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Dark Gate OOC Thread

Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Looks like I'm going to be getting an early crash course in combat for this system (since I wasn't playing in DG1 I didn't have a reason to really understand the math). Still, should be interesting.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Oh yes, i was forgeting. Im ready to gm a un... player, if you need it tassadar
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

I'm ready whenever man. Most of the crap I had elsewhere is winding down now.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

I think I made the monsters too powerful. Everyone that's been grappled so far is facing long odds on winning their encounter. Other people have been almost murdered by stealth attacks from lowest level enemies. This bears consideration.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

then i was lucky, also sorry for the lack of inspiration, using the stick ready turn you off
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

The "murdered by low level enemies" bit is alarming but it was my understanding that mage/spirit characters who got grappled probably shouldn't face an easy time of it. Then again I can't see the actual odds, so it could be worse then I imagine.

Also... consider bears.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Ehe, I saw "other people" and got my hopes up that Tamonten wasn't the only one who was immediately mauled by sneaky wolves.

My character can probably still pull through despite that run of bad luck (it was at least partially bad luck, as you said my character only had a 30% chance of not noticing the stealthy lot). Of course, if my character didn't have a high body stat she would probably be receiving the traditional 'Artmirst Welcoming Committee' party right now. I wouldn't say that sneaking is much too strong though. The worst thing about the stealth attacks was that at x2 damage it was essentially the same as being hit by 5 wolves on round 1 and included one from the wolf that was spotted. I think if stealth attacks (at least from monsters) did automatic maximum damage or normal damage roll + 1d# then the stealth mauling would be a little more in line. Or if the spotted ones don't get to take part in the round 1 sneak attack. Then again, I haven't seen anything more intense than wolves yet.

Regarding grapples: I have no clue. Things are already looking pretty rough for the characters that got grappled.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

The grapple and perception checks do seem a bit worrisome...almost everyone's failed their's so far. Then again, being blindfolded and having the voices of tormented souls in your head constantly certainly don't help with being perceptive...

Seems like the solution for now is to simply "avoid" those rolls if possible?
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Finally updated my sheet with an image of my character so now it's 100% finished.

And it sounds like people are in a spot of bother. Good thing Eleanor was made specifically for ranged combat.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

I see... hopefully it is merely a case of bad luck, but that should emphasis avoiding grapples unless it really is too tipped towards enemies.

I do have one witticism:
"Hello monsters, have fun grappling a Monstrous humanoid with higher-than-average body, proficient in unarmed combat and grappling - with teeth."
Signed - The Dragon.
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Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Ehe, I saw "other people" and got my hopes up that Tamonten wasn't the only one who was immediately mauled by sneaky wolves.

My character can probably still pull through despite that run of bad luck (it was at least partially bad luck, as you said my character only had a 30% chance of not noticing the stealthy lot). Of course, if my character didn't have a high body stat she would probably be receiving the traditional 'Artmirst Welcoming Committee' party right now. I wouldn't say that sneaking is much too strong though. The worst thing about the stealth attacks was that at x2 damage it was essentially the same as being hit by 5 wolves on round 1 and included one from the wolf that was spotted. I think if stealth attacks (at least from monsters) did automatic maximum damage or normal damage roll + 1d# then the stealth mauling would be a little more in line. Or if the spotted ones don't get to take part in the round 1 sneak attack. Then again, I haven't seen anything more intense than wolves yet.

Regarding grapples: I have no clue. Things are already looking pretty rough for the characters that got grappled.

The wolves sneak attack was more a run of bad luck on your part. As I recall, you rolled a 2, and all of them rolled above 16 except for the one that you noticed. They needed to roll at least 10-15 higher than you in order to sneak up on you, in other words. And I'm far too lazy to make special rules for stealth attacks for the monsters.

It doesn't help that almost all of them are non-fighters, meaning their grapple is sub-par. Especially when compared to enemies that are built around it.

The grapple and perception checks do seem a bit worrisome...almost everyone's failed their's so far. Then again, being blindfolded and having the voices of tormented souls in your head constantly certainly don't help with being perceptive...

Seems like the solution for now is to simply "avoid" those rolls if possible?

It comes down to people with low Perception scores for Body not being able to spot the sneaky things coming up behind them. That is actually an unintended degree of balance between casters and fighters, now that I think about it. People with high Body are less likely to get sneak attacked, and more likely to hold their own when something picks them up.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Hmmm... Am I the only one who misses the cool names for the threads?
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Those names were pretty cool, yeah.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

As I recall, stun/grapple checks were giving everyone hell in DG1 too. Xivvix's girl Elea got stun-locked for an entire battle, and you were considering ways to fix it then.

Although the stealth checks are still iffy (you could require two checks, one for moving into range (initial perception) and one for approaching to initiate combat) to give characters (And enemies!) extra room to avoid stealth-kills.

The bigger issue is that once a grapple/stun holds, it's often auto-defeat, especially if a character wasn't designed to handle grapples. The easiest way I can think of to solve this is to make a cumulative bonus for each round stunned/grappled. First round is no bonus, second round +1, third round +2... etc. Make the grapple actions a little harsher, perhaps minor extra penalties for extended grapples and some minor adjustment to the pleasure/orgasm system, then allow the bonuses to carry over even after the initial grapple break. That way if the girl has just lucky-rolled out of a grapple, she's not grabbed again instantly and auto-beaten again anyhow (which is really a major factor in what causes this issue).

Can't really think of an easy way to rebalance the system right now, but it's something to consider.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Possible. That sort of reminds me of Both Sides bosses.

One thing I can do in the short term take away their grapple expert talents, which will make the rolls at least a little more balanced.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

I know of at least one character who would appreciate not being grappled in such a fashion. :) ;)
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Possible. That sort of reminds me of Both Sides bosses.

One thing I can do in the short term take away their grapple expert talents, which will make the rolls at least a little more balanced.

Oy. Are you saying most enemies have grapple expert talent?

Grapple expert should be for players and enemies that have specific training in how to struggle in close range hand to hand combat involving pinning an opponent, wild animals, common rapists, even tentacle monsters, shouldn't have such talents, unless they have undergone a LARGE amount of combat doing this and gained such a talent.

No wonder everyone is constantly losing their grapples.

p.s. I wasn't even considering Both Sides, I was just trying to come up with some way to fix the auto-lose scenario of grapples. Any time an enemy has better than a +5 over the player, the odds of breaking a grapple, and keeping it broken, plummet to almost nil, since it requires not only beating the enemy roll once to break it, but then beating the enemy roll a second time to avoid being re-grappled.
Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

Put in some new stuff in the rules section of the character creation system. Look particularly in the rules about grappling and sex. Also, to anyone GMing, you should ignore all of the Grappler Talents on the monsters that have more than 30 Body from now on. It's too overpowered.
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Re: PbP Interest Check(And OOC Thread)

I forget if this was asked or not, but for characters that can attack twice (equipped with shield or two weapons) are they allowed to split their attacks between targets?