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ACT [八角家] ハチナ怪異譚 (RJ431925)

Damn, must be in the minority here since I think the other costume is nicer lol
Maybe there should be a poll or something.

But I'm one of those who prefer a leotard over a fundoshi. A leotard feels more "streamlined" against a woman's body and if I were to get all artistic, a leotard "accentuates" the shape of the female body or something along those lines. Fundoshi just feels like a makeshift wrapping.
H-trap with costume-changing feature (edited, was restraint trap).
Jesus H christ that's sexy. Getting major Slave Suit vibes from that costume change too.

I would like to note that the dev had previously stated no costume changes would be in this game, with it instead getting the stripping system. This may not have been a planned addition from the start, which could mean additional schedule slippage.

Not that I'd mind if it gets me more of this...
Damn, must be in the minority here since I think the other costume is nicer lol

Maybe it's to do with the unclothing system or something I can't put my finger on

I like both, but leotards are more rare, gotta express my enjoyment of that which i do not experience often.

I can go to almost any old hibachi or other various asian restaurants and get good hibachi grilled chicken, but not every place is going to carry chipotle crab and seared tuna sushi rolls.... or some other weird example, i'm apparently notorious for those.

The blog update this week states that you first need Hypnosis applied to get the leotard, but also that the leotard is just a swap for the normal one, so you can slap clothes back on top of it. They also joke that the latex gloves are too long to be fully hidden by the old sleeves, so her hubris is always peeking out a bit.

Only if it come with a tentacle and sentience to move around.
We must have a slight misunderstanding. I was tacfully referring to the girl sitting on my face. :oops:
Now that I think about it, not necessarily on my face. Not necessarily with the leotard on, either...

The artist who designed her really outdid himself.
The animator is no slouch either; the animations I've seen are great, compared to almost every other game.
It's a shame she'll only get to play with ugly otherwordly things. Not a game for me, but I appreciate the quality.



Look like the Enemy and costume are only in Product version. So seem like we gonna wait longer to see what it is in Full game...



Look like the Enemy and costume are only in Product version. So seem like we gonna wait longer to see what it is in Full game...
Not really a surprise. Mizuku has stated several times that humanoid enemies and hypnosis content would be restricted to the latter half of the game. The upcoming demo will only cover chapter one, maybe part of chapter 2, of 5 chapters total.
I lean more towards bondage than hypnosis, so I'm not too bothered with not having the hypnosis stuff early. But that also means that the leotard outfit won't be around until later.
There was a blog update. From the sounds of it, there will be a new trial soon, showing off some new enemies, equipment, and events. Sounds like it'll be next month in August, but the final section just mentions Fall.
Let's not get too crazy here, he's been a lot slower with developing this than Hachina. Gotta keep our expectations realistic.

I think the demo will come out any time between late August going potentially into October.
Personally I've not been touching the demos, and have just been letting the images whet my appetite so the whole game is exciting and new when it comes out. I find that sometimes if you play demos too much through the whole build process, when it finally releases it feels kind of like a letdown because the ammount of actual new content that you hadn't already seen is a lot lower than it could be. I'd have played one of the earlier ones to check to see if I liked his style/gameplay, but I trust the dev from previous works, so I'm basically playing the long edge game, until it finally releases.
Personally I've not been touching the demos

There has only been one demo, from last year.
The next demo is supposed to be the product-release demo. The next game version after that is the full release of the game.
There has only been one demo, from last year.
The next demo is supposed to be the product-release demo. The next game version after that is the full release of the game.

Guess that shows how much attention I've been paying to the demos. Clearly I'm trying to pay attention to to many different games. ... nah, couldn't be.
Let's not get too crazy here, he's been a lot slower with developing this than Hachina. Gotta keep our expectations realistic.

I think the demo will come out any time between late August going potentially into October.
Given Mizuku is currently working on chapter three, I'm pretty sure all the fall demo content (that being stages, events, enemies and their animations) is actually done. Going by what they say, it's mostly just a matter of packing it all into something playable, I imagine all the animations, enemies, stages and events were done earlier this year. I do vaguely recall them mentioning something about the extent of the upcoming demo in like april/may, but can't remember whether they were talking about finishing up the last of the demo content or starting on it.

I'd wager that september is the earliest we could see a demo release, as thats typically taken as the start of fall, and the fact that august is mostly about building the demo from the previously created content suggests a release will follow soon after. It's possible they may do an extended bughunting/playtest period in september though, so an october release is also a strong possibility.
Don't know if anyone else is getting this minimizing bug but it's fucked. Every time i open the game it somehow gets even smaller? To the point of unplayability. That screen's 1980x1080. main one is 2560x1440.


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