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ACT Loli Shota [excessm] 夢から醒めた亡者 / The dead who woke up from a dream - (RJ264906 / ...)

[Wall of Text Incoming]
Now imagine actually reading those walls lmao

Tho I disagree on the "rush out" part.
Feel his games actually have a good amount of polish and work on them. Not to mention some conceptgames he did completely for free.
Yeah, his games are far more polished than many other games out there. At least they'll almost certainly be in a functional state at launch which is lot more than can be said for other widget game developers.
Iv'e been a fan of this dev for quite a while but dittoing what everyone else is saying ExcessM definitely one of the best regarding quality and gameplay so many do one or the other the "worse" part for me about them is most of there game's are not translated which we're getting sooner or later. I'm more worried about Dlsite translation team messing up as their translations are a bit hit or miss in my experience depending on who does them though fingers crossed cause its taking a while it has a good chance to be good.
A reminder to keep it civil. Discussion is fine, but don't devolve into just insulting one another. Only warning.
I'm gonna go ahead and state how i feel.
His games feel lazy to me, even with the great art.
I'm not going to go into a humongous text wall to defend my views on a forum where we discuss the game, because that seems like overkill.

Do you enjoy the games and find them some of the best h-games out there? Great! continue to enjoy them as you have been and disagree with me.
I enjoyed parade buster and that is about it, even though i found the animation lacking; the gameplay was a bit fun though, so i finished it.
I just wish he made them even higher quality, mostly animation wise, because i can't remember the last time i played his games and got off to them after Parade Buster.

From what little i have seen so far, i am not impressed; that is my personal view, and if you see it as wrong, that is ok.
A shame, since i love the way he draws women.
I'm gonna go ahead and state how i feel.
His games feel lazy to me, even with the great art.
I'm not going to go into a humongous text wall to defend my views on a forum where we discuss the game, because that seems like overkill.

Do you enjoy the games and find them some of the best h-games out there? Great! continue to enjoy them as you have been and disagree with me.
I enjoyed parade buster and that is about it, even though i found the animation lacking; the gameplay was a bit fun though, so i finished it.
I just wish he made them even higher quality, mostly animation wise, because i can't remember the last time i played his games and got off to them after Parade Buster.

From what little i have seen so far, i am not impressed; that is my personal view, and if you see it as wrong, that is ok.
A shame, since i love the way he draws women.
I just don't get where the lazy comes in.

He works hard, his games have tons of time when it comes to playtime and he releases a lot of games. Not only that but he's one of the devs that has semi-frequent updates.
Not to mention that he as a developer moved through 3 engines!

This guy learned 2DFighterMaker2nd for OneShota and Kariyume. That engine has like a million limitations and is quite old for a 32bit program. Japan must have good documentation for it though because he was able to finaggle it to make it do what he wanted it to do. This is not an easy task.

Then he had to change up WolfRPG to handle animated graphics and mouse-click collision detection. WolfRPG is much harder to use than RPGMaker in that the documentation is worse, and that it's more general purpose in design. That's why you don't get many wolfrpg games. He learned WolfRPG and made Parade Buster. One of the longer eroge, clocking the average user 15 hours, with like 40 different enemies.

Not satisfied with this, he went and learned Unity, creating the Yakyuuken and Casino test games released for free as proof that he's working, just getting practice, and is now working on a full-blown Unity engine game.

I literally can't think of any other developer that's done this.

MGQ developer Torotoro moved from a visual novel engine to RPG Maker and that's it. ROBF dev hasn't even moved to RPG Maker MV. REBF, the in-development sequel is still using RPG Maker VX Ace. ExcessM moved 3 engines while chasing quality.

I honestly can't think of many games that are higher quality than these games. If you know any complete reverse rape titles that are higher in quality please let me know. I'd love to play them.

because i can't remember the last time i played his games and got off to them after Parade Buster.
I mean... I don't fap to eroge at all. Eroge is fun and gets me horny and all, but when I need that release, I usually go to some form of h-anime, whether it's 3D umemaro stuff or some good 2D stuff, or JAV. I don't find still images very erotic, and very few game developers animate well.


I do agree that animation wise, I don't find his style too attractive. The girls have no weight just floating above the dick, and there's no sound to go with the H to at least make it feel like the bodies are touching. This could be because of WOLF RPG making it harder to time audio events though. The Unity/Live2D pipeline allows for the animator to set triggers in the animation and those triggers can run events in Unity, so it makes it a lot easier to play well timed audio in Unity. Can't tell if it's just his preference, but he did mention the fact that he was using these triggers to trigger "damage" on the player in Hagokoro. Maybe he'll use it for audio too. Who knows.


Oh... I also disagree about the way he draws women. When the girls are naked there isn't much to tell them apart. The boobs are all the same super round shape, and so are the nipples. His girls also have very little variation in face shape.

What I think makes his designs so attractive is his fashion sense, and the girl's demeanors. I definitely prefer other illustrators more though.
Bronze5Box especially has a really good illustrator that can draw hot girls with a lot of variation.
ExcessM is one of those game developers where half of the weight in the scene is carried by dialogue. One of those types of game, and I'd say that their writing's steadily improved as Yume Sume featured longer scenes for every girl.
I do agree that animation wise, I don't find his style too attractive. The girls have no weight just floating above the dick, and there's no sound to go with the H to at least make it feel like the bodies are touching.
I personally put a LOT of weight into animations and sound when it comes to h-content in general, so this right here was why i said 'lazy'; if that isn't what you define as 'lazy', then i agree his games have a lot of effort put into them, and i was mistaken.
I still think copy-pasting the bodies and the weird neck coverings feels rather... cheap(?) i guess. Just doesn't feel like he wants to make something unique but just wants to fill in the areas in-between the boss fights with copy-paste dolls.
Would honestly prefer just boss-rush battles over that to be honest.
I personally put a LOT of weight into animations and sound when it comes to h-content in general, so this right here was why i said 'lazy'; if that isn't what you define as 'lazy', then i agree his games have a lot of effort put into them, and i was mistaken.
It really could just be preference though. Perhaps, it's not that his animation is the way it is because he's not putting in enough effort, but because for him the floatiness of the sex is his intention and that's what he finds attractive. I don't agree personally. I much prefer the weight and sound of Zell's pixel animation to ExcessM's.

But yes. Animation isn't the be all end all when it comes to the effort put into a game. I've liked quite a few games with 0 animation and respect the amount of work and effort put into those games.

I still think copy-pasting the bodies and the weird neck coverings feels rather... cheap(?) i guess. Just doesn't feel like he wants to make something unique but just wants to fill in the areas in-between the boss fights with copy-paste dolls.
Hmmmm... He needs a lot of enemies and he's working as one person. I feel like if he individually drew all the enemies, and still wanted to draw a lot of them, his artstyle would probably change or he'd need to draw at low resolution.

The only developer I know that's done a lot of enemies without cheating a bit is Marume Works, but I'm not a fan of their animation style either.

ExcessM's artstyle has been like this for forever though. A lot of his girls look the same, and have "copy-pasted bodies" in even his doujin material, with the variation mostly coming in breast size and faces maybe.

Would honestly prefer just boss-rush battles over that to be honest.
I'd like a longer game with all the unique challenges of the original parade buster. I liked dealing with Ponya and her resurrecting healers. I liked doing minigames in the dark to get the night-vision trait. I liked the hype of battling through a horde of ashigaru soldiers to get to the lord and get her to stop oppressing her people.

I definitely don't want to sacrifice the structure of the game, just so that each enemy feels more unique. Especially since their adult scenes will be where the variations are the most profound.
It is pretty pathetic that this team has to deliver the translation after it was promised by the developer so long ago. Given that they already translated Parade Buster, the dev might as well hire them to translate his future games so it can be completely translated at release instead of barely being done in time before the next game comes out. Still good news, this team works pretty fast despite how small it is, should not take too long.
It is pretty pathetic that this team has to deliver the translation after it was promised by the developer so long ago. Given that they already translated Parade Buster, the dev might as well hire them to translate his future games so it can be completely translated at release instead of barely being done in time before the next game comes out. Still good news, this team works pretty fast despite how small it is, should not take too long.
Are they even aware that ExcessM commissioned a translation from DLsite?
If they aren't then they could be being misused by their fans.
Are they even aware that ExcessM commissioned a translation from DLsite?
If they aren't then they could be being misused by their fans.
This circle switches between translating what the translators want to play and translate personally, and games that the Patreons want, the latter gets decided via poll. Yumesame won the poll with 36% of total votes, 2% ahead of the 34% for "Youmaen", the most pedo game I have ever seen (and I do not make that statement lightly). The comments mentioned the Dlsite translation being ongoing, so the team knew about that. They said if a finished and high quality translation pops up before they are finished with an ongoing game, they will move on to the second game from a poll. Given that it was decided by a poll and the patreons kinda pay the bills for this translation work, and didn't get a say in the last 3 games that were translated, I doubt the team really cares whether a DlSite translation for it gets finished at some point, or maybe they question it happening within this decade. This is just them doing what the Patreons want, and I am glad they do it because I am unsure whether Dlsite will get this done and do a good job with it, while I know for sure that these guys will do a good job. I voted for Succubus Rhapsodia btw, one of the few games I have ever encountered that I consider to be unplayable without translation.
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Anyone knows if you can retract a commission? Cause then someone should contact ExcessM and tell him fans of his games will translate the game for him.
Well I guess unless Dlsite try to pull the plug on them for doing a fan translation at least we will get a very good translation as all of the translation I've played by them have been top tier and at this point if there doing it quicker than the "official" the better
Together's first translation project, Succubus Prison ~House of Lewd Demons~, ended up becoming the official DLsite translation.
Perhaps this will end up being a similar, if not, same situation.
Together's first translation project, Succubus Prison ~House of Lewd Demons~, ended up becoming the official DLsite translation.
Perhaps this will end up being a similar, if not, same situation.
How'd they get away with that?
I imagine like alot of other translations where the fan translators don't own the game in anyway so they can more or less take it and put it up as the English version though saying that if the translator gets in contact with the developer/owner of the game if they get permission to do the translation it sometimes becomes the official after its complete that way.
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Took bloody long enough didn't it but at least Together are working on a translation for this game now.
Thank fucking god.
Hey so is anyone currently subscribed to =together= and knows how far they are into the translation? We are lucky to see this is being translated it is a hassle sometimes to use textractor and agth..