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ACT Ci-En [Furonezumi] ネオ・ガンタカたん

Any tentacles in this or is it just zombies?

We haven't actually seen enemies outside of his favourite pale zombies, but his last game brought about a few interesting monsters which could very well turn up in this one.
Bug-thingies, tentacle plants, slime girls, weird orc-pig-guys and dog-like aliens. They also had girls armed with various weapons that tried to fight off the monster attack before becoming victims themselves.

I'm not saying they'll 100% turn up in this one, but there's nothing that I know of saying that they're not going to show up in some form.
I have high hopes for Furonezumi's works. Granted the only game I actually enjoyed (and bought) was She Ill Server. But I can say that in all his games he always has good variety in both the girls getting raped as well as those doing the raping. I do expect a wide variety of enemies in this game too, but it's too early to tell.
there's quite a leap between Furonezumi old works and She Ill Server from gameplay and H-content. judging from all teaser that been posted on Ci-en i expect quite some thing new and better than She Ill Server but let's not set the bar too high right away.
This to me looks quite fun, but will not compare to their last game.
This to me looks quite fun, but will not compare to their last game.
He's so far behind I'm afraid he won't go far enough. Besides the gripes I have visually with it I certainly hopes he bothers to go far enough with it to capitalize on the interesting mechanics like struggling and proper transition in the animations.
To give perspective on how 'far behind' he is, it was known over a year ago he was trying to do both mouse and keyboard aiming.
He's so far behind I'm afraid he won't go far enough. Besides the gripes I have visually with it I certainly hopes he bothers to go far enough with it to capitalize on the interesting mechanics like struggling and proper transition in the animations.
To give perspective on how 'far behind' he is, it was known over a year ago he was trying to do both mouse and keyboard aiming.
And like 2 somewhat similar paizuri animations.
While I'm normally all about bashing slow devs, at least he's still been releasing the minigame's content to us. Well, the minigames themselves are locked behind paywalls, but the actual animations are free for the most part. You're not really missing much aside from slightly less censorship (but it's Japan so censorship anyways).

Man why do Japanese devs mess around so much? Spamming Twitter showing off how little they're getting done. Really doesn't encourage people to give them support money.
Man why do Japanese devs mess around so much? Spamming Twitter showing off how little they're getting done. Really doesn't encourage people to give them support money.
i like to point out to not generalized this specific dev for everyone, i mean sure there's many that mess around like this, but some also doing a very steady progress. but i do agree that this guy really messing too much, making side project of paizuri mini game then lock it behind paywall, sure the animation of it is available for free but still, it seems like he doing this to get little extra revenue.
i honestly wouldn't complain if he make that mini game after he done with the main game. consider it as DLC or something.
Looks like Furonezumi is starting to work on the first penetration scene. I was starting to think this game would only have paizuri and tit sucking. Game progress seems steady albeit pretty slow. It's been about a year and a half now and still working on the first enemy's sex scene. Hopefully the paizuri minigame and the work done so far is setting up a framework for the sex animations and future ones can be made at a faster rate.

knowing Furonezumi i don't think it would strictly limited to paizuri and other foreplay, but dude been stuck up with his paizuri minigame for quite a while which delay the main game progress so there's that
How is this game getting so much praise while also having discussions where it compares with the previous game "She-ill server"

Like man, this game looks godawful compared to their previous work, everything is so sloppy, the combat is just garbo. The character model movement is also so damn weird and horrible.
Do tell me a reason why this game is even on the good level because if I just go and replay she-ill server again I'll just be laughing at this even more.
How is this game getting so much praise while also having discussions where it compares with the previous game "She-ill server"

Like man, this game looks godawful compared to their previous work, everything is so sloppy, the combat is just garbo. The character model movement is also so damn weird and horrible.
Do tell me a reason why this game is even on the good level because if I just go and replay she-ill server again I'll just be laughing at this even more.

its... its been getting praise?

Another update right before the end of year, with a demo too. Seems like only addition content-wise is the missionary with the goblin thing. Also added a system for semen to "stick" on the character afterwards.

Lastly, mentioned some of the high priority features he's currently trying to put in the demo:
  1. Bringing back the "free paizuri" system from previous version
  2. Add missing voices for certain phases of missionary position
  3. Change character animation when against a wall
  4. A way to select which animation plays when hit with a "sex attack"
Subtle linkbegging is still link begging. 1 week ban.
I'm really looking forward to seeing when Furonezumi releases the demo of the game.

...Though I'm more looking forward to the free paizuri system. I'd ask if anyone has access to their Ci-en stuff, but that's against the site's rules.