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Games Discussion Thread


Jan 6, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Camping.....Unreal tournament....Face....Nuff said. Good memories.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 15, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Anybody considering on purchasing Rage?


Jun 14, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I picked up League of Legends.

And got to level 13 in a week.

While working full time.

Addict is me


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Got to try a Kinect today at the con. Can't say as I like it. Though I did get to go a bit oldschool and play on the Virtua-Boy and run around shooting people with toilets in Perfect Dark. Good times, good times. Also, saw something. A Samsung tablet with, like, this...beat game to it. Song plays, squares light up, tap the square with your fingers in a pattern. It looked fun, but didn't get a chance to play it. I'm just very glad that when the kid that was filming for the con was in the game room, I wasn't, especially when I was doing that stupid Kinect game.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I picked up League of Legends.

And got to level 13 in a week.

While working full time.

Addict is me

Yeah, the game can get addicting.
Just keep an eye on your personal rage meter.
Playing that game when it's near or at full will make you want to break things.
Unless you manage to get to play Blitzcrank.
Then you're more likely to get rid of rage and be happier.
Also, 13 in a week, even with work and assuming only vs AI games, isn't too hard.
I think.
Don't they give new players a big-ass XP/IP boost through level 10?

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Getting to level 30 in League does not take very long. It's not a hard goal to reach, since the 'max level' is just a mark that says, "You should be experienced enough to jump into the ring with the big boys, but of course you're not since you haven't even played the game 100 times, and you have RaptorJesus here with 300 games under his belt, and his friend with 1116."

And yeah, regarding what Kusanagi said, any champ with good crowd control is generally an awesome champ if you're good with it. And since Blitz has a pull, knockup, and channel breaker, he can be pretty good. Although my favorite champ of all time is Rammus, since he is the destroyer of AD champions, a favorite pick of skilled players.


Lord High Inquisitor
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Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Allright, since roadkill suggested(?) AVA (Alliance of Valiant Arms), I decided to give it a try. The game itself is fine, apart from a wierd FPS drop that happens randomly (apparently it was caused by a recent update) it runs rather smooth, not the best graphics but passable, and the gameplay can be rather fun with a large number of modes and maps.

However, because this is a game run by ijji, it suffers the inherent problems of such games. Firstly, you need to download thier launching program Reactor, some kind of wanna-be-steam program that is the only way you can run the game and hogs your system resources. Second it uses a anti-cheat program called gameguard.

This is where the real problem lies (for me at least). Apparently neither avast or XP like gameguard, so I can't turn my antivirus on or it corrupts gameguard's files. Once the files are corrupt their non-xp-friendlieness won't allow them to be automatically fixed by the server the way they are supposed to be.

So now I've got a game that took 3-4 hours to install and update that won't work. I decide to try a fresh install, so I go in the controll panel and uninstall both AVA and Reactor to no avail, the uninstall process did nothing. So I have to go in and manually delete the folders, not a big deal, but then I have to go and delete all the registry entries as well :mad: definately not happy. Once that is done, I re-install and wait another 3 hours for the game to update (and why couldn't the setup file contain these updates? what morons) 'this time I'll copy the update files from the backup folder before I uninstall!' is what I thought, but they were deleted when I tested the game :(
Long story short I eventually turned my antivirus on again and the game didn't work so I deleted and washed my hands of it.

Perhaps it is just a lack of compatability for XP users, or it is just poor coding, but all the shit surrounding this solid game makes it unplayable for me.
AVA 8/10
IJJI 0/10


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So THAT explains why my craptop can't play that game anymore :< I played it before it went on Steam, and not been able to play it for ages as a result :/ Tis a decent shooter, specially the PvE section, but with crap like above...

EDIT: Oh, and weaponry be pretty expensive with ingame credit, which trickles in :< However, all the weps, save for grenades and sidearms, are permament cept for matience costs, and weaponry beyond that is via durability.


Jun 14, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I think I played once versus AI bots, was bored out of my mind, and forced my friends to start playing against players. I didn't get any sort of boost through my first few levels - sure the first eight went really quick but I didn't notice any "boost." I'm not saying it's amazing.... just that I basically put every hour I didn't spend at work or sleeping into the game, lol.

I mainly play Leona at the moment; I have a few friends that play and can usually get one of them to be an assassin to take advantage of my initiates. So far I've been a fan of partnering with Veigar, have had the most experience with partnering with Fiddlesticks, and have tried partnering with Anivia and Lux. Favorite so far is sticks.

I also enjoy playing as Kayle and Taric (noticing a pattern here?)


Jan 6, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

playing some games i got from good old game.com, or gog.com. These games are sweet, it auto installs so you dont have to worry about that "insert cd" bullshit. Yessssssss. I bought postal 2 and rayman 3 and Painkiller black edition.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, while I'm quite hesitant about any digital transaction, gog is a wonderful site. All their games come with a custom installer, are formatted so they work with current operating systems, and are updated with the most recent official patches/fixes. Making it that much easier to play those ancient titles that you might not want to because of the hassle it once was to get them running.

Was looking at battlefield 3 today and noticed that they decided not to include XP compatability. This is just plain stupid, I refuse to pay for a newer OS when the one I already have is rock solid, and I know alot of people that feel the same way. Obviously vista is just shit, there's no other intelligent opinion on the matter. Windows 7 may be a different story, but I haven't tried it out or spoken with anyone that has. I'm simply astounded that they couldn't manage the small amount of time it should take to make it XP compatable.

I guess my best option would be to acquire windows 7, and partition a space on my HD specifically for it and BF 3. While it may sound like a simple solution, I know it won't be (they never are). I'm computer literate, but not thaaat computer literate, does anyone know of a program that would allow me to switch between OS on the same hard-drive on the fly? Or if I can even manage it?
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Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Obviously vista is just shit, there's no other intelligent opinion on the matter.
I find it funny every time someone says Vista is shit.

I've had it on my laptop for two years now, nary a problem.

Then again, all I do is play vidya-gaems and use the intertubes, so IDK.

I know others have had issues, don't get me wrong. Just that I myself haven't run into a problem, and know plenty of people who haven't had issues as well.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 15, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I find it funny every time someone says Vista is shit.

I've had it on my laptop for two years now, nary a problem.

Then again, all I do is play vidya-gaems and use the intertubes, so IDK.

I know others have had issues, don't get me wrong. Just that I myself haven't run into a problem, and know plenty of people who haven't had issues as well.
I'm with you on that. I've been using Vista on my old laptop for 4 years (and still counting) and never had a compatibility issues. On the other hand, my friend got a new desktop top with win7 Ultimate and he is running into so many bugs and glitches. But I have to admit, I love the new desktop UI and boot speed for win7. I think probably the advancement to 64 bit OS is causing some compatibility issues with older software.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Y Obviously vista is just shit, there's no other intelligent opinion on the matter.
I've never had problems with Vista. Neither have two people that posted before me. So by your standards we are automatically stupid and our opinion is not intelligent?


Sex Demon
Jan 4, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

well i dunno about incompatibility, but me and a friend got laptops with seemingly equivalent specs. I got the older priced down vista, he got the windows 7. My vista could barely run games on the lowest setting that he could easily run on medium. I'd have an FPS of like 25, while he sat comfortably at 80-100.

but yea, it just feels like something about vista is just not... efficient 0.o

either way i'ma skip windows 8, and wait for the next one... just because i feel I'll have similar experience

(yes i know, not very logical, but I rly don't want to fork over 600-800 dollars only to have crazy fps lag in anything I run that wasn't released a decade ago)


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

That is exactly what I'm saying. Seriously though, if you want to watch someone dig themselves into a hole, I'll bite.

The UI is crap and insults anyone with any sort of computer knowledge.
The UAC (user access controll) carries the design flaw of asking “Are You Sure,” over and over to the user who eventually gave up reading any of the boxes. Even worse, the UAC grabbs full control of the computer and forces users to click it's stupid boxes.

If I wasn't sure I wouldn't have clicked the fucking button. And that's just one example of the UI troubles.

It is slower than molasses in winter.
Microsoft was trying to suck the cocks of vendors and companies it works with. Systems running anything near the minimum specifications for Vista see a big performance hit. Even on more powerfull systems XP is faster.

Why? Because XP is not trying to run a billion useless or unwanted processes.

It forsakes older periphrials that aren't in production anymore. (they really couldn't dig up the drivers and tweak them to work?)

Now possibly you've had a vastly different experience with Vista than I, if so good for you. But from what I was painfully forced to experience, there is nothing good to be said about vista.

edit: HAHA I've got 1 person on my side now!

edit 2: I almost forgot, and this is important because of the topic of the thread. Want to get a little more performance out of your rig for gaming? Overclock the processor perhaps? Or even go so far as hardware modifications requiring a soldering iron? Yeah, vista's just going to shit the bed if you do that.
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Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

There are undoubtedly people who have had a good experience with Vista. There are also quite probably people who have had a good experience with Windows ME; presumably people who do not handle files more than 2 GB in size, and operate within the other, very specific limitations that the operating system requires of them. In the end, though, when compared to the operating systems which came before them, they are worse in effectively every way. It might not matter to everyone, but I don't particularly want to pay more money to get a product of lesser value than one that already exists, simply because it is 'new'.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 15, 2011
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

but yea, it just feels like something about vista is just not... efficient 0.o

either way i'ma skip windows 8, and wait for the next one... just because i feel I'll have similar experience
Well some people say that vista is sort of like the beta to windows 7. And vista did have some design flaws. For example, running a 32 bit vista OS only allowed a maximum of 3gb ram. But, well I personally thought it was a good start, because it lead to windows 7 which was awesomely superior in many aspects.

Windows 8 might be something to look out for. Granted, it is based mostly for touch screen, ie tablets, smartphones, and whatnot, but they are also implementing it for consumer laptops. Seeing how windows 7 was much more received than vista, I think it might be something to at least observe and consider.

The UI is crap and insults anyone with any sort of computer knowledge.
The UAC (user access controll) carries the design flaw of asking “Are You Sure,” over and over to the user who eventually gave up reading any of the boxes. Even worse, the UAC grabbs full control of the computer and forces users to click it's stupid boxes.

If I wasn't sure I wouldn't have clicked the fucking button. And that's just one example of the UI troubles.
Well, UAC is also in windows 7 and you can easily disable it. But yeah, I don't blame you for raging on vista. I know many other people that were about to burn houses down due to vista.


Jun 14, 2009
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Vista blew out a set of my $500 speakers, due to its inane driver programming.

I'm still kinda pissed about that, but it was worth it to see how quickly Microsoft swept it under the rug with 7. And by and large, 7 was a pretty big success. But it's sad to see history repeat itself. Anybody remember the Millennium Edition fiasco? Yeah, I do too.

And back to the issue, Sinful, just because you haven't had any problems with a product doesn't mean it's not shit. I would hesitate to say that there's no other "intelligent" opinion on the matter, but it's clear that if you don't realize how bad Vista is, you either are willfully stupid, or (much more likely) just ignorant.

@ the people who use vista and thinks it's great because it hasn't crashed their computer:
Try seeing how much RAM just running the OS is. I haven't fiddled around with Windows 7 so the only comparison I have is to XP, which I'll admit is outdated, but the point still stands that XP uses maybe 1/5-1/6 of the RAM Vista does to run itself.
ESPECIALLY if you're gaming, wouldn't you want that ram to... I don't know... do OTHER stuff than just boot your computer? There's a full gigabyte of trash data sitting there doing nothing with Vista, because it was so poorly coded. I don't know about you, but if I had 2gb of ram, I'd want more than half of it to run whatever game I'm currently running.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Microsoft operating systems are in a cycle. One is garbage, and the next is at least usable. Tis how it has always been, and will always be.