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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Anyone else ran into Spiral Knights? It's a pretty awesome MMORPG, where your stats are based on your equipment's levels and comes with a pretty awesome to boot. Think Zelda with a few astetic changes and a little faster-paced.

Only bad thing is that in order to explore, you have a energy bar, which goes down 10 every level of the elevator you activate. Not that you'll be diving all the way down to a subtown (a good 10 or so levels) right off the bat, but having to call off a dive down due to running out of energy always sucks. I don't know if logging off in one of the resupply areas will return ya to Haven or not either, which if it does could get annoying.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Jesus christ, I don't mean to sound rude but Obe made a thread about it a little while ago, albeit not very informative, that you posted in. This happens all the time when someone mentions a non-AAA game a while before someone else mentions it and everyone acts like that person was the one to first talk about it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Jesus christ, I don't mean to sound rude but Obe made a thread about it a little while ago, albeit not very informative, that you posted in. This happens all the time when someone mentions a non-AAA game a while before someone else mentions it and everyone acts like that person was the one to first talk about it.

That post was more showing my random irritations of Obe's random threadstarting (which has happened before way too often) and discarded from my mind. My post comprised of one word to be honest.

Doucheba- Oh wait, it's Obe again. Nevermind.

As for running into the game, I kinda stumbled into it via banner ads on my end, didn't even recall the thread.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm sensing a trend here.


... actually, fuck it. I'm going to wait for the full fucking story. As it is now, though, yes, bro, I MAD. As far as I know, Square Enix did nothing to warrant an attack like this.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Legend of Paper Zelda

Oh god yes. Where is that Highschool of the Dead image of the girl screaming "I'M GETTING WET!"?

I don't care if it turns out to be fake, just the thought of that is epic.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So on the topic of Spiral Knights, I finally tried it out after Obe had mentioned it and I have to say it's a pretty alright game. Nothing to really shout about but the art is lovely and the LoZ-like gameplay is a fresh change. I'm not sure about the random dungeon creating though, a couple of them I've been into seem incredibly overpowered for the floor number I was on. The last dungeon I was in my team was completely wiped out on fourth floor, where as the parties I was in in some of the previous dungeons we made it down to floor 8-10 without much difficulty. Also, people keep referring to me as a girl because I've got that spiral tail helmet on.

Anyway, my name on there is Pawn-Renegade if you ever feel like partying up.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm either lurkerknight or Sallet. and my suggestion would be to purchase/max level all the tier 0 equipment before leaving the rescue camp, it'll mean you only got to dive into a dungeon for 5 energy and you can get used to all the weapon's little quirks and so on.

On a gaming-related note, I recently got Borderlands and Killing Floor. Kinda sad that the former's characters are dependent on computer, but both are awesome enough. Any tips on getting gear later on (in Borderlands) or leveling perks (Killing Floor) ?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Gear in borderlands is easy. Just do every quest you can possibly do, and make sure you have the DLCs. They not only add some awesome storyline to the game, but they add more weapons and more quests. Still, doing the storyline and Bounty Board quests usually nets you both reward weapons, and, if you're observant, Red Chests. ALWAYS open a red chest. THEY ARE THE LORD AND SAVIOR IN BORDERLANDS.

And with that, I return to my life of mediocrity.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I actually went straight to Haven after doing one dungeon in the rescue camp.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I actually went straight to Haven after doing one dungeon in the rescue camp.

It's not a requirement, but it helps in the long run. Specially as after the first break terminal, levels start to get to the point you'll need 1-2 star equipment, before ya can even reach the tier-1 subtown. And sadly the rescue camp only have 2 dungeon terminals: one's the repeatable, near the trader, and then the exit dungeon that ends you at Haven. Still, each run will boost a piece of equipment that's under level 5 up a level if done solo, cause of all the heat it spawns.

Not experimented with gate construction yet meself ^^;
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hrm... I may start again with another character then if it's worth waiting before heading to Haven. And I just dump my crystals into empty gates without thought to what dungeon it might create. The dungeons I go in are one's that other people have made.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hrm... I may start again with another character then if it's worth waiting before heading to Haven. And I just dump my crystals into empty gates without thought to what dungeon it might create. The dungeons I go in are one's that other people have made.

The second gate from the left seems to be the 'easiest' from the first three level. Slimes and Wolvers are common enemies, with some of the mecha enemies dependent on floor segment. I eitiher run that or the far-left gate.

Also, another observation: finding a recipie and getting a weapon crafted from 200 munnies, materials, and 10 energy is a lot more cheap for T1 weps then buying from the shop, aka 3000 munnies. T1 Recipies are common from the green Stranger in Bazaar as well as the first stopping point in the dungeons.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Two things now:

Japan's not getting PSN back yet.


The list of free games is in:

For PS3:
Dead Nation
Super Stardust HD
Wipeout HD + Fury

For PSP:
LittleBigPlanet (PSP)
ModNation Racers
Pursuit Force
Killzone Liberation

You get to pick two free games from each category.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Interesting. I'm a little more interestedin using and abusing the free PSN+, personally, but I'm also not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

After, y'know, like they said, I run my credit checks. I just find it amusing that not shortly after I found out about the PSN hack thing, I got Lifelock for free. There's timing for you.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, at least Sony knows how to TRY to make up for their screw-ups... I remember a demo disc in the Official Playstation Magazine erased all my data on my memory card. They sent me a copy of Jak II. Sure, it didn't return my save data from Viewtiful Joe, Kingdom Hearts, or Crash Bandicoot, but it was something.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Interesting. I'm a little more interestedin using and abusing the free PSN+, personally, but I'm also not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

After, y'know, like they said, I run my credit checks. I just find it amusing that not shortly after I found out about the PSN hack thing, I got Lifelock for free. There's timing for you.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

What do people think? I'm curious, but I don't want to get it if I won't have anyone to play with..
Re: Games Discussion Thread

that reminds me of an old game, netstorm, building bridges across the abyss of the sky.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The second gate from the left seems to be the 'easiest' from the first three level. Slimes and Wolvers are common enemies, with some of the mecha enemies dependent on floor segment. I eitiher run that or the far-left gate.

Also, another observation: finding a recipie and getting a weapon crafted from 200 munnies, materials, and 10 energy is a lot more cheap for T1 weps then buying from the shop, aka 3000 munnies. T1 Recipies are common from the green Stranger in Bazaar as well as the first stopping point in the dungeons.

I'm actually trying to make the first tier fire sword, just need one more Red Shard which is proving difficult to find seeing as I haven't a clue as to what all the symbols mean on the Gate entrance.