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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"How cute," Claire muttered of the pair shaking hands at the top of the crate tower, and cracked her neck.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((In the interest of keeping this moving and satisfying my boredom, I'm having Byron agree to the truce.))

The three up top seem to have stopped fighting as River looks up after Claire's comment, so she yells up to them. "Don't want to play anymore? Fine, game's over I guess, come on down." She calls up.

Once everyone was down and collected, short those who were still apparently sleeping in, she spoke up again. "Alright, so has anyone had moments of inspiration as to why I had us do this?" She asked the group.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Well, that was uneventful on my part." Izzy worked her way down the crates and moved to stand by Raven, who, like her, hadn't gotten too involved and looked at though he'd just shrugged off the rock River'd thrown at him. At her question, she lapsed into the silence inherent in all college students whenever they were questioned. Still, something in her did make her pipe up.

"Practice. So we could see what we could do. Like falling off a stack of boxes and walking away from it." She glanced over at Fletch.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve looked all too relieved to be done with the game, "Clan determination?" she hazarded a guess, "I moved twice as fast there for a little while... were you looking for something specific we could do?" then she muttered, "And I'm hungry..."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Seeing what we can do sounds about right", Fletch adds, replying to the glance with a smirk. "Maybe look if somebody pulls off some trick that shows what clan they are." He takes a moment to check if he spilled blood on his shirt and finds he's lucky.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

River nodded at the three responses so far. "That's all true, but it isn't the important part. Let me rephrase the question: What new knowledge can all of you walk away from this with? As for the rest of that, that speed you showed is called Celerity, and unfortunately it's fairly common. Three, nope, four different clans have access to that without a tutor, including everyone here who was sired by Mist, so it isn't that helpful. And yes, you probably are hungry, Celerity is one of those tricks that uses up a lot of blood. Get hungry enough and you'll lose control to the Beast inside. Do you have to focus on ignoring your hunger yet?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"It's not too difficult to ignore, but I do have to focus a little..." Eve admitted, then she narrowed her eyes in thought, "As far as I can tell, when we started working as a team we were able to accomplish more than if we had just started beating each other up to get to you." she pointed at River, "Teamwork despite being different... clans, and..." she frowned, "I guess instincts would be a good word... I figured that maybe the clans aren't real chummy with each other, and the instinct to fight rather than make a truce was a hard thing for me to do." she admitted, "I'm rather ashamed to say I wanted nothing more than to knock Rashar off of the tower. Maybe it's because we're still new, and haven't had time to properly get used to who we are now." Then she laughed, "Hell, we don't even know what clan we are yet, so maybe fighting my instincts was a bad idea... But..." then she trailed off, "Sorry for rambling, you get what I'm trying to say though, right?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

You did? Hell that is rather ean. I'n still going to have to say that I learned not to let you e ahove e with rocks. Rashar states simply. Given that Eve had suggested her giving up, her response is a surprise. Still, the rocks were more annoying.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"But I didn't do it." she protested, "Despite something in my subconscious whispering all these nasty things about you, I still resisted. I don't know why I feel the way I do towards you. If I were still human you can bet what I would be feeling would be pity for how you've been twisted." She struggled to puyt how she felt into words.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"So you've been taken in by a clan of assholes", Fletch grumbles as he interlocks his fingers and stretches, producing some intense cracking sounds from his joints. "You're saying our clan can do this celery thingamajig as well, right?" He turns towards River for that second part. "How's that work?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Not assholes." she grumbled, "He's just so ugly. I can't stand ugly things." she snorted, "I could before i was embraced, and now I can't. I'm assuming it's a clan trait."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Hau nice. In the sane reth as you try to say that you have nothing personal against e you decide to just insult e anyahy. Rashar states, somewhat annoyed by the actions of the other person. Despite what the agents had done to his body, he doubted they could make subtle alterations to someone's mind.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire looked around at the people getting down from the towers before leaning back against the wall and crossing her arms across her chest. Her jacket didn't extend past the elbows so the move only showed off her burns better.

"So, getting embraced made you a materialistic bitch then eh?" she said with a snicker.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve looked like she was about to break down into tears, "When I was human I didn't care, I saw beauty in everything..." she clenched her jaw, "Now it's an effort, but..." she struggled, "Look, I'm sorry, I don't know how to explain myself, and I'm not sure I can say anything right now that would make anyone in this group feel decent towards me again, so just leave me alone... all of you. I knew trying to ignore these instincts was a bad idea, if I had given in maybe I wouldn't feel so bad about this." her voice warbled and broke. She then huffed and sat on the floor turning her back on everyone, before putting her head in her hands.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire looked as if she was going to burst out laughing, but she somehow managed to control herself, and only shake her head. Her eyes moved across the rest of the vampires, and she shrugged.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Rashar merely grins madly in response. Of course, given that he always grins nowadays, he has a hell of a poker face, so it's hard to tell what his real reaction is to the crying woman.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire raised an eyebrow. "Well now Joker, don't you look happy."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

River had opened her mouth like she was about to talk, but stayed silent during the verbal commotion. After it was over, she spoke up. "Rashar's particular version of the curse makes it near impossible to be considered anything but ugly. It's one of the harsher ones. I believe you're Toreador Eve, you definitely would be under normal circumstances. Rashar is Nosferatu, anyone who was Embraced by Mist is Gangrel. Izzy and Raven are probably Gangrel as well, but I'm not sure yet. Rosary is Tremere, that was never in question, Clara downstairs is and Ronny probably is Brujah. Byron and most of the others I still have no idea, but it's a good start." She says softly, looking at the person as she spoke their name. "Now, you're hungry Eve? Does anyone else actually feel hungry?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Toreador?" she smiled brightly and stood, "How much will you be able to tell us about our clans?" then she swallowed, "Ah, yes. I'm actually feeling hungrier..."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

More information to process. She made note of the clan names and the associations. Gangrel. That's what Raven said to go for and Izzy wasn't going to dispute that fact. "A little. Not horribly so, but I guess I could...eat." She brought her hand to her lips, fingertips tapping against them for a second. "We're...going to have to feed on...people, aren't we?"