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Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Yapping puppy experiments, ohhh isn't this getting exciting," Claire said with a fang filled grin, crouching ever so slightly, watching the dog she had just shot, mostly its front paws and jaws. She was ready to spring, and to catch those front paws should the beast attack.

(OOC: Assuming Claire can hear the dog as well)

(OOC: Edited "speaking" to "yapping" to signify that Claire only hears the bark bark woof woof)
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Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((You can hear them yes, but it sounds like growl growl bark woof to Claire. I probably should have done that differently to signify that it's only because of the Animalism discipline that River understands them. My bad.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Time enough for that after we get all this crazy sorted out," she murmurs. As he moves between her and Ronny, he feels her hand on his back, more meant to soothe than anything else. She seems a little more concerned for Fletch than the fact that Ronny's getting closer to the two of them. At his question, she shakes her head. "I...don't know. Now doesn't seem the best time to ask..." she mutters.

She makes a bit of a sound as he turns around. "Jesus. Um, yeah. Probably not a good idea for you to heal up with that stuck inside you, is it?" Realizing it probably won't be a good idea to let Raven handle this and Fletch seems to be occupied, she swallows out of habit. "Want to...brace yourself against something? Or at least put the gun down first?" When he's ready, she'll make to pull it out, trying to keep it as smooth as possible.

((Let's also let Izzy heal up while she's talking. Spending one bp to finish that off.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Both of the dogs back away from the pair of Gangrel a little with their heads and bodies lowered as if deferring to the larger predators dominance. The one facing River barks again {Very hungry. Have food?}. The one facing Claire also barks at Claire in much the same way.

Raven actually backs and manages to look a little sheepish when he sees that Ronny isn't actually trying to start anything for once. He's willing to let Izzy do the work of pulling the wood out however and just keeps looking over at Fletch as he talks to no one with a concerned look on his face.

Ronny sets the shotgun down with his back turned to the pair of Ravnos while keeping an eye on Fletch. He winces a little of instinct as Izzy pulls the piece of wood out but it goes smoothly enough and he picks up the shotgun after it's all done with. He turns around and brusquely says, "Thanks, but now do we go upstairs and finish checking the house out or go check on the barn? Not to mention we have Fletch here to figure out, I'm not sure he's in any condition to do much of anything."

He rubs his neck a little and looks back at Fletch before he moves and stands in front of Fletch and tries to look in his eyes without touching him. "Hey Fletch we need to get moving, are you okay?" ((Not sure if I mentioned it, but you can temporarily suppress a derangement with a willpower point. Also Izzy's all healed up now.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

River eases up a little once the imminent threat is dealt with, and looks over to Claire. "They're hungry, got any food back in the duffel perhaps?" She asks, then turns away a bit and seemingly starts to talk to herself. " Any cattle on the wider sat images... 'Kay, gotcha."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"I didn't think to pack dog treats... and since you can apparently understand, how come they aren't attacking us? Do they not have loyalties to the Sabbat?" Claire asked, all her muscles coiled like a spring, ready to strike.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Izzy drops the stake of wood pulled out of Ronny onto the ground and looks relieved that he seems mostly fine.

"I vote for the barn, personally. I hear guns. Then all of us can check the house." She pauses. "Or if we can get Fletch going, a couple of us check the barn, couple of us watch the house, in case someone comes downstairs?" With that thought in mind, she fishes one of the spare clips out of her pocket and looks at the gun helplessly for a moment. She waits until the other vampire is done trying to calm Fletch down.

"Ronny? Help?" She'll hold them out to him, since it's clear she's got little clue how to eject the spent clip.

((If River showed her, I don't remember. Just going with it. Also, if Fletch still needs talked down, she'll wait on the gun, obviously.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

(River showed the button on the side for it, but her entire explanation was about four seconds long, could have missed it easily.)

"No more than any other dog has loyalties to the owner that beats it, I suspect. I've managed to scare them into submission for the time being, but if they don't get something to eat, I may not be able to stop them." She explains, moving over to the corpses from the fight. She nudges them with a toe, then shakes her head. "And these ones are too far gone already, figures..."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"You son of a-" Alan's cursing is cut short as Ronny steps partly into him, his head occupying almost exactly the same space as his mouth. Fletch turns his eyes upwards a notch and towards Ronny. "I... I don't know. That woman I fought... she made me see things. I'm... yeah, okay. I guess I'm okay for the moment."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The dogs don't really move from their spots though they seem fairly calm while River looks around at the bodies and the rest of the room. There are a few more unopened stalls along one side of the room. The body of the Tzimisce and Toreador are too far gone to be of any use, the same with the various experiments sitting around the room. ((Assuming a torpored body isn't too far gone for a normal dog to eat, there is possibly something in the room.))

"Well I don't think this one's going to be making anyone else see anything for a while." Ronny says as he stomps down on the woman's head and smashing it open. "Ugh, I'll have to remember never to do that again." He mutters before moving over and showing Izzy how to eject and load a new clip into the pistol. "Well since Fletch is back to normal for now you and Raven go see if they need any more help in the barn and we'll keep an eye out for any stragglers from the house. A simple yell for help should be heard by either group I hope."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

River pokes around a little more before giving up. "Well fuck." She says slowly, before turning to Claire again. "Well, we're pretty much down to feeding them ourselves I think, but I don't have space in my apartment for a couple of dogs this size. You want a pair of loyal watchdogs? Feed 'em a pint each or so, they'll love you forever." She explains, then shrugs.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Izzy winces as Ronny stomps on the woman's skull, happily putting her attention on his lesson regarding the gun rather than anywhere near the porch.

"Sounds like a plan. It's gotten quiet over there, so hopefully that means we won. Same goes for you two. Need help, just holler." At that, she'll hook her hand onto Raven's arm and head around the house with him, angling for the barn and hoping to check things out there, trying to listen before they get up on it.

((Is Chibs still playing with us? I'd have them react to the broken window, but I'm not sure if you want to pinksmoke that or what?))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire cocks her head to the side as she studies the two dogs.

"Actually... I wouldn't mind some company that doesn't have an agenda much further than its own stomach," she said moving slightly closer to the dogs, but letting her claws slid back into her flesh. She needed to find some food, and began to push open the other stalls, wondering what the Sabbat had been feeding them.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Most of the stalls just hold hay, but one is full of bodies most of them missing parts. Probably what the Sabbat have been feeding the dogs, but judging from the looks and the smell of the stall it may be a little too old.

When Izzy and Raven get to the barn door they manage to hear the lat of River's statement and Claire rummaging around. ((Chibi hasn't been on since I got back from my break, so I guess were going to pink smoke the window, etc.))

Ronny moves back onto the porch after Izzy and Raven leave where he can watch the inside of the house. He doesn't really say anything though he looks like he wants to ask Fletch about his strange episode. ((I'm not really sure how long a WP would hold a derangement off, so if Shrike or Copper knows just say so.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Given that there are no more gun shots happening from the barn, Izzy seems to relax a little. She's not quite prepared for the sight that awaits them when they do pass through the doors, so her attention mostly goes on the other two women.

"What's this about pints? Are we getting someone drunk?" She hangs in the doorway for the time being. "You two all right?" She waits for a reply before updating them on the house. "First floor and basement are clear, near as we can tell. Figured we'd check on you two before heading upstairs. Fletch and Ronny are watching the house for now."

((Shuffle over to the OOC thread. I'll talk more there.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire looks up at the door and cocks an eyebrow. "Drunk... no just looking for food," she says with a gesture towards the two dogs, before listening to the update.

"Alright, get back to the house, clear it all. I'm fine aside from some cracks that a lawyer cocktail won't fix. How bout you River?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch hmmphs as the interaction with the others starts to phase out Alan and, more importantly, Chris. Seems that concentrating on stuff seems to work. Well then, let's concentrate on clearing this house. Fletch moves in as quietly as he can, pressing against the door and taking a short peek inside before moving in - if all is clear.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

River gives a wave to Izzy and Raven as they walk in. "All my scratches are gone, but I could probably empty a lawyer about now. I'm probably going to be hungry for a couple days, but it was worth it. How'd the house go? Must have been fairly empty if you're sauntering over here so fast." She comments, then takes a seat on an overturned hay bale in the corner.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Wow, you two really don't like lawyers, do you?" she chuckles. She looks a bit curious at the dogs, but decides to leave them to the two Gangrel for the time being. At River's question, she chuckles again. "Went a little smoother than it looks in here, but we ran into some trouble. Ronny got himself nearly staked, Raven got himself nearly choked, I nearly got run over, and Fletch, I dunno. He seemed a little off. Ronny's watching him as much as the house." She glances back in that direction. "We figured we'd check on the two of you before we hit the upstairs. If it's all clear here, we'll head back. You're welcome to come with." If there's nothing else from the two of them, that's what she'll do, reconvening with the other two left back on the porch.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Raven follows along behind Izzy into the barn, though he doesn't seem nearly as fazed by anything he sees merely shaking his head disgustedly and muttering very softly "Tzimisce".

When Claire mentions they're looking for food he perks up a little and before he gets ready to follow Izzy back to the house nods to the dogs and says, "Y-you could p-probably just let them run around outside for a while and hunt on their own. F-from what I've heard of the Sabbat since m-my e-embrace they probably haven't been treated very well or been let out v-very much."

As Fletch moves into the house Ronny moves to stand behind him in the doorway, not wanting to get too far ahead of the others before he delves into the darkness of the old house.

The front room is clear of pretty much everything except for a few pieces of moth eaten furniture and a large amount of dust and grime. The light of the moon shines just enough through the door and the recently made hole in the wall to shed enough light to see around the room easily. The upstairs though is almost completely dark as well a decent sized hole in the floor near one wall which also looks recently made. The only other room downstairs appears to lead to a kitchen.