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ACT Vore Ryona [D-Gate] ミリア戦記DX / Echidna Wars DX (RJ187640)

Re: Millia/Echidna Wars DX - ミリア戦記DX

So I'd figured I'd keep my promise and properly buy the game on the english site, so I did. My favorite part is that my illegal gotten version works flawlessly but the official version with drm crap refuses to run, giving me a bunch of errors in moonrunes.

Messing around with moving files from legal to illegal version gives me a missing title 2 file error and a "anti-virus software may falsely recognize the data as a virus." but disabling avast does nothing to resolve this.

Truely Splendid. Proving once again that pirating is the easiest route

Edit: I'm guessing dlsite somehow gave me a corrupt download or something, redownloading and reextracting the data folder seem to have fixed it. But still :I

Edit 2: I have to reextract the game and disable the AV each time because avast just straight up deletes the DRM files. Which I just find fucking hilarious.
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Re: Millia/Echidna Wars DX - ミリア戦記DX

I seriously hate those poison spitting enemies is there a easier way to get rid of them without them attacking you?
Re: Millia/Echidna Wars DX - ミリア戦記DX

So I'd figured I'd keep my promise and properly buy the game on the english site, so I did. My favorite part is that my illegal gotten version works flawlessly but the official version with drm crap refuses to run, giving me a bunch of errors in moonrunes.

Messing around with moving files from legal to illegal version gives me a missing title 2 file error and a "anti-virus software may falsely recognize the data as a virus." but disabling avast does nothing to resolve this.

Truely Splendid. Proving once again that pirating is the easiest route

I had some trouble with the latest version, myself, probably because I was trying to directly run the game's executable (I have hidden files on, so I didn't pay attention to the fact that it's not normally seen by the average user), but running the startup.exe file that was in the folder instead seemed to get rid of that problem. One caveat was that I had to run it twice to make it work properly, strangely enough.
Re: Millia/Echidna Wars DX - ミリア戦記DX

All this DRM talk reminds me of the late 90s when I didn't know what cracks and no-CD patches were. Dark times, dark times.
Re: Millia/Echidna Wars DX - ミリア戦記DX

Played the full game for the first time, and I gotta say it's pretty damn hard on normal difficulty. For new players I would recommend Puki difficulty and default character, just for learning enemies attack patterns.
Seriously, demo version was so easy on normal and even on hard mode in comparison, so I didn't expect it to be much harder in full version :)

Gallery mode is complex, but it lacks a loop option. Plus, I can't figure it out how to hide screen text/menu (it says press C but I does nothing). Also, then I tried to use Cheat Engine - game crashed instantly.
Re: Millia/Echidna Wars DX - ミリア戦記DX

All this talk of broken DRM just looks like untruthful rationalization of piracy to me.
Re: Millia/Echidna Wars DX - ミリア戦記DX

All this talk of broken DRM just looks like untruthful rationalization of piracy to me.

Except that it isn't. The history of DRM is riddled with examples where the DRM made things more of a pain(or flat out unable to play) for people wanting to stay legit while the pirates usually run into no such issues where the DRM was removed.
Re: Millia/Echidna Wars DX - ミリア戦記DX

The people that crack the game has more computer savvy skills than many or most of the people that purchase the game legitimately whom, if the DRM is too overbearing, will also get caught in the snare and, unlike their pirate-counterparts, will have to rely on the company to response that they cannot play the game.
Re: Millia/Echidna Wars DX - ミリア戦記DX

All this talk of broken DRM just looks like untruthful rationalization of piracy to me.

Remember Starforce and the fact that it could brick your CD drives? The only reliable fix for that was to reinstall windows.

Look I'm not advocating piracy, buy things that you enjoy, creators need to live too, but remember the reason that itunes mp3s no longer have DRM is purely due to consumers getting a better experience from easily pirated mp3s than legitimately bought ones.
Re: Millia/Echidna Wars DX - ミリア戦記DX

This fuckin' MetalSlug-ass game is amazing!!

But DEAR LORD is it fucking hard X(

I'm lucky i'm already good at metal slug, cuz bunny girl is the only one I can even make progress with... Is it just me, or do the other characters just seem really under-powered?

Bunny girl can shoot across the map, and shoots faster while crouching, AND has grenade spam; which makes most enemies easy to scrub.

Mirea(?) magical girl has amazing range and hitbox coverage good, but her attacks are super weak.

Wolf girl is melee only, and has no good air moves for harpys; and sucks against anything that can attack quickly because player attacks have 0 stun-lock

Robo-girl... jesus christ, how the hell do you play this character?? she super slow, her attacks are super awkward, and her double jump forces her to move almost straight up. Not to mention, she's built for special attacks, but i barely ever have any special cuz I always get grabbed out of my attacks! I must be missing something.

Also, FUCK YOUR SECRET ROOMS DUDE. Are they just all trap fights?? I found one on the bee-hive that was nice, and gave me a reward, BUT EVERY OTHER SECRET PASSAGE IS SO EVIL!

Complaints aside, Bunny girl is enough for me to love this game to death. Fantastic job, but enemies could probably use some hit stun, and less ridiculous hitbox frames for their attacks (fuck harpies and their 5 second frame grapple).
Re: Millia/Echidna Wars DX - ミリア戦記DX

This fuckin' MetalSlug-ass game is amazing!!

But DEAR LORD is it fucking hard X(

I'm lucky i'm already good at metal slug, cuz bunny girl is the only one I can even make progress with... Is it just me, or do the other characters just seem really under-powered?

Bunny girl can shoot across the map, and shoots faster while crouching, AND has grenade spam; which makes most enemies easy to scrub.

Mirea(?) magical girl has amazing range and hitbox coverage good, but her attacks are super weak.

Wolf girl is melee only, and has no good air moves for harpys; and sucks against anything that can attack quickly because player attacks have 0 stun-lock

Robo-girl... jesus christ, how the hell do you play this character?? she super slow, her attacks are super awkward, and her double jump forces her to move almost straight up. Not to mention, she's built for special attacks, but i barely ever have any special cuz I always get grabbed out of my attacks! I must be missing something.

Also, FUCK YOUR SECRET ROOMS DUDE. Are they just all trap fights?? I found one on the bee-hive that was nice, and gave me a reward, BUT EVERY OTHER SECRET PASSAGE IS SO EVIL!

Complaints aside, Bunny girl is enough for me to love this game to death. Fantastic job, but enemies could probably use some hit stun, and less ridiculous hitbox frames for their attacks (fuck harpies and their 5 second frame grapple).

I dissagree.
Mirea is way stronger than you think if you know what you're doing. Using the special moves is crucial in the higher difficulties, otherwise you get ganged up. You're not supposed to get grabbed in the first place so you should spam the special moves when needed :^).

Sachino (wolf) is probably the most exiting to play since its not as easy as the bunny or Mirea. Pulling off sick combos and dodge rolling away from attacks is super satisfying! She has an air move to deal with the harpies too, just go down+attack mid-air.

The only one i cant defend is the robot... 2hard4me.

Also im guessing youre not playing the later versions where the bunny got rekt with the nerf gun. Her specials aren't as strong anymore. ;)
Re: Millia/Echidna Wars DX - ミリア戦記DX

No idea, but she's pretty strong atm, even without grenades; just that increase in shot speed while crouching... it's so sexy.

I've mostly used Mirea for bosses because the huge radius on her jump attack, and her bow. Other than that, Bunny is my lady. I wanna like the wolf, but I haven't quite got the grip yet.
Re: Millia/Echidna Wars DX - ミリア戦記DX

Spoken like a corporate shill.
You're not fooling me.

Anyway, I hope Camel is planning to add the new enemies he's been drawing lately. The Jellyfish in particular. Has been drawing a huge Frog, and some ground maw which likes to swallow the Bunny Girl.
Re: Millia/Echidna Wars DX - ミリア戦記DX

I will be very happy if Camel added an expansion to the game or another one using the same engine and mechanics.
Re: Millia/Echidna Wars DX - ミリア戦記DX

I will be very happy if Camel added an expansion to the game or another one using the same engine and mechanics.

I'd be down with an expansion. The current game is fine as it is really, I'd just like more content for it.
Re: Millia/Echidna Wars DX - ミリア戦記DX

I'd be down with an expansion. The current game is fine as it is really, I'd just like more content for it.

As do I, the game is great, but as a guy said in a previous post...... The final boss seemed rushed, so adding more stuff will give it the justice it deserves. I would love for more enemies and 2 extra stages.
Re: Millia/Echidna Wars DX - ミリア戦記DX

As do I, the game is great, but as a guy said in a previous post...... The final boss seemed rushed, so adding more stuff will give it the justice it deserves. I would love for more enemies and 2 extra stages.

Camel drew lots of underwater stuff at one point involving Milia and Sachiho, including lots of concepts for underwater enemies. An underwater stage would be interesting.

One thing I've always wanted to see them do was a boss which is the stage/environment itself, that is, a giant fleshwall room, where, upon being swallowed, the player character would be vored in various, random ways, from travelling along tubes, being deposited into stomachs, pods and sacks of various kinds, pools of liquid or slime, and so forth. The Demon Womb stage from Splatterhouse comes to mind where the whole stage is made of flesh which spawns enemies.

Another thing I'd like to see added is an option in free play to have waves of enemies spawn, though this could be it's own game mode. I'd like to have the game generate waves of enemies on it's own without me having to select them each time in free play. One thing they could do is either have you choose what's in the waves yourself or have the game randomize them, either from a list you have chosen or from the entire list of monsters.

Being able to choose lives and to add a timer would be nice too, I have to make my own rules externally with Free Play, using a google stopwatch and a text document to keep track of lives. My own personal rules in Free Play are

- Survive for 10 minutes
- 10 lives
- Maximum enemy spawns(20)
- No combos(only single hit attacks)
- No ranged, ducking, aerial or special attacks
- 3 second cooldown on each attack (as in I wait 3 seconds before being allowed to attack again)
- Double-Jump only (so no multi-jumps for Miria)
- Clearing all 20 enemies gets me a life back
- Enemies are replaced with another 20 enemies when the previous wave is cleared
- 2 enemies re-added whenever I am KO'd
- Victory condition is met when the 10 minutes are up and I clear the screen of the current wave of enemies

Another way I play is to have a bunch of enemies and I am not allowed to attack until 5 minutes pass, so I have to dodge the enemies until the 5 minute mark, at which point I can fight back.
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Re: Millia/Echidna Wars DX - ミリア戦記DX

Camel drew lots of underwater stuff at one point involving Milia and Sachiho, including lots of concepts for underwater enemies. An underwater stage would be interesting.

One thing I've always wanted to see them do was a boss which is the stage/environment itself, that is, a giant fleshwall room, where, upon being swallowed, the player character would be vored in various, random ways, from travelling along tubes, being deposited into stomachs, pods and sacks of various kinds, pools of liquid or slime, and so forth. The Demon Womb stage from Splatterhouse comes to mind where the whole stage is made of flesh which spawns enemies.

Another thing I'd like to see added is an option in free play to have waves of enemies spawn, though this could be it's own game mode. I'd like to have the game generate waves of enemies on it's own without me having to select them each time in free play. One thing they could do is either have you choose what's in the waves yourself or have the game randomize them, either from a list you have chosen or from the entire list of monsters.

Being able to choose lives and to add a timer would be nice too, I have to make my own rules externally with Free Play, using a google stopwatch and a text document to keep track of lives. My own personal rules in Free Play are

- Survive for 10 minutes
- 10 lives
- Maximum enemy spawns(20)
- No combos(only single hit attacks)
- No ranged, ducking, aerial or special attacks
- 3 second cooldown on each attack (as in I wait 3 seconds before being allowed to attack again)
- Double-Jump only (so no multi-jumps for Miria)
- Clearing all 20 enemies gets me a life back
- Enemies are replaced with another 20 enemies when the previous wave is cleared
- 2 enemies re-added whenever I am KO'd
- Victory condition is met when the 10 minutes are up and I clear the screen of the current wave of enemies

Another way I play is to have a bunch of enemies and I am not allowed to attack until 5 minutes pass, so I have to dodge the enemies until the 5 minute mark, at which point I can fight back.

We've got a serious hard-core fan right here.:eek: