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Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire stared at the man, moving forward as she pumped her weapon. With the weapon reloaded and trained on her target's head she moved forward. She didn't know why she was listening, but information could be helpful... but she was hungry. And with the blood dripping from the man's wounds she felt herself torn between reason and desire.

Baring her fangs Claire barked at him.

"Tell me what you know and I'll ponder it."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Timely intervention my ass," Fletch growls as he follows them, lending a hand with the junk. "You know who she is, right? Mist's The Bitch that embraced and burrowed me. If she's comin' over, and seein' how Oggly just wiped the floor with us... well, you," he murmurs this last part, "we're all more fucked than a harbor hooker when the Kennedy docks. The carrier, not the president. Although..."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The shovelhead keeps his hands up and carefully begins circling back towards the hole they had fallen through, while keeping his eyes on Claire's. Claire thinks she sees some movement behind him for a second but her attention is on the shovelhead too much to really notice. "Sure I'll tell you everything you want to know as long as you let me leave. There's another warehouse with more s-hurgh-."

The last part of his sentence is completely cut off as a makeshift stake punches through his chest sending a fair bit of gore spraying toward Claire. Ronny grabs the body by the neck as it starts to slump forward with one hand and sets it down softly on the ground to make sure the stake stays inside.

"Next time use a real weapon instead of some fake ass fire you little shit. I think I'm actually going to enjoy what's coming up next." Ronny says to the body as if it can hear him before he looks up at Claire and sees her just staring at them as if entranced. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

The others make quick work of the furniture stacked up near the door, and as they get to the last piece and start pulling it away from the door they hear Ronny call out that it's all clear from the other side.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire watched the stake punch through the shovelhead's chest, felt the blood splash across her, and licked her lips. She didn't even hear Ronny speak as her lips pulled back from her fangs. The enchanting words were gone, and in their wake her hunger boiled up into the vacuum.

Lunging forward she tore into her meal's neck, her claws digging into her back.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire barely gets her fangs into the shovelheads throat when she feels a grip like iron grab her by the neck and pull her back. Ronny looks down toward her face and smiles while trying to avoid whatever Claire does at being interrupted.

"I know you really want to tear him to shreds right now, but I would like to question him first if it's alright. If you need blood there's a bunch of bags in the fridge upstairs I spotted earlier."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire instinctively snapped up at Ronny's face before recognition slowly dawned. She stopped struggling, frowned, and nodded.

"Yeah fine. Figure out what you can then. I'm not leaving ye down here alone with him though, just in case there's any more surprises. Oh and by the way..." Claire snapped a fist out aiming for Ronny's face.

"That's for tossing me into fire... even if it was imaginary,"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Ronny dodges back form the snap and nods his head in agreement when she says shes staying. He's not quite expecting the punch but takes it and smiles before teasing.

"Nag, nag, nag. Would have thought you would have expected something like that from me by now. All the others would have."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Well, she was obviously concerned about one of us at least. Maybe more, I don't know, but yeah. I'm all for getting those two and getting the hell out of here." She lets out a curse as she hears the screams, not to mention the shotgun again, and works to shove the barrier out of the way faster, not being all that particular as she throws things aside. She just makes sure she doesn't hit either of the men with her. Hearing Ronny's voice on the other side relaxes her a little and she'll give the handle a try to see if the door is locked in addition to being barricaded, or if that's all that was needed to bring the band back together.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Everything finally moved out of the way the door practically falls open when Izzy tries it as if someone had been trying to bash it open from the inside. Raven sets down the last piece of junk he had grabbed and looks into the room with Izzy just in time to hear Ronny's last comment.

Unlike the basement room they were standing in the room where Claire and Ronny are standing over the body has an all dirt floor. The lack of windows suggests that it may have been a storm or root cellar at one point in time before the Sabbat had developed it for their own purposes. the only other thing in the room is a couple of rotten crates sitting in one corner and the hole that Ronny and Claire fell through.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"I don't get out enough for this shit," Claire mutters, giving the shovelhead's body a swift kick to the head, being careful not to disturb the stake.

"If you'll excuse me, I'm going upstairs for some of those cocktails you found in the fridge," she said, turning towards the now open door and smirking at the other kindred coming into the basement. Pushing past them all she made her way up the stairs to look for the fridge that Ronny had mentioned.

"By the way... don't forget that fucking hand sticking out of the floor," she yelled down the stairs.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

At the mention of the hand Ronny looks over toward the ground and kneels down to check the slender hand out. It moves a little at his touch and he shakes his head. well great another one to worry about. Letting the hand fall for now he moves over to the crates and breaks off a couple more stakes allowing the others to notice the staked body and the hand.

After grabbing the stakes he just stands staring at the wall for a while almost like he's just ignoring the others while he plays with one of the stakes. What the hell is wrong with you telling her it was okay to stay. You know if they find out your good at this sort of thing they'll want you to do it whenever they want. You left the army because of it and now you're thinking of doing it again. Why? because you think it might end things quicker. You know it won't.

Upstairs Claire doesn't have a problem finding the refrigerator in the kitchen seeing as it's the only furniture in the room. Inside she finds quite a few bloodbags that look like they came from the hospital judging from the tags on them.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Taking one of the blood packs, Claire carefully read the tag, before tearing one open. The blood spilled all over her hands and splashed on the floor. She had to once again fight down her hunger, which became ever harder as she sniffed at the crimson staining her hands, searching for anything that seemed... off.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

As Claire makes her exit, Izzy slides to the side, letting her pass without incident, though she might hear "Hand?" as the blonde's attention goes back to the room. She'll pick her way inside, watching the floor, though likely nowhere near stepping on the fingers right as she comes in, anyway. She does perk up at the smell of the staked vampire's blood, but she's not nearly as ravenous as Claire, so it doesn't put her in the mood to feed.

"So, what are we going to do about...these two?" She asks, not having heard Ronny's remark about questioning the currently out of it vampire. She'll move carefully around until she spots the hand but doesn't do anything about it. Fletch mentioned that Mist buried him. Something similar then, but she's not sure how good an idea it would be to start digging just yet.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The blood seems fine from what Claire can tell by it's look and smell, it doesn't smell all that fresh or tasty but then neither have any of the other blood packs she's had recently. It does seem a little odd that the Sabbat would be able to get blood from the hospital so easy though.

Ronny finally wakes up from his reverie to notice that the others are in the room. Turning around he walks over and drops the stakes near the body. "Whoever the hand belongs too is dead despite all appearances otherwise. Not really sure what to do about it myself, she may be better off if we don't get her out but...well I'm not sure if I can just leave her there if you know what I mean. So is it alright to assume that everything upstairs is good now?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

With a shrug Claire tears into a second pack and drinks it down, before quickly reaching in for another, and another.

((Basically filling up as much as I can at this point))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire manages to go through 6 blood packs before she finally feels her hunger completely fade away. Leaving a good 14 or so packs of blood left in the fridge for whoever might need them.

((Assuming you're going to heal yourself up that's how much you she took while healing. That puts Claire at 9/12 BP and 1 lethal, since I just healed her enough to get her back to healthy. For the others Izzy is at 9/12 and 1 lethal, and Fletch is at 5/12 and 1 aggravated.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Wiping her mouth clean on her sleeve, leaving a streak of crimson on the leather, Claire slammed the fridge door shut, and made her way back down stairs to join the others.

"We decided what to do about that fucking hand yet?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"I figured them for another vampire. I don't know how understanding the Prince is going to be if we drag someone else back with us, but...maybe she'll be able to give us some information?" He can probably tell she doesn't like the idea of leaving the whomever that is buried under the earth. In fact, she's starting to scuff at the ground with her heel. It's not doing much to move the dirt, but it's making her intention clear.

"I wouldn't call the upstairs fully clear. Fletch's sire, Mist, called and interrupted our scuffle with Oggly. She said something about not killing...one or some of us. And he took off. So if we're going to get her out, let's see if we can't do it in a hurry. What about your guy?" She tips her chin in the direction of the other vamp, scanning around for anything that might help dig out the currently buried fledgeling or if they're likely going to have to do this by hand, which might be what Claire walks in on, having the answer to her question.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Get one of the blood packs," Fletch quietly says as he kneels and starts digging with his bare hands. "Whoever that is is going to be hungry as hell." He can remember all too well his own time under ground. The utter panic when you can't breathe that only gets worse when you find out you don't have to. This burning inside that you can't explain until you've got your first taste of blood, and then the certainty of what you became. He's not going to leave that person down there.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Claire heard Fletch's comment, and grumbled. Turning on her heel she headed back upstairs, back to the fridge, and grabbed a handful of the crimson filled sacks, before once again going down into the cellar where she tossed the packs at Fletch.

"There, you can be the wet nurse dearest,"