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C.Y.O.A.S DV Style, ended.

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

2. gotta agree with Plmnko

also on a side note i was late with my previous monster choice so i nuked the post
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

(Finally feel like I should update XD)

Cassy, shudders at the sight of the two warriors, knowing that the golem couldn't have done that. Something must have been waiting at this spot. As Cassy starts to head backwards to Zace and Goak, she hears hoofbeats upon the ground. Not trusting the forest to be as kind as that, Cassy scrambles up a nearby tree and pulls both copper daggers.
Zace and Goak appear. Zace's face turns green at the sight and he jumps off his horse and retches in the nearby bushes. Goak just shrugged. "Stupid fools, should've let that twit go, whatever can animate a golem is too strong for us right now." Goak said aloud. Zace upon hearing that and regaining a bit of composure said "They were are allies and friends how could you say that?!" "Simple" stated Goak "You should know that the only things that can animate golems are powerful monsters or a guardian spell was set upon the path by powerful monsters." They both heard Veranda's scream and a plea "STOP! NART BURDOO HELP! SOMEONE!" Zace shudder and said "We have got to help her!" Goak groaned and said "Nay, we should leave her, also where is that Cat-girl?"
Cassy listening to the conversation, jumped out of the tree and landed on Zace's horse. "Here I am" said Cassy. "Good," said Goak "your with me for scouting the monster. Zace begin to prepare some of your more powerful spells if you want to save Veranda." Zace nodded. "I'll shoot a flaming arrow with one of your flare scrolls attached to it. That's the signal for you to charge in and attack whatever it is." "Wait" Zace said "Who's going to be distracting it?" Goak points at Cassy. "ME?!" yelped Cassy. "Yes you fresh meat." Goak said, "Unlike any of us here, your cat blood will help you dodge the monster and distract it easily enough."
Cassy groaned and was thinking of death. "Now lets get going" Goak said.
As Goak and Cassy sneaked forward they came upon Veranda tied to a giant slab of stone, pieces of liquid rock were keeping her spread eagled and powerless on the slab. She was also naked and her breasts were being devoured. There was blood leaking for what use to be one of her breasts. Goak paled as he stared at the creature. "A- a abyss class eater here?!" Goak whispered panicky. Cassy was just staring at the creature as it slowly devoured Veranda's breasts. Veranda was on the stone slab, a tendril of it was in her mouth. She was whimpering and tears of pain flowed down her face. "I am getting out of here and you should too Cassy" Goak whispered, his eye held the look of great fear. "But what about Veranda" Cassy whispered back, noticing his fear. "It's too late for her." Goak whispered.

Sweating. Feeling Sick. Winded. Scared.

Upper Body:
White Cotton Bra. Leather Shirt cut in the middle.

Waist: Leather Belt encircling a leather skirt and holding two rusty daggers and two copper and a copper short sword. (one rusty dagger tip broken off.)
Lower Body: White Panties. Fitting leather Pants.
Feet: Leather Boots.

Bag of Copper Coins (5)
Extra White Panties.
Some salted fish and beef.
Water Canteen.

1.) Urge Goak to help Veranda (attack the Abyss Eater.)
2.) Flee with Goak and leave Zace and Veranda to their fate. (Zace will run in after a few minutes and attack.)
3.) Other.

(Stupidity on Zero's part people. WTF ANIMATES A GOLEM IN A FOREST?! A POWERFUL MONSTER! or witch. But unluckily for you witches only live in places where there isn't a town on their doorstep! Also there's a few monster classes in this adventure I'll post them in the comments section.)
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

1. Either the story ends, or they'll have a chance. They outnumber it at least.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

3: leave with Goak and return to Zace, telling him not to bother with Veranda since it's too late
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

(OMG! Majority wants to fight the Abyss fucking monster!? Copper weapons are useless as are IRON! Read my comments section for the reasons why!)

Cassy, didn't have the kind of fear or the kind of fear, who knows, to leave the person called Veranda behind, even through she barely knew her. "Goak, we have to help Veranda, if we don't we won't be able to do the duke's request." Cassy whispers angrily. Goak's green eye's narrow on his face, "Fine then. If we live, if we live, I am not doing it again." Goak whispers back. Cassy yanking out her rusty daggers charges in, throwing them at the eye's of the Abyss eater's eye. One pierces one eye while the other hits it's steel skin and shattered. Cassy grasping both daggers leaped and slashed at one of the tendrils holding Veranda in place. The copper dagger struck off it, causing flints to raise in the air. The eater realizing it's damaged eye screamed in pain before focusing with it's other eyes upon this insolent being. (It can multi-task)
Goak finished putting the scroll onto one of his iron arrows and fires it off at the eaters mouth as it screams. As the eater screamed it felt something lodge into its throat and a bang of fire erupted from it's mouth. "AIEEIEAIEIIEEI!" the eaters scream deafened the ears of Cassy and Goak. Zace upon seeing the flare rushes in with spells flying. Lightning shoot from his fingertips and rock boils and melts underneath the eater, trapping it, for now where it stood. The Eater threw up some of it's stronger tendrils to block and redirect the lightning. Veranda managed to free herself due to the rock shaping casted by Zace.
"We have got to get out of here!" yelled Cassy, barely hearing herself directly next to Veranda's ears. Veranda just stared at one of her ruined breasts with blood dripping out. Cassy seeing Veranda's shocked state grabbed her and ran from the eater, pulling her along to Goak. One of the Eater's eye notice this and it began to redirect it's attention back towards the fleeing women. Goak seeing this fired two arrows. They both missed and he grimaced. "We need to go now!" he screamed. Goak begin to retreat with Cassy and Veranda behind him. Cassy looks back to see Zace grabbed by the tendrils and thrusted into the burning mouth of the eater, screaming all the way. "It's too late!" Goak yelled to Cassy grabbing her and Veranda and throwing them onto Zace's horse. Goak then grabbed the horses reins and jumped onto his and begin to lead both back to the road. The eater screamed and begin to hunt them. Goak thoughts *Shit, it's following us, Veranda's near dead and Zace is gone. Our best bet is getting onto the road. The horses can outrun the eater, but only on open road.* Cassy yells "ROAD OR STAY IN THE FOREST GOAK?" Goak yelled back "TO THE ROAD!"

Sweating. Feeling Sick. Tiring. Scared. Fleeing for life.

Upper Body:
Sweat stained White Cotton Bra. Sweat and Blood stained Leather Shirt cut in the middle.

Waist: Sweat and Blood stained Leather Belt encircling a Sweat and Blood stained leather skirt holding two copper and a copper short sword.
Lower Body: Sweat stained White Panties. Sweat and Blood stained Fitting leather Pants.
Feet: Leather Boots.

Bag of Copper Coins (5)
Extra White Panties.
Some salted fish and beef.
Water Canteen.

1.) Cassy hears him. (Road)
2.) Cassy doesn't (Forest)
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

1, common sense helps sometimes
Not to mention cat ears....
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

Eaters= Vore?
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

(Indeed. But screamers scream has deafened or weakened their hearing ability. Forgot to put that in red. But eh. SSD is split second decision meaning I take the first vote that appears.)

Cassy hearing Goak yells "OK THE ROAD GOTCHA!" Cassy immediately begins to move towards the road with Veranda leaning against her back. Cassy can feel the blood leaving from Veranda and knew she was going to die soon. Not to mention that they were still an hour away from the duke's manor and estate. "Are we going to make it Goak?" Cassy asks Goak as he pulls along side them with his horse. "Possibly, depending if the eater finds something to get in it's way." said Goak. "Is there anything you can do for Veranda?" Cassy asks Goak. "No, but she can do it her damn self." Goak says and hit's Veranda on the top of her head. Veranda just shudders and then casts a healing spell upon her ripped off breast. Cassy felt a new breast join Veranda's other breast. Cassy thoughts *Zace, zace is dead. Already the people I joined with are dying. Am, am I the cause?* Cassy is doubting herself. *I can't think about that right now, we have to get Veranda to safety, why else would Zace have died?* Cassy thought to herself some more. They could hear the eater getting closer to them. Cassy begins to feel tears go down her face in what appears to be their immienent death.
Until they broke at last through the forest and came upon open road. "This way" Goak yells to Cassy. They begin to head towards the Duke. "We DID it!" Cassy yells in relief. "No we haven't" Goak yells back "We can't push the horses on forever, the eater can't outrun them but it can last longer then the horses." Cassy shudder in fear and turned around to see the eater, a distant figure charge through the trees and towards them. Cassy eye's were blurring as she felt more tears. Goak reigns his horse in and Cassy does the same. "Why are we stopping." Cassy asks. Goak just points ahead. Cassy looks and it's a bandit blockade. They see a few Medium class bandits in front of it with decayed weapons. "50 copper and we let you pass" says the apparent bandit leader.

Sweating. Feeling Sick. Tiring. Scared. Fleeing for life.

Upper Body:
Sweat stained White Cotton Bra. Sweat and Blood stained Leather Shirt cut in the middle.
Sweat and Blood stained Leather Belt encircling a Sweat and Blood stained leather skirt holding two copper and a copper short sword.
Lower Body: Sweat stained White Panties. Sweat and Blood stained Fitting leather Pants.
Feet: Leather Boots.

Bag of Copper Coins (5)
Extra White Panties.
Some salted fish and beef.
Water Canteen.

1.) Pay the copper. (50 per person. Unknown amount on Goak. None on Veranda.)
2.) Charge through.
3.) Wait for the eater to either scream or appear.
4.) Other.
4.) Zero's Others.
4) Fake give them money (while on horse) then charge through
4) Tell them the knights are coming and they should GTFO
4) Tell them raging Abyess is coming and they should GTFO
4) Let Zace handle it
4) Stab in thier faces
4) Ask Zace what should they do
4) Ask Veranda what should they do
4) Run away by self.
(This ought to be interesting. Don't forget Veranda does not have any cloths on.)
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

Joke: Give them Veranda
4) Fake give them money (while on horse) then charge through
4) Tell them the knights are coming and they should GTFO
4) Tell them raging Abyess is coming and they should GTFO
4) Let Zace handle it
4) Stab in thier faces
4) Ask Zace what should they do
4) Ask Veranda what should they do
4) Run away by self
5) No real answer, and you are being a bitch to your chars Dia.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

A combo of
4) Tell them the knights are coming and they should GTFO
4) Run away by self.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

4) Tell them the Abyss is coming, and if they won't listen 2) charge through them.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

Neegak's 4.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.

(Neegaks 4 it is.)

"Theres a FUCKING abyss class monster coming this way!" screams Goak at the bandits letting the fear he had hidden in his face show. The bandits stared at Goak. The leader begins to chuckle in disbelief, when he hears the screech. He froze up. "CHARGE!" Screamed Goak to Cassy. Cassy was already doing it even as he said charge. The horses both streamed passed the bandits who were already running off into the woods and trying to hide themselves.
The horses attempt to jump over the blockade at Goak's and Cassy's urging. The horses succeed and they are now running upon the path towards the duke's estate. They heard the splintering of wood and a scream of agony. Cassy looks back and can see a now quite close eater moving at an alarming pace. "It's right behind us!" screamed Cassy to Goak. "I NOTICED!" Goak screamed back. *FUCK that delay nearly killed us* Goak thought to himself. *Only a half hour more till we reach the duke's estate, will the horses last that long at a gallop?* Goak thought to himself again.

Sweating. Feeling Sick. Tiring. Scared. Fleeing for life.


Upper Body: Sweat stained White Cotton Bra. Sweat and Dried Blood stained Leather Shirt cut in the middle.
Sweat and Dried Blood stained Leather Belt encircling a Sweat and Blood stained leather skirt holding two copper and a copper short sword.
Lower Body: Sweat stained White Panties. Sweat and Dried Blood stained Fitting leather Pants.
Feet: Leather Boots.

Bag of Copper Coins (5)
Extra White Panties.
Some salted fish and beef.
Water Canteen.

1.) The Horses Last.
2.) The horses don't last.
3.) Other. (Just for zero. Anything I consider ridiculous and I am not using it.)
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style.


1) btw, we don't want people to die THAT fast.