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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

It's almost shaping up to be Star Wars Battlefront. Except with the exclusion of hero characters, and less classes. Not that that's a bad thing.

If your talking about the Multiplayer alone, By what I've heard theres not every other mission in your longsword outnumbered and outgunned, Just one..

There most likely WILL NOT be any infinite ammo, invulnerablility cheats on Reach...

Yea You could enter them before going online and they WOULD work last I checked...

Haven't played it in a long time though should have patched it by now... Really dissapointing to take out a whole ship on a single stolen bomber or take all command points with a single vanguard...

The return of an actuall Customisable Firefight mode is... Bittersweet, Only because of a hazyness over matchmaking...

Gears 2's Horde had Matchmaking for Horde... Hopefully Reach's Firefight will be smarter than ODST's firefight and have Matchmaking too!

Forge 2.0 is now a whole freaken world you can play around with and the thing that I always have loved about the Halo series...

I liked the old forge... Plenty of stuff to play around with/crush your friends with... Liking the new options they showcased, I can make a hell of a Zombie map with these tools now!

New back ground dialogue!

IWHBYD Skull kicks ass!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Sword of the Stars is pretty fantastic. The best games are online ones when somebody strong screws the pooch and unleashes a horribly strong AI enemy.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I have been waiting for this for going on FOUR YEARS for this one game...

It started as a rumored Mobile Phone game and I was still exited about it, then two years after they revealed they it on the PSP and I did flips...

But WHEN is it coming to America? Release date is 4th quarter 2010 JP, TBA US

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Screencap of Starcraft II.


Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yup. That is indeed a Metroid. ^_^
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I can't wait 'till next weekend. I'll have a chance to borrow my little brother's new laptop and copy of SC II. At least, I think I will. Step-dad may take forever to give the laptop to him.

And by borrow, I mean he doesn't want me to play his copy of SC II, but he's been pissing me off lately.

And by laptop, I mean the thing that my little brother didn't want, and instead wanted a desktop, but had to settle on a laptop because Step-dad is obsessed with everyone having laptops instead of desktops.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Er, good luck? Have fun? Try not to spill any soda on it?
Re: Games Discussion Thread


The Article on DA II in gameinformer is... interesting. My hopes are raised a little higher. Bringing back Flemeth? Yesplz.

Your decisions in Origins directly influencing 2? Also YESPLZ. Awakening was such a disappointment because of that. But All the major decisions you made (Freeing the mages?) will have a direct influence. <3

There is also Romance (Gay option this time too plz)

So, I'm pretty excited again. Not too fond of the graphics shift, but I'm willing to give it a chance and see where it goes.
Re: Games Discussion Thread


The Article on DA II in gameinformer is... interesting. My hopes are raised a little higher. Bringing back Flemeth? Yesplz.

Your decisions in Origins directly influencing 2? Also YESPLZ. Awakening was such a disappointment because of that. But All the major decisions you made (Freeing the mages?) will have a direct influence. <3

There is also Romance (Gay option this time too plz)

So, I'm pretty excited again. Not too fond of the graphics shift, but I'm willing to give it a chance and see where it goes.

I'm wondering if Flemeth makes her appearance at a part of the game where DragonAge 1 and 2 are occurring at the same time. It bugs me when characters are brought back from Death, makes them seem... have less impact.

Yeah, I was annoyed with how Awakenings went about, especially after all the things I did in the original had so little impact. However, the game was designed for the new origin story of the Orlesian Warden.

Romance. Cool, it can add stuff to the game. However, there already was a gay option in the first game. Lelianna was bi, and so was Zevran. It would be interesting to see fully homosexual characters that can only be romanced by someone of the same gender, but we'll see what happens.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Some of the other things that Chibs and my friend and I have bantering about with regard to the timeline and such...yeah, the Flemeth thing makes me wonder. I mean, feasibly, you don't find out about the Grimore for a while. I just...it's so difficult for me to wrap my head around the fact that Origins takes place over about a year and a half (the Dwarven origins particularly were a "Wait, what?" for me. A year?!) I've been trying to get timeframes down for my fanfics (like the fact that the mage tower is about a day and a half from Redcliff. This is helpful information. And that the Tower is about two and half weeks (I think) from Orzammar.) You just don't have a sense of time in the first game, especially given that you can do things in any order. Does that mean if I do Orzammar first as a dwarf that it took me a year to get to Ostagar, Lothering, and back to Orz? And then how long do the other bits take, if, for example, the Brecilian Forest is even farther away from Orz than Lothering is.

Stopping now. Brain hurts. *sips juice*

The other thing is, and I just had this more firmly put in my head because I'm going through Awakenings a second time...Nathaniel Howe. He's in the Free Marches during the Blight and he mentions, in Awakenings, that he was in Kirkwall. And Hawke is the Champion of Kirkwall. I hope they at least give the boy a passing nod.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm wondering if Flemeth makes her appearance at a part of the game where DragonAge 1 and 2 are occurring at the same time. It bugs me when characters are brought back from Death, makes them seem... have less impact.

Normally I'd agree with you, but even before you killed her it was very heavily implied that Flemeth wouldn't actually stay dead. It's why she was so nonchalant about the whole thing. It's not like they went for the full emotional impact of the death and then said "just kidding, she actually lived!"

Also, the new design for the Qunari makes them look silly.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Normally I'd agree with you, but even before you killed her it was very heavily implied that Flemeth wouldn't actually stay dead. It's why she was so nonchalant about the whole thing. It's not like they went for the full emotional impact of the death and then said "just kidding, she actually lived!"

Also, the new design for the Qunari makes them look silly.
New design? It makes much more sense this way, since Qunari broodmothers give birth to ogres.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It is new art right? Or was there concept art of them like that floating from earlier that I don't know about? I admit, I don't follow dragon age as close as you guys. I just enjoyed the game.

It does fit with the ogres appearance, but stuff can make sense and look kind of silly too! Like the .
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It is new art right? Or was there concept art of them like that floating from earlier that I don't know about? I admit, I don't follow dragon age as close as you guys. I just enjoyed the game.

It does fit with the ogres appearance, but stuff can make sense and look kind of silly too! Like the .

Look AWESOME you mean! o_O
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Gah. There's ONE thing that pisses me off about Starcraft 2.
In the mission "Special Report" (I assume that's the English name), you can unlock a secret mission by destroying a laboratory in the lower right corner. HOWEVER, you can only unlock the mission by first playing "Special Report", or by having a savegame for that mission by dumb luck. You can NOT unlock it via the archive. I don't have a savegame for that mission, so I need to replay a whole portion of the game just to get there.
Also, you NEED the secret mission for the completion achievements, and I want that portrait of Warfield. He's the baddest motherfucker in the entire game - he kills a Hydralisk with ONE PUNCH.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

The new Qunari look doesn't seem that weird. Especially considering that Dragon Age is in a fantasy setting, and the Qunari basically looked like humans who were taller, had corn rows, and darker skin.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I guess this is one of those personal preference, agree to disagree type things.