Triple AAA games miss release dates too though :p

@Strikar: Dude, as another poster said, chill out. If you don't like the game or trust the developer, don't pledge. I find your critique overly harsh and lacking anything constructive that would help a developer improve his game. This is their FIRST game, if you expected perfection, you're silly. Additionally, even laughably bad writing in English is preferable to illegible writing in Japanese.
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

@Strikar: Dude, as another poster said, chill out. If you don't like the game or trust the developer, don't pledge. I find your critique overly harsh and lacking anything constructive that would help a developer improve his game. This is their FIRST game, if you expected perfection, you're silly. Additionally, even laughably bad writing in English is preferable to illegible writing in Japanese.

Plus if we're being fair, for those who understand Japanese enough to play the games (or people who just machine translate them), you have to admit that most of the Japanese storylines ARE hilarious. Granted I haven't checked out the writing on this one, but from my experience all the porn game writing needs some suspended disbelief and a healthy dose of hentai logic. Even if it is the most far fetched story line out there (and I really do find most NTR stories that way), at a minimum, it will have decent grammar.

...And he can take that to the bank.
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

I wrote a wall of text here, but I received some info about StrikaR that makes me not even want to reply to him, report has been filed he'll be banned soon.

Let's not derail the thread any more.
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Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Failed deadlines? My patreons got it, PUBLIC DIDN'T, I chose to pull back the public release because I want to add one scene that is currently being drawn by the CG artist to the demo.

ahh so the first demo that was going to be released on the 18th december was not meant to the public, it was meant for your patreons only..

okay, now i get it, we will get a playable on the 5th of february right? :)
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

ahh so the first demo that was going to be released on the 18th december was not meant to the public, it was meant for your patreons only..

okay, now i get it, we will get a playable on the 5th of february right? :)

No, it was meant for all, but as it has been pointed out we missed the patch by two weeks so when we released it we thought "well, since we already delayed it past our expectations, lets at least add more content to it."

I give Ronin/StrikaR that much, I'm no Fiódor Dostoiévski or Charles Dickens, but I still believe you will find our game enjoyable.
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Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

wow, you guys are awesome, thanks for the hardwork :D
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

wow you guys are doing great never mind the wait... its all good sir ... and no 1 wants to eat a fruit half ripe ;) good thing is you guys really work on hard on it so waiting for the game is not much big deal ... :)
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

I've read some of Dostoevsky's work. It's... well, quintessentially Russian, which makes for rather poor erotica.
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

starke, you haven't mentioned anywhere when the first demo will be released now that you guys are adding a new scene in it, so basically before which date it should be out?
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

starke, you haven't mentioned anywhere when the first demo will be released now that you guys are adding a new scene in it, so basically before which date it should be out?

Yeaaaaaaaaah not gonna do that again.

When the CG artist finishes drawing, the scene is out.
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

i would say lets just wait patiently and not ask anymore when the demo comes out. its the best that way.
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

i would say lets just wait patiently and not ask anymore when the demo comes out. its the best that way.

Agreed. Personally, for all of the games I'm currently waiting for I find it best to sit back and not monitor it's progress for a few weeks, then just check in. If there's significant progress then woohoo! if not? Sit back for another few weeks.

As with most things in the H-Dev scene, it'll be done when it's done.
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

As with most things in the H-Dev scene, it'll be done when it's done.

Do you have more wisdom to share with us, oh master ?

jk, i'm happy if starke & co take some more time clean things up, i'm hoping for a good game, not a fast one :p
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

Do you have more wisdom to share with us, oh master ?

jk, i'm happy if starke & co take some more time clean things up, i'm hoping for a good game, not a fast one :p

totally a thing to agree with... :D
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

To quote Blizzard: "Soon(tm)"
Re: Ayame's Adventure - English H-Game [T. Demo Released]

how often do you check your patron page? because you never seem to reply to your patron posts. also, do you have a part time job?
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