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Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

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Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Samira battled hard pushing ladders back of the walls. but the majority of the ladders kept coming. Soon there were cries for support at the gates. Samira almost ran but she knew she had to keep the invaders off the wall. Samira quickly drew her sword and began making quick work of the savage orcs who did not use skill but sheer force to outmatch their oppenents. Samira dodged a savage slash for her head an stabbed the Orc in the stomach in return quickly gutting the Orc's intestines all over the battlements. Samira continued knocking ladders back as well as the few Orc who managed to make it to the top hoping the people at the gates would hold them.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

It was only a matter of time and hearing the cry for the oil alerted Rohn that the orcs had finally managed to move a ram up toward the gates.

"That's my cue. Good luck!" Thumping the nearest guard on the back, she withdrew, stuffing her daggers back into their sheaths as she swung her bow back around, grabbing a bolt from the case at her hip and loading as she ran closer to the cauldron. From the sound of things, the orcs guiding the ram had no protection against an assault from above, which would make them extremely easy targets.

What she spotted first were Deagan's colors, standing out amid the sea of orcish uniforms, not to mention he was the only non-greenskin in the mix. Leaning around for a better shot, she launched a bolt into the back of one of the orcs menacing the paladin.

"Fifteen!" she bellowed, before ducking down to reload again, not wanting to suffer the same fate as the man that lay before her. She hoped, too, that Deagan might hear her over the din of the fight and hopefully it would inspire him. Not that she'd leave him without cover, either. When she stood up again and went to shoot, an oath passed her lips at seeing the lumbering corpses marching on the orcs. For a moment, her aim waived between the animated and the living until she realized that the corpses seemed to be fighting for them.

So long as they keep to the orcs. That seemed to be the purpose of the abominations, but she had no true way of knowing. Not unless they went after Deagan. There were orcs a plenty for that and the way they were clustered around the gate, it was fish in a barrel. She just had to make sure she didn't get shot herself.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Ako'orzyne slipped through the rest of the enemy encampment without any more close calls, killing two more orcs on his way out by slitting their throats from behind and hiding the bodies as before. Watching the horde of orcs around the castle from behind, he shook his head slowly. His rope appeared to be cut, and every spot on the wall appeared to be under attack, the mob of greenskins preventing him from reaching the wall without fighting for it. Then he noticed the commotion about the gate.

The orcs had brought up a ram at some point, but seemed to have turned on their own kind for some reason shortly after. It took him a moment to pick out the jerky, mechanical movements of the undead, and piece together what had happened.

While the mob around the gate had thickened to either side, it had thinned somewhat directly outward, as there was less troops to rush in from that angle. If he waited just a bit longer, it should thin out enough there that he could make a break for the wall without too much trouble...

Settling down in a small thicket, he drew his bow, nocked an arrow, and settled down to wait.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

If Rohn watched carefully enough, she'd note a single woman, Kara to be exact, though she wouldn't know her name yet, stand briefly and then the corpse of the Orc Rohn had just killed suddenly reanimated, and had a sickly green aura to it.

Said reanimated corpse was quickly engaged by three of the other Orcs, away from Deagan, and killed. Nothing out of the ordinary about that, and then ordinary changed.

As the corpse fell to the ground, dead, and the other Orcs split their attention to attack their now undead opponents, the fallen minion's body suddenly ... well ... exploded.

The resulting explosion was potent enough, and caught the three Orcs by total surprise, that they were literally dismembered by it and died. Then they too joined the ranks of the undead, even as Kara ducked down to avoid an arrow coming her way.

Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Rohn actually let out a yelp as she caught sight of the explosion, ducking back behind the wall, even if it came nowhere near her. It was an instinctual reaction.

"You stand 'em back up, they don't count!" she hollered, hearing the magus taking on a tally as well. She wasn't serious, of course, but the thought that someone--here--could do something like that. She shivered, not wanting to think about it.

Momentarily unnerved as she was, her timing was off as she swung up to fire over the wall again. Something slammed into her shoulder, nearly making her drop her bow and the instinctive squeeze of her hand made her shot go sailing wildly out into the mass of orcs. Falling back some, she reached up, feeling the bolt that was lodged there. Her armor had stopped it from penetrating too far, but she could still feel the tip of it jammed into the muscle there. Still, she wanted to keep shooting, she had to get it out of the way.

Gritting her teeth, she reached up and pulled. Eyes pinched shut as more pain surged through her arm and the damn thing was stuck in the leather. Growling, about all she could do besides scream or curse, she jerked again, this time tearing it free. That was going to need patched, but at least she could aim again.

Looking at the corpse beside her, she pulled out a blade and sliced a swath of cloth from whatever she could: shirt, tabbard, pant leg, cloak, anything. Balling it up, she stuffed it inside the collar of her armor, against the wound, counting on the pressure to hold the cloth there and keep the trickle that she felt from getting worse.

She was slower, loading with her off hand, but she wasn't about to stop. There wasn't any way she could, not with the orcs still pounding at the walls.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Not bothering with tallies, Kemi continued to rip up at the Orcs. As another ladder slid up again, she growled. "I'm tired of this BS..." she muttered, hopping to the top of the new ladder. Mutterig softly to herself, she moved her hands in small arcs, weaving a small spell. Her eyes glowed violetly as she grabbed a bag ofsome sort of powder, spraying it into the winds. Those Orcs who caught the whiff of the powder may notice the Orcs seem to freeze and shudder, distracted or something. Meanwhile, Kemi seemed to grow exausted, stepping back from the ladder as some of the wall guards charged forward to fill the hole she left, as she panted from the exurtions of using a small bit of magic...
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

The Orcs were fighting viciously before they even got to the walls now, the undead, once companions, now fighting against them. Living against dead. Alysha felt disgusted with it, but it was turning the tide of battle, and was saving her own men. Still...

A horn blew from the Orc encampment, a call for retreat. The Orcs battled their way back, but one particularly large brute beat his way past zombies with a large bow in his hands. As knives and swords cut at his flesh, some of his comrades came to help him, driving away the undead while the large brute drew back his bow, arrow notched and sighted.

"Drive them off the walls," Alysha called, her sword flashing as the last Orc to try and take the gatehouse had his throat cut open. Turning to overlook the battle, the lady felt like someone punched her in the gut. She looked down to see a very large arrow having punched through her armour, blood leaking out around the shaft. She gritted her teeth and snapped it off.

"Push them back," she cried again, but fell to a knee, gasping through the pain, before darkness overtook her.

Guards yelled as they rushed forward to take their commander from the walls, whilst in the crowd, the brute smirked, and turned to follow the retreat, where the rest of the Orc horde waited to cut down the following zombies, with shaman magic pulling away the powers that animated their dead limbs.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Enigma's ears perked under her hood, as the horn of retreat blew from the orc encampment, a smile on her face.

Well, that's that. Highly amusing show really, asides from the occasional brute that decided to shoot at me. Honestly though, what are they thinking by shooting a pacifist like myself? Were they trying to pick a fight with me? Hmph, honestly. Lack of sense nowadays really. Wait, what's that one doing there?...Oh dear...

Turning in time just to see Alysha get taken down, by an arrow shot from the bow belonging to one of the more..."elite" among the orcish warriors, the elf's good mood disappeared rather swiftly, moreso at the disturbance in the balance of power.

Dear me... this certainly won't do. If that one's allowed to run free and pick off commanders at will like that, why...I'll hardly have enough time to get any research done! Not to mention it'd ruin the show if one side has such a keen edge over the other...

Tripping the guard whom she had borrowed the bow from earlier once again (while he was trying to aim at the brute who had shot his commander), a circle of magic appeared beneath Enigma's feet, indicating she was channeling far more power into whatever spell she was casting than before (in layman's terms, this meant that she was most likely creating "one from zero" so to speak, rather than simply manipulating something that was already there).

"Sorry about this piggy, but I'll need you to leave the stage. Can't have you ruining this show after all. Vente!"

Another sharp whistle to conclude the spell, and the arrow shot forth at amazing speed and accuracy towards the orcish brute, aimed for his head. Wind magic propelling it, the arrow was more than enough momentum to travel the distance, even if the orc was already retreating.

By all rights, this should have be more than enough for a marksman, to have their shot hit despite such an insurmountable distance. But not for Enigma, no... there was one last touch missing.


A snap of fingers, another sharp whistle, an arrow lit on fire... and the deed was complete. Now if only the orc would die from this shot...
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

... the arrow fell short, simply bouncing against the brute's calf. The Orc archer turned, and was startled by the device that nearly claimed its life. Stomping on the shaft and snapping it in two, the Orc moved deeper into the camp, whilst another, dressed in bear furs, and with a heavy bone necklace hanging around his neck, hair pointed with horse dung, emerged, shaking his finger at the castle. The shamans were showing their own power, taken from the magic expelled by the castle's defenders.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

"...Confound it, bloody shamans. Really now, dispelling my magic?...The nerve of them, honestly."

Muttering to herself, as she let the bow drop to the ground and slumped against a nearby crate, the elf let out a sigh.

Well, can't say I didn't expect that. Typical drama cliche anyway. Big tough guy pops out, performs some spectacular feat...then gets away unscathed thanks to some divine force or something. At least that's how it works for the protaganists usually in those plays. Here though? Busybody orc shamans, bah. Low on juice after that too, bloody hell. Haven't they heard of having respect for the magical crafts of others? Eesh.

Internal monologue and ranting continuing in her mind, Enigma sat back, having allocated a bit 'too' much mana into coordination and precision for the previous shot.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Letting out something that could be seen as a sigh of relief, Rohn still continued to fire into the retreating orcs, though by now, her shoulder was throbbing so badly, she barely had time to aim her shots before they pounded further away.

Catching sight of the brute with the bow, she tried to follow his line of sight, realizing he was aiming further up the walls. "Oh no."

Squeezing off the shot, she let out a string of curses, likely picked up from a dock-hand somewhere, as one of the brute's defenders took the shot in the back instead. By the time she'd reloaded, he was already retreating, well out of her range. More curses.

Sagging against the wall, she watched the hive of activity in the distance. This was just the first wave. A test, maybe, to see how far they could get. What they were up against. Rubbing her face, she knew that if that were the case, they'd need to be prepared.

Activity in the courtyard again and she realized the orc's arrow had found its target. Best to stay up and out of the way for now. Let the healers do their job.

Visit to the healer sounds pretty good right now. Better yet, the armoury. She was going to need more bolts. Maybe her daggers sharpened.

She might be tired. She didn't even bother to call out her final kill.

The tally.


Pushing past the guards that were clearing the corpses off of the walls, she leaned over near the gate, gripping at the stone despite her sore arm.

"Deagan!? Deagan!" She looked around for any sign of the paladin, having lost sight of him during the last surge of attackers, they'd been beating back off the walls.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Kemi rested on the wall, watching as the few confused orcs from the powder fall to arrows and the undead, recovering from the drain the incantation she had done. "We won..." she managed to gasp out, a half-smile on her face as she watched the retreat.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Lady Sharyn has one of her feet on the battlements, gripping the Dragon Slayer tightly and bearing her white teeth. She looks just about ready to leap off that wall and chase after the greenskins. The veil lies at her feet, thrown down and forgotten as Lady Alysha was hit. The rings in her hair click against each other as the wind ruffles them and slowly cools her temper.

With a grunt Sharyn turns towards the yelling soldier. "That paladin is down in front of the gate," she growls, mostly to shut her up. "Throw him a rope, because I won't allow for these gates to open."
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Ako'orzyne watched as the rather large orc fired at the wall, the daylight preventing him from making out exactly who was hit. He stayed put through the retreat, waiting for a moment when he could put an arrow in that orc's neck and make a break for the castle. Instead, he saw what looked like a shaman come out and appear to protect the brute. Putting the arrow he had nocked back, he instead took out one whose head appeared to be wrapped in parchment. He peeled the layer off, revealing some sort of sticky poison. He took careful aim and fired it at the shaman, breaking cover immediately after and running for one of the ladders still against the wall.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Kara growled, unsummoning a few of her undead minions before they could be cut down, causing each corpse to explode. It probably wouldn't be long before the Shamans figured out how to counter-act that as well, but she would press that advantage while they still had it. There was however, one spell they hadn't seen yet, one that would hopefully prove difficult to dispel.

Uttering something, she pointed directly at the large orc, casting a spell. If it worked, the beast suddenly would find it's limbs refusing to work properly, and she'd get one of the guards to strike it down quickly with it unable to defend itself. If it didn't work ... well she wasn't going to waste anymore surprises there. Either way, she began making her way to the fallen lady, hoping perhaps she could at least ebb the bleeding of the wound enough with her necromatic power to allow time for a healer to reach her.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Hacking, and slashing through the masses of orcs that tried to reclaim the battering ram, what might have saved his life on several occasions was Rohn's supporting fire at any orc that tried to flank him. A large orc, gripping it's axe, came quickly hurdling at him, lifting it above his head, intent on sticking the heavy weapon into his skull. Moving a bit quicker than the orc suspected a human would with such a large weapon, Deagan drove his blade right through the beast's stomach as it ran right into his sword, all the way to the hilt. The Orc grabbed Deagan's hand holding the blade, and snarled at him maliciously, before Deagan planted his foot on the beast, and pushed back as hard as he could, knocking the Orc off of his blade.

A couple more came charging in, trying to overpower him by attacking at the same time. And with a powerful swipe, both of their heads were severed from their shoulders. And from all the commotion, loud footsteps were heard. The horde that kept hounding him suddenly stopped, as a very particular orc came stepping forward. His heavy armor clanked with each step he took, and before another orc tried to attack Deagan, the big, monster sized orc made a heavy swipe at his fellow comrade, sending it flying out of his way as he roared at Deagan ferociously.

"... Must be some kind of Orc big-shot..." Deagan said in a whisper to himself.

The orc reached back for it's weapons, pulling out two Great Axes, both as large as Deagan's sole claymore. Deagan took a single step back from the massive threat, but knew he had nowhere to run with the gate at his back, and quickly decided to hold his ground.

With another roar, the orc charged, lifting it's right axe into the air, only just missing Deagan as it slammed down, intent on chopping him in half before Deagan quickly took a side step out of the way, already swinging his blade full circle around, cutting into the orc's flesh.

The beast let out a ferocious roar, and as Deagan found his blade stuck, the beast brought it's leg up, and slammed it against him, sending him flying back, smacking against the wall, while he lost his only weapon, as it was still stuck in the Orc's back, which the beast quickly removed, by pulling it out, and throwing it aside, near the gate, and far enough away for it to be beyond Deagan's availability.

After landing against the ground, the blow from being kicked, and smacking against the wall knocking the breath out of him, Deagan coughed as he slowly tried to rise to his feet, before the beast quickly took advantage of him, when it's fat hand gripped his throat, and lifted him off of his feet. Deagan found himself being slowly choked to death, his vision becoming blurred, and his head hurting from the pressure. Before, as a last minute thought, he kicked his leg up, and the pointy tip of his greave stuck in the orc's arm.

Another, loud roar sounding from the beast, it dropped Deagan on impulse, letting him down to his feet, before he made a desperate scramble for his blade, quickly grabbing it, and pulling it out of the ground, and turning on the beast. And, not even reaching for it's other axe which it discarded in favor of trying to kill Deagan in a rather brutal way, it tried to cleave Deagan again, except by swiping it's axe this time around, leaving Deagan unable to dodge it a second time.

And dodge he did not, in favor of using his Claymore to actually block the beast's axe, while the blade of his claymore held true, before he spun around with his blade one more time, and sliced the throat of the beast, causing it's blood to gush out everywhere, and causing it to stumble a great deal, before it lost enough blood, and fell over, supposedly dead.

The spectating orcs seemed a great deal surprised that Deagan actually managed to win that fight, and before they themselves could try to finish the worn human off, the horn sounded, calling for their retreat. And while this made Deagan feel relieved, the orcs weren't intent on just leaving him alive, especially now that he was so vulnerable.

"Volley!" he heard from above, the sounds of a man ordering his archers to fire. And fire they did, appearing from the stones above, and letting loose a hail of arrows, killing many of the orcs, and causing the rest alive to retreat with the others.

And right about the time that Rohn would be searching for him, Deagan felt a pain in his body, right around where he was kicked, before he fell to a knee, and found himself coughing, and choking up blood. "That's... Not a good sign..." he groaned aloud in pain as his blade fell to his side, unable to be held with his current lack of strength. His breathing became more heavy, and his vision blurred as the adrenaline faded, along with his spell. He rolled over on his back, trying to stay conscious, and as he looked up, laying in the left over oil, he saw Rohn's head appear from over the gates, calling out his name. He tried to say something back, but found a great pain in his attempt. He lifted up his hand, and made a small, weak wave at her, before his arm landed with a thud against the ground.

"Shit..." he cursed in a whisper, groaning in pain, "... This hurts... This really, really hurts..."
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

(I have no clue whats been going on i kind of lost my creative spark in this rp so SAMIRA GETS INJURED :eek:)

Samira woke to a very throbbing headache and large bandage across her left arm. "What waa Aaaaaa my HEAD!" said Samira clutching her head with her right arm as she sat up. Samira looked around an saw only a few maids moving around the great hall which Samira now realized was now a makeshift hospital. All Samira remembered was facing a rather large orc on the walls then a sharp pain in the back of her head. Samira looked around and found her flamberge and throwings knives, now newly sharpened next to her cot. "excuse me but where is a mage or healer. I need this healed up. said Samira grabbing a passing maid.

" silly drow you have been healed those were meant to keep the wound still while it healed further." said the maid freeing her arm.

Samira unravelled her bandaged arm to see the dark smooth skin of her arm unharmed. Samira realized she would need to practice up on her fighting skills if she would return to the battle field. Picking up her weapons Samira walked down to the training hall to pick up her skills a bit. Samira first began to practice her limited skill of throwing knives having only learned the skill a few weeks before coming here. She had the skill down just not the aim. Samira began her practice hoping to awaken her rusty skills of combat before all hands were called up to fight.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

"Deagan!" Rohn saw his hand raise, then fall. Her head snapped back around as she heard someone say about throwing him a rope. "That's not going to work. He's passed out!" I hope he's passed out. Please let him just be passed out. "So unless you want to help me haul him all the way up here on a sling, the gate's going to have to be opened." Shooting the other woman a look, she started her way down to the lower half of the battlements and, not surprisingly, for the gate.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Lady Sharyn wastes a precious moment with gritting her teeth and thinking, dung beetles, all of them, before hurrying after the human. One one hand, she couldn't care less about one man. On the other hand, he may have saved the castle with his outrageous stupidity so. . .
"Oh, by the ancestors, open the gates," she bellows before turning towards Rohn. "If one, only ONE greenskin shows its face these gates are closed, no matter who's still outside. Do you understand?" Her blue eyes glow threateningly. She was not going to make light of her promise.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

"Don't worry. If I see anything greenskinned, it won't get too close." Rohn went to reach up and grab her crossbow and gritted her teeth, immediately regretting the action. Dammit. She reached up again, awkwardly pulling the weapon around with her other hand.

That fact, though, made something else painfully aware. Deagan was unconscious and armored. And her right hand was starting to tingle. Catching the arm of one of the soldiers nearby, she inclined her head toward the gate. "Lend a hand, mate? Please," she added quietly. "He's a mite bit bigger and heavier than I am."

The soldier looked a bit annoyed at the prospect but also seemed to realize that Rohn wasn't about to take 'No' for an answer. Heaving a sigh, he headed over to the gate with her, the two of them ready to hurry out, so as to not keep it open any longer than they had to.

While they headed over to the unconscious paladin, Rohn kept her bow ready, scanning the nearby walls and the expanse between them and the orc camp for any sign of movement. A grunt from the solider told her that he was starting to haul Deacon back and she moved to give him a hand. Didn't help he was covered in gore and oil and she really couldn't use her right arm without hurting herself. Still, she did her best, even if his feet were sagging a little.

Once they had him, it was a matter of getting him to the infirmary after that, which she trusted in the soldier to lead the way.

((Alright, been three days. Edited to move things along, mayhaps.))
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