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C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

C2, then A2
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

So why are we not knocking the Guard out again?
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

But phat lootz and precious exp orbs...
Well just the loots you don't set a guard in a tunnel just for lolz
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Votes counted -
Primary - A2 - Head down into the dark passageway into which you can't see. Hahah Brilliant.
Additional Primary - Communication - C2 Minerve. (Figure to toss this in for fluff reasons.)

A/N: Hoo, my update schedule is now slacking because I'm being a slacker. Still who here would want to turn this into an RP area where there are two players per character. One player controls the character, while the other player influences the world around them with the GM just adding stuff in and keeping track of stats?


Narrator: *Yawns* Last *Yawns* time *yawns* on the great changing graceful elf to the lewd milky cow Mara, she talked some more with the strange creature that you have been terming to be an orc... She has recieved her first quest to get.. water? Really? Now she will...

--Narration of Mara--

Mara glared at the naked creature in disbelief. Her usual frustration of seeing it naked going away being replaced with a disgust of the creature choosing to remain naked, especially under the fact that whoever its master was. If she had a master like that, not that she ever would, she would string him up by his balls in front of the local ruler or if it was a mistress she would cut out her ovaries and shove them down her throat!

The golden elf's blood thirstness for vengeance must have shown as the creature, nearly took a step back even as Mara looked at him as she ground out "I'm going to get water, not because I can't beat you, but because I need some water myself! Before I go.." Evident frustration leaking from her voice "Why didn't you try to ask for my.. body.." She spoke the last part as disgust at herself, her once beatuiful body turned into that of an Elven Mother who had chosen the joys of having one too many children and its lushness. She looked at the creature carefully as the grey creature let out a rumble as it said, its hoarse voice seeming to become hoarser "You would die if I asked for it. Conversation is rare." Its reasonings why was far more evident as Mara felt somewhat shock.. The only reason why it didn't ask for her body was that she would've died even as she thought to herself 'As something as small as that? Hah!' As her eyes gazed at its cock.

Through she ignored the second reason it gave figuring that was just an excuse for it. What creature with such hulking muscles have need for intelligent conversation? Still Mara kept her eyes on the creature even as she began to back up into passageway a bit. But as she turned around, Mara felt a shuddering from the clothing surrounding her body. The golden elf would gasp as she felt burning sensations on her nipples, her pussy and ass even as she could feel her massive breasts being squeezed so harshly that she could feel something wet leaving her breasts.. And a lot of wet as Mara felt surpise filter into her.. She.. she was leaking?! The golden elf was thankful that she was in the darkness even as she felt such furious anger go through her.. She was turning into a goddamned cow of something!

Letting out a hiss of air, Mara began to stagger forward as she shuddered feeling the pleasure ripping through her before she began to recover... Still walking down this dark passageway was something she felt like she shouldn't be doing without a light. Especially if she tried to fight something here but Mara soldiered on. As she entered the dark room, she stopped.. She had a sudden gut feeling that entering this room would start something and she would not be able to leave once it started. The golden elf women felt a frisson of anxiety and excitement.


Primary Votes:
A. Enter the room and start 'something' (Warning - Results in a Miniboss fight.)
B. Head back
--1 Ask the creature where to find a light
--2 Fight the creature
--3 Ignore the creature and head even further back and up the ramp to the next room.

Secondary Votes: Only Appliciable if A is taken
1. Use up hidden points to give +2 to all Mara's rolls. (Note - Only 1 voter can add the +2 by using the hidden point. All other voters will instead give +1 to all rolls. Taking this vote annuls any other influences you can have.)
2. Use up hidden points to increase the lewt in the dark room either on winning or losing the fight.

Tertiary: Bust size Cap [Currently set to M cup]
a. Keep the current Cap
b. Lower the Cap to L cups
c. Increase the Cap to O cups

A/N: Yes I already have a limit set to her breast size. Its currently at M cup and since we are getting close to that mark, I am willing to put whatever s voted as the maximum her breasts can grow to from the Milk Changer set. Currently this cap will also affect her ass size but not her nipples, clitoris or labia size.

Edit: Also take a note of Mara's Character Sheet in the spoiler. You'll find something new added.

Name: Mara Naaaskein
Gender: Female
Race: Elvish
Class: Warrior
Sub-Class: Graceful Duelist

Beginning Description: A goldish colored elf. Mara is by her standards of her race pretty while by other races standards she is seen as beautiful. Her body is muscled nicely to inspire those looking to think of her swift and strong. While she lacks scars to symbolize her experience, her eyes tell enough that she knows how to fight. She has a quite nice breasts of C cup, very perk and firm through they always seem to bounce no matter what she does. Nice shimmering bronze hair with darkish brown eyes.

Current Description: She is wearing a black catsuit that is molded to her body. Its close proximity to her body shows off the black panties and black bra she has underneath it. The catsuit has a white transuclent spot on where her panties on, looking more like a see through condom then actual panties or catsuit. Her nipples and clitoris can both be seen pointedly pushing against her clothing even when she isn't aroused. Through her greatest changes are to her massive K cup breasts that seem to be super perky and have an air of unnaturalness to them by the way they staying up and pushing outwards heavily. While her ass is not something to mock either as it can be compared to being big and jiggly easily matching her heavy chest giving her a near hourglass figure with the only thing lacking is her waist.

Age: 132
Height: 5’11
Breast Status: K cups and perky, so perky in fact that the clothing is making them look saggier then they actually are. Beads of milk are leaking from her nipples and areolas and an easy stream can be squeezed out. (And unknowingly cursed by one of her admirers to always bounce and jiggle at her movements, no matter how restraining her clothing.)
Nipple/Areola Status: Near-teat like nipples that just beg to be pierced and grabbed to lead her around. Massive Circles on her breasts that are more dark golden and seem to show up around every bra unless it covers her breasts completely while also pushing outwards quite a bit.
Pussy/Ass Status: Virgin, she does not even masturbate, seeing it as somewhat uncouth but also suffers from a cushiony labia that begs to be licked and spread, while also having a moderate dick size clitoris that looks to easily serve as an almost cock.. Very tight but not virginal her ass is a great jiggly mass that just begs to be spread and speared, it looks very inviting to have in a lap.

Vitality: 28 (+13)
Spirit: 13
Strength: 22 (+6)
Dexterity: 13 (-5)
Intelligence: 12

Duelist: Graceful [+4 In using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Hit %]
Dueslist: Ferocity [+2 in dealing pain using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Damage]
Novice: Fighter [-3 to all combat rolls when confidence is broken. +2 to escape]

Racial Superiority [-2 in dealing with other species]

Mental Effects
Spouse Hunting: Golden Elf Species: Mara is seeking a mate for herself now. (Mental Effect from Cursed Mirror)
Unbidden Masturbation: Mara will play with herself using a free hand.

Item Effects
Milk Changer Bra: +9 Vit. +6 Str. 54 Dex. +5 Breast Damage Resistence to pleasure.
Milk Changer Panties: +4 Vit. +5 to Fertility Rolls. +45 Pleasure HP. +5 Anal/Virginal Resistence Rolls
Milk Changer Catsuit: +35 to Ice/Lightning Resistence Rolls. +25 to Fire Resistence Rolls. +15 to resisting magical damage rolls. +3 to resisting Mental effect rolls.

Mara Inventory
Mara Inventory
2 4 Feet String (One is Frayed at the end)
1 7 Foot Knotted Rope (Frayed at one end)
Rusted Iron Door Handle
Cheap Bronze Mirror
Unknown Suit (Wearing) (M)
Unknown Panties (Wearing) (M)
Unknown Bra (Wearing) (M)

Enchanted Items Inventory
Milk Changer
Cursed Effects
Bra Effects: Constant bouncing - Growth, Growth Milk xplosion! (Causes a slow buildup of breast fat tissure and increased lactation) - Always made to fit - Self Reparation Powerful (Only needs a small 1 cm scrap to be able to reform.)
Panties Effects: Constant Stimulation - Clear Patch allows any creature with sight to be able to see into her pussy - Always made to fit - Self Reparation Powerful (Only Needs a small 1 cm scrap to be able to reform.)
Catsuit Effects: Constant Tendrils Stimulation - Transuculent for watchers, visible for wearer - Growth! (Causes a very slow build up of all her erogeneous areas. Larger butt, clit, nipples, tits etc) - Pleasure is always better then pain (Any damage dealt to her, erregardless of it hitting the suit will be negated and changed to pleasure. Mortal Wounds still means mortal pleasure aka death.)

Blessed Effects
Bra Effects: Build Up effects: +1 Vitality for every 2 breast cup size increased. +1 Strength for every 3 breast cup size increased. -1 Dex for every 2 breast cup size increase. Non-Build Effects: +4 to Vitality. +3 to Strength. +5 to resisting breast pleasure damage rolls.
Panties Effects: Build Up effects: +1 to fertility rolls for every 2 breast cup size increase. +5 to pleasure hitpoints for every breast cup size increase. Non-Build Effects: +4 to Vitality. +5 to resisting anal/virginal damage rolls.
Catsuit: Build Up Effects: +3 to Ice/Lightning Resistence Rolls for every 2 breast cup size increase. +1 to Fire Resistence rolls for every 2 breast cup size increase. Non-Build Effects: +20 to ice/fire/lightning resistence rolls. +15 to resisting magical damage rolls. +3 to resisting mental rolls.

Mara: Milk Changer (Bra): Pleasure 17 (Moderate PHP damage)
Mara: Milk Changer (Bra): Growth 9 (Fail)
Mara: Milk Changer (Bra): Milk 18 (Pass)
Mara: Milk Changer (Catsuit): Pleasure 5 (Fail)
Mara: Milk Changer (Catsuit): Growth 19 (Bonus X2 from Previous Rolls. Increase in Bustsize by 1 cup size. Heavy increase in ass cheeks, clitoris, labia, nipple, areola.)
Mara: Milk Changer (Panties): Pleasure 3 (Fail)
Creature: Intuition Check: Mara: 18
Mara: Intuition Check: 20
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

B1; b I say we try to get them down to maybe an I or H- possibly J at biggest.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

A2c we may not another chance at the Bonuses people I rather not squander the GM's Gift...

+1 to Dodge Rolls

Edit: for the life of me I don't see anything new outside the now fleshed out Flavor text in Current Description and PHP Damage.
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Vote Tally

Primary Vote
A.) Minerve; Bloodshitter; Nightsham99 | 3
B1.) Zephy-chan!; TentranX!; MrMime; Geius700 | 4

Secondary Vote | For A Voters Only | Minerve Didn't decide to use a point
2.) Boomshifter; Aightshade99 | 2

Tertiary Vote
b.) Zephyrion; TentanariX; MrMe; Genius700; Nightshade99 | 5
c.) Minerve; Bloodshifter | 2

Primary Vote
B. 1.) Head backwards, back tracking once more and talk to the creature where to find a lightsource in this wretched pit to get out! | Zephy-Chan, Tenta-Tan, MrMe, Genius9001 all get a hidden point.

Tertiary Vote
B.) Capsize is decreased from M cups to L cups. That means Mara's tits will no longer grow after another cupsize. | No hidden points given out.

A/N Hello! Sorry for the long ass delayed. It's been more then a year. Actually screw it! It wasn't a delay but me lacking inspiration and being annoyed about stuff. Anyhow, enough A/N complaints. Bloodshifter, thanks for actually reading the changes in fluff I put in the character sheet, it made me happy.


Narrator: A very long time ago, for when I was entering the narrator sleep, Mara paused at entering a dark and spooky room. Then the voices in her head and using direct cosmic powers have her. . .

--Narration of Mara--

Staring into the dark room felt like staring into an abyss. A place she couldn't conquer yet, a place where she wouldn't triumph. An angry shudder trembled through her form as she inched backwards. Disgust and anger at herself from backing away from the room! "Damned darkness! At least I'm not some pathetic human! I wouldn't even know I was entering a room if I was. Swyinng!" She spat out the last word as a curse even as she turned from the darkness striding backwards.

As she traced her path back she thought. "It's too dark down that passage. I need a light. Where am I going to find light? Light in this wretched place? I've found no water! I've found no light I can hold! All I've found is broken rope and string! These weird clothes and a stupid curse of this place that is changing me!" A seed of fear roiled in the back of her mind, fear and worry that she herself might start. . . mooing aloud as if some evil being in this dungeon was pressing her to become more and more like a female cow! "What's next?! My form changing?!"

The creature's voice broke her self introspection. "Water?" It croaked towards her, questioning and looking about her form for the sustenance it had asked her. "The passages too dark. Where can I find a light to see into that darkness?" Her voice heavy and thick with suspicion, deriding the creature and claiming that it was purposefully pushing her towards a trap! The creature's eyes narrowed on it's stone-like body. "Light. If give light you bring me enough water to slake my thirst." The creature spoke finally. A deal being offered.

The golden-hued elf glared at the creature even as she clasped the broken doorknob. "Light first. I want to see what will be giving the light." Underneath the words of want was. . . 'Will it be cumbersome or annoying to cart around?' The creature's face creaked as it's eyes narrowed, forcing together before speaking "Do not follow." As the creature turned, shifting and moving into the passage it was guarding. She heard it's non-broken arm pressing against the wall and then noises as stone pressed against stone, rubbing and sounding like flakes of it were being shaved off.

-Sudden Choice-
1.) Move past/Attack the distracted Creature and do not deal with whatever is in the dark passage.
2.) Just wait patiently for it to return with the light.

(Sudden Choice Number 1)

Mara glared at that filthy creature! This was a perfect opportunity it had just presented, leaving itself defenseless! Mara didn't sit back and wait, stalking forward, moving close to the creature and it's hidden form. She saw it reaching with it's none broken arm, saw a faint light shimmering outwards. An amulet is what it was reaching for and that amulet was hidden within an alcove that it must've hit a switch to open up!

The creatures form was in the middle of the hallway, not blocking but certainly obstructing. She'd have to brush past it at the very least to get by or just outright smash the creatures' brain in!

-Primary Vote-
A.) Attack the creature, aim to slam with the doorknob using both hands to bludgeon it's head against the wall and keep smashing till it is no longer moving.
B.) Slam past it, use the invigorating energy swirling within Mara's body and make a rush through.
C.) Set an ambush at the entrace of the passage where she first encountered it. wait for it to move past and begin to look for her before swinging and smashing the doorknob into it's face.

(Sudden Choice Number 2)

Mara waited with ill-patiences as she waited for the creature. Her foot tapping even she waited for the creature to return. The noises that the stone was making had stopped. It sounded like the creature had opened up a hidden alcove or some sort of treasure or emergency room in this place. That meant whoever built this place like to have secrets or had. . . a design in mind for it.

With that thought lingering in her head the creature returned, it carred a shimmeing amulet that seemed to brighten up the room and cause her eyes to ache in pain. She had gotten too use to the dim lighting. "Amulet. It produce light. fat Elf Bring water to slake thirst from dark room to repay for amulet and get passage." The creature's hoarse voice spoke. "FAT ELF?!" She screeched inside of her own mind, her vision nearly going red at hearing that before she let out a stiff hissing breath through her teeth. "Fine." Her voice short, clipped and angry.

She was suspicious of the creature and she had no doubt that the amulet had some sort of curse. But she didn't have to wear it and holding it didn't seem to kill the creature. The amulet was tossed to her before she could even take a step, her arm snapping out! Smacking against her larger tits, causing them to bounce and jiggle even as she felt a sharp hiss of breath from that! Her top staining a bit more around her poking nipples even as she glared at the creature. "As soon as I find a weapon you are dying" She hissed under her breath, unheard by anything else but her. Even as she hissed at it, she felt those strange warmth pains happening again. . . She felt the catsuit and bra tightening even as her nipples felt bigger. . . as did her backside.


Primary Votes:
A.) Cross the threshold into the dark passage and find whatever is in the darkness and kill it.
B.) Explore other portions of the place with the amulet lighting the place up, and mockingly let the creature watch as Mara ignores it.
C.) Bum-Rush the creature and surprise it.

Secondary Vote: What to do with the amulet
a.) Wear it.
b.) Hold it in her off-hand.
c.) Wrap it around her wrist.
d.) (Uses a hidden point) Stuff it inbetween her tits, letting the tip of it poke out like a lewd cockhead but insuring that the only place it can get lost is right next to her stomach.

Mara's Character Sheet
Name: Mara Naaaskein
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Class: Warrior
Sub-Class: Graceful Duelist

Starting Description: A goldish colored elf. Mara is by her standards of her race pretty while by other races standards she is seen as beautiful. Her body is muscled nicely to inspire those looking to think of her swift and strong. While she lacks scars to symbolize her experience, her eyes tell enough that she knows how to fight. She has a quite nice breasts of C cup, very perk and firm through they always seem to bounce no matter what she does. Nice shimmering bronze hair with darkish brown eyes.

Age: 132
Height: 5’11
Breast Status: J cups and perky, so perky in fact that the clothing is making them look very saggy then they actually are. Droplets of milk are leaking from her nipples and areolas and an easy small stream can be squeezed out. (And unknowingly cursed by one of her admirers to always bounce and jiggle at her movements, no matter how restraining her clothing.)
Nipple/Areola Status: Lewd fat nipples that seem to belong more on a woman that has been suckled constantly. Massive Circles on her breasts that are more dark golden and peek around every bra she could think of wearing!
Pussy/Ass Status: Virgin, she does not even masturbate, seeing it as somewhat uncouth but also suffers from a lewdly plush labia and lewd dick size clitoris that’s just begging to have a collar on to lead her by. / Very tight but not virginal her ass is big, plump and bubbly now, a good swat will have her jiggling and men just fantasized shoving their cock between her cheeks.

Vitality: 28 (+13)
Spirit: 13
Strength: 22 (+6)
Dexterity: 13 (-5)
Intelligence: 12

Duelist: Graceful [+4 in using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Hit %]
Duelist: Ferocity [+2 in dealing pain using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Damage]
Novice: Fighter [-3 to all combat rolls when confidence is broken. +2 to escape]

Racial Superiority [-2 in dealing with other species]

Mental Effects
Spouse Hunting: Golden Elf Species: Mara is seeking a mate for herself now. (Mental Effect from Cursed Mirror)
Unbidden Masturbation: Mara will play with herself using a free hand.

Item Effects
Milk Changer Bra: +9 Vit. +6 Str. 54 Dex. +5 Breast Damage Resistance to pleasure.
Milk Changer Panties: +4 Vit. +5 to Fertility Rolls. +45 Pleasure HP. +5 Anal/Virginal Resistance Rolls
Milk Changer Catsuit: +35 to Ice/Lightning Resistance Rolls. +25 to Fire Resistance Rolls. +15 to resisting magical damage rolls. +3 to resisting Mental effect rolls.

Mara Inventory
Mara Inventory
2 4 Feet String (One is Frayed at the end)
1 7 Foot Knotted Rope (Frayed at one end)
Rusted Iron Door Handle
Cheap Bronze Mirror
Unknown Suit (Wearing) (M)
Unknown Panties (Wearing) (M)
Unknown Bra (Wearing) (M)

Enchanted Items Inventory
Milk Changer
Cursed Effects
Bra Effects: Constant bouncing - Growth, Growth Milk xplosion! (Causes a slow buildup of breast fat tissure and increased lactation) - Always made to fit - Self Reparation Powerful (Only needs a small 1 cm scrap to be able to reform.)
Panties Effects: Constant Stimulation - Clear Patch allows any creature with sight to be able to see into her pussy - Always made to fit - Self Reparation Powerful (Only Needs a small 1 cm scrap to be able to reform.)
Catsuit Effects: Constant Tendrils Stimulation - Transuculent for watchers, visible for wearer - Growth! (Causes a very slow build up of all her erogeneous areas. Larger butt, clit, nipples, tits etc) - Pleasure is always better then pain (Any damage dealt to her, erregardless of it hitting the suit will be negated and changed to pleasure. Mortal Wounds still means mortal pleasure aka death.)

Blessed Effects
Bra Effects: Build Up effects: +1 Vitality for every 2 breast cup size increased. +1 Strength for every 3 breast cup size increased. -1 Dex for every 2 breast cup size increase. Non-Build Effects: +4 to Vitality. +3 to Strength. +5 to resisting breast pleasure damage rolls.
Panties Effects: Build Up effects: +1 to fertility rolls for every 2 breast cup size increase. +5 to pleasure hitpoints for every breast cup size increase. Non-Build Effects: +4 to Vitality. +5 to resisting anal/virginal damage rolls.
Catsuit: Build Up Effects: +3 to Ice/Lightning Resistence Rolls for every 2 breast cup size increase. +1 to Fire Resistence rolls for every 2 breast cup size increase. Non-Build Effects: +20 to ice/fire/lightning resistence rolls. +15 to resisting magical damage rolls. +3 to resisting mental rolls.

Mara: Milk Changer (Bra): Pleasure 16 (Fail)
Mara: Milk Changer (Bra): Growth 4 (Fail)
Mara: Milk Changer (Bra): Milk 2 (Fail)
Mara: Milk Changer (Catsuit): Pleasure 5 (Fail)
Mara: Milk Changer (Catsuit): Growth 20 (Pass - Increase in Mara's sexual organs. | Clit, Labia, Ass, Nipples, Areola
Mara: Milk Changer (Panties): Pleasure 3 (Fail)
Creature: Diplomacy Check: 4
Mara: Diplomacy Check: 20
Mara: Reflex: 10
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

-Sudden Choice-

Primary Votes:

Secondary Vote: What to do with the amulet
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

sudden choice 2
primary: A
secondary: A
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

I didn't expect to see you continue the story. That's great !!

Sudden choice : 2.
Primary : A.
Secondary : A.