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Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire's eyes flicked between the two doors, before she looked over at Ronny, placing a fist over her chest before pointing with all five fingers towards the door on the right.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Well, did you like them to begin with? Maybe it gets ramped up when you're, y'know, undead." She lets the three decide among themselves, letting Ronny follow Claire. If Fletch wants the middle, she'll let him take it, following slowly afterward, taking care to pay attention to the steps, whether they groan or creak and where they do. She's also paying attention to Ronny, trying to take cues from his on when to walk, when to stop, eyes flicking around to take in the make-up of the second floor.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch bites back a growl that would no doubt have startled the dogs and does indeed take the middle. As they get to the dark second floor, he once again uses his vampiric abilities to pierce the dark, making his eyes start to glow red.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The stairs don't creak anymore than the rest of the house does as the coterie makes their way up the stairs. Fletch (and Claire if she has EotB on) don't notice anything out of the ordinary as they're looking through the darkness.

Ronny silently nods to Claire when she points and steps on to the second floor landing where he promptly falls right through the floor. Any of the others who didn't step on to the landing at the same time see the floor fade from view revealing a gaping hole where the landing should be. All anyone hears is a distant grunt and the sound of Ronny hitting below. ((If you would have stepped on to the landing at the same time as Ronny you fell too if not, you're on the stairs.))

Raven started up the stairs beside Izzy making sure to keep an eye out behind the coterie as they head up the stairs. When Ronny disappears through the floor his eyes go wide with a realization which he keeps to himself. He does manage to turn around just in time to get caught straight in the face with a large heavy looking yo-yo wielded by what must be a Nosferatu with a lamprey like maw. Raven crashes backwards to the stairs when he's hit but is slow to get up from the blow. Anyone on the stairs who turns around sees the Nosferatu briefly before he disappears from view once again, except for Izzy who manages to keep track of him as he turns around and jumps back into the front room.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((Given that Izzy was watching where Ronny was walking before doing so herself, I don't think she fell.))

Letting out a slight yelp as Ronny drops from view, it's the thwack of the yo-yo hitting Raven that gets her to turn around. She lets out a bit of a growl as she watches the Nosferatu retreat but she doesn't chase after him immediately, given that, well, the party's rather split up as it is. She'll move to the side, in case the others want to head down, but for the most part, she stays on the steps, listening for Ronny and watching to make sure the Nossie doesn't sneak up on them again.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((Claire still has Protean enabled with the claws and all, so yeah she would have eyes of the beast going))

As Claire stepped onto the landing with Ronny she felt it give way and despite herself let out a yelp of surprise. Falling into the darkness she clutched her shotgun close; not wanting to lose it.

As her body crashed against the floor below she felt pain flair through her body, but didn't feel anything break... again. With a groan she stood up and peered through the dark to see where she and Ronny had landed.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((You can activate powers individually i.e. you can activate claws of the beast or meld with earth without activating an earlier power such as eyes of the beast. So I wasn't really sure if you had activated eyes though I knew you had claws on.))

The dogs have moved back out of view from where Izzy stands and she can hear a growling sound from the front room where the Nos disappeared to.

Claire and Ronny both fall for roughly 30 feet before landing on the dirt floor of the basement. Ronny doesn't say anything as he falls but he does grunt quite loudly when his leg snaps from the awkward fall. (2 lethal damage each.)

As Claire looks around she can see a dirt filled room with several holes dug in the floor, to the right she can see a door that looks like it hasn't been opened in years. A few boxes are stacked in the corner and in the center of the room she can see a hand sticking up from the dirt struggling weakly to dig it's way out.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

(ah okay... that was a bad assumption on my part. Is it going to cost more blood if I've had it on this time? I think this is a problem from playing the computer game)

Getting to her feet Claire glances over at Ronny to make sure he's still alive, before focusing her attention on that hand sticking up from the ground. Limping over towards it she grasped the barrel of her shotgun and swung it like a golf club, aiming for the wrist.

She doubted anything down here would be pleased to see her, and she wasn't taking any chances.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((Activating Eyes of the Beast doesn't cost you anything, just using it around normals is a breach of the Masq. Feral claws, once you spend the BP to activate them, they'll stick around until you get rid of them, generally (usually for the "scene" as they say) It's not a constant pay out like, say, Celerity is.))

Letting out a frustrated, and somewhat indecisive noise, Izzy looks between the hole, where the others dropped, and back down the stairs. She lingers for a few seconds more, listening for calls or shouts from below. If things seem quiet down there, she'll glance to Raven.

"Think we can double team this guy, too?" She starts easing her way back down the stairs, keeping an eye out for flying yo-yos, ugly mugs, and trying to figure if it's the dogs growling or the vampire.

((Fletch is invited, too, of course. I'm just not sure if he's up with them or down.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch sees the two of them drop and curses wildly before Raven is knocked down. He turns, but inevitably the Nosferatu escapes his view. For a moment he's confused, but Izzy seems to see him alright, so he stays on her heels and comes down the stairs again.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((Well the disciplines can be confusing in a lot of ways, not to mention I would imagine a lot of them changed in the computer game just because they wouldn't translate well otherwise.))

Ronny is trying to stand up while healing his leg and grumbling about something about stupid vampires when Claire looks over at him. The hand doesn't react much other than to stop digging for a few seconds. For a second she thought she could hear a muffled scream of pain but it seems so distant from under the dirt that she can't be sure. Ronny limps his way over to where the hand is and looks down at it. "Isn't that the way Fletch got it: knocked out, embraced, and buried in a hole? Either way doesn't look like much of a threat for now, let's see about getting out of here." He mumbles as he limps towards the door.

Stepping in to the front room the Nossie is sitting in an old armchair growling at the dogs. When he sees the three step in he stops and looks at them as though he should be smiling. Though you can't tell if he is or not because instead of a mouth he has what looks like a lamprey's maw. The dogs are sitting next to him and staring at the coterie. "So what do we have here, let me guess a couple o' Costellos looking to kill some vampires for the elder mucky-mucks. Now let's see kill you here or stake you here and give you to Deacon. Choices...choices."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"You think it's another like us then?" Claire asked, still not trusting of the hand jabbing up from beneath the ground. With a frown she turned to follow Ronny towards the door, shouldering her shotgun once more.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Given that he was growling at the dogs, Izzy has a pretty good idea that he was just putting an idea into their heads and it's likely a matter of who can be more convincing to the animals. For the time being, since they're not moving, she keeps her attention more on the other vampire.

She's not entirely certain of what he can do, so goading him likely isn't the best course of action. Keeping him talking, on the other hand, might work in their favor. She almost asks about Abbotts, then, if they're Costellos and from the pained look that crosses her face for a second, she gets it. She doesn't want to, but she gets it.

"How do you know that's why we're here? Maybe your welcome wagon jumped the gun and didn't leave us any choice."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"I don't know but it would make sense if this is where they keep the fresher ones at. Still I'm not going to try and find out till I'm sure the rest of the place is clear since they're probably hungry."

Ronny says with a shrug, before trying the door handle to find it locked. Lowering his shoulder he tries to push the door open, managing to force it open a little before it butts against the furniture stacked behind it. Ronny keeps trying for a few seconds but he can't seem to force it any further. Backing off he looks around the dark room before asking.

"Any other ways out beside the way we came in, the furniture is too heavy to push from this side. I can't see shit in here."

The Nossie smiles before pulling out a glow in the dark yo-yo and starting to play with it.

"Oh new recruits is it then come to find ol' Oggly to show them the right way. Funny I could have sworn I had seen Hairy here doing some mucky-mucks dirty work last week. Talk about amateur though, just dumping the body in the river like that. Never know who sees you doing that kind of stuff."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch stares at the disgusting fucking thing for a long moment before slowly turning his head towards Izzy, who, if he remembers correctly, still has a gun. "Shoot it. You can talk to it when it's dead, trust me."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Peering through the darkness Claire shrugged, not entirely caring that Ronny couldn't see the motion.

"Just some boxes in the corner, I'll go check them out," she said, moving towards the crates with her weapon at the ready.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

She does, but she's not brandishing it at the moment. "Did he now?" She hazards a glance over toward Fletch, arching a brow. Her gaze drops for a second, double-checking that his claws are still out, then her attention goes back to Oggly. "If he did, it was strictly freelance. This is the first I've heard of it." She sucks on a tooth. "Maybe if he is that sloppy, a little direction would be good. You're the one in charge out here, then?"

She's keeping her demeanor casual for the time being, though she's wary of Fletch jumping the Nosferatu, given his growl. She's also trying to keep an ear out for Ronny and Claire. And anyone else approaching for that matter.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Before Claire can make her way over to the boxes a short male steps out and appears to toss a bottle towards where they're standing. As the bottle breaks on the floor in front of them flames spread rapidly along the ground toward both of them. Claire can feel herself lose control as the beast inside of her takes control with only one thought, escaping the fire. ((Roetschreck is the same as a frenzy, except it's your flight response. Meaning you'll do anything to get away from whatever has frightened you. Think of it like Claire's biggest fear is upon her and she has to get away by whatever means possible.))

Ronny shouts in fear and turning he runs as hard as he can straight for the door cracking it open another inch. He continues to shove as hard as he can on the door, pounding with his fists till their bloody and screaming the whole time.

Raven finally rejoins the others by the stairs rubbing his face where he had been hit, coming to stand right behind Izzy reassuringly. Oggly keeps playing with the yo-yo for a few more seconds when he snaps out.

"Oggly ain't in charge and ain't no one in charge of Oggly. If you need direction on how to be a vampire, you're better off sticking with your mucky-muck prince for a few more seconds while Oggly decides what to do with you."

As Ronny's screams suddenly ring through the house Oggly perks up for a second before pulling out the much larger yo-yo and begins to play with it. It looks like a hunk of concrete with a steel cable but he manages to use it just as well as the normal yo-yo he had been using.

"Guess your buddies found something they couldn't handle down there, so you joining up or is it time for some fun?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

At the sound of the screams, Izzy's head snaps in their direction. And given what she'd seen Oggly do with the yo-yo before, she really doesn't want to be on the receiving end of that damn thing. Still...

"You make a pretty convincing argument." Izzy brings her hands up in an almost surrendering gester, accompanying a shrug of her shoulders. Before they fall back, though, she swings the one with the gun forward and squeezes off a shot in the Nossie's direction, already starting to back-peddle and put some distance between them, or at least her and his weapon.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

A feral scream tore itself from Claire's throat as the flames erupted in front of her. A primal fear tore into her and she ran back towards the door, not even seeing Ronny, the beast within pulling her almost like a puppet. She crashed her entire body against the door, desperate to get out, not slowing to even let Ronny get out of her way.