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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Double post, but it's for the round, so bite me ;) also, would Rosary like actual stuff in the book? I realize it isn't too interesting currently, so gimme a PM if you do. As for Byron, the gap is about a pallet's width, no problem, so I'm going to assume you jump this turn, so as to not waste an action.))

River laughs at Eve's comment and salutes back, before chucking another rock down the side of her tower, missing Fletch by a few inches as it whistled past him and shattered on the ground. Eve jups over and climbs to the top, timing it to arrive the same time as Ronny. Fletch and Rashar aren't far behind, and Byron jumps over and scampers up the last foot or so to the top of the next highest tower, only two are left than are taller than what him and Raven are standing on now.

Raven gets ready to jump to the center tower, but Izzy's call stops him, and he ends up having to dive to his belly to catch the net, it having unfurled and lost most of it's energy. He stands back up again and considers tossing it now, but changes his mind, moving around Byron with a soft 'sc-scuse me', before throwing himself at the second highest tower, the one Eve just vacated.

((Think that's everyone, if not, lemme know ;) ))
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Son of a bitch", Fletch curses as the stone whistles past his ear. The large man is damn glad that he's not sweating anymore, or his shirt would be soaked by now. With a grim look of determination he pushes himself further up the tower. Almost there.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Byron, as assumed, makes the wide jump to the next palette tower, looking around for the next higher one. He is becoming more and more careful, having bridged quite some height by now with much too little difficulty for his taste. Carefully he watches for a good handhold on the next tower to jump and continue climbing..
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Reaching the top and clambering up, Ronny yells to Eve. "You go low and I'll go high."

Hoping to catch River off guard however, he sweeps his leg toward the side of her knee instead of doing what he said. Hopefully tripping her and sending her over.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve grinned at him and slipped back into the mindset she was in when she was scaling the towers at incredible speeds. She then ducked low to grab River's other leg, hopefully pulling it out from under her. Still using her super speed she angled an elbow towards River's face with the intent to slam it into her "sire's" face.

(Using a blood point in Celerity :3 that leaves me with three if I'm not mistaken)

(Edited :'D )
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Yes indeed, so you're down to 3 blood, and can perform two actions this round, go ahead and give me your second action as well ;) ))
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Annoyed now, Rashar continues up the central tower. Hopefully that damned, agent-spawned woman wouldn't try to throw something at him again.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Hadn't realized we started a new round. Misread Shrike's wording there.))

Now that the net was in play, Izzy considered her next move. She watched the others scaling the towers, knowing she really didn't have the skill to do that all that well. Maybe...

Moving around to the lowest tower, she worked on hauling herself up to the top of it. She'd probably have a easier time jumping up them than picking a higher one and climing up it.

((So, for the time being, starting at tower 1 and working my up and around. Consider that my standing action unless something trumps it. Then I'll interject.))
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Haha, if I do a big-ass post, it's probably a new round ;) ))

River jumped both attempts at her feet, and managed to grab Eve's upper arm as the woman went to elbow her. Instead of stopping the blow however, River pulled back and down, using the slighter woman's momentum to twist her around and land her on her back on the top of the tower, and sticking a foot on her chest to keep her there (1 more bashing). Raven took this moment to throw the impromptu net at her back, landing it squarely on her, though it wasn't large enough to entangle her completely.

Fletch and Rashar both reached the top of the central tower, Byron reached the top of the second tallest, right where Raven was standing, and Izzy topped the shortest.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Rosary blinked. They appeared to be nearly done. Yay! Maybe they could do something 'serious' after this, which would be nice after a childish game. Well, childish and dangerous. Though, she wondered how dangerous it was, exactly, for a vampire.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

That's actually Izzy's concern, too, as she eyes up the next tower. She stays there for a minute, wondering if falling would hurt. She didn't doubt she'd recover from broken bones, if she were that unlucky, but it was actually pain she didn't like, not so much the injuries themselves.

"No guts, no glory, I guess." She made sure things were clear and worked on hopping over and clambering up the next highest tower.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch sees the entangled River and decides it's as good a start than anything else. He goes over there and tries to grab her, pulling her towards the edge if he succeeds. Of course, somebody with a bad intention could use this to push both of them down the tower.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Rashar simply waits atop the central tower for a short bit, slightly antsy about jumping between them. He also didn't feel like going over there and ending up with several people in the way just yet.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Twatwaffle!" Eve curses and grabs River's ankle in an attempt to dislodge her after Fletch made his move.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Byron hopes that the whole pinning and kicking action keeps River at least busy enough to let him reach the top.. Even if she knocks him down, he can at least say that he made a quite convincing effort - although he will not be able to handle River in close-combat for sure. Well, maybe there are other ways to bring them down.. after all the cutted netting, the whole construction makes a slightly unstable expression with all the wrestling going on on top of it.

Carefully, Byron climbs higher towards the top..
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Sorry bout the wait, before last night I had only had 5 hours sleep the past three nights, wasn't up to doing this much work.))

Fletch and Ronny both grab River, and between them fighting her and Eve messing up her footing, they manage to get her to within a step of the edge, while Rashar waits for an opportune moment to step in.

Izzy and Byron both move to the next towers up, Byron clambering to the top of the central tower and Izzy reaching the top of the second tower. Raven stays on top of the tower Byron just left, unwilling to throw in with six people currently on top of the central tower.

((No damage to anyone this round, and Eve can stand again. She's also a little hungry, I keep forgetting to mention, but nothing troublesome yet))
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve winces at the empty feeling in her stomach, but rolls over onto her belly to pull River's feet out from under her again, as the boys push her closer to the edge.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Izzy continues her progress, working to the next highest up, definitely not wanting to take on that clusterfuck at the top of the highest tower. Maybe if it weren't so crowded up there. For now, she just keeps steadily working her way along.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch grins at Ronny, unknowingly showing off his canines. "Alright, count of three. One, two, THREE!" He goes to push River over the edge of the tower. In the back of his mind he wonders if she'll be able to take a 50 feet drop.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Ronny follows Fletch's lead this time and on the count of three pushes with all the strength he can muster.