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Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Ok, so changes have been made, all has been written down and double checked, so here come the new changes for the RP.

Currently Changed:

1: You can't gain pleasure/KP until penetrated, REGARDLESS of what enemy is violating you.

2: Female enemies can now be impregnated by YOU if your forced to penetrate them vaginally. If you impregnate a female enemy, you will be released and they will run away, not giving you the chance to kill them. The only exception to this are boss or sub-boss enemies, who won't run away and MUST be defeated.

3: Speaking of Sub-Bosses, I've introduced this concept, and they will show up when certain conditions are met. While you run away from these battles, defeating them will ALWAYS net you an item of value (except a map piece, DOH!)

4: Items will now be dropped by defeated enemies, minus map pieces of course. There is of course a small chance your opponent won't drop a damn thing.

5: The KL system has been altered to the following stats:

KL 1: 1500 KP, KL 2: 3000 KP, KL 3: 6000 KP, KL 4: 12000 KP, KL 5: 24000 KP, KL 6: 48000 KP.

6: New items have been added to the game, and are as follows:

1: HP Revive - When you find this potion, drink it immediately. Once you have, you can't find another one until you've triggered what this potion does. If ever your HP reaches zero, instead of dying you will be revived to FULL HP status where you left off!

2: KL Lowering Potion - This extremely hard to find potion can be very useful... if you remember to use it! When free from grapples, use this potion at any time to reduce your current KP to the BEGINNING of your current KP Level. For example, if you have 47,995 KP and are one fuck away from being corrupted, and free, use the potion to drop to 24000 KP total! You can't stack these to de-level your KP, but they are VERY useful for when your KP is so high you won't last long. As with the HP potions, you can't find anymore of these until you use them, and as they are hard to find, if you do find one, use it wisely, for you may not find another for some time!

7: Many new monsters have been added to the game, and while I won't list names here, suffice it to say you SHOULD be able to go several rooms without seeing the SAME damn enemy again. Oh and while we're at it, some rooms might be.... flooded :p You know what that means!

8: Removed the Enemy Ambush Trap and replaced it with a new trap. I think you'll like it if you find it, so I won't spoil the name or what it does here, you'll have to see it for yourself.

I think this about covers all of the changes here. I will begin updating this shortly, after I get some food in me. Happy Trails!
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Sounds sexy and a half. Oh and my trail is always happy.

(except now, cuz I killed it over the weekend)
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Hehehe, I think the whole corruption thing is getting a tad silly.

What side effects came with higher levels of corruption? With the exception of your corruption level being able to be reduced? Things like the stunned effect when orgasming only occurring when you're so corrupted that you don't want to fight? And higher chance of pregnancy at a certain level? Or even giving into rape when penetrated at really high levels?

I know I'm bein' a nag, but I feel like something's missing when I see people's Corruption level rise, like I'm expecting something else to happen...
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Not exactly a penalty to stats, but I see what you mean.

I mean, I hate to be a waffle, but I think the only problem with the corruption is that we thought we might hit the end too soon, but now I feel like, if it's high, and with the possibility of being lowered, maybe some traits can be thrown in.

In all fairness, the person writing it could try the part a bit, but I'm hesitant towards throwing more changes in yet, because any new ideas about the level changes might throw off the games balance and we should just see how this new edit goes first.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

I'm pleased as peaches about the whole corruption situation just now. ^_^" I plan on just playing the less will to resist ICly, since it looks like we have more of a buffer should our characters want to get it on for while, before they disappear. :D
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

See? Everything works out nice in the end. The sun will marry the moon, it will be fine. Why don't we sit back mellow again and have a nice afternoon?
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

See? Everything works out nice in the end. The sun will marry the moon, it will be fine. Why don't we sit back mellow again and have a nice afternoon?

For some who read that, it might be morning, dear!
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

For everyone who that, it's lemon demon lyrics.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

For everyone who that, it's lemon demon lyrics.

This is what I've got to put up with, every morning I wake up, Toxic is out of bed, listening to these silly songs...

The sex makes it worth it, though. :D
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

You want, I can take him off your claws for the mornings. >:3 I'd only charge a small fee to look after him, too.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)


*puts a chloroform rag to Toxic's mouth and nose for immediate knockout effect*

Now then, back to the swapping/trading~.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Just the way I like 'em!
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Well, I'll let ya borrow Toxic, if ya let me have some "us" time whit Janna! :p
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

I might institute some kind of penalty later on for KL, but for right now leaving it be for two reasons.

1: Lack of idea on how to bring something in that wouldn't totally fuck the characters over.

2: Wanting to see if any more adjustments will need to be made, as Toxic suggested.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Well, I'll let ya borrow Toxic, if ya let me have some "us" time whit Janna! :p

Well, seeing as how I don't currently own her, I can't really offer her up... though I'll let you know once I get the deeds to her soul! Mua ha ha haha! (Haven't seen her for a while, actually. o.o)
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

This tentacle pit trap confuses me...

You said wallpaper fell into a pit full of tentacles, then she got grappled by them. Then she escapes grapple, and is safe... but she's still in a pit, isn't she? You never said anything about getting out…
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

The way he worded it, "Several feet" might suggest that the trap, although deep enough to hurt your back from falling, might not be deep enough to prevent escape, in which case, based on the rules for traps, one could assume (for lack of clarification on the GM's part) that she immediately climbed out after freeing herself.
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

I don't care, I'm taking advantage of it! XD
Re: Citadel Of Corruption (SIGN-UPS)

Yeah that was a blunder on my part, I was finishing up while tired last night and forgot to note she DID climb out. The pit has sort of an unsaid handgrip to it's sides, JUST out of reach of the tentacles that can be used to climb out of. Remember, the main enemy almost WANTS you to escape so he can fuck you himself.

You could say he doesn't get much very often.