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[Complete - Full] Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

I put up my WIP files on my mega so anyone can grab what I've added so far.

But the game seems so large that any progress so far is really tiny... There are 4 (day/noon/evening/night) versions of every map, duplicate scenes for pregnancy/non pregnancy... what seems like weird and long storyline/sidequest arcs... a combat H system... a custom scripted shop/crafting system... and lots of random variation events that make the game a pain to translate...

It will probably take a lot of work before it's worth playing for the translation...
Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

You could be an editor of this translation))

I can do that. Probably help me learn more about the way this works as well.
Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

I'd like to help but I'm barely N4.

I'm glad that this game's translations thread bein alive again :D

From what M1zuki Senpai said this could be hella game :eek:
and the art look so hot, I'll pick it up after the translation is done.

Really appreciate what you guys doing for english translation
Thank again.
Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

Yea I'm so happy it's getting translated, I know it's going to take a while but It will totally be worth it! :)
Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

So, how it's going?
Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

I'm getting close to finishing all the town H scenes and events.

There's still the whole ranching/nursery/combat stuff which will probably take a lot longer.

You can see my progress on my notes in the WIP file or just read here:

Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

I really really appreciate your work on this. Along with Vitamin Quest these are two of my favorite games - I have played with this in untranslated form for quite awhile and am looking forward to understanding what the hell I am doing.

Take your time and do it right - I will appreciate whatever you do on this - along with Salking and Tesseract and whoever else might be involved. This does look like a large project...;)
Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

:rolleyes: Welp, the hard drive that I kept all my translation stuff on died and I stupidly had my mega account key file saved to that drive (the cloud account that had the translation files backed up). :mad: Not really a huge deal, but I did lose all the layered/cleaned menus and most of the text OCR'd. So whenever m1zuki finishes his portion, it will take me a bit longer than I anticipated to finish up the last of the menus.
Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

:rolleyes: Welp, the hard drive that I kept all my translation stuff on died and I stupidly had my mega account key file saved to that drive (the cloud account that had the translation files backed up). :mad: Not really a huge deal, but I did lose all the layered/cleaned menus and most of the text OCR'd. So whenever m1zuki finishes his portion, it will take me a bit longer than I anticipated to finish up the last of the menus.

Damn. Unlucky right there T_T
Take the time you need Tesseract :3

Good luck :>
Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

Does anyone know a lot about Idolmaster...?

There are a lot of references to that game so I have to research quite a bit...
Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

Sorry, yeah I should have mentioned that. I also know nothing about Idolmaster stuff. Familiarity of it would be supremely helpful considering the context heavy requirements of translating accurately (Japanese in particular). And watching all 60 episodes or whatever of the anime was not a rabbit hole I was willing to go down. I'm not sure whether Drop Factory pulls more from the games or the anime. Supposedly Shizuku is solely from the "Cinderella Girls" spinoff - both the mobile game and the anime. So there might be more relevant material there. ( )
Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

Well first I was wondering what Idolmaster had to do with anything, then it dawned on me. Better 3 years late than never. :p
Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

I've never heard of Idolmaster before, but second card from the wiki page linked by Tesseract removes any doubt that there is a connection ^^.
Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

Given the clue I looked at what was available for Idolmasters - Cinderella Girls - Shizuku Oikawa and found the same threads about farm in debt. That's how she got on Idolmasters as a "cinderella girl" and became an idol. Several hentai parodies ensued - usually based upon how she ends up paying off this long term debt (sex slavery and milking - on stage, mostly). All have I think really nothing with where butakoma went with his own parody, other than the debt the farm had and maybe ways to make up that debt?

These are all a pure guess based upon some searches, so - don't know if this helps or not. For the hell of it I did capture a few of the comics if anyone is interested...
Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

I was just asking because now that I'm finishing up the town events and moving onto battle events, there are other idols who make appearances...
Whoever did the partial did a pretty good job matching most of the Idolmaster references but I've been trying to research up on the series so I don't miss any myself...
Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

Yeah, JKL (who did those parts of the translation, i believe) had some familiarity with Idolmaster. It was pretty funny when he realized (late) that the game was basically an Idolmaster parody game. Unfortunately, I don't have any more info from him. It doesn't seem like most of the game outside the "hidden" battles and competitions has much to do with Idolmaster directly. But who knows... there could be little inside-jokes or references scattered throughout that would be really hard to make sense of/translate for someone unfamiliar with the series.
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Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

There was one armor item that I had a hard time translating because of referencing I believe.

The cow ears had had this line.


that i roughly translated into

"Will the person who put this on Azusa please come to the specified room."

no idea what to make of it though.
Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

Azusa is a character in Idolmaster, and by room they probably mean come to the office to be scolded
Re: Drop Factory [どろっぷ ふぁくとりー] (English Translation)

I did some image translations for the monster jobs, link is below:

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