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Candyland CYOA

Re: Candyland CYOA

"I guess right..."

"Right it is~."

Kari happily led the way, Emily trailing close behind. As they travelled down the right path, the tunnel seemed to spiral upward slightly, and it progressively grew chillier. Emily starts shivering, since she is the more under-dressed. They arrive at another fork in the path. From the right path, they could feel cold chills drafting from it. From the left path, they heard an eerie silence.

"Which way sh-should we go?", Kari asked as she starts shivering from the cold:

A. Right.

B. Left.

C. Back.

D. Other.
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Re: Candyland CYOA

Well, we aren't exactly dressed for the cold... so we should definitely go that way. Yea, that makes sense.

Re: Candyland CYOA

Well, we aren't exactly dressed for the cold... so we should definitely go that way. Yea, that makes sense.


Kari has a warm tent and sleeping bag.
Re: Candyland CYOA

Emily shivers and points right. Kari nods and leads the way. The cave gets very, VERY cold at this point and after much walking, they end up at the exit to the mine. Outside it was a very bright white and heavily snowing flurries of whipped cream. The ground was covered in a thick layer of vanilla ice cream. The heavy, yet delicious, snowfall made it hard to see very far in front of them. Emily and Kari gazed at it wide-eyed in awe.

"Hmm... So this is what snow is like in Candyland..."

"It's more beautiful than I imagined~."

What should they do now?:

A. Go back.

B. Set up camp in the cave.

C. Set up camp in the snow.

D. Make Snow Angels.

E. Other.

F. Make naked Snow Angels.
Re: Candyland CYOA

C then D. Need somewhere warm to retreat to before we freeze ourselves in the snow. More sensibly, we should be going for B rather than C, but I'm not being sensible here. This is Candyland. Enjoy yourselves.
Re: Candyland CYOA

F. Putting up a tent doesn't take long, and maybe we aren't ready to set up camp yet. Now with sexy version!
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Re: Candyland CYOA

I vote for C and F
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Re: Candyland CYOA

So votelock ensues...
Re: Candyland CYOA

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Re: Candyland CYOA

C then E. Set up camp, then warm each other up.
Re: Candyland CYOA

"I th-think we sh-should s-set up c-camp."

"G-good idea..."

Kari pulls of her pack and sets it in the "snow". She pulls out a large tent built for two people and securely sets it up in the snow. She then shivers as she picks up her pack and wipes the "snow" off of it and tosses it into the tent. She then dives into the warmth of the tent, beckoning for Emily to follow. Emily steps in and closes the tent behind her. Kari pulls out and turns on her smooth, yellow, rock-candy glow lantern and starts setting up her sleeping bag in the tent.

"Um,... I um... kinda only brought one sleeping bag... W-would you mind if we shared~?"

Emily blushes and shakes her head bashfully, "N-not at all..."

Kari finishes setting up her sleeping bag and looks to Emily. An awkward silence fell in between them. After a few minutes, Kari decides to break the awkward silence.

"W-want to play a game?"

Emily looked to her curiously, "S-sure. W-what game?"

"Um... How about... Truth-or-Dare? That could be a good way for us to get to know each other, and have some fun while we're at it~."


"Alright then~. You can go first."

"Okay. Truth or dare?"


"H-have you ever had a boyfriend?"


Emily blinked and looked at Kari in surprise, "R-really?!"



"Okay. My turn~. Truth or dare?"


"Oh, come on, be adventurous~. Pick dare~."

"N-n-no th-thanks, I-I'll stick with truth for now..."

"Okay, suit yourself. Have you ever had wet dreams about another girl~<3?"

At this, Emily flushed deep crimson and hid her face bashfully as she recalls the dreams she had about Kari the previous night.


"What was that? I couldn't hear you~."


Kari giggles, "That's a good girl, I'll ask you about whom next round~."

Emily blushes deeper, "T-t-truth or d-dare?"

"Dare," Kari said bluntly.

Emily blinked, not expecting Kari to pick dare and scrambled to think of a good dare.

"Oh... ummmm... I... um... dare you to... uhm... do five push-ups..."

Kari's smile faded and blankly stared at Emily.

"I-is th-that the best you could come up with...?"

Emily bows her head embarrassed, "I'm sorry!"

Kari sighs and quickly does five push-ups, her breasts jiggling slightly as she did so.

"Okay, my turn~. Truth or dare~?"

Emily was conflicted. She knew if she picked "dare", she had no idea what kinda things Kari would have her do. But if she picked "truth", she'd have to tell Kari about the wet dreams she had about her. However, Emily's really did not want Kari to discover her perverted longings for her, making her best option to be "dare".


Kari grinned mischievously, "I'll show you a true dare~. I dare you to do snow angels... naked~<3."

Upon hearing this, Emily flushed so hard, it's surprising that she didn't drop to the floor from a stroke.


Kari giggles with a smug look on her face, "It's simple~. First you take off all your clothes until you're completely naked, and then you go out and make snow angels in the snow~<3."

What should Kari do?:

A. Accept.

B. Refuse.
Re: Candyland CYOA

A. How could we do otherwise!?