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Re: Books

If you have time, a lot of time, and the right inclination, look up a book called Focault's Pendulum. It is by far the longest, most confusing, most interesting thing I have ever read. It seems to be about everything. EVERYTHING. Nazis, templars, every conspiracy theory ever all combined in fiction.
Re: Books

I think I can trump that. Gravity's Rainbow. Never read it or Pendulum, though. I'll probably look them up when I have a lot of time on my hands.
Re: Books

Alright, so I'm lazy and CTRL+F'd the pages, and couldn't find any mention of the Inheritence series by Christopher Paolini. So, I'm mentioning it :p


I used to read alot, but lately - I dunno, for the past couple of years - I've been so busy figuring out What The Fuck I want to do with my life, haven't had much time to read. A couple of the books/series I've seen here look like I might check them out now that I've got time.

As for Twilight..... I tried, I really did, but I CANNOT find ANYTHING about that series I like. My cousin loves it, but, then again, she also wanted a Snape-in-the-box (when the Harry Potter movies came out, she got a crush on the guy who plays Snape >.<).

So, onto Inheritence. So far, 3 books out: Eragon (THE MOVIE SUCKED ASS.), Eldest, and Brisingr. Personally, I love them. Then again, it could just be the Dragons I'm gravitating to :p
Ah, but in all seriousness, I think the series is great.
The only book series (looking outside the 500-page variety) I like better is 'Love Hina'.
Yes, yes, Inheritence is all words and novel-y and Love Hina is a manga, but I'm going for story here >.<
Not to mention Love Hina is what got me interested in Japanese culture AS WELL AS hentai to begin with :p
Re: Books

The inheritance series isn't really as good as it should be. The premise is pretty good and I like the setting, but the writing isn't even comparable to the likes of Pratchett and Weis(in her better books). Of course that's just my opinion.

A Canticle for Leibowitz. Post nuclear war monastery focused in preserving knowledge of modern world. If you like apocalypses that's definitely worth a read. It's an old book though, and might be hard to find.
Re: Books

As for Twilight..... I tried, I really did, but I CANNOT find ANYTHING about that series I like. My cousin loves it, but, then again, she also wanted a Snape-in-the-box (when the Harry Potter movies came out, she got a crush on the guy who plays Snape >.<).
Ditto on Twilight...

And about Severus... Alan Rickman is not an attractive man, but... I still would have his babies. Did you see him in the first Die Hard movie as Hans Gruber? *dies*
Re: Books

Ah. One other book that I've recently read is .

This is an autobiographical account of the events leading up to, during, and following the Rwandan Genocide from April 6 to mid-July of 1994. It is written by the commander of the former United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda, Romeo Dallaire. I mention it both because this is the 15th anniversary of the genocide, and because, from my experience at least, very little attention is focused on this from anywhere, and that's not right.
Re: Books

I very recently finished this series and I have mixed feelings. Part of me is wowed and part of me is pissed, and it's impossible to explain that to anybody who hasn't actually finished the seventh book. Let me know when you finish it.

I liked it. However I don't wanna' spoil it for anyone so I won't say why I liked it. I am reading the whole series a second time now though, which means that I'm picking up the books from my shelf for the first time in about 5 years. Waste Lands and Wolves of the Calla FTW.
Re: Books

Yeah don't ruin it just yet, I'm almost finished.
Re: Books

Ah. One other book that I've recently read is .

This is an autobiographical account of the events leading up to, during, and following the Rwandan Genocide from April 6 to mid-July of 1994. It is written by the commander of the former United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda, Romeo Dallaire. I mention it both because this is the 15th anniversary of the genocide, and because, from my experience at least, very little attention is focused on this from anywhere, and that's not right.

I feel guilty, not being into reading stories like this. It's to our benefit to be aware of the world and the things that people are doing in it, especially the atrocious things... but I've always had my head in the clouds such that I never found interest with real-world politics or the gruesome things that happen when people make awful decisions and have a lot of power to back them up.

If I see it, I'll pick it up (or search the library for it, at the very least!) Hearing about it but not having done any research on it is such a bad habit. :x
Re: Books

If i see it I'll read it as well. But I'm not into things like that. I read to escape the real world. Hence my love of Fantasy novels. Speaking of which, Belgarath the Sorcerer is calling for me, so I'll see ya'll later.
Re: Books

Shake hands with the Devil was also made into a movie of the same title. Hotel Rwanda was a more fictionalized account, but also a movie account of the Rwandan genocide. I have yet to see either film, or read the book, though I do intend to. The tragic thing about Rwanda, is that it isn't unique in that continent. It does however get some of the most attention.

On the topic of politics. "Whose War is it" by J.L. Granatstein is a good book about Canada and its survival in the modern world as a soverign nation. Blunt and a good read.
Re: Books

Yeah don't ruin it just yet, I'm almost finished.

A word of warning for the last book.

The final section, titled "Found (Coda)" has a warning about reading it; I won't say if you should or shouldn't read it, but the warning is there for a reason. When you come to the warning, do read it and think it through as to what it says. Make your decisions accordingly.
Re: Books

Ender's game. Also, I like pretty much all of Orson Scott-Card's books that I've read. And yeah, I like Eddings too. Also, The Burning City. (Can't remember the auther, but if there's a dood on the front with a blue dragon tattoo on his face, it's the right one. (It even lights up when he kills people XD)
Re: Books

Ehh. Ender's Game is a classic of SciFi. The Shadow series seemed younger, to me. That is, more juvenile. They were fun, but that's about it. The arc that followed from Speaker for the Dead was good but not that great, philosophy is always fun though. Card himself, now, he's kind of crazy... (I think...) Some of his nonfiction essays are well-written and insightful, and some are just insane.
Re: Books

I think this is the third time I've said this in this thread, but Ender's Game is my bible, I love it so much :)
Re: Books

I stumbled upon Grunts by Mary Gentle. It's awesome. Two words: Orc Marines.
Re: Books

Ah yes, I have heard of this story. And, if you like things from the "monster's" point of view, also try Orcs and there's a sequel, also called "Orcs" but with a subtitle that escapes me at the moment and I'm being lazy right now and not googling it. May edit it in later.
Re: Books

Was gifted a book titled "The Strain" recently. It's by Guillermo Del Toro (the guy who directed Pan's Labyrinth, Hellboy 1/2) and Chuck Hogan. It's a vampire novel, and though I'm only on page 139 of 401, my heart is hammering as I read it. The build up is intense, and the vampires havn't properly shown up yet. It's also the first book in a trilogy, the next two called "The Fall" and "Night Eternal".

So far, I'm recomending this book to anyone who likes a good vampire yarn (and not of the Twilight strain), or good three demensional characters, well researched, and nice chilling pacing.
Re: Books

Double and necro posting... oh god...

Anyway, to any who are a fan of Forgotten Realms, specifically the Drizzt books written by R.A. Salvatore, I just finished the newest one entitled "The Pirate King". Good fantasy story, I can tell that Mr. Salvatore is finally maturing in his writing, and this new books adds a lot more gray to what had strictly been a black and white series.

You don't entirely need to read the many books before this one, though I do recommend at least reading "The Orc King" first.

Recommended for fans of heroic fantasy, D&D, Forgotten Realms, and Drizzt.
Re: Books

Those are definitely on the list. Loves me some drow. And drow + pirates = awesome!