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G Building

Re: G Building

"I see," she said with a small smile, then winces a bit as another small twinge went through her head. It felt like it was a notifier that her control was waning, but that wasn't for about another hour at the least...
Re: G Building

((Good thing Art'll need to pop off soon, there's business afoot!))

"Are you alright?" Art asks, his concern now drawn back to Trixie. "Do you want to sit down for a bit?"
Re: G Building

All of a sudden, a sharp jab into her head caused her to wince harder. She reconized it instantly- a sign of loss control before another memory spike.

Instantly she looked for a door as she awnsered Art. "I-I'm fine, I just need to... get some air..." she said, slightly hurriedly.
Re: G Building

Matt scratches his head in confusion, then adds, "Not sure myself. When I was in school, we had asshole faculty members that we thought were hilarious. I guess I have to wait until the next generation to be entertaining to the kids..."

He drifts off for a moment, then realizes something she said earlier. "... Wait, I'm not a teddy bear!"
Re: G Building

"The doors are opened out to the courtyard, do you need me to help you?" Art asked Trixie, concerned for her wellbeing. A small vibration goes off inside Art's pocket and he pulls out his phone. "Aww crap, it's that time already?" Art puts the phone back in his pocket and from another he pulls out a small pot. Unscrewing the lid he takes out a couple of pills and swallows them.
Re: G Building

"N-no! I'm fine! Really!" she says back, the twinges getting more intense as time goes by. She needed to get outside, and she started moving faster and faster for the door...
Re: G Building

And walks straight into Autumn, who had just stepped out from behind some people without watching. It felt like walking into a football player, the slim woman barely budged. "Ohmygod, I'm so sorry!" She said hurredly, staring at Trixie wide-eyed.
Re: G Building

Stella looks around and shakes her head, there wasn't much going on. Except, of course, for the chaos of her roommate being paraded into a corner...

She finally decides to slip out of the building in a semi-daze, her movements slightly sluggish and swaying, seeming as if she were a little drunk. A soft groan escapes her lips as she slowly shuffles into the courtyard, feeling like she was going to fall over any minute...
Re: G Building

"I'll see you later," Art says to Trixie just before she leaves.

"Right, down to business," Art strolls on over to Kyle after picking his pimp cane back up. "Hey dude, I saw you taking pictures earlier, would you mind if I grabbed a couple? I've some blackmailing to do."

Completely obvious to the punch being spiked Isabella filled up a cup for herself. "Wow, your parent's dont sound fun at all," She replied to Grace. As she drank her punch her cheeks start to flush.
Re: G Building

Alazais casually replaces Matt's bottle in his pocket, then pats it.

"Enjoy.. your punch. Time for me to fly before midnight.. See you again!"

With a grace that belies how much alcohol she's consumed, the albino weaves into, then through the crowd. A few people might spot a dark cloaked figure leaving the building, but that was nothing special..
Re: G Building

Kyle shrugs, then hands over a handful of the pictures.
Re: G Building

"Awesome, thanks dude," Art claps Kyle on the shoulder after putting the pictures in his pocket. "Looks like Al will regret tonight." Art mutters to himself, though there is no malice in his words.

"Hey Corax!" Art calls over to him as he leaves Kyle. "I'm going to patrol now, I shouldn't be back until past one. Hopefully I'll not find anything this time." Art says this quietly to Corax, though anyone who tried listening in may be able to pick it up.

"Right kiddies, enjoy yourselves and be back in your dorms by one otherwise the school cant be help responsible for what happens to you," Art calls out to the hall at large, his free hand up in the air waving to them all. Art then exits the building.
Re: G Building

((Hmm, funny now I think about it just how many students here come from rich/powerful families, in one way or another.))

Despite the odd taste of the new mix Grace continues with her punch, if in slightly smaller sips. "Nope, definitely not fun. I'm not allowed out of the estate alone, half of which is off limits anyway, I'm never allowed any friends over that they haven't picked for me..." She seems like she could go on, though stops and sighs, throwing a moody glance into empty space, and then downs the rest of her cup. "Aheh, sorry. I'm sure you don't need to hear me moaning about home." Grace says turning back to Isabella while scratching the back of her head.

Ellisia had been fairly quiet the whole time, while not in the corner she had been sitting not too involved in most things. It was interesting though just to be part of such an event for her. She'd never had the chance for such back home. She was enjoying just relaxing and watching how other people around her age spent their childhoods when she had likely been running important errands and missions for the good of a nation instead.

Simon, still outside had mostly depleted his "party pack" and was starting to ache from sitting in the tree. He'd managed to update his 'borrowed' student roster well, with all the expected new students identified and accounted for. Noting a slow trickle of those now leaving the dance he decided to climb down and go for a stroll around the darkening school grounds.
Re: G Building

Matt nods quietly and waves to Alazais as she leaves. As she disappears, He pulls out his watch and widens his eyes. "It's midnight? Oh lord..." and runs out of the building and sprints all the way to Gosmer Falls, the town.
Re: G Building

Trixie didn't hear the comment to her as she stumbles to a door, pushing it open as she visibly winces in pain. It was getting excrusiating to move, it was getting really painful, she needed to get out now...
Re: G Building

Autumn let Trixie by with a sigh of relief. The girl must have been drunk or something already, she didn't even realize what had happened, which was good. It would have been rather hard to explain herself, had someone noticed.

Watching her step more carefully now, she went back to her seat and sat gently, sipping at her spiked punch.
Re: G Building

After observing the party wind down, Leo simply chuckles, then slowly sneaks his way out of the G building and back to the dorms for a night's rest.
Re: G Building

Sho hasn't noticed the shift in his weight, just going back to enjoying the dance. Draw too much attention to Al and she might get embarrassed and not want to do it ever again. Small kudos to Matt, too, for helping her out. Little did she know about the drinks.

"Well, nows a good a time as any, Ah suppose. Again, can feign ignorance onit if they bust us." From his grin, he was going to give it a shot, too. The thought did occur to him, though, to 'tell his friends,' as Autumn had warned. Might not be a bad idea, since not everyone might be as accepting and understanding. To that end, he casually began leading Aya over toward Siphon, figuring his roomie, at the very least, had the right to know. Tell too many, though, and it'd get ruined. Not like they wouldn't be able to tell, eventually, anyway. "Business first," he told his partner. "Then pleasah." He grinned.

Aya nods, then follows Ian over where he goes.

Siphon pauses the dance long enough to listen to what Ian has to say, then adds, "got it, thanks." He then resumes his dance with Sho, When the coast was clear he whispers to Sho, "apparently Matt spiked the punch with whiskey or some form of alcohol. Ian thought it best to warn the two of us."

He chuckled slightly. Both she and he knew well enough given his unique physiology, he was pretty well immune to the effects of alcohol and getting drunk, though he tried not to flaunt that.
Re: G Building

"Guess I'm sticking with soda, then." Unlike him, Sho knew she didn't have a good tolerance for alcohol. Not from experimentation, mind you, but if NyQuil knocked her on her ass more than the normal person, real booze couldn't be healthy either. Not that she needed the drinks to have a good time anyway. She was more enjoying herself in Siphon's hold. Was it midnight already, though? Talk about time flying. And as for the curfew, she wasn't all that concerned about it. It was their dance. She wasn't about to let time constraints ruin it.

Guiding Aya over to the punch bowl, Ian ladeled two cups of the liquid for the two of them, though he didn't fill them near to the brim as he had when they'd been just punch. All things in moderation, especially if Aya'd never tried it before. It certainly wasn't his intention to let her get smashed but how would you know if you liked or didn't like something if you didn't try it at least once? That had been his parents philosophy. That, and allowing him to try kept him from sneaking it...

"Let's nab a seat, shall we?" he suggests. Then they could sip and talk or just people watch. Aya did that a lot. And you were less likely to gulp if you were relaxed.
Re: G Building

Right about the time that Ian was getting the punch for Aya and himself, Kyle slipped out wordlessly.