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Epic Quotes

Re: Epic Quotes

Yeah I loves MASH, both the show and the movie. Of course it stands to reason since my dad watched the show religiously, which makes sense now that I think about it. He did work in a hospital during the Korean War.
Re: Epic Quotes

I remember watching it when I was little, and I remember thinking to myself, 'OMG Hawkeye looks like my DAD!', and they do kinda look similar. My dad isn't as skinny as Hawkeye, and he's a Mechanic instead of a surgeon, but the hair and the personality are really similar.

It's like they took my Uncle's face and put my dad's hair on him.
Re: Epic Quotes

My mom got me into that show.

Also Puppy, that line with the not carrying a gun is one of my fave lines from him <3
Re: Epic Quotes

Hawkeye: Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of happy hour.

Hawkeye: Blow in my ear.
Margaret: What?
Hawkeye: I'm so cold I think my pilot's gone out.

Frank Burns: That's not my department, sir - intelligence is something I try to avoid.

Charles: That rapier-like wit. I've seen snappier comebacks from a bowl of Rice Krispies.
Klinger: Oh, first I'm a plant; now, I'm breakfast food. What next?
Charles: Well, you're crude and unrefined... how about petroleum?

Colonel Flagg: You think you're real smart. But you're not smart; you're dumb. Very dumb. But you've met your match in me.

Colonel Flagg: I've got to nip this guy in the bud. This sort of behavior is contagious, you know. One guy decides he's not gonna fight anymore, it catches on, and pretty soon you know what we've got?
B.J.: Peace?

Dr. Sidney Freedman: Ladies and Gentlemen, take my advice: pull down your pants and slide on the ice

Condon: [a racist, who insisted his blood transfusion come from a white donor] What are you guys trying to do to me? Did you give me the wrong color blood or not?
Trapper: All blood is the same.
Hawkeye: You ever hear of Dr Charles Drew, soldier?
Condon: Who's that?
Hawkeye: Dr Drew invented the process for separating blood so it can be stored.
Trapper: Plasma.
Hawkeye: He died last April after a car accident in North Carolina.
Trapper: He bled to death. The hospital wouldn't let him in.
Hawkeye: It was for whites only.
Re: Epic Quotes

"Now that we have mentioned tying me up in that context, do we have any extra rope about?" --- Zevran

The sky people have sent us a message, that they can take whatever they want, and no one can stop them. Well, we will send them a message. You ride out as fast as the wind can carry you. You tell the other clans to come. You tell them Toruk Macto calls to them. And you fly now with me! My brothers! Sisters! And we will show the sky people that they cannot take whatever they want, and that this, this is our land! ---- Jake Sully in "Avatar"
Re: Epic Quotes

Stronghold Legends-Vlad route
"god sends his finest men to defeat me, and now!, I have sent them back to him!!"
Vlad Dracul
Devil May Cry 4
"First I whip it out. Then I thrust it. With great force! Every angle..! It penetrates! Until..! With great strength! I.. ram it in! In the end, we are all satisfied, and you are set free."
Dante( (plus the "you can stay and die, or you can move your ugly ass back through that gate. It's your call, pal"))

they're goddamn epic to me (lol)
favorite quote "W-hat T-he F-uck"
WTF!! woo!!
Re: Epic Quotes

"Wait a minute, did you just summon a bunch of monsters in one turn?"

"Yeah, so?"

"That's against the rules, isn't it?"

"...screw the rules, I have green hair."

Not sure what it's from originally, saw it on a Phoenix Wrong vid. Amused me so much that it actually inspired me to dye my hair green for a short time. Well, there were other reasons, I didn't do it -just- for the quote...
Re: Epic Quotes

"Wait a minute, did you just summon a bunch of monsters in one turn?"

"Yeah, so?"

"That's against the rules, isn't it?"

"...screw the rules, I have green hair."

Not sure what it's from originally, saw it on a Phoenix Wrong vid. Amused me so much that it actually inspired me to dye my hair green for a short time. Well, there were other reasons, I didn't do it -just- for the quote...

I think that's from one of the Yu-Gi-Oh!: Abridged videos on youtube.

Kick-Ass: "How do I get a hold of you?"

Hit-Girl: "You just contact the Mayor's office. He has a special signal he shines in the sky. It's in the shape of a giant cock."

Also, anything George Carlin says is Epic. ANYTHING. He could burp, and it would be an epic quote.
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Re: Epic Quotes

Also, anything George Carlin says is Epic. ANYTHING. He could burp, and it would be an epic quote.

UNfortunately my friend the operative tense is past so it's anything he 'said' He was a very funny man and was an awesome narrator for Thomas the train...
Re: Epic Quotes

Nope, it's 'says'. Didn't you know? He's doing shows in Vegas 5 nights a week. And they use Elvis Presley as the warm-up act. And after the show, Evel Knievel jumps over the crowd on a rocket-bike. It's awesome.
Re: Epic Quotes

Actually it's completely legal though heavily regulated in Nevada, where Las vegas is located.
Re: Epic Quotes

Actually it's completely legal though heavily regulated in Nevada, where Las vegas is located.

I thought it was only in certain counties of Nevada... and surprisingly not including Las Vegas.
Re: Epic Quotes

Go! And remember! Zebra is fine creature to admire, but you do not have to ride it.
Re: Epic Quotes

I thought it was only in certain counties of Nevada... and surprisingly not including Las Vegas.

It could be actually, don't exactly keep up with the prostitution laws very well. It is the only state I know of where it's allowed at all though.
Re: Epic Quotes

It could be actually, don't exactly keep up with the prostitution laws very well. It is the only state I know of where it's allowed at all though.

Oh well, not like I regularly travel to Nevada anyway.
Re: Epic Quotes

Melbourne has the daily planet, the first public traded brothel in the world.
Re: Epic Quotes

"'When from the blood of battle the Stone has fed, let the heroes prevail and the blighters lie dead.' As one of the blighters I sodding salute you. Let's show them our hearts, and then show them theirs." --Oghren.
Re: Epic Quotes

I did rather like that one myself.
Re: Epic Quotes

Oh well, not like I regularly travel to Nevada anyway.

Me neither, only been to Vegas once and I can't say I really enjoyed it that one time either. Not that I would have need of a brothel anyways.