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Epic Quotes

Re: Epic Quotes

Because if most people like something, it simply cannot be good. This holds true in music and TV-shows.
And books.

"Nature, our mother and father gave us all we've got. The Government, our older brother, swipes the lot."
Re: Epic Quotes

"God does not play dice" Albert Einstein

"The earth is the cradle of the mind but one cannot stay in the cradle forever" konstantin tsiolkovsky

"Do it over.... Sure if it's something you can do over then feel free." - Kratos Auron

"So I kicked him in the head until he was dead." Thieves from Baldur's gate

"Go for the eyes Boo, Go for the eyes!!!!" - Minsc
Re: Epic Quotes

Re: Epic Quotes

Re: Epic Quotes

Convo I just had, I thought this was a pretty good response to my friend saying "oh god no! family interaction, its like, the worst kind of interaction! any at all is bad enough, but with family?! ergh, disgusting"

Though I'm pretty sure a lot of people would consider the interaction between my throwing knife and their testicles would be worse
Re: Epic Quotes

*while in a firefight overseas, a friend was reloading his machine gun and turned to his sergeant* "Hey... when the fuck do we start building schools?"
Re: Epic Quotes

"The sights are on the top for a reason, son."
-The Punisher
Re: Epic Quotes

"Go with God Castle,"
"I think God's gonna sit this one out," -Frank Castle.
-The Punisher (2004)
Re: Epic Quotes

"Oooooh, what does THIS button do?"

-many sources-
Re: Epic Quotes

Damn it. There was a brilliant line from I, Mengsk, about how not even a ghost – the spirit kind, this was before anyone knew about he ghosts – could get through the defenses of the Mengsk mansion... but I can’t remember the specifics for the life of me. Of course, all SC players know the irony of that line, considering the fate of Arcturus’s parents… there was a ton of good ones in Liberty’s Crusade, too, but I can’t remember any of those, either.

As for others:

“Tell ‘im e’s dream’n!”, and just about anything else said in The Castle,
“So I kicked him in the head till he was dead! …And I can’t believe I just said that.”

More serious ones:
“I am wretched….
But I! Am! STRONG!
I am the future

“I fear no enemy!
For the Khala is my strength!
I fear not death;
For our strength is eternal.”

Basically the whole first six minutes of the first episode of Star Blazers constitutes epic quote material, and then a lot after that, too, but in particular:

“I cannot bear to see what has become of earth. Once green and growing with blue lakes and silver streams, great rivers and mighty seas. Now, all gone. Only day and burning desert left, radiation everywhere.

“A message from the Gamilon ships sir. “Earth fleet, we advise you to surrender now.” *pause* “…what shall I tell them?”
“Tell them… they’re idiots!”
“I said idiots!”
“This is the earth flagship 225. Our answer: Idiots! Over.”
*Angry crackling over the radio*

“It’s just a simple matter of mathematics, sir. There are four hundred and seventy men in your flagship. There are twenty in our ship. You’ll get back. We’ll see to it.

“…I’ll have to report this to leader Desslock and I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t believe me. The floating continent is gone, totally destroyed! what kind of weapon did the star force use[B/]?! WHERE DID THEY GET! SUCH! POWEERR!?!” (I love me my large hams =3)
Re: Epic Quotes

More serious ones:
“I am wretched….
But I! Am! STRONG!
I am the future

“I fear no enemy!
For the Khala is my strength!
I fear not death;
For our strength is eternal.”

Following up on that -
"Our enemies are in legion,
and still you procrastinate!
Command, or you will be relieved
This is Not an idle threat."
Re: Epic Quotes

You called down the Thunder
Now reap the Whirlwind!

And now for something semi-different:

My older brother Magni, is King of the Dwarves!
My younger brother Bran is a reknowned explorer
If I didn't kick so much ass, I feel a tad aqward!

I can't shoot strait unless I've had a pint!
Ah! There's me drank! GET! IN! MY! BELLAH!!!

I shoulda been a father like my father wanted.
Lousy pay, constant danger....
Well, at least I get to hobnob with royalty!
Re: Epic Quotes

My favourite CoD quotes. CoD4 and CoDMW2.

"Big Bird this is Bravo Six we're on our way out! On your feet soldier, We Are LEAVING!" ~Captain Price, Crew Expendable
"Bloody Yanks! I thought they were the good guys!" ~Ghost, The Gulag.
"Oh, USELESS WANKERS!" ~Gaz, Game Over
"Nice! Your fruit killing skills are remarkable!" ~Gaz, FNG
Re: Epic Quotes

"There will come a time when you have the chance to do something good."
"I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by."

"It's not the size'a tha hammer that counts, it's how ya wield it!"

*points to the picture hidden in spoiler tags in his sig*

I'm out of material.
Re: Epic Quotes

"I'm Tony Montana! You fuck with me, you fuckin with da best!"
Re: Epic Quotes

"My Armor is Contempt, My Shield is Faith, My Sword is Hatred. In the Emperor's Name, Let none Survive." - Hurr Grimdark

"There is no such thing as Innocence, only degrees of Guilt." - Hurr Grimdark

"A plea of innocence, is GUILTY of wasting my time!" - Hurr Grimdark
Re: Epic Quotes

"And from that day forward anytime a bunch of animals are together in one place it's called a zoo! Unless it's a farm!!!" ~Soldier
Re: Epic Quotes

"My Armor is Contempt, My Shield is Faith, My Sword is Hatred. In the Emperor's Name, Let none Survive." - Hurr Grimdark

"There is no such thing as Innocence, only degrees of Guilt." - Hurr Grimdark

"A plea of innocence, is GUILTY of wasting my time!" - Hurr Grimdark

Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself.
Re: Epic Quotes

I feel the warp overtaking me. It is a good pain.

((Irony, I has it))
Re: Epic Quotes

"You're gonna love my nuts."