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[DMM] X-Overd

Re: [DMM] X-Overd

Those token drop is not really friendly >.>
Even with cookie for drop quanityty up, average / run is still around 25.....

Btw the male version is also nice Scwatz also have SSR ver so u will see his hp going to be really crazy i u able to max him on everry rarity
PS: nice idea but too late for me i did 4 roll on event and its: R R R SR
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

okay since getting them all maxed seems impossible I guess I'll just chose 1-2 girls after I have gone as far as I can with just natural regen and inefficiently use crystals on regen at that point. doesn't sound like trying to max out girls with the gacha is a good idea unless your a cash whale.

Maybe I can get few more crystals doing all the regular maps I only have about 100 saved from the ones they gave us in the beginning still

Edit: after downing a boss and getting 3000 of the things I think the focus here is to kill the bosses and not so much spamming the event map unless only the bosses spawned from the map drops so many.
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Re: [DMM] X-Overd

Edit: after downing a boss and getting 3000 of the things I think the focus here is to kill the bosses and not so much spamming the event map unless only the bosses spawned from the map drops so many.
3000 Drops is not from boss, its apology from game management for ridiculous numbers.
They were flooded with complains about unfairness of event and they announced that they will significantly raise amount of Drops you get from both maps and bosses, and raise rate of sakura boss.
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

It's the first game where i'm really lost, no idea what i'm actually doing. :D
And this event isn't helping at all.
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

3000 Drops is not from boss, its apology from game management for ridiculous numbers.
They were flooded with complains about unfairness of event and they announced that they will significantly raise amount of Drops you get from both maps and bosses, and raise rate of sakura boss.

Damn well that's kind of gay. They probably shouldn't have let us get all these limited edition SSR and then make it impossible to max really any of them out besides paying out the ass.

Heres hoping they don't turn this game into a money grubbing fest as unlikely as that probably is.
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

After doing tons and tons of run....
I agree with the drop is really low, basicaly only geting average of 18-20 here / last map run (with cookie on every run)
As for the raid boss they only give 5 10 20 at most, to get 7x SSR girl is kinda Geegee already
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

They scheduled maintenance at today 15-16 JPT to fix drop rates, remove non-event drop from event maps and to remove non-event GK from event maps, lets hope event will be actually doable for free players now.
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

So, new numbers:
24 force dungeon map now gives 15*3 - 15*4 Drops on average.
With cookies, 4 runs: 15*4; 15*4; 15*3; 15*3;
Without cookies, 3 runs: 15*3; 15*3; 15*3;
真・イザナイザクラ Gate Keeper drops 80 Drops MVP/Discoverer, 60 for participation (man, ran out of GK bullets in like 5 minutes after maintenance ended).

In addition, there's login bonus of 1000 Drops every day, starting tomorrow.

Edit: important note, Hard and Very Hard now have MUCH better drop rates than Normal. Hard gives 21-100 Drop per chest, Very Hard gives 25-100 per chest.
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Re: [DMM] X-Overd

For those who didnt notice, u can actually get more amount of drop by changing the difficulties to very hard. The chest give around average of 25-40 and the highest is 100.
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

For those who didnt notice, u can actually get more amount of drop by changing the difficulties to very hard. The chest give around average of 25-40 and the highest is 100.

Thanks for this info i missed >.<
it will make farming all these char alot easier now
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

While im pretty sure I already know, just a quick question:

When it says the cutie's classes will not be abvailable after the event, they mean to aquire them, right? After the event, you keep the cuties(class) and their stat boostsyou got during the event, yes?
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

I fail to comprehend how one is supposed to make these cookies and use them on every run I ran the 1-4 map areas about 20 times yesterday and only ended up with 2 Rye. Regardless I need people to add me for this event since it looks like killing bosses is more reliable my friend list is only like 10 people that log in once a day 12575001.

@creeping terror yes you need to get as many copies of the characters now or never unless their lying and will revive them in some fashion later

Edit: nvm the cookie thing all my rye went to storage apparently 14 of them dumb that u can't cook if its in storage
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Re: [DMM] X-Overd

i tried with cookies but it doesnt seem to increase my drops at all... rather i seem to get less drops from the event maps when i do use them T^T

btw, when u use storage do you have to pay a crystal everytime to put something in?? >.>
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

i tried with cookies but it doesnt seem to increase my drops at all... rather i seem to get less drops from the event maps when i do use them T^T

btw, when u use storage do you have to pay a crystal everytime to put something in?? >.>
I've got almost-statistically-insignificantly better results with tart than cookie.

Storages cost crystal when you buy new 50 space unit. Using that 50 space is free.
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

I've got almost-statistically-insignificantly better results with tart than cookie.

Storages cost crystal when you buy new 50 space unit. Using that 50 space is free.

ooo, havent tried buying a storage yet >.>... should probably do that.... XD
well i'll probably save my cookies for running dailies after the event since i use cookies and end up with 25*2 vs my non cookie runs that give like 40+25+the occasional 100
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

Shard gacha update is evil. I was 2600 shards away from maxing all the men before this event (and only 1 more SR Mikoto) - now I'm getting flooded by R Dobans. xD
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

omg I didn't realize u get more drops doing the hard mode of the event dungeon. Maybe it might be better to use drop rate food if the 1000 piece drop mentioned on the wiki is real? I imagine it has an abysmal rate.
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Re: [DMM] X-Overd

So far i keep using cookie / tart never get that 100 shard drop....
I already bought all the cheap 1st 2 copy and now wonder if i can get them all....

Counting it all up will require me 400k+ shard to buy the left over soo NO ?
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

if the 1000 piece drop mentioned on the wiki is real? I imagine it has an abysmal rate.
So far I've got it only once, , while using tart.
You will probably need SR/SSR-tier tarts if you want to get meaningful increase, and its unrealistic to get enough for long-term grinding.

Counting it all up will require me 400k+ shard to buy the left over soo NO ?
They would have no source of funding if they would let get them all for free. Not like you even need to max out all jobs, special job char events unlock at half of LBs, and skills you need are often before max LB too.
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

anon- thx ^^, now i can just stuff all my food drops in storage instead of selling them XD
I'll probably just end up aiming for maxing 3 girls or at least get their events >.> way too hard getting enough drops with my luck T^T

also anyone have any suggestions for what to use my magic crystals to exchange for? is it better to get accessories or a weapon??