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Games Discussion Thread


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Incubus has.
Haha. But you can't expect everyone to actually read my posts or go to the links I provide, right?

Yeah, I linked to a review of it like, last page. Bought the preorder.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I hardly browse most of the stuff in Everything Else, so I wouldn't know. Like I said, I heard about the game on /v/ earlier today so I was curious as to whether anyone knew anything about it. So allow me to apologise oh gracious one for showing me the error of my ways /sarcasm


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I hardly browse most of the stuff in Everything Else, so I wouldn't know. Like I said, I heard about the game on /v/ earlier today so I was curious as to whether anyone knew anything about it. So allow me to apologise oh gracious one for showing me the error of my ways /sarcasm
If it was more than one page back, sure. But what you did is almost as bad as the person making a request thread for a hentai game that is one page deep in the games section.


Re: Games Discussion Thread

Give him a break. I don't want you mad at me anymore. I don't want to offend you by defending my friend, but not everyone reads entire pages. Even if they were away for a bit.

Do you do this yourself?


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Depends on the thread. There are some I pay more attention to than others.


Re: Games Discussion Thread

See? Everyone does. Thank you for agreeing with me. :3


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Whereas I only pay attention to the RP's I'm in, Member Announcements and...thats pretty much it.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Gentlemen, prepare your Pig Launchers, because you gotta get them to fly somehow.

And while we're at it, here's a trailer for .
Duke Nukem... every time it comes up everyone goes ballistic, but really in today's video game world so over saturated with FPS games, Duke is really going to have to be real fucking good to impress me.

Sure I enjoyed the original, and even play it today. But when the new one comes out I'm sure there'll be plenty of contenders for my money, and maybe I want something that has a little more to it than ridiculous guns and scantly clad women that have less personality than a cardboard box. Sure that's something that happens in a lot of games even today, but it still bothers me. I can also never really get into games that have uberly over the top guns for some reason. I don't know why.

But yes, the only game I've waited a decade for was Starcraft II, and that was purely for story purposes. Sure the game is pretty fun, but after going through the campaign I've moved on to various other games (even going as far back as 2004's Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines... also Starcraft II hasn't been promised to be released multiple times over the years). So what is Duke Nukem going to bring to the table that will make it worth it?

And yes, come flame me and neg rep me now fan boys who can't stand that someone doesn't want to play a Duke Nukem game. Already happened, people here apparently don't like people who don't like Duke. Maybe that's why I'm being so hard on the damn game, because otherwise I'd leave it alone and let people play what they want to play.

Dragon Age Witch Hunt trailer looks interesting. I wonder if there will be more meaning for the Dalish Elf origin.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

And yes, come flame me and neg rep me now fan boys who can't stand that someone doesn't want to play a Duke Nukem game. Already happened, people here apparently don't like people who don't like Duke. Maybe that's why I'm being so hard on the damn game, because otherwise I'd leave it alone and let people play what they want to play.
Anyone that neg-reps you for not wanting to play Duke Nukem is either a basement dweller or a troll. Or maybe even Obe. Yes, Obe, you are in a class of your own.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

zero hour blew and I hated it ever since.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, played a new game, and a DLC this past week. Mafia II, and the Witch Hunt DLC for Dragon Age: Origins. I'll start with my thoughts on Origins, with some help from Chibi.

argleflargle. I hate how Witch hunt only answers the least important questions.
What she says here is true, but not only that, it is not tailored to how you played the original game. Details under the spoiler tag:

This DLC assumes that you rejected Morrigans offer near the end of the game that would save you by taking the archdemon's soul into a baby she has with either you or Alistair. I did take the offer, so was very confused when she kept saying I betrayed her.

On top of not being tailored to my play style which was jolting to my own personal timeline, it is true that pretty much no answers are given. Like, at all. The ending was highly disappointing, made worse by that I achieved that ending in two hours, maybe three. Yeah I didn't exactly take my time with it, but I wasn't running like Speedy Gonzales through the whole thing. There are also only three companions that go with you. Dog who you start with, Ariane a Dalish Elf, and Finn a human mage from the circle. No real room for customization. It was nice having new faces... but even access to my old characters would have been nice.

The things it did well though was carry on the tradition of light humour, especially evident in the banter between the characters. I must say that I loved Ariane's character, and it's a shame she's got such a small role in the entire universe. It's doubtful I'll ever see her again. It's also apparent that the maker's enjoyed Firefly as Finn's starting staff is named "Vera", and the description of the item led me and Sly both to assume the famous gun from Firefly.

In the end, Witch Hunt does not deliver on its promises except to blatantly say that Flemeth is not dead which was evident by her appearance and voice over in the Dragon Age 2 trailers, and really isn't worth the money.

The full game I've played this past few days was Mafia II.

The game is seemingly set up similar to a Grand Theft Auto like sandbox. Except it really is just a shooter more akin to Gears of War than GTA. There's a cover system, left trigger aims, right trigger shooters, right bumper reloads yadda yadda. There's no real side missions that I found except robbing stores, crushing cars for money, and selling them at the water front. You are also able to steal cars and drive them around, and go to various stores to get food, buy guns, or clothes to customize your look... a little bit.

What you get is something that appears like an open world, but is in fact very linear. Cars you steal serve mostly to get you from point to point to do the missions, as there's very little point to just drive around. However many missions also provide you a vehicle so that your own is almost useless. The game also encourages the player to partake in the laws of the road. While nothing bad happens for passing through a red light (save the occasional passenger yelling at ye), you can be fined for speeding, hit and runs, and crashing into other cars. If you are caught steeling a car your license plate is then wanted meaning you have to go to a shop to change it up, else even if you escape a particular group of cops the next one to see you will immediately start pursuit. Jumping right into multiple stars depending how much you pissed them off earlier (they don't shoot until 3 stars). Your clothing can also get a wanted label after certain missions or if you start shooting the place up, prompting you to change your clothes.

Now the missions and storyline aren't too bad, but many characters are pushed off to the side for a long time, and some that I'm concerned about never got a proper ending, which was slightly upsetting. Still, many characters seem fairly cookie cutter and don't have much feel to them to make me care for them. Indeed I wished I could just kill them, but many places won't even let you pull out your weapons.

Speaking of weapons, the game gives you a good collection, and didn't keep the common modern system of only letting you carry 2-4 guns. There are a selection of WWII weaponry and pistols that existed from 1945-51 (the timeline of the game). The game also pulls an Alan Wake, and what I mean by that is that it finds as many excuses as it can to take away your weapons and make you start picking them up all over. Thankfully with mobsters of various origins running at you with everything from MP-40s and Greaseguns to Molotovs and shotguns it's easy to get your collection up again. Still, it would be nice to not have to use my pistols at the start of every other damn mission.

I think the best thing done in this game however, was the seeming authenticity. From the ads running during the final year of the Second World War in between the music on the radio stations, to the cars dress and look of the world in the fictional Empire City.

The combat of the game is pretty simple. If the enemy doesn't know yer there there's stealth kills, but it is generally cover and shoot (what bugged me was the absence of blind firing, despite seeing some enemies doing it) like many shooter games these days, and regenerating health. Yeah you have a health bar, but it regenerates to about three quarters full, meaning you need food or something to fully heal yourself. However it's almost useless considering that food/booze/ whatever is never around in gun battles. I got very used to only having three quarters health.

I must also warn about a rather slow start to the game. After getting out of the WWII tutorial level (your character was a veteran from the Italian campaign) I had to do many little tiny and shitty tasks.

Despite me not having much good to say about it, I've actually rather enjoyed it. Still it kind of puts itself across as a open world sandbox, but it's really just a linear shooter, with Mafia trappings. Not a bad game, but be aware of what it is, rather than what it advertises itself as much of the time.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So Capcom decided to give me a giant fuck you.

Seriously? I preordered it the first time to get some neat shit. And now you're releasing a completely different preorder so that you can make even MORE money? Well guess what Capcom!?

... You won. Again. I preordered both of them. I'm a shameless bastard and deserve to starve.
Also, I only ordered the XBox version. Is anybody willing to get the PC version with me to play co-op in or is it all consoles here?

Oh, and,
Or maybe even Obe. Yes, Obe, you are in a class of your own.
Obe bet on Duke, you bastard.
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Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Got Birth by Sleep yesterday, played for like 9 hours strait. It's like playing KH2 on the PSP almost, and the additions of Finishers, a crowd control 'Shocklock attack', and special combat combos that allow special combat modes make for some interesting combos (Example of one is Diamond Dust, where if you utilize Blizzard-based attacks, you'll gain a powerful, AOE combo style focused on ice, with a finisher that causes a huge explosion of shards right at the end). Combat does seem to be a tad more faster pace, and skills work like the Materia system in Crisis Core, so there's a slightly short amount of time when you're backtracking to level up all your lighter skills, but it's not that bad. I highly suggest it for anyone that has a interest in the KH series.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Capitalism ho!

That is all.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

One Hand Behind My Back
Defeat an opponent without using the airfield and armor and artillery base camps in a ranked match

Achieve a 90% or more survival ratio in a ranked match
So, apparently you can't get these if your opponent surrenders after 3 minutes, before you've even made contact. I'm having trouble finding people who'll play ranked matched of RUSE, and the only person I've encountered was obviously a rookie, and after 3 minutes saw himself so outmatched he gave up. Then after 1 minute in a second game immediately afterwards.

Because limited fog of war means he can see that I've claimed around 5 supply bases and have a bunch of unidentified light and heavy units running around while he's got a small fraction of this.

Whatever happened so Sun Tzu's old saying: "It is better to force your opponent to surrender without a fight"? I want mah achievements.

EDIT: So apparently the Top Gun achievement (use only aircraft) also prohibits the use of defensive structures. Which makes me wonder if I'm allowed to build even supply bases.
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Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I'd like to know if anybody else here has ever played Mount & Blade, or it's expanded edition, Warband.

For those of you that don't, it's basically a sandbox fantasy strategy game with heavy RPG influences. You start out as a nobody in the realm of Calradia, having been shipped there from someplace else. And basically, after you have completed the initial quest and gathered the first few troops, you're on your own. Are you going to join up with one of the kingdoms or are you going to stay on your own? Will you form your own kingdom or are you going to get rich by investing in facilities? Are you going to be an honorable knight or will you raid villages and caravans?

What's worth mentioning is that while taking place in a fictional world, there are no elements that typically define fantasy - there are no orcs, no elves, no mages and no dragons. Basically it's a medieval game taking place in another world.

Combat happens on special maps, depending on the terrain you're on. You lead your troops into battle - BUT! If you're knocked out, your troops will retreat to save you. If you don't have any troops left, you're going to get captured, lose a bunch of money and some of your inventory.

While the game is fairly in-depth, it also has a way to kick you in the balls, especially when you're part of a kingdom - mostly because 9 out of 10 times you can't control who your kingdom is going to war with. All out of a sudden you can find yourself fighting off 3 kingdoms at the same time. Also, if the other kingdoms attack with their united army, you can basically kiss your city/castle goodbye. What's more, if you have production sites in the towns of now enemy states, they cease to give you income, which can put you in a tight spot if your army is big and consists mostly out of cavalry - which is almost overwhelmingly powerful, but expensive.

tl;dr - It's a fantasy strategy/RPG without orcs and magic that can feel very rewarding, but can also be very frustrating.
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Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I lost about the last week of my life to M&B


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I'd like to know if anybody else here has ever played Mount & Blade, or it's expanded edition, Warband.

For those of you that don't, it's basically a sandbox fantasy strategy game with heavy RPG influences. You start out as a nobody in the realm of Calradia, having been shipped there from someplace else. And basically, after you have completed the initial quest and gathered the first few troops, you're on your own. Are you going to join up with one of the kingdoms or are you going to stay on your own? Will you form your own kingdom or are you going to get rich by investing in facilities? Are you going to be an honorable knight or will you raid villages and caravans?

What's worth mentioning is that while taking place in a fictional world, there are no elements that typically define fantasy - there are no orcs, no elves, no mages and no dragons. Basically it's a medieval game taking place in another world.

Combat happens on special maps, depending on the terrain you're on. You lead your troops into battle - BUT! If you're knocked out, your troops will retreat to save you. If you don't have any troops left, you're going to get captured, lose a bunch of money and some of your inventory.

While the game is fairly in-depth, it also has a way to kick you in the balls, especially when you're part of a kingdom - mostly because 9 out of 10 times you can't control who your kingdom is going to war with. All out of a sudden you can find yourself fighting off 3 kingdoms at the same time. Also, if the other kingdoms attack with their united army, you can basically kiss your city/castle goodbye. What's more, if you have production sites in the towns of now enemy states, they cease to give you income, which can put you in a tight spot if your army is big and consists mostly out of cavalry - which is almost overwhelmingly powerful, but expensive.

tl;dr - It's a fantasy strategy/RPG without orcs and magic that can feel very rewarding, but can also be very frustrating.
If it has no fantasy elements, it doesn't qualify as fantasy.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 23, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I periodically lose a few days of my life to M&B. Which you may have just triggered, you bastard.