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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Ah, what the hell? Why not? Rashar thinks before trying to use his full strength to push the entire cluster of people in front of him. Either that would help them shove the woman off, or they would grab her on the way down and she would fall anyway.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((I'll take a point in fortitude))

The side door of the barn opens, and Claire walks in. Her uniform has been ditched, replaced by some torn jeans pulled over dirty hiking boots, with her chest covered by a simple blood stained gray shirt with a dark brown leather jacket, with sleeves ending at the elbows. Her hair was unkempt, and surrounding her face almost like a shroud, but the burns across her hands and cheeks were still visible.

She had a duffel bag in either hand, one of which she let drop to the floor with a loud clatter. Looking around at the various others who were embraced the night before she smirked, watching them clamber up the various crate towers.

"Well, my my my, what kind of game are you folks playing?" she asked.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Combined, the four of them manage to finally oust River, even tearing a loop of the webbing she had wrapped her foot around. She managed to keep a hold on both Fletch and Ronny however, bringing them down with her as she shouted "FREE FOR ALL!" as they fell. That left Eve, Rashar, and Byron on the top of the tower.

The three landed with River on the bottom, and both Ronny and Fletch heard a loud snap and several crunches, and felt ribs break. River let out an almost angry growl, and shoved both of them off her, showing surprising strength. She then started to fiddle with her chest, forcing the ribs back into position as they healed. Then she sat up and started straightening her leg, the cause of the snap. "Get back to it, you don't want to lose, do you?" She asked the pair, before waving Claire over, not even waiting for her to approach before yelling to her.

"Bout friggin' time you showed up, looks like you almost didn't make it! Are you ready to listen to me yet?" She yelled, ignoring the woman's earlier question.

((Fletch and Ronny take 1 lethal each, River took 4 but ignored one. If either of you two has fortitude 2, feel free to ignore it as well. Sin, Claire is still City Gangrel, she starts with protean, celerity, and obfuscate, you need to learn fortitude and animalism to 'countrify'))
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((damnit... 1 point protean then))

Claire walked over River, hefting her duffel once more. She threw her gaze around the room once more, taking in what appeared to be a strange game.

"And be shambling about home made towers like children? Naw, I think I learned more nearly getting burned to death," she said with a shrug.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve let out a whoosh of breath, "So it's a free for all? I'm just glad i made it up here. You guys want me to head back down then?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Izzy stopped, letting out a gasp as she saw the three of them tumble downward, moving over to the edge, especially as she heard the crunch. She wasn't certain what was more shocking: River getting up from that or watching her patch herself up.

Moving back to the center of the tower she was on, she looked up at the three on top currently. There was still a chance of winning the game, but she looked up at the top of the tower. If she got up there, she'd have to get back down and that thought scared her more than trying to make it all the way up. She looked back down at River, Ronny, and Fletch.

Well, it's not like the fall will kill you. Probably just hurt like a son of a bitch...

That thought in mind, she started toward the next tower, determined to keep going until River called a halt.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch grunts in surprise as he goes over the edge. Well, that wasn't part of the- SON OF A BITCH! An agonized oomph escapes his lungs as he crashes into the ground. Watching River makes him realize that his own ribs probably aren't in best condition either. Sure as hell is explaining that stabbing pain in his chest.

With a grimace the man reaches under his shirt and fumbles around till he finds that damn broken rib, exposing a good bit of hairy belly to anybody who might be looking. That grimace on his face is probably to show that he's trying to push that damn thing back into place.

After that is taken care of, the large man slowly gets back up. "Well", he starts with a grunt. "What don't kill you hurts like a motherfucker."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Rosary blinked and grimaced at the sight and sound of the heap of bodies hitting the floor. She took a step foward, a bit worried, but relaxed, though only a little, upon seeing them get up and force their bones back into place. What a sickening sound it was....

"Are... you guys... okay?" she asked. She couldn't help but ask, seeing as she was training to be a nurse and all.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire looked up at Eve standing at the top of the tower, then down at the others with broken ribs.

"Having fun?" she asked sarcastically.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Right, knew I forgot something. Kindred use up blood to heal. It takes 1 blood to heal 2 bashing, 1 blood to heal 1 lethal, and 3 blood, 1 will, and a day's rest to heal 1 aggravated.))

"Fuck yes." River says with a chuckle, carefully straightening her broken leg with a grimace, waiting a moment before climbing to her feet, the damage healed. "We're fine Rosary, I wouldn't try to kill you guys off so early." She says to the woman, before turning back to Claire. "And if you would stop being so pretentious and try it, you would too." She said, reaching over to pat the woman on the cheek, right on the burn. "You look like you almost didn't make it. Not the best way to stick around if you ask me."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"And if you're not having fun," Fletch grumbles as he leans against a tower for a moment, waiting for his bones to mend together, "you're at least learning your limits. 50 feet drop ain't too much of a problem anymore. But then again we had River cushion our fall." His eyes dart over to the woman to make sure she's okay, but he doesn't comment on it anymore.

(Use blood to heal 1 lethal.)
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire rolled her eyes, and looked up. "No... I'll stick with the burns. It's helped me out a few ways," she said with a vicious smirk.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"You'd have been fine, I'm not terribly resilient myself, just faster." River told Fletch, before turning back to Claire. "Don't want to play, don't have to. But if shit really hits the fan, you'll need to listen to me, no questions asked. Got it?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire stared up at the tower for a bit, then slowly lowered her gaze back to River. "Sure," She said with a shrug.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Tumbling over with the other two, Ronny instinctively tucks his chin and rolls with the landing as best he can. He still feels the breaking of ribs, but it could have been worse. Well maybe not normal people would have fared a lot worse.

With a smirk at the others conversation he just turns around and starts climbing again (Whichever tower is nearest). The ribs burn a little, but he can take care of that after the game is over. Calling over his shoulder jokingly to Claire as he climbs, "What's the matter toon you afraid of playing with a real soldier?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Keep climbing soap, and have your little bit of fun," Claire said, crossing her arms across her chest.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Rosary just nodded back. Instead of going to hide behind the stack of palettes again, she decided to just be an audience for this spectacle. It certainly was interesting seeing people fall to their death but not die. It was also quite gruesome.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Keh, all she said at the start has ahout knocking her ovv. hlus, I higure actually trying to keet others ovv this hlathorm hould just end ut getting e hurt. Why don't all three ov us just agree to a truce or sonething. Rashar offers after hearing Eve's proposal.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve hid her revulsion with a bright smile and nodded. "Truce then."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Turning towards Eve to give her his full grin, Rashar merely says Good. Before turning to look at Byron. And you?