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Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Mary cringes away from River when she gets up close to her but still keeps cradling the head of her fiancee in her hands. "F-fresh one, what do you mean. I- I really don't understand any of this. I woke up in a hole which I couldn't get out of. Then you all dig me out and now I find Jason with a piece of wood shoved through his chest. All while you maniacs are getting ready to torch a bunch of dead bodies which you probably just murdered."

"What the...all right what exactly did I miss in those few minutes I was gone." Ronny says standing in the door way with the gas can in one hand.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Well to put it in a way that may or may not result in an amusing burst of anger from our new friend the virgin dirt queen here... buddy that we impaled through the chest with that stake, is her fiance. And she thinks we're psychos and murderers... wonder where she got that idea," Claire said with a smirk, miming stabbing a man with her fists.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The illusionary floor. Thinking you're on fire. Fletch's words about fresh vampires and messing with your head. Izzy glances over in Raven's direction but she doesn't ask anything, just puts her attention back on Mary.

"Self-defense and I'm sticking to it. Besides, look past the weapons and the bloodstains and we're perfectly respectable." She tugs on her shirt as though straightening a vest. She's also trying very hard not to snicker at Claire. "Mary...did this just happen tonight? You said he went looking for help when your car stalled. What happened to you, then?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Raven returns Izzy's glance but doesn't say anything either as the conversation draws his attention.

"Well isn't that just grand," Ronny mutters as he sets the gas can down and wanders over to join the others. "I don't know about calling us respectable but psychos may be stretching it to far in the other direction, well except for Claire who I'm beginning to wonder about myself. Still she has some good points about her and she's better than the Sabbat, which is the guy's that we just rescued you from."

Mary sighs and looking around at the others she tries to explain what happened to her as calmly as possible, though she seems pretty shaken up still.

"Well Jason and I were travelling from Edmonton on our way home to Lethbridge for the wedding. We were kind of taking our time and using the country roads since we weren't in a hurry and thought it would be more romantic if you know what I mean. It was night and we were admittedly a little lost. I don't really remember where other than we had passed through a small town called Penhold before dark. Suddenly we somehow blew out all four of our tires and obviously didn't have four spares so Jason told me to stay put while he walked to a town to get some help."

Stopping she takes a breath while stroking Jason's hair for a second before she continues.

"I don't really remember how long it was but I was kind of dozing while I waited. The next thing I remember was it seemed to get really dark, well not really dark it was more like a black cloud and it was suddenly really cold in the car and I felt like I couldn't breath. I don't remember much else other than waking up in that hole and trying to dig my way out but it was to hard to get out. I-I'm not even sure what day it is it only seems like it happened yesterday."

Finally she stops her story and looks up at the others almost as if maybe she was dreaming and she was expecting to wake up anytime.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Staying out of that one," Izzy mutters as Ronny makes remarks about Claire. She puts her attention on Mary again. "When did that happen? What's the last day you remember, then?"

((And, consequently, what day in the game is it?))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((Meh, Sunday I guess. Or at least it sounds good to me.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire shrugs at Ronny's comment and starts picking beneath her claws, pulling out bits of skin and blood.

"Good story, but unfortunately your boyfriend made me think I was on fire. That little action has me a little miffed so the stake stays in for now. Don't worry it won't cause any permanent damage... I think. Oh, and it's Sunday, hope yer not missing Church. Hell coming back from the dead they might praise you as the saviour," she said before rolling her head to stretch her neck.

"Now, can we stop the chatter and get out of here. As much as I'd like to make more Sabbat tasty little Gangrel treats, I don't want to be fighting until I get a real bad sunburn. Since your his fiance you can carry him now. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go get some heads...," she continued wandering off towards the barn, finally letting her claws slide back to normal fingernails.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"S-Sunday but that means I've been here for almost a whole week." Mary says as Claire wanders off to the barn.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Long enough to drink the Kool-Aid," Izzy mutters. "So, you've been buried. Underground. For a week." There's more to what Izzy's thinking, but she's not saying it at the moment. "What money were you talking about? After we dug you out and you weren't trying to bite my friends?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Mary gets a confused look on her face for a second when Izzy mentions money and responds with a worried look on her face. "Money? Oh I just said that hoping you would let me go. I guess it wouldn't have worked since I don't actually have anything here. So what's going to happen to me and Jason now?"

Ronny's as usual didn't pay all that much attention to the story despite the fact that he is paying attention to Mary. After she finishes explaining about the money he suddenly asks. "Wait! did Claire just say she's going to get some heads?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((Yeah...lucky for Mary I ain't got no auspex, cuz the 'sense motive' alarm is going off...))

Izzy gives the other girl a bit of a look, almost puzzled for a second, and then she seems to dismiss her excuse with a bit of a shrug, seeming like she's willing to let it go for the time being.

"Yeah. From the barn. If she wants trophies, she can take them back in her own damn car," she answers, then puts her attention back on Mary.

"Well, you two seem to be the only ones we can really ask questions to about what was going on here, though I'm with Claire, we probably should do it somewhere else." She looks over to River. "There somewhere we can take them? Dunno exactly what protocol is in this situation."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((And just as lucky for Mary that River doesn't much care.))

River shrugs a bit when Izzy turns to her, having been keeping a steady eye on Mary the whole time. "You know, this kind of stuff don't much happen to me. Boyfriend there would be ash, and if I bothered to dig Miss Magdelene up, she'd have been ashed as well, not fed. That said, I guess bringing them to the prince is as good a solution as any. At the very least, the Mister should have some information we could use, I'm sure Brick is running pretty dry by now."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Well shit. I don't know if she's telling the truth, but we should get out of here anyway," Fletch grumbles, pointing his thumb over his shoulder for emphasis. "I wouldn't put it past Claire to just light this fucking place on fire with us still in it. Let's put the staked guy - Jason, was it? - into the back of one of the cars, maybe even the trunk, light this place on fire and book it. We can talk on the way."
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Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Walking out to the barn, Claire kept all her senses open, looking for anything that might try and attack her. Despite her tough talk she knew she was still rather low on the kindred food chain, and that these Sabbat were not the easiest things to put down, especially for good.

Searching around she located the bodies of those she and River had dispatched, and after finding an appropriately sharp object, started to cut through their necks.

She didn't need a trophy, but without a head it would be more difficult for anything to get back up; she was still new to this little afterlife, she didn't know what some of the more powerful bastards were capable of.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Ronny walks over, carefully picks up Jason's staked body, and begins heading for the door. Turning around he looks over at Mary and says, "What do you want a special invitation or something, let's go already." He nods toward the gas can and adds in, "There's the gas for whoever wants to do the honors."

After that Mary gets up and follows him down to the cars, where he slips the body in the trunk of his car and hops inside to wait with Mary in the passenger seat.

The three bodies that River took out are already look like they've been dead for at least a month and their heads are easily hacked off. The biker that Claire took out still looks fine except for the damage that Claire caused to him during the fight. As soon as his head is removed he also immediately enters a state of decay similar to the others.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Alright, why the fuck not," Fletch grumbles as he picks up one of the gas cans and starts to pour some of it over the basement walls as soon as the others are out. He pours a kind of fuse up the stairs and starts to spread the rest of the can around the first floor. For whatever reason, he starts humming "Don't stop believin'".
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Ronny's got the body and their new friend. Izzy sticks around close enough to the house to keep an eye on Fletch, making sure nothing's going to jump out at him while he's taking on his task. If the dog is still sitting in the room, she'll whistle and then call for it (using Animalism, if necessary) to get it out. Yeah, it had attacked them but some twinge in her just couldn't let it cook. She'll help haul in any bodies that might still be out of the house and leave them in the entryway, likely for Fletch to splash with more of the gas, if he's got any left.

((Couple quick questions: How many blood bags did we manage to steal from them and does the bruiser she and Raven took out have any leathers on him. Thought you said he did, but not sure.--And if so, she actually might take his jacket.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Don't forget the barn either. Didn't check all the stalls, that Tzimisce probably has dead projects piled somewhere." River points out when Fletch grabs the gas can. She then proceeds to wander a circuit around the two buildings, checking for anything they may have missed.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Yeah yeah. Hey Izzy," Fletch calls out. "Wasn't there another can around here somewhere? This one's near empty, won't be enough for the barn. Maybe something's in there."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

With the heads separated from the bodies, Claire watched with satisfaction as they almost immediately began to decay. Finding a sack, which was probably used for hay or grain or something, Claire shoved the heads inside. Best to take them with her and bury them somewhere else. Like a dog would bury its bone.

Tossing the heads outside she began to examine the various stalls, poking in each with her shotgun. She had the time to explore a bit now, and who knew what she would find within. Perhaps something useful.