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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Clara seemed to be bored the whole time they were given instructions. The only time she seemed to show interest throughout the whole time is when they were all dumped on River the one who helped her and the girl that she almost killed. When they were asked if they had any questions she didn't seemed to care about the one question that someone got up to ask about. Staring off into space she wondered if anything else interesting would happen.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire had been in here a few times before, but never in this position. So she sat back and listened, glancing over at the River girl when she was announced. Raising a single eyebrow, she found herself already tiring of the politics that seemed prevalent in this new world of hers.

"Everything changes, and everything stays the same," she muttered under her breath.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Vincent's back was to the group, but it was fairly obvious by the way he sat that he wasn't happy with the Prince's decision, answering Rosary's unspoken question. River herself looked quite disturbed as well, her face somewhere between a mild panic and a not-so-mild anger.

"How you deal with your past life is up to you." The Prince explained. "But generally, either shifting everything to night activities or cutting yourself off from your past entirely are the two easiest options. I'm sure River will be able to provide more specific ways to do so during the time you'll be learning from her." River gave a little sound of annoyance as he said this, but either the Prince didn't hear her, or chose to ignore it. "Now, is there anything else? Time is short."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

At that, Fletch stands up and raises his hand. He feels like standing at attention and saluting, but feels it would be out of place. "Prince Ken, one short question. Which clan did The. . . woman belong to that embraced", some sarcasm sneaks into his voice at that, "Miss Winters and me? She called herself - Mist. That's right, it was Mist.", That last part is murmured mostly to himself.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire's head shot up, her eyes locking onto Fletch, almost seeming angry. Then, just as quickly, turned to look at the prince, really wanting to know the answer to this one.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Not exactly the answer Isabella was hoping for, maybe something a little more, she didn't know, instructive or reassuring that it could be done, but there was still time left yet for her classes. With any luck she could work her schedule around. The thought occured to her to just...drop out entirely, at least until she understood more of what was going on and was a little more stable, but that would raise too many questions, not to mention she'd lose her housing. Not good that.

So she sat and planned as best she could, coming up with some excuse to bow out of her job, keeping half an ear on the question that Fletch brought up. Lots of things were going to have to wait, but it wasn't like they didn't have time to take care of it.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Byron listens closely to the conversation and his eyes wander over to River as the prince assigns their introduction into kindred-society to her. Understandable that she is not at all happy.. a bunch of freshly 'embraced' vampires to take care of.. and responsibility.. he does not envy her the least, especially since the temper of some around seems to be fairly easily fanned to anger.

Well, seems that he at least was lucky - he was working nightshift before and had little social bonds in Red Deer. So almost no questions about his sudden activity during the night only from now on.. although one should not imagine all of this getting too easy.

But in comparison to the life of a normal human, he had it rather easy.. so no questions from his part so far to the prince - but his eyes rest quite curiously on River.. wondering what she will teach.. and.. how. Seems that she is not the 'friendly' type of instructor. That could get interesting..
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Prince Ken just smiles at Fletch's question. "That is a question much more easily answered be River than I." He says easily. River herself seems to grow a little angrier, though it looks like it was caused by mention of Mist, not the Prince's remark. She speaks up a second later.

"I have a question. Can I use the warehouse to house everyone, at least for the first night or two?" She asks blandly, and the Prince nods. "Granted. And with that, it appears we are out of time. I wish everyone well for the rest of the night, and as always, the next scheduled Elysium is a week from tonight, the Keeper will provide the location sometime this week, as per usual." He says graciously, and everyone begins to file out.

River walks up from the back, lightly hopping the dividing wall and walking around to stand in front of the group. "Alright, everyone's staying the first night, maybe two, under my protection, which leaves two questions. One, who needs to make a stop by their house, and two, who needs an alibi for the next few days, until things are sorted out?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"...I do. The former in any event... There are things I'd rather the over nosy not find in my absence..."

Speaking up for the first time after the meeting had begun, Luna reentered the flow of events with a request to drop by her home to collect her stash of weaponry (most likely illegal) that she'd prefer to keep close at hand... Of course, to the others it would probably appear that she was simply gathering a change of clothes... or perhaps some "occult objects", given the impression she had made on the others.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Izzy tips up her hand at River's question. "Both. I'll need to get a few things, unless we're not going to be holed up the entire time and my job'll wonder where I am, though a," she fakes coughing, "sick day tomorrow will spare me until I can figure out how to quit graciously. Next day won't be a problem. Already have it off."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch's posture has slumped a bit after the Prince gives him a rather ominous answer. He replies nothing as he sits back down and waits for the trial to end.
"I'll definitely need a change of clothes. Gonna have to make a few calls as well - report that my truck got stolen and take a few sick days." Fletch sighs and adjusts his base cap.
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve grimaced, "I need some clothes, and I'll need to call my manager and let her know that I'll be switching to nights... or Mr. Alexander can do that, it would be easier to explain if he did it."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"I don't need an alibi for work. I've only been here a few weeks and really wasn't planning on staying anyways. Nor do I need to stop at my place, since I don't really have one. So let's go already." Ronny says impatiently.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Byron nods softly, contributing to the conversation:

'I too would be happy about a change of clothes.. the bloodstains would be hard to explain. But I already am working nightshift at the morgue and we already took care about the most pressings things at work. I should be alright there... Ahem, but now that I think of it: The contents of my fridge at home will no longer be that nourishing to me, right? What shall we do when hunger gets to us? I can hardly go to the street and just jump at people, right?', he asks with a smirk.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"I'll need an alibi if you arn't letting us out of your sight for the next few days. Easy enough to switch to night shifts, but I can't just vanish," Claire said.

She had thought about going home, but she decided it wasn't entirely worth it.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Well, you could consider your truck reported now," Izzy says to Fletch with a little bit of a grin, glancing over at Claire. "But...check the movie theater before you do. I swear I saw a tower sitting out front. Worth a look, anyway."

She was running over a mental list of things to do and grab, especially if River was going to keep them for a couple of days. All that was left, really, was to get the okay to go do it.
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

I'll need to go i i hone to retriehe ore clothing. I don't think just a rain jacket ill cut it hor hernanent attire. I doubt I'll need an alihi, though.I oss should understand ih I tell hin I as attacked i Their agents and need to go to ground hor a hile. Rashar says, acting as though he had quit previous jobs under similar circumstances before.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Clothes would be nice," Rosary said quietly. She wasn't that messy, and she had nothing really she had to figure out how to work with anytime soon, so it was just a matter of comfort. She did have a bit of blood on her clothes, from when her nose was broken, but it wasn't so bad.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch turns towards Izzy and nods. "Maybe so, but I don't know if we have enough time to go there and park that thing back in front of the shop before the sun rises." He looks over to their new leader and speaks up. " 'scuse me - River, was it? How much time till sunrise?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Alright then time's wasting." River says, motioning them all to stand and get moving.

*********Fast forward, for great justice!***********

((At a warehouse in Edgar industrial park, maybe an hour and a half before sunrise, everyone has what they stopped for, Alibis have been left on appropriate answering machines ;) ))

River unlocked the warehouse door with a key she slipped out of a crack in the wall, and ushered everyone inside. It looked like a normal warehouse, stacks of pallets strewn about, a forklift in a corner. Come to think of it, the stacks looked less like an ordered system and more like a haphazard obstacle course, but that could just be bad planning.

River leads the group to the center of the random pallets, hopping on top of one and seating herself down, facing the group as a whole. "Okay, the real fun starts tomorrow, as everyone will start feeling very tired in about a half hour, so I'll start with the easy stuff. First off, I'm going to answer the question that Fletch and Claire are going to ask me, about Mist. She's City Gangrel, and my sire as well, which is what the Prince thought was so damn funny. As for the rest of you, Rashar there's a Nosferatu, Rosary's a Tremere, Clara's a Brujah, and the rest of you are Caine knows what, but we might find out tomorrow. Now, the clans themselves..."

River takes the next ten minutes spewing out all she knew about the clans, answering specific questions as best as she was able, speaking of almost every clan derisively, except for the Brujah and Nosferatu, which got a kind of grudging respect, and her own clan of Gangrel, which got actual respect.

((Basically, all the cam clans plus Lasombra and got pretty much what in the clans thread, with the Assamites in particular getting much less, pretty much 'sneaky pricks for hire', and that's about it. Any questions? :D ))