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Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Have it your way," Oggly laughs as the bullet tears through his leg. He leaps to his feet and while growling like a dog flings the yo-yo toward Izzy jsut barely missing her head by a foot. The dogs leap to their feet and both take off directly for Fletch, as Raven steps forward and starts growling at the dogs while trying to look them in the eyes.

The flames don't seem to spread much further form where they are on the floor but that doesn't stop either Ronny or Claire from trying desperately to escape. As Claire crashes into Ronny while they both fight to get through the door. Ronny angrily screams out, "Get off me, bitch." With a vicious backhand he sends her flying back into the room where she lands on her back, right into the fire. Bracing herself for the pain she expects to envelop her, she suddenly realizes that she's just laying on the cool dirt floor as the flames around her suddenly disappear.

Ronny however still continues to beat on the door in his desperation to escape the fire, not having turned around to see Claire land in the flames.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Landing in the flames, preparing for intense pain to sear her flesh away, Claire blinks in surprise, conflicting emotions of confusion and fear tearing away at her. The flames are gone, and slowly her panic begins to die. Forcing a breath out from lungs that no longer need air, she looks back towards the crates, staring at them, her nostrils flaring.

She quickly turns and backs towards Ronny, not even entirely realizing it had been him to knock her into the fire.

"Ronny, its gone, calm down," she shouted at him, just far enough away that he wouldn't be able to strike out at her, the barrel of the shotgun pointed directly at his chest. It may not kill him, but it would stun him long enough to get his mind together if she needed to squeeze... or so she hoped.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Izzy yelps, but that's exactly why she was backing up. She's not about to test the range on that thing if she can help it, but keeping distance between herself and Oggly is ideal. If Raven's got the dogs, or at least one of them, she's not going to worry, not unless one of them goes after her, and then it'll be close enough for her to 'talk' to it.

Meantime, though, she's trying to keep an eye on Oggly, hoping to get another shot off on him, if she can manage.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

As Fletch sees the dogs charging at him, a brief moment of surreal hilarity comes over him, and he has to choke back a chuckle. Yeah, great. Everybody can talk to animals except the guy that can turn into a fucking animal. Alright then. Snapping back into it, he brings his hand forward - claws retreated - and tries to grab the dog to return it to sender via air-mail.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Ronny hazards a peak over his shoulder when he hears Claire's shout, but upon seeing the flames behind her he shouts. "Fuck you, ya crazy bitch. I'm getting out of here."

Turning from the door he runs straight for where they fell down and jumps up to grab a board sticking out only to fall straight on his back as the board breaks. he's about to get up and try again, when the short guy appears to the front of him holding another bottle out as a clear threat. His other hand points Ronny's shotgun at Claire as he says. Laughing he makes a feint towards Ronny with the bottle, who just cringes and starts trying to crawl away on his back with a whimper. "All right which one of you wants to go first."

One of the dogs stops in it's tracks and starts barking toward Raven as if they're having a conversation, while the other continues on to Fletch. At the last second the dog leaps only to be caught in mid-air by Fletch who manages to throw the dog back a few feet, as it's jaws just barely miss snapping in to his shoulder. Recovering quickly the dog starts circling Fletch off to the side while growling loudly.

Oggly growls toward Raven, "Those are my pets gypsy boy, go and find your own." Flinging the yo-yo again he barely misses Raven as he manages to duck out of the way breaking eye contact with the dog as he does so. The dog doesn't move from it's spot however and just keeps growling as Raven starts speaking to it again.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

There was no hesitation in Claire's mind, as she turned the barrel of her shotgun towards the short little bastard and squeezes the trigger.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((Those are the moments I f'ing love Claire...))

"He's not the one you need to worry about," Izzy growls herself, using the slight reprieve to actually line up a shot on Oggly and (hopefully) hit him.

((Up to you on that one, Ron, since she shot at him in my last send, too. That one, though, could've easily been a miss. It's Izzy, after all.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

As the dog came at him again, Fletch curses and curls his hand into a fist. "Heavy little bastard," he growls. "Figure you'd hit that creep right in the face." Swinging the fist from above at the skull of the dog to maybe knock it out, Fletch yells "DOWN" in the vain hope the dog may listen.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire's shotgun blast hits the shovelhead right in the stomach and with a malicious grin he drops the bottle right on top of Ronny. The flames shoot up as before but Claire has no problem seeing through the illusion this time as they abruptly disappear, leaving Ronny writhing and screaming as if in pain on the floor. She has no time to do anything about him though as a shotgun blast just barely misses her, while the shovelhead runs towards her.

Izzy's second shot misses Oggly but she's able to hit him the second time which draws his attention away from the others as he focuses on trying to hit her with his weapon. He flings his yo-yo out as he jumps towards her from across the room hitting her in the leg. If it wasn't for her fortitude she feels as though her leg probably would have broken in half from the impact. Oggly lands right next to Raven just as he regains contact with the dog, who leaps on Oggly's back and tries to bite him unsuccesfully.

Fletch's fist crashes into the dog's skull knocking it's jaws to the side just in time to avoid what must be a vicious bite. The dog keeps on the attack however and goes in low at Fletch's leg this time around.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Why does no one just want to fucking die?" Claire yelled as dust and slivers of wall hit her across the back.

Flipping her shotgun around, she grasps the barrel, and steps forward swinging the butt towards the shovelhead's skull.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

That still doesn't stop the "Fuck" that Izzy spits out, because, well, concrete and shin do not mix. She'll steady herself and take one more shot at Oggly, moving to actually close the distance between them, though still being mindful of that brick of his. She won't be able to help Fletch, the dog a little too intent on attacking for her to make eye contact with it, at least just yet, though he seems to have things pretty well in hand. Or claw.

"Good idea. Dogpile on the rabbit." It's how they pretty much managed to take down the other vampire. Oggly might take a bit more doing, but if he can't swing that yo-yo around, the impact might be a lot less.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Alright then, you want it the hard way," Fletch growls as he swings his foot, clad in a heavy work boot, upwards to meet the dog's jaw, "you can have it the hard way."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The butt of Claire's shotgun butt catches the shovelhead right across the face as he rushes her, causing him to crash to the ground beside her. He quickly starts getting back to his feet and backing away from her to the other side of the room. Ronny continues to writhe and scream on the floor as though he were being burnt alive.

As the dog leaps onto Oggly's back he drops his yo-yo with a harsh growl and reaching back with one hand manages to grab the brute by the throat. In one quick maneuver he pulls the dog off of himself and tosses it with all his might at the wall. Where it hits with a loud smack and doesn't return to it's feet though it still twitches once in a while as it lays there. Raven not expecting the dog to be taken out of the picture so quickly just stares at the body for a second before turning and rushing at Oggly the same way he had earlier in the night with the Brujah.

Fletch's boot to the jaw catches the dog but it doesn't work quite as well as he thought it would. The dog manages to bite onto the boot and quickly yanks Fletch from his feet with an unusual strength for it's size. Fletch can feel himself being dragged quickly towards the kitchen of the house by the large mastiff.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Oggly minus yo-yo is a good thing, but the force he throws the dog isn't entirely lost. It'll still at least be two on one and she and Raven have some advantages over the pooch, like the fact that they can grapple. And, of course, trust that the only one of them that can't talk to animals is dealing with the only one left...
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Oh no you won't", Fletch growls as he is slowly pulled towards the kitchen. It takes him a moment to remember that he actually still has his claws. He extends them and rams them into the floor to come to a stop. Pulling the free foot back, he tries to hit the mutt on the nose.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((Gah dammit, I forgot to include that Izzy hit him again. I had it the first time I wrote up, but accidentally closed the window and had to write it over. Gah.))

Fletch manages to stop the dog from dragging him any further into the kitchen despite the incessant tugging of the dog. His free foot connects with the skull once and causes the dog to let go with a growl.

Raven manages to close the distance quickly and jumps at Oggly with his fangs bared, only to be caught with little trouble by the Nossie. Oddly Oggly doesn't do much but mumble and start fumbling in his pockets, while he holds the struggling Raven in his iron like grip. Pulling out a cell phone he answers in an annoyed tone.

"Oggly is busy now, what do you want...What do you mean don't kill them...Well which one is it, Mist...Fine, fine Oggly won't kill them then."

Putting the cell phone away he throws Raven at Izzy one handed, sending them both over in a heap near the stairs. He then picks up the yo-yo and puts it away before turning to the dog and growling at it. The dog looks up at him and backs away from Fletch with a growl.

"Sorry, but Oggly will have to kill you all later." He disappointedly grumbles before suddenly disappearing from their view. Leaving the group where they lay and the dog just sitting quietly near Fletch's feet.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch stares at the dog for a long moment before slowly getting up. "Did I just hear that right," he asks. "Did he just say Mist? 'cause if he did, things are going to get interesting." He motions to the door. "You guys think we can just go? We still gotta find Ronny and Claire."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

With Oggly out of the picture, Izzy isn't in quite the hurry to untangle from Raven, making sure that they're both all right from the tumble that they just took. Thankfully, Raven's a bit softer than a concrete yo-yo, but still...

"Yeah, I heard him say that." She stays sitting on the floor for the time being, eyeballing the dog. "Timely intervention on her part, wasn't it? And the thing I want to know is how she knew to call right then."

She'll help Raven up after that, not doing the same with Fletch, because, well, claws. Provided the dog doesn't give them any grief, she leaves it be for the time being.

"They're over there. That's where the shotgun came from" and the screams "and I'm willing to bet, that was Claire." She jerks her chin in the direction of the stack of crap in front of the one doorway. "Give me a hand muscling the junk out of the way?" Barring that, they can always try hauling them up from the hole in the stairs.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire had to ignore Ronny for the moment, caught up in the illusion as he was. She cursed under her breath and flipped the shotgun again, firing once more at the shovel head as she walked towards him, wanting to tear into his flesh, drain his blood, snap his bones.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Raven gratefully excepts the help up after he manages to untangle himself from Izzy. "I t-think I'm more worried about why she didn't want any of us k-killed yet, than how she knew to call right now. The timing could j-just be coincidence after all."

Walking with Izzy he follows her down the stairs to the basement to help with moving what looks like most of the furniture from the house stacked up in front of the door. All that they can hear from the other side of the door is Ronny screaming and a shotgun blast when it suddenly grows quiet while they start moving the furniture.

Claire's second shotgun blast tears through the shovelheads stomach as he backs away. His demeanor suddenly changes and he puts his hands up before looking up at Claire and saying in his best salesman pitch. "Tell you what maybe we can make a deal. I know things I could tell you if you're just willing to let me leave."

Claire doesn't notice that Ronny's screaming has stopped with her back turned to him. The salesman pitch may sound rehearsed but it still sounds pretty convincing to her for some reason.