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ACT [ダメージ床の上で/Above A Damage Tile] エリスディスノミア/Eris Dysnomia (RJ392643)

how do i get seduce?

the edit:
already found it
i have maxed it out the suicide skill and the seduce skill to 3 hearts

will there be more of these especially the small box one

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If you're established in an area with a fanbase and moderate profit made from your titles, do you want to waste time learning all the bells and whistles of 3D modelling, animation and general game dev coding to make a shittier title than your previous line of 2D content?

It's only a waste if they need the revenue from an established title/style and if they don't enjoy it. People pursue interests beyond what their fans demand and what makes money, believe it or not. It's their life to live as they wish; if it doesn't interest you, then that just means more time for you to spend on other things that do interest you.
It's only a waste if they need the revenue from an established title/style and if they don't enjoy it. People pursue interests beyond what their fans demand and what makes money, believe it or not. It's their life to live as they wish; if it doesn't interest you, then that just means more time for you to spend on other things that do interest you.
You're answering an April fool post :ROFLMAO: which was great fun to read btw.

I agree with IAmAKi that devs should be wary about 3D. I still have nightmares of Cauchemard abandoning the wonderful Melty Quest for some 3D nonsense. Other examples of such nonsense can include Overtopia (nice 2D game turned into an ugly, unplayable 3D horror. But at least, not abandoned!) or UnderTheWitch (was just a bunch of smelly 3D videos called a game before. But open-world... Why!? MC'll end up locked in a basement anyway).
When a dev proved unable to complete a 2D game, isn't the outcome of a 3D one obvious? Do something useful with your money...

Anyway I'm glad Above A Damage Tile are back; what's more, with a sense of humor. :p I'm looking forward the (2D) future of these thicc heroines.
God, are you all still talking about my brain lapse? Yeah I fucked up, you don't have to remind me guys. :(
I've seen it happen often enough to fall into a state of panic when I see 2D H-devs who've mastered pixel art immediately to jump to 3D. Like it's gotten so bad I can't even register humour relating to it, as everyone on this thread has seen by now I'm sure.

It's just depressing to see so many talented people lob their skill into the garbage fast as they can, then soley focusing on delivering the most mediocre piece of crap possible.
Like I wouldn't mind if it was a break from 2D to try a single title or some microgame and testing the waters with that, but they seem to just completely ditch 2D titles completely even before their first 3D game has received criticism. What's the point of that aside from showing off how completely clueless you are?
To jabait people with an April Fools joke, apparently

Yeah if you're a chad like this game's dev, but sadly that's a one-off case.
Got people like Full-Flap jumping ship from their great streak of 2D games to waste a half-year making the most mediocre 3D title ever to exist.
Not the OP, but there's an update from the creator:
Apparently they've finished the game and "sent the translation to dlsite translation service" (I guess that they've sent the game's text to that "dlsite translation service" so that it can be translated into english), and translation will be finished in about a month, so they hope that the game will become available for purchase somewhere next month
Damn, I'm excited!
That's suprising. Last I paid attention they wanted to stop working on this game and now it's apparently almost done?
That's suprising. Last I paid attention they wanted to stop working on this game and now it's apparently almost done?
Then you didn't pay attention well enough, because the dev resumed his work on this game in December. It worth mentioning that even before his hiatus there was a lot more content finished for this game - it just wasn't included in the demo.
Yeah I never claimed to have paid much attention to this to begin with lol. I remember him resuming work but still, it's suprising that it's already pretty much done now.
Extremely good news. Didn't think we were close to a release for this one. Can't wait to play.
For a bit more clarity,

blog said:
I have submitted the game to be translated.
I figured it would be better to wait to do a full playthrough and other minor adjustments until after the translation is finished, so I don't have much to do now.
I plan to put up the announcement page once the translation is finished, which apparently should take about a month.
I'm hoping the game will be ready for sale about another month after that.

So expect a July release at the earliest. Maybe August depending on how long the translation/final adjustments take.
Do not ask for a game for ANY reason. Asking for or alluding to links to game downloads is prohibited. Failure to follow this rule will result in an immediate 2 week ban.
is there any link for the last demo? found one but with only one stage
its interesting to see you can get banned for asking for a public demo but rules are still rules.
I think the hair to split ( if it can be considered that ) is that the rule doesn't exclude demos. Game demos are still games.
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Well, at least it isn't a perm ban, just a warning.
I mean, it's not that hard to make an alt so even if someone were to get picked off for some particularly embarrassingly poor reason, they could always just slip back in and be a bit more cautious.
Thankfully though, the staff behave themselves for the most part ever since the rep scandal, so such behaviour isn't encouraged.

Speaking of the game though, is this just a case of "same game, different enemies"? Or is there some actual progression going on here? I've seen a few hentai game devs do this so far, where they'll just copy-paste an entire game, but just add a new roster of enemies, and, though I'm not opposed to it, I just wonder if that's the case here, or if there's maybe some chance of something else going on, like new mechanics, or perhaps a more fleshed out plot, additional features, ect.
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