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Dragon Ball? :D

Re: Dragon Ball? :D

For the continuation of a series...

I'd say Code Geass...

Pairing the intresting anti-governmental plot

With mech warfare scenes superior to the Gundam series at a fraction of the size...

With the current controversial ending at the end of the second season, they COULD continue it in a number of ways...

And anyways... I could always watch more of that series... Kallen and C.C. were friggen smoken hawt... ^_^

They are doing a new season, if what I read was correct.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

I preferred Dragonball, as I like more, y'know...manageable power levels. When Vegeta and Goku can destroy the world in a friendly spar, it's gotten too crazy for me. Plus, the staff and Nimbus cloud were pretty cool.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

Reminds me of when Ikkitousen did a flashback to before the start of the manga, and stayed there so long I'd forgotten whether or not we were still in the past or not. Entire episode? Try almost entire book.

I think Tenjou Tenge did a similar thing, but in that case it was all still relevant story and directly related to the main plot. Flashback but not filler. Dunno about Ikkitousen but I'm assuming it was something like that? The flashback episode in Naruto I was talking about was straight up facepalm nonsense.

Bleach is little better concerning filler. But not much. It's just gracious of them to mostly put it in solid arcs that you could skip if you know better. The quality and consistency of the filler arcs are still crap though. Ever noticed how in every Bleach filler arc all the fights are either done flying, or via non stop flash step and special move spamming? Animating footsteps and actual fighting is too much for the schedule/budget they get given. That special cloak that enabled flight towards the end of the second arc was meant to be a big thing, yet as soon as the filler arcs roll in, every mook under the sun is flying with no explanation. Even during the main plot arcs you can see the business side of things coming to bite the series in the ass. One of Ishida's latest new attacks for example, I couldn't help but notice immediately how cheep it must be on animating and wonder.

The original writers rarely get a say in this stuff. It gets outsourced to extra writers and separate animation studios. It's why you so often hear stuff about the book or manga being better. One author who cares about the quality of his/her work, rather than ten dozen suits trying their hardest to milk it dry and move onto the next cash cow.

I could have written this in the hate thread.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

I think Tenjou Tenge did a similar thing, but in that case it was all still relevant story and directly related to the main plot. Flashback but not filler. Dunno about Ikkitousen but I'm assuming it was something like that?

Sorta. It shed some light onto certain characters' pasts and all that, but it just kept going for longer than I felt was really necessary.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

I actually never got into any tv series that had real-life type actors. I couldn't enjoy it. I did enjoy comedy series, like Scrubs on comedy central.

I did enjoy allot of bleach, and i did keep up for the most part, until they rescued rukia. After that i kinda quit. I don't know, guess i was afraid it would turn into another inuyasha addiction and get disappointed.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

I actually never got into any tv series that had real-life type actors.

Why not? Yer missing out on some really good stuff, and some shows (HBO I'm looking at your work) could easily be mistaken for a movie. Sit down and watch some of the Pacific and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

Unless of course you can't get into movies either...
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

Why not? Yer missing out on some really good stuff, and some shows (HBO I'm looking at your work) could easily be mistaken for a movie. Sit down and watch some of the Pacific and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

Unless of course you can't get into movies either...

Thats actually part of the problem..im picky as shit with movies. Unless its something like the Day after tomorrow or Tron Legacy, or even a comedy movie, i just dont seem to get the same happiness other people get =/
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

Thats actually part of the problem..im picky as shit with movies. Unless its something like the Day after tomorrow or Tron Legacy, or even a comedy movie, i just dont seem to get the same happiness other people get =/

The Day After Tomorrow? Granted it's a decent movie... but that's just cause it was kinda spiffy visually.

I'm going to assume special effects is all that can satisfy you. Get a 3D TV and watch Avatar. Done deal.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

The Day After Tomorrow? Granted it's a decent movie... but that's just cause it was kinda spiffy visually.

I'm going to assume special effects is all that can satisfy you. Get a 3D TV and watch Avatar. Done deal.

Actually i hate avatar...However, the movie Sherlock Holmes was My all-time favorite, and will be until they pump out something better.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

Actually i hate avatar...However, the movie Sherlock Holmes was My all-time favorite, and will be until they pump out something better.

Then I don't even know what to tell you... damn...
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

I would say most things trump avatar, but then i remember how much most things suck, which is more than avatr sucked.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

I would say most things trump avatar, but then i remember how much most things suck, which is more than avatr sucked.

Exactly, Will someone please tell me or atleast explain how so many people in life find avatar so amazing? I thought everything was crap! Pretty yes, but it still stunk!
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

You forget the standard level of an american.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

Exactly, Will someone please tell me or atleast explain how so many people in life find avatar so amazing? I thought everything was crap! Pretty yes, but it still stunk!

Because it was very pretty. That's about it. I only brought it up because it was pretty, I didn't even enjoy it that much.

Blade Runner trumps Avatar.

So does 5th Element.

I actually never could get into Blade Runner. I tried watching it, but couldn't get into it. Alas.

5th Element was good though, I like Luc Besson's work. "The Messenger" was one of my favorite movies, and "Leon: The Professional" was just amazing.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

You forget the standard level of the average American.



Yeah, 'Avatar' was bad. It at least trumps shit like 'The Last Airbender' and 'Dragonball: Evolution', though.
When you're getting trumped by 'AVATAR', you're doin' something wrong.

I really don't watch very many movies any more. Which probably ties in to my not watching much t.v. anymore. I mean, I still watch t.v., and I'll watch a movie sooner than I'll watch t.v., but I just got turned off of t.v. once the 'Reality' shit hit, and though my family isn't poor, I'm broke as shit and nobody else has the time to go to the movies. Hell, if it isn't on Netflix, I'm damn lucky if I see a movie anymore (save for the ones we have on VHS/DVD). I'm just glad I got to see 'Inception', 'Sherlock Holmes', and 'Tron: Legacy' in the theater. Any other movie that's been made in the past couple of years I've had to watch through Netflix or a friend who owned a DVD copy. Not that that's a bad thing, but you just don't get the full effect of some movies without a movie theater set-up.
Re: Dragon Ball? :D

Any other movie that's been made in the past couple of years I've had to watch through Netflix or a friend who owned a DVD copy.

Ah, I see we have a mutual acquaintance in my good friend "Inter Nets"! :D
Re: Dragon Ball? :D



Yeah, 'Avatar' was bad. It at least trumps shit like 'The Last Airbender' and 'Dragonball: Evolution', though.
When you're getting trumped by 'AVATAR', you're doin' something wrong.

I really don't watch very many movies any more. Which probably ties in to my not watching much t.v. anymore. I mean, I still watch t.v., and I'll watch a movie sooner than I'll watch t.v., but I just got turned off of t.v. once the 'Reality' shit hit, and though my family isn't poor, I'm broke as shit and nobody else has the time to go to the movies. Hell, if it isn't on Netflix, I'm damn lucky if I see a movie anymore (save for the ones we have on VHS/DVD). I'm just glad I got to see 'Inception', 'Sherlock Holmes', and 'Tron: Legacy' in the theater. Any other movie that's been made in the past couple of years I've had to watch through Netflix or a friend who owned a DVD copy. Not that that's a bad thing, but you just don't get the full effect of some movies without a movie theater set-up.
i use the redbox services at local grocery stores, they usually only charge a buck or two for movies. i never watch a movie more than once so its good for me.